The scholar who came to Yingzhou to test this time has 800 people.

Most of them are scarlet’s life, and white gas also accounts for a part. As for the two colors of green gold, it is really rare, and it is mixed in the silky air transport. Rao is a Song Yu eye-catching person, but also a good find.

After some searching, I only saw a dozen. As for azure, there is only one or two.

However, with these, Song Yu is very satisfied.

“The life of golden, is Fuzhong Junyan, can be Wupin Huangtang, Imperial Court middle-level officials, or a prefect of the prefecture! If these people are not established, qualifications are shorter, directly outside the prefect, can be!”

In Wuzhou under the rule of Song Yu, officials from various prefectures and counties are in short supply. It is simply not enough to use the people of Wunan.

At this time, we can only take the emergency method, that is, to promote the position of the former residence, county magistrate, etc., to act as the prefect of the prefect, County Magistrate.

The talents of this life are not easy to find, but the talents of red and yellow are much easier. There are also many people under the song jade hand. At this time, because the air transport has not exceeded the life, naturally there is no big chaos, just to The deputy’s chief executive’s affairs are not well-received, and the prefecture’s County Magistrate’s long-term vacancy is not a solution.

“People who have let go before, can be topped for a while, then look at the achievements and promote them. And these talents, the future people, you can let the book, the counselor down, or directly to the official Li Ranlang, to The experience of the government and the county, and the assistance of both sides, can be combined with the air transport, and naturally manage the affairs.”

“When it comes to attacking Jingzhou, as long as you hit the next place, these people are ready-made prefects, County Magistrate candidates…”

Song Yusi paid. Seeing that the candidates have been writing hard, they left the Golden Block. Go on a tour.

Just now, I saw a few azure. But it will soon disappear. Naturally, I will go down and see clearly. At the same time, those golden ones must be remembered. Although they cannot be named directly, they will break the rules of the imperial examinations. However, as long as there is room for manoeuvre, two or three people can be drawn to the premises. This is sometimes the difference between Heaven and Earth! Can save a few years of effort!

All the talents are buried in the book, it is to see Song Yu down. I want to leave the ceremony and be blocked.

Gradually, the candidates understand Wu Guogong’s meaning, knowing that this is to observe the situation, and then no longer have more control, but buried their own scriptures.

Song Yu held his hand and turned a half circle, and he saw an acquaintance.

In front of a small group, a young man is struggling to write a book. The handwriting iron painting silver hook has a deep pen.

“This is a true body possessed by a gentleman, called Yang Yun!”

Song Yu’s scorpion flashed and he remembered this person.

At the beginning, Fang Ming chased and killed the real people. Passing through Jianye City, I borrowed this human body, of course. It also gave a lot of benefits afterwards.

“After the true body, I opened the spirit. It seems that there has been a lot of hard work afterwards. I didn’t pay much attention to it before. I don’t want to have a golden life now, I can use it!”

Song Yu looked at the top of Yang Yun, and saw the red and white air transport center. A golden one was raised and could not be nodded.

Did not bother this person, the pace is light, and after a few passes, it is the place where the golden talent is located, secretly remembering the name.

Just above the 9th layer high platform, the bottom of the air is turbulent. Although I can see a few green gold, I can’t tell who it is. Now I am watching it, but I have a panoramic view.

“The green idea just now is from here. It seems that the big talent is here!”

Song Yu just recorded the position of Qingqi, and then clicked on the map. Now that he has reached the ground, he is also playing the spirit and looking forward to Divine Ability.

After a short while, I saw a trace of azure rising in the eyes, with a sense of incomprehension.

Song Yu looked at the people under the air transport, and saw that it was a middle-aged Confucian scholar. His appearance was not astonishing. At this time, he had completed the small half and seemed to be thinking.

I looked up at the name: “Ma Dengke? Good meaning, good meaning!”

Song Yu met the name of Confucianism, but some of them couldn’t help but laugh.

My heart is not secretly sighed this person’s luck, this is his first time in the imperial examination, this person’s name means auspicious, as long as the writing is acceptable, He Dongming will take it – this is the capacity brought by azure’s life!

Of course, this means is only useful for the first time. If the scholars follow suit and even rename it for this purpose, it is also effective. The household registration documents are all in the dark, and this is not only the case, but also the name. There may be some punishment, that is, the text is enough for high school, saying that it will not fall!

Song Yu then turned a few more places, wrote down the names of several golden ones, and found an azure talent named Lu Ding, which also secretly remembered the appearance of the name, and then verified the origins of the Bright Gown Guard. Behind you, you can make a big difference.


Because it was the first time to take a scholar, after the scholars tried it in the state, they also got a banquet for Song Yu, and made a reward. For this reason, it was a great achievement.

Song Yu just sat at the beginning, and after a few drinks, he left and left the venue to the scholars. Otherwise, Wu Guogong was in the face, how can the scholars dare to open up? They are both a trembling with fear and an image of loss of appetite.

