Dagan follows the ancient law and draws the world as Nine Provinces.

The north and south are bounded by the Yangtze River, in the south, followed by Yizhou, Jingzhou, Wuzhou, and a Jiaozhou, which is at the southernmost border and borders with the three states.

In the north, it is in Zhangzhou, Yuzhou, and Xuzhou, and in the north, there are Liangzhou and Youzhou, adjacent to the grasslands, which have always been robbed by the Hu people.

If you think about the essence of the world, then it is in the three states of Central Plains, namely Zhangzhou, Yuzhou and Xuzhou.

These three states are densely populated, with fertile land and abundant products, and they are worthy of the world!

When the Taoist mentioned Nine Provinces, it was not unintentional. He only listened to his voice and took a unique force: “Whenever the world is in trouble, the Dragon Dragon is degraded, and it is no longer able to suppress it. The Flood Dragons in the world are all four. Heaven is fighting for!”

“In this, the Jiaozhou is weak and weak, not to be orthodox, difficult to do, and the dragons of Youzhou and Liangzhou are robbed by the grassland Hu people, and they are overwhelmed and cannot become a climate!”

“This True Dragon battle is actually in the battle of Flood Dragon in the six states of Yizhou, Jingzhou, Wuzhou, Zhangzhou, Yuzhou and Xuzhou!”

“This is a secret, but the adults are the Zhangzhou Qianlong who I teach and respect.” Naturally, I said.”

Yuan Zong only felt that his own gas movements were big, knowing that this was a secret. Seeing that the people did not avoid the suspicion, they also told themselves that they could not help but feel fast.

Asked: “The history of the submerged dragons, can you know about it?”

“Wuzhou Longqi, naturally Wu Guogong’s income, in Jingzhou, is the big governor Zhou Yu, and Yizhou, is Shi Longjie, this person comes from the secret, suspected that the ghost king is born again, but since it has been reincarnation, and defeated the original Qianlong. Naturally If you kill the original Qianlong, it will be even more unstoppable!”

“This is the enemy of the South. It must be wiped out in the future. Now you don’t have to pay attention!”

“As for the Northland, the Yuzhou Dragon has not been revealed. I used the secret method to trace it. I found that it was divided into several parts and still vying for it. This is a mistake!”

“Only Xuzhou. The dragon has already come out, and it is done by one person. Qin Country knows who it is.”

“Hmph! The top of the sky, this person won the state’s animal husbandry. Weifu’s own use, it is not to attack me, the public also wants to crusade! I thought that through a decree, can you unify Xuzhou?” Yuan Zong coldly snorted Said. He is a big name. Naturally, there are dissatisfaction with the princes who have risen in the world.

“Ying Family is not a door valve, but in Xuzhou, it is a powerful force and its roots are spreading. It is the top of the county. If it is not enough, it is already a door valve! I found a door valve behind it. Don’t be underestimated!”

The Taoist face was dignified and said quietly.

“Door valve? This is also the reason!” The door valve helps the dragon. I have gotten some advantages, and all of them are like this. It is the Yuan family where Yuan Zong is, and he has done this in the former dynasty.

Although the tone is disdainful, Yuan Zong’s heart is unprecedentedly dignified.

Ying Family, which was originally behind the top of the sky, is strong. Now there are more door valves in the back. This is almost the combination of two door valves Aristocratic Family!

Yuan Zong’s heart suddenly had a feeling that this win-win day must be his enemies in the north!

When the mind turned sharply for a moment, he changed his smile and said to the Taoist: “Do you want to be my ambassador?”

Somehow, in the face of Yuan Zong’s smile, the Taoist is like a needle, and quickly replied: “Qin Country public affairs only tells you, too much to die!”

“Good! The public will be the messenger, and the grassland!” Yuan Zong said with a smile.

“Prairie? Is the national public thinking?” The Taoist was really amazed.

“Yes! You are going to go there and talk to the grassland Hu people. Give more gold and silver cloth and agree that both sides will become allies!”

Yuan Zong definitely said.

He saw it very well. He knows that although he can name the princes in name, he does not actually buy too many princes. Youzhou and Liangzhou are not under his jurisdiction anyway, and they do not have to bear anything for it.

Now that we have decided to advance to the Central Plains, we must naturally ensure the stability of the rear.

To take a step back, it is necessary to bear some notoriety, but also on the Big Court Imperial Court, and has nothing to do with him.

Wait until you lay down Yuzhou and Xuzhou, and after the strength rises, you can go back and clean up the old mountain river!

At that time, my own roots have risen, and I naturally abandoned the Imperial Court. Since I started, I have won the hearts of the people.

“As you bid!” In the eyes of the Taoist people, Guanghua even flashed, and I didn’t know what to think.

“Good! After the public, I will invite the Imperial Court to the Yuzhou State, and lead the troops to attack Yuzhou!” The current Imperial Court is almost a slogan of Yuan Zong, even the new imperial Imperial Capital is a sacred What troubles are there?

When the Taoist heard this, they felt a bang in the Void.

Knowing the difference, the eyes penetrated the wall, and I saw the top of the Qin Country. The gas flow rolled over, and a Black Flood Dragon emerged, mixed with military strength and attacked in Yuzhou.

“oh! The Central Plains will have a big fight!” The Taoist sighed in his heart and said: “Qin Country is just awesome and admirable!”


Jingzhou, Jiangling City, killing the sound, the fire and the fire.

The Great Governor Zhou Feather Armor was squatting on his body, and his handsome face was covered with exhaustion and looked awkward.

