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In the spring of March, the warm air is intoxicating.

At this time, the state test, which was personally presided over by Wu Guogong and Song Yu, also began.

Because the test room and other items have not yet been completed, the state test site was chosen at Wu Guogong’s political affairs hall.

After the renovation, it has been able to accommodate thousands of people, magnificent, full of the rich and noble atmosphere of the world, Zhu Zhu jade carving, everywhere ingenuity, resmbles nature itself, and a magnificent atmosphere, it is also from the famous handwriting.

The same is true. Although the project is hanged under the name of Sun Hao of the Ministry of Industry, he is a five-pronged franc. If he is busy, how can he always be delayed? The real master of the construction of Wu Guogong is the famous master of Bao’s recommendation. Not only that, but also an additional 300 skilled craftsmen, directly to Song Yu, called great talent!

From this, Song Yu also really saw the horror of the door valve Aristocratic Family!

If you talk about the acres and the family, the Song Family at this time may be better than the Bao family. However, if you have other soft powers, I am afraid that even the county will be inferior.

But there is no way, these soft powers are all built on time, and in this respect, Song Family is a complete nouveau riche, rising too fast, just to manage the name of the house under the name of the house, all clansman hands have some Not enough, how can there be other efforts to pay attention to other places.

“In the end, it’s still time!”

Song Family sighed, and his own work was too fast. Now, the entire Song family is only seven or eight hundred people!

This Aristocratic Family has a very strong atmosphere. These Songs clansman are Song Yu’s strongest backing and wings!

It is a pity that there are only seven or eight hundred people, that is, counting Shen Family, and there are not many talents that can help Song Yu.

On the emergence of talents. Although the day after tomorrow can be cultivated, the innate qualification is also very important.

Not a special case, among the seven or eight hundred people, a few red is a great fortune!

And the talent of the golden gas must be among thousands of people. It is only possible to find one.

As for the fate of azure’s life, at least tens of thousands of people, plus chances, perhaps only a few hope!

The people here, those who refer specifically to the Aristocratic Family, are only from the Aristocratic Family. It is possible to enter the school from a young age. Some people specialize in training. When they grow up, they will also assign family affairs experience, so that talent can be produced!

In other words, it is generally tens of thousands of readers. Only then can you have a great life!

There are a lot of 10,000 people, even if the last time Song Yu opened the department, the whole farmhouse in Wuzhou, or the students who came from outside the state, is only a thousand! ! !

This shows that Aristocratic Family is inherently more advantageous than the cold-door farmers!

At this time it was still ancient and the educational resources were expensive. In addition to the Aristocratic Family, who can give each clansman a school?

This alone has laid the foundation for Aristocratic Family talents far beyond the cold door farmers. Can inheritance the foundation of a hundred years!

“If it is true, the current Song Family clansman is too small, which is based on the standards of the county’s big households.

This Aristocratic Family level is not counted as ordinary hard labor, but the lowest is the farmer. It is a cold door, and it is a big family. Then there is the county, then the door valve! Finally there is the royal family. It is the highest level of the Aristocratic Family, but unfortunately it is only a moment of prosperity, and it is still not as good as the door!

From the perspective of gas transportation, the farmers are pale, the white door is pure white, the big household is white or pure red, the county is light yellow or pure gold, and the door valve has azure!

Heavenly Dao Law, the air transport will correspond to the strength!

There are thousands of clansman in the county, and there are at least 3,000 in the county, and there are five or six thousand in the number, and the door valve is at least 10,000 people!

Dagan follows the ancient law, only the male on the genealogy is considered clansman!

These are all educated, at least high-quality talents who read and read!

Only with such a large base can the talents of the Aristocratic Family be indispensable.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the big family can only get the red life, the county hopes to have golden five-product yellow hall, and the door valve Aristocratic Family, in order to get azure life! There are special cases in the civilian population, but they are extremely rare and cannot be used as common sense!

In the chaotic world, although there are some differences, the rules are broken, and the civilians can also produce talents, but when it comes to probability, it is definitely the Aristocratic Family.

Of course, if you can come to the imperial examination, you will have confidence in yourself and chaos in the world. It is the confession of the heavens. When the stars come to the world, the quality of the talents of this world can be improved.

“This year’s imperial examination is naturally worth looking forward to, as can be seen from the air transport, but the talents of Song Family are also indispensable… must be cultivated as soon as possible!”

The most trustworthy in ancient times is always the clansman of his own. Song Yu is here, and he will not fight hard, but will naturally use it. As long as it is good for himself, how can he do it.

Since Song Family clansman has the highest loyalty, why not cultivate reuse?

“Clansman still needs to multiply!” Song Yu secretly sighed, although since his name, Song Family has developed, it is the most remote relatives of several veins, at least 100 acres of land at home, a lot of women, progeny .

This is the need of family strength. After all, that many farms and tenants cannot always manage outsiders.