The scholars didn’t have Song Yu here, but they gradually let go and celebrated until late at night.

What they didn’t know was that after they left, the results of the state test were sent to the Song Jade Hand.

“Lord, this is the list of the top 50 in the state and the top 100 exams!”

In the study, He Dongming presented the paper.

“Well! You have worked hard!” Song Yu looked at He Dongming at this time, there was bloodshot in his eyes, and he could not help but feel a little emotional.

He also knows that He Dongming not only has to take care of foreign scholars to enter the construction industry, but also has to provide food and accommodation, but also to ask for help and prevent diseases. Although the climate is suitable for travel in spring, it is easy to spread and has to be prevented!

Today, it is even more busy, and after the examination room is arranged, it has to be inspected. Afterwards, it is necessary to catch up with the workers. Although it can be shared by the subordinates, it is busy until now, even without dinner.

“These publics will have to take a closer look. If you go down first, the public is in the side hall, and you will have a feast for you and other subordinates. This is a reward, you don’t have to quit!” Song Yu took a look at the list, said with a Smile.

He waved his hand to stop He Dongming’s resignation.

He Dongming sees this, knows that the main public is in a good position, does not like the subordinates, and quickly grateful: “many thanks the Lord!” The heart is also warm, politically only pay attention to action, Song Yu this move, but it shows his wide and.

After waiting for He Dongming to go down, Song Yucai began to carefully look at the list.

During the day, he remembered the name of the singer, who used it to correspond to the list one after another. He found that he was basically in, not indded, and he was very satisfied with He Dongming’s ability.

Then look at the rankings, but it is frowned, see Maddenke ranked third, Yang Yun ranked in the ninth, and there is azure, the fate of the world, is ranked in the 37th!

“The first name is so strange, it seems that the life is not high, but He Dongming has placed him in front. It seems that the text has been adopted!”

Song Yu did not doubt anything about it. After all, literary talents can’t represent everything, and even have problems such as playing.

Just the top 100 exam papers are in, Song Yu found the first volume of the paper, ready to read it again.

At the beginning, you can see the eight characters of Zhu Yu Yu Run: “The way to govern the country, you can know before!”

Can’t help but smile, “Great tone!”

Looking down, the smile on the face faded away, and the face became more dignified. At the end, the forehead even had a cold sweat.

After reading the whole article, Song Yu saw the name again: “Xu Wei?”

I didn’t feel that I took the test paper again and read it three times. I only felt the words and words, and I was shocked by the air, showing the out of the ordinary.

“There are many talents in the grass!” Song Yu took the hand and got up and sighed. “It’s a pity that it is taller than the sky, and life is thinner than paper…”

The talent is too high, but the life is not thick, this is not a good thing, the air transport is difficult to control, and finally there is a disaster!

“This person has great talents, not too pity, although the life is not high, but as long as it is not arrogant, it can be changed slowly!”

Although Song Yu has taken more of his life to prevent it from being able to control it, but since he has a talented person, he does not hesitate to spend money on transportation. Of course, this can only be a special case. Otherwise, even if the air transport is like a sea, it will eventually be exhausted.

I also saw the following few papers, paying special attention to Madengke, Lu Ding, and Yang Yun. Just because Xu Weizhu Yu was in front, I saw the rest of the article at this time. Although I felt a little bit interesting, but it was Err.

“This Lu Ding is well-written, but it has no justice, no experience, and a low ranking. It can also be understood…”

Song Yu silently thought, but it was a big stroke, changed Luding’s ranking to the tenth place, and put several golden talents in the rankings to the premise, only to put down the pen.

At this time, He Dongming also used up the dinner. When he came in, he asked, and Song Yu said: “This is the name of the public. You take it and copy it again. Use it to print it, and announce it tomorrow!”

“Nuo!” For Song Yu personally scheduled, He Dongming naturally did not dare to say anything, directly held hands, took a glance, see the first place or Xu Wei, followed by Madengke, in addition to Lu Ding When mentioned in the top ten, the change in rankings is not too big, and it is not concealed. This at least shows that the Lord is generally recognizing his work.

“The top 50 people can get their identity. Regarding their future way, the public will talk about it here…”

Song jade hand played a piece of paperweight, said in the mouth.

“The top three in the state test, the value of the cabinet, not the old, but the competent documents, the tea and water and other chores! Leading the official body from the nine!”

Although it is mixed, but where is the cabinet? This is to be vigorously cultivated, and the future cannot be limited!

He Dongming was shocked and added a little more attention to the top three on the list.

Song Yu did not care about him, and he said: “The first ten years of the state test, you will enter the official position from the nine styles of Confucius, walk around and learn, and then distribute again after three months!”

“And the top 30, all sent to the government, as a book counselor, assisted the government to handle affairs.”

“As for the last one, go down to the county and go to the deputy of the county!”

“Of course, the top 50 are all people, and they all have the official body from the nine products! You write the will, and you will use it together!”


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