With the teenager’s drinking order, there are two guards who come in with a squad, and the corpses on the ground seem to be strange, and they swear directly. &{}..{}

“Give the horse to the lonely king, the lonely king is going to send Wei Yingxiong off, and the ground will be dealt with!”

“No!” The guards took the lead.

Soon after, the horses roared and the youngsters took the lead and took out the cavalry.

The accompanying cavalry was fierce and brave, and the red light appeared in his eyes.

“Zhong Zhongzhi” has a cloud: Shi Wang Ming Long Jie, fierce and tyrannical, good food, the people often eat human flesh, fierce name can stop children’s nightingale! ! !

Shi Longjie took the cavalry and quickly wandered. In less than half an hour, he came to Zhenglong County.

This is a small county in the middle of the country. The population is only a hundred thousand, and the city wall is low. At this time, there are many Wei Jun defenses.

A few months ago, Shi Longjie and Wei Yingxiong fought around Chengdu, and eventually won. Wei Yingxiong fled with a remnant army. Shilongjie followed suit, and after several twists and turns in the middle, he finally surrounded the other side in Zhenglong County.

“I have seen the king!” Seeing Shi Longjie personally came, after a commotion around the army of Zhenglong County, a general from the middle came forward to meet.

“It’s Zhu Can, get up!” Shi Longjie waved his whip and asked: “How many Wei Jun are there in Zhenglong County now?”

Zhu Can is fat and strong, wearing a rather unfit armor, some ridiculous, his face flickering, watching a bit fierce.

At this point, grinning, with more murderous bloodthirsty means: “Not much, the Wei thief escaped several times, the loss of soldiers will be folded, up to three thousand!”

“Is it only three thousand?” Shi Longjie smiled: “I used to have the power to make the state, and I couldn’t make the festival to the adults. Is it only this one? Now it is sad!”

“When I entered the army, I saw Wei Yingxiong off!”

Shi Longjie took a whip and walked forward. Zhu Can wiped the oil on his face and quickly followed.

As soon as they entered the barracks, they were naturally dressed in rags. They were thin and weak, and the ordnance was not enough. Some even held wooden handles. Plus a piece of iron that I don’t know where to find it, it’s a long spear.

The whole look is a group of rabble.

Although the style of the soldiers is different. But the only thing that is the same is the black tonic in front of the trumpet, embroidered with the word “stroke” as proof of Shi Wang’s majesty. There is also green light in the eyes. Like a wolf. Black and fierce, if the ordinary people come, may mean that what fell into the wild beast!

For this scene, Shi Longjie and Zhu Can seem to be as casual as they are, and have some comfortable feelings.

Shi Longjie’s usage is extremely strict, and the exploitation of the people is extremely heavy. It is stipulated that half of the young and strong must be taken from the army, and the remaining half will have to bear heavy servitude. Because there are only old and weak women and children in the rear, even if they rebel. It is also impossible to become a major event. Although there have been several rebellions before, it has been quickly annihilated, and the old and weak women have become the targets of the military vent.

In this way, every time I hit the next place, I will be wrapped up in a big green and strong, and I will go down. This is an incredible move. Actually, I have developed rapidly. I immediately swept Yizhou. When Wei Yingxiong reacted, it was too late.

Shi Longjie’s army is like a group of locusts, eating one place, looking towards towards the next place, sometimes lack of food, even eating human flesh, the development is extremely rapid.

Because there are many people, Shi Longjie has specially selected the exquisite and strict training from the middle to form a fine attack, which has defeated Wei Yingxiong in one fell swoop and became the owner of Yizhou!

Now, just around the stone army in Zhenglong County, there are 20,000 people!

“Wang, how do we fight this battle?” Zhu Can asked, he followed Shi Longjie very early, witnessed this demon-like young man, took the power of Yizhou by himself, and admired the king for a long time. Prostrate oneself in admiration.

“Zhenglong County is not strong, but it is also strong. There are more than three thousand Weijun guards. Although our children are still dead, there is no need to waste it here!”

Shi Longjie sat half-sitting, smiling and talking, but in the scorpion, there was a cold light that vanished all things and disappeared.

“To the lonely king, the people near Zhenglong are driven over, let them fill the moat, and then go to the siege, and consume the physical strength of the defending city!”

“Know it!” Zhu Can heard this order of extermination of humanity, but even his eyes did not bow, he went to tell the soldiers to perform.

Before Shi Longjie rushed to Yizhou, he once created the fierce deeds of the 13th city of Liantu, and built the head of the city into Jingguan. Can be called killing people like scything flax, bloody hands, Zhu Can can not go anywhere.

With the command, the cavalry stepped out, and the nearby villagers were forcibly taken from the door of the house. If they did not resist or resist, they would be a knife.

A ** villager, after being sent out of sandbags and stones, was driven away to the moat.

“Put the arrow!”

The Wei Jun on the wall, naturally, will not be the ones who attacked the city, they will not do it, and the arrows will fall down and bring the blood of the big canopy.

The people cried, and occasionally they retraced and fled, and they were slain by the supervised army supervised by Shi Longjie.

