“It is necessary to know that this blessed land is large and consumes a lot. Since it is said that there are half the size of Nine Provinces, the consumption is also like a sea. It only needs half of the world to sever and it is difficult to support. It is not like the family’s own family, as long as If Yuan Jiamin does not fall, he will live forever!”

“The second one is that the last time Chen Yongqing rebelled, the Queen Mother brought the first emperor to cry to worship the Tai Temple, which attracted Zu Long’s shot, which was also a big consumption!”

“Oh? The emperors of the dynasty, who have entered the blessed land, can they also get it?” Yuan Zong really did not know. *,,,

“The strength of the blessed land is very large, how can it be easily come out? But the sky stays in the line, in the moment of the hunting thousand fire, if the ancestral spirit can abandon most of the foundation, it can come out for a short time, presided over the Yang Shi gas transport!” These are still not The hidden secrets that are occasionally seen in the Taoist book.

“It is precisely because of this that the blessed land is consumed by most of the land, and it is not supplemented by the outside world, causing the natural disasters to rob!”

See also Yuan Zong’s face seems to have some worries, and quickly said: “Adults please rest assured! Last time the crackdown on Chen Yongqing’s chaos, has exhausted most of the roots of the great ancestral gas transport, this natural disaster, it is directed He is at least seriously injured! He said there must be no worries!”

“And, the last time the ancestors came out, they got Heavenly Dao’s vigilance, and the strength of the blessed land was stronger. It has become a blockade, and the emperors are eager to come out and intervene again!”

Heavenly Dao is the public, leaving a line of vitality, it is Daen, which was consumed when the last time Zulong came out to suppress Chen Yongqing, and would like to interfere with Yang Shi one after another?

If this is true, it will be the end of the year. All the ancestors kept coming out to clean up the mess of their children and grandchildren.

Sure enough, Yuan Zong was not worried about this. Slightly on the face.

Say: “Mr. I saw a lot of people, and I went deep into the mountains to see my secrets. When I remembered a big achievement!”

“I still have a house in the east of the city, and I will send it to the gentleman!” This is the reward. Changan is all expensive, not to mention the property. This is really a reward. I am not worried, I am very happy, thank you very much.

The two talked a few more words, mostly Yuan Zongwen. Into the end of the answer, to the end, see Yuan Zong’s face slightly tilted, and he will not hesitate to quit.

Although he only met with Yuan Zong several times. I know that Yuan Zong’s eyes are upturned. It is impatience, and I still dare to stay for a long time.

The ability to observe this set of words is not a Taoist experience, but a natural one. Although there are different kinds of guards, but to survive in troubled times, or this ability gives great help.

It has always been possible to check the minds of the Lord and the Lord. It has always been the only way to welcome the evils and avoid the disaster. It is too low to be worried or suffer. Otherwise, it will be like a duck in the officialdom.

Just got out of the government. The servant of Tsing Yi just chased it up again, holding a thing in his arms and shouting, “Mr. Cheng, wait!”

“What else is this little brother?” He stopped at a worry, waited for the servant to come up, and said warmly.

The seven-seat official in front of the prime minister’s door, be careful and cautious, is also the reason for not worrying about it.

Sure enough, I heard that I was not worried about the brothers. The face of Tsing Yi’s servant smiled and said: “The slaves are despicable, how can they be called as such?”

Then he said, “This is Patriarch to reward you, and hurry up!”

I will pass the things in my arms to worry, and I will take a look after seeing them. Seeing is a picture axis, my heart is a move, peng peng jumps straight.

When the next exhibition, I saw a fluent and handsome copybook out, with the dusty intention, just the slogan of Gu Kaizhi just seen.

The heart was overjoyed, but he said, “This is too expensive. How dare I be such a great reward for adults…” However, the hand is holding the axis tightly.

Seeing this scene, the servant smiled in the heart, and said: “Since Patriarch gave Mr., Mr. still should not let down Patriarch’s kindness, then take it!”

“In this case, the subordinates will take the lead, and please brother to thank me for the adults!” Cheng did not worry to collect the copybook, and went to Yuan Zong direction to give a big gift, only to say.

“This is nature, this is nature!” The servant promised.

I was not thankful, and I put a gold ingot into my servant’s hand before I left.

All the way out of the Qin Country government, and went straight to open three streets, into a worry-free export, cold sweat.

Just now, Yuan Zong sent this copybook. In addition to the rewards, I am afraid that there is also a meaning of knocking. It shows that the words and deeds that are not worried are under the control of Yuan Zong. If you have just made any moves in the government office, I am afraid of the consequences. Unexpected.

Thinking of this, I did not worry that the cold sweat on my forehead came down again. I quickly wiped it and left.

In Yuan Zong’s room, Yuan Zong clap his hands after he left without worry. He heard the sound of the machine and turned it out from the bookshelf.

This person Taoist dress, ruddy complexion white hair, sacred wind bones, excellent selling.

“Is it true that I have just said what I said?” Yuan Zong looked calm and asked.

This is the dream of the people who are on the road, and the mana is deep, and has always served as a bridge of communication between Yuan Zong and Tai Shang Dao.

“It’s true! And the narrative on the blessed land is more profound than what this poor Daoist sees. I don’t want to be in the grass, there are talents!”