And with a large population and a large number of bases, it is possible to recruit talents, serve Song Yu, and keep the family prosperous. These have been proven in history.

In addition, Song Yu’s Wuzhou Tiandi cares, and it is certain that the talents in this generation will never be less! There will even be a blowout trend!

But the next generation has to grow up, at least for a decade! The battle of the world has entered the most intense stage!

Therefore, it is Song Yu, and only Xingkeju, recruiting people from the outside.

Song Yu strolled in the corridor, surrounded by guards standing upright, not squinting, but the body armor is there, but there is no trace of suffocation, which is obviously not without the sand field, but has already murderous aura introverted, martial arts peaks fierce!

The troubled princes, for their own safety, naturally spare no effort.

Song Yu saw them, slightly nodded, these are his pro-military, have always been loyal, followed him to fight so far, is also the last capital to defend the position of the public! It is okay to play the prestige, but it is absolutely impossible for them.

“Song Family’s talents, I am afraid I will wait until the world is settled, and I can use it when I am governing Nine Provinces… Of course, the premise is that the dragon is successful and sits on the top of Jiuding, otherwise even the Song Family may not be able to preserve, naturally everything Hugh!”

Because of the ancestral spirit, this world can preside over the family’s indulgence. When it is dangerous, it can also show up as a policeman. Naturally, it will not be a pig, but it is a heavy responsibility. Like Zhao Pan, it is not a minority.

Song Yu secretly thought about the future charter, and kept going. After a few laps, he went to the center of the great hall.

The sound of drum music rang, the sound of Ding 齐 rang, and the eunuch sang: “Wu Guogong!”

There were quite a few silhouettes in the temple. At this time, they all smashed the ground and saluted in unison: “I have seen Wu Guogong!”

In the worship of everyone, Song Yuduan stepped on the great hall.

At this time, the temple was filled with a small case of densely packed. There were four treasures in the room on the table, and there was a futon at the back. There was a scholar next to it. At this time, the ceremony was being worshipped.

Although the great hall is wide and can accommodate thousands of people, it is almost full now.

At this time, Song Yu wore the official Wu Guogong service, followed by two rows of palace eunuchs, and sat in front of the Jinzhong chair. He said, “You are exempt!”

“Xie Guogong!” The crowds only worship again, at this time they can get up.

In the show, Yang Yun is also in the same place. He is very convenient, but he is not like a foreign talent. He lives in a pavilion specially built for the scholars, but his heart is deeply shocked by Song Yu’s great talent.

“Wu Guogong is really good at the scholars. The foods in Jianye are all provided free of charge, and even the tolls are issued. After the passage, all the world knows Wu Guogong’s good-hearted scholars, and they will come to vote… Wu Guogong’s ambition The vast majority, own generations of my generation!”

After a long period of chaos, I have already lost the original people’s hearts. Although there are definitely dead loyalists, after all is very few, it’s the current Yang Yun, and I’m a fan of myself, Wu Guogong. No feeling of embarrassment.

Next to the “main public?”, He Dongming asked.

“Get started!” Song Yuyi waved his hand.

“Nuo!” He Dongming bowed his body and went back. He said to the crowds: “This state test, held in the great hall, is the hope of the Lord and you, and I hope that I will not let it down…”

“The world is the trend, the way to govern the country … can be said, the time limit is an hour!”

He Dongming’s voice is clearer, and the entire great hall is extremely silent. He can even hear the echo.

“If there is no problem, then I will start to answer the question!” He Dongming looked around and saw the crowd show no doubt, he said.

The waiters waiting around immediately inserted the incense in the copper furnace and lit the fire.

Seeing this situation, how can the scholars sneer? Many people have answered questions, some write them, others are thinking hard.

Song Yu wants to remain sad, and now naturally can’t make any move, but sitting on the top, naturally can open the eyes of the gods, and look at the airlift of the following show!

At this point of view, the red and white air is rolling in front of the eyes.

Can be a scholar of the imperial examination, the status is not high, can have red gas, or the support of the talented person.

But Song Yu wants to see these, the eyes are slightly condensed, the eyes penetrate the outside air, and look at the life!

Can be in the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses in the show, the life is not bad, there is a trace of red, less white, but these are not the focus.

The life of Scarlet, the talent of a county, was the backbone of Song Yu when he started his home. When he got Wu Nan, he was an elite.

But now, Song Yu is the owner of Wuzhou, Wu Guogong, and some of them are invisible.

Of course, what to say, the life of the scarlet, can be served as a county seven product chief, is also the basic structure, more and better.

If it is not in troubled times, the quality of talents will improve, and many of the children of the cold-door farmers will have nowhere to go. Song Yu still can’t find so many County Magistrate talents.

The redness is also good, but it does not attract the attention of Song Yu.

At this time, his mind, filtering all the red and white air, finally found the silk golden!

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