“Report! General Nie boarded the city wall, and was shot by the chaos, killed on the spot, the soldiers were injured more than half!” A horse quickly came over and told me.

“Damn!” Zhou Yu clenched his fist, this is the city, not only blocked his army for nearly a year, but also caused him to suffer heavy losses.

“Tell the following soldiers, and then rush again! After the city breaks, Ben Duo Xu Tucheng overnight!”

Zhou Yu was silent for a while, but he spit out his long breath. He said with a smile: “If you really want to be from the Aristocratic Family, you will read the incense and the resistance will not be pursued?”

“The big governor, can’t!” The command of the massacre was too cruel, and immediately there was an aide to persuade.

“The capital of Dadu is born with nobleness and is famous. How can you destroy your own reputation…”

“Famous?” Zhou Yu laughed and immediately asked: “What do you think of the reputation of Wu Guogong in Wuzhou? He now has a soldier hundred, his status is much higher than me, not killing a massacre without blinking?”

“The governor of the capital is looking at it. In this troubled world, only by quickly establishing the prestige and frightening the enemy can we minimize the loss of casualties in the future!”

“But…” The aides still want to persuade. However, Zhou Yuhan’s gaze was forced back.

“Subordinate to knowing sin!” The aides saw the killing intent from Zhou Yu’s gaze, and rushed to plead guilty.

“Since you know the guilty, you can send the order quickly!”

Zhou Yu is holding hands. This is still an opportunity given to the staff behind the scenes.

Since the Lord has issued an order, whether it is right or wrong, the subordinates have only executed.

If the curtain then dares to resist, Zhou Yu will kill him and suspend his warning.

As the curtains go down, there are no people around. Zhou Yu’s face was a bitter smile: “If you don’t, how can you win this city as soon as possible and motivate your morale. To deal with Wu Guogong?”

Zhou Yu’s strategic vision is extraordinary. Naturally, Song Yu’s next step is to attack Jingzhou.

This famous voice is stronger than Zhou Yu’s Wu Guogong, which brought a lot of pressure to Zhou Yu, so that he did not hesitate to bear the reputation of tyranny. Also quickly lay down Jiangling City. Save your strength and cope with the upcoming Wu Guo army!

With the command of the massacre, the soldiers broke out of the last Yu Yong and rushed to the head of Jiangling City.

Along with it, there are still a lot of casualties, which are shocking.

Regardless of Zhou Yu’s disregard, expressionless, sent a large army of troops. Do not care about death and injury.

The military squad is supervising the war in the back, and there are those who dare to flee directly to kill.

I don’t know how many waves have passed. Until the night fell, Zhou Yu heard a shout: “The city is broken! The city is broken!”

The heavy casualties, as well as the orders of the massacre, let the veterans and recruits, after a sigh of relief, are red-eyed into the city gate and go to the houses, where they will incarnation for the wild beast!

Listening to almost the mourning of the city, Zhou Yu’s face finally had an expression: “Even if I am ruined because of today’s events, I will be spurned by Wanfu after death, and I have no regrets!”

This is the consciousness of the chaos! However, Zhou Yu’s complicated and flashing gaze shows that his heart is not as calm as the surface.

“Commanding the nine ghosts to be real, preparing for the big sacrifice, suppressing the soul!”

As the Aristocratic Family, although the massacre was ordered, Zhou Yu was not faint, at least he knew the aftermath.

“Nuo!” The subordinates only feel that this handsome, elegant, kind and kind of general governor, after the command of the massacre, the majesty of the body is so grand, it is not to be obeyed.

Feeling the transformation of the next person, Zhou Yu has some bitter smile inside: “The reason for saying that you are alone is from here!”

In November of the first year of Hongzhi, Zhouzhou, the governor of Jingzhou, attacked Jiangling City, and Xu Shi’s death in the city was overnight.

With this news, the governments are afraid, they have sent people to surrender, Zhou Yu does not fight and the three houses near Gangneung!

As a result, the entire Jingzhou, only near the big city of Xiangyang, still resisting!


Yizhou, a quiet black hair teenager, read the official document on hand, lightly said with a smile: “Wuzhou Song Yu called the public, Jingzhou Zhou Yu Tucheng, the North Yuan Zong will fight, this whole world, are very lively !”

Although the young boy looked at his young age, he wore a dark gold armor, which was extremely luxurious. On the iron armor, it seemed that the mourning sound of the soul was so fascinating.

“Wang… Wang Shang! The army has surrounded Wei Yingxiong in Zhenglong County!”

At this time, a servant came forward, trembling with fear, and his feet trembled involuntarily. It seems that the teenager in front of him is not a human being, but an ancient murderer!

“haha…has Wei Weixiong finally surrounded?” The teenager was overjoyed and immediately looked at the attendant. “Are you afraid of the lonely king?”

“I don’t dare to subordinate, I don’t dare to do it…” Although it was only a faint question, he scared the attendant to the ground and bleed.

When the waiter looked up, he saw the youthful eyes, and looked at his own eyes. It was like watching a treasure, and it was a big cold. “The king is forgiving, the great king is Rao… Ah!”

The screams rang, and I saw that the young man had already come to the front of the servant. I don’t know when there was more than one thing, rumbling, and blood!

The waiter bowed his head and saw a hole in his chest. The heart of the heart has disappeared! Then fell to the ground and died.

The young man bites a bite, his mouth is dripping with blood, and he still smiles: “It’s delicious! Delicious! The fruit is hot and tastes the best!”

After eating the organs, I saw the corpse on the ground, and it was frowned: “Come on!”

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