For a time, the death and injury were heavy and the sorrows were everywhere.

“Damn! Stone thief! I don’t share the sky with you!” On the wall, a middle-aged man saw this scene, his face was in vain, and he even squirted blood.

“The festival makes adults!” “Get on the big man and rest!” “Transfer medical doctor!”

The hands are in a mess.

“This…the town has nothing to do! The stone thief cares for the people, so mad, the town swears to die with him!”

This person is naturally Wei Yingxiong. At this time, he vomited his blood, and he felt that his chest was so much better.

“It must be swearing with the evil thief!” The soldiers around the soldiers also shouted.

They know more about Shi Longjie’s deeds. If they know that they are in the hands of Shi Longjie, there is absolutely no good end. The death is terrible or another. After the death is most feared, the flesh must be eaten by animals and even the same kind!

At this time, the screams of excitement, the courage of a desperate death, emerged.

Let Wei Yingxiong look, I feel a red in my eyes, and the corners are slightly moist.

At this time, it can only be said: “All the grain stores in the county will be opened, so that the soldiers will have a full meal. As for the collection of the people, the people, and the people…”

The surrounding attendants know that if the temperament of the adults is commanded, they will not be able to recruit Qing Zhuang to help the city, so that the defenders will be able to spare the people after breaking the city.

However, when it comes to Shi Longjie, it is difficult to understand. From the point of view of the people attacking the city, it is absolutely not good to end the city.

Wei Yingxiong took a moment to make up his mind and made up his mind: “Starting the people of Zhenglong Mancheng, they all come up to defend the city and tell them that this is the army of Shi Longjie. If you want to live, you have to follow our enemies!!!”

Since Shi Longjie is destined to not let the people of the city pass, Wei Yingxiong will not have to cause a bit of casualties to Shi Longjie.

Although it is known that this effect is rare, but the accumulation of sand into a tower, here to consume the strength of Shi Longjie, a hero hero in the future to overthrow the hope of Shi Longjie tyranny, it will be a big point.

The people acted silently and looked at the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea under the city.

Opposite, just as Wei Yingxiong vomited blood, Shi Longjie, who had always been like a fake, opened his eyes. At the moment when his eyes opened, it seemed that black lightning had passed.

“This breath… is humane!”

He is the reincarnation of the ghost king. Since he is different from the ordinary mortal, his mind is different, and he opens the eyes of the ghost.

Suddenly I saw the silk dragon gas being sucked from the side of Zhenglong County.

Behind the black big day, the middle of a black python, huge body, like a water tank, spit a letter, absorb the dragon, cheering and swimming.

Soon after, the dragon was exhausted, and the body of python was a little bigger, but it was still a snake, and there was no dispelling.

“Sure enough, the system of the solitary king is too strict, the people’s hearts are not attached, the Aristocratic Family is not stable, can’t it be ruined?” Shi Longjie is too harsh and exploiting too much. Although he defeated the dragon, he won a lot of dragons, but Just make the black python bigger and more powerful.

“But how is this? The reincarnation of the Lonely King is not for the sake of this True Dragon, the people are not attached, the tribe is unstable, and all the kills are, anyway, the people are like a leek, and there is a glimpse of it. Reproduction is widespread, hindering the growth of all things, and it is necessary to maintain the balance of yin and yang in this world. For this reason, all things in the world will win the chance of survival and at the same time prove the ghosts!”

Ghost king should be black, the main kill!

If Shi Longjie wants to go, it is the way to kill the Tao.

At this time, the face smirked and said: “Through Zhu Can!”

“Wang Shang?” Zhu Can came in and asked.

“How is the moat filled?” Shi Longjie and Zhu Can were born in civilians, and naturally there are not many levels of habits.

“The death of thousands of people, has filled in most of the … …” Zhu Can said, there are still some unsatisfactory appearance: “As long as another ten thousand, you can completely flatten the moat!”

“haha! Good! Since the moat is filled in more than half, you can start siege. Pass the Lonely King and give the people a bamboo shoot and tell them that as long as they kill a pawn, they can redeem themselves!”

Those who are completely in despair have no fighting power. Only give them a glimmer of hope, they will desperately seize and stimulate some effort.

Shi Longjie knows this way. While driving the people, the ants attach to the siege, and give a hope of illusory to encourage morale.

With the order, the people who were recently driven out were only driven by a bamboo gun and were driven into battle.

The people shed tears, seemingly lamenting the pains of the troubled times, but they are still ravaged and rushed to the city wall.

Above the city wall, in addition to the pawn, at this time, there are more people to help defend the city, take a closer look, is also ordinary people dress up, at this time is holding stones and other things, throwing down to the bottom!

The people of both sides are villagers near Zhenglong County, or there are acquaintances and relatives.

At this time, across the city wall, the eyes were red and the tears splashed.

But even if it is not willing, the rhythm of siege is not disrupted.

The people under the city are rushing upwards. The people in the city are full of tears. They are also falling on the rolling stones. While resentful and innocent, they try their best to fight for life!

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