The Taoist sighed.

“Since the Daochang said that they are talents, there must be some real ability!” Yuan Zong smiled and called a small sigh: “Go! Give the placard to the worry!”

“Nuo!” Xiao Yan quickly retired and left.

“The adults are such a sergeant, the sage is far-reaching, and He Hao is not going to come to the world!” The Taoist praised.

“hehe ……” For the compliment of the Taoist, Yuan Zong did not send a word, to his status, the sneak slaps of his men, all kinds of beautiful words, is already listening to get tired.

“That big dry royal air transport, sure that there is no backlash power?” Yuan Zong has been a general for several years, connected with the sex, has become a little straight.

“It is true!” The Taoist must say.

Yuan Zong took a few steps and picked up the official document on the table. He said: “Wuzhou Song Yu called the public, shocked the ruling, and there were many courtiers who called Song Yu to go to Beijing to report, hehe! Is it really a fool? ”

For Song Yu’s original festival, how to get the identity, Yuan Zong knows well, and is even less optimistic about the actions of the courtier.

Song Yu and he are both generations, how can they be confused by the Imperial Court? Into Changan to die?

“Song Yu this child, I also went to Wuzhou before I saw the palm of my hand, the gas is full, the position of the prince is difficult to shake! The next day will be the enemy of Qin Country public!” Speaking of Song Yu, the Taoist is also The face is dignified, and Mengxian has rarely taken shots in the past ten years. Can he escape the life under the unfathomable sect master Senior Brother, and it is a master with him. There must be a mana in the sky behind the scenes to protect!

“Southern Song Yu, is my enemy!” Yuan Zong sighed, “There are Jingzhou Zhou Yu, Yizhou Shilongjie, the world of Flood Dragon, the fruit is not fake!”

The three of Yuan Zongti are the heroes of the South. If someone can unite the South, they will come from one of the three.

Thinking of this, Rao is the temperament of Yuan Zong, and he is somewhat eager to ask: “According to your opinion, the public is now air, can you call the king?”

The Taoist was shocked and immediately understood that Yuan Zong was persecuted by the flourishing South. He wanted to win the righteousness first and then unite the North as soon as possible to compete with the South.

At this time, only the Qi Viewing Technique method can be used to look at Yuan Zong.

Seeing the green gas is strong, there is a line of Purple Qi, the ethereal is uncertain, there is a lot of black gas coming, confused with Purple Qi, become a black and purple color, the heart is a big sigh.

Originally broken in Guanzhong, Yuan Zong took his place and there was no Purple Qi.

But now it is different! Yuan Zongqi’s emperor used to make the princes, although the princes were not ordered to die or two, but at least the big dry is still the nominal world, and naturally has purple.

Yuan Zong took care of the society and took the purchase as his own. Natural gas transportation was flourishing. However, this method also has its drawbacks. It is subject to the backlash of the royal family and the princes. There is a lot of black gas, which is confused in Purple Qi. If it cannot be removed, there will be a big disaster in the future!

This is just a matter of heart. On the surface, naturally, this can’t be said. The Taoist laughs: “This poor Daoist view Qin Country’s public air, full of youthfulness, and there is even more Purple Qi. If you can calm the town, you will be Purple. Qi absorbs stability as much as possible, and the life of the king is hard to shake!”

The implication of this is that it is not yet the time to be called the king.

After Yuan Zong had heard it, his face was flashing and he saw the heart trembled, but he still persuaded: “There has always been a battle for the world. From the north without the north, no matter what enemy is in the south, adults only need to keep Hanzhong firmly. In the hand, and then slowly explore the North, as long as the North Central Plains is in hand, dominate the world, it is in the palm of your hand!”

This is economically based. The development of the South is still immature. Whether it is crop yield or population, it is far less than the North, and these are the potential for war!

The population is small, the soldiers are less, the food is small, the soldiers are weak, and the army can’t fight for a long time. How can it beat the North?

Therefore, the Taoist policy can not be wrong, as long as the Northland can do it, then take the Yizhou from Hanzhong, and then go down the Yangtze River, it is Song Yu unified Wuzhou Jingzhou, and only the defeat!

Yuan Zong was originally a keen person. He was only stimulated by the southern enemies. Now he recovered and finally realized. The ceremony said: “The road is long and great! It is the rudeness of the public! Don’t be surprised!”

“hehe!” The Taoist smiled and smiled: “The adults have the dragon and the tiger’s posture, and the talents of the world are settled. I am too good to follow the fate of the world, fully assisted!”

Yuan Zong took a few more steps. He had decided to make sure that his current focus should indeed be placed in the North. He said that Wang was too early and asked: “What does that long teach me?”

“Imperial Court royal air transport, its own suppression of this door, will not cause trouble to Qin Country, the national public is currently worried, is the foreign enemy in the north!”

“Dagan North, there are Zhangzhou, Yuzhou, Xuzhou, this is the essence of the land, absolutely can not let go, as for the more north of Youzhou, Liangzhou, adjacent to the grassland, there are Hu people to plunder, the civilian power is lacking, but it is not enough fear!”

“Adults have already occupied Zhangzhou, and then they only need to control the land of the Central Plains of Yuzhou and Xuzhou, and they will be in an invincible position!”

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