The nine ghosts see this, but they are loose in their hearts.

“My nine ghosts will be made from the most fierce evil spirits, and they will be tempering by the governor. They can pass through the Dudu government. The enemy is here, limited by the dragon, and the strength is discounted. At least Support for a moment, let the old road see some details…”

With the guard of the ghost array, at this time, the nine ghosts and real people, obviously relaxed a lot, only have the heart to think about something else.

“This is awkward! Dudu has a dragon body, and the sergeant does not leave, the younger generation, I am afraid it is not allowed!”

“And if it is a dark room, it will not make such a big movement to listen to the secret. Not only is the Qianlong being alarmed, it is the heart of this poor Daoist, and it is also a great work!”

“Don’t it be the camera of the tiger away from the mountain!”

At this time, his face was white, and he seemed to see something. He sipped: “Good thief! It is for the old road!”

Through the induction of the nine ghosts, the nine ghosts have already seen that the three ghosts will be besieged after going out, and they will almost disappear.

Pu!! ! Three black shadows passed through the door, the wolf rushed to the crotch, and if the stray dog, it seemed to escape, and quickly fell into the nine ghosts, and the nine ghosts screamed and seemed to suffer.

Nine ghosts are the magic weapon for the nine ghosts to become famous. They usually cherish their lives and have a little damage. They are also distressed. Now they can’t take care of this.

His gaze was all attracted by the sergeant who rushed into the door.

Rays of light Through the door, the nine ghosts will see a few golden armor gods will come in, the body swings outside, it is also a cultivation base!

“Which Fellow Daoist will release the god of protection? Please come out for a while!”

Nine ghosts naturally know that these golden armor protection methods will hurt the ghosts and savor them. The other party has not yet made every effort, otherwise the three ghosts will not escape even.

The room was silent. No one answered the question just now, the pupil of the nine ghosts. But it is a faint, almost pinhole size.

It was originally behind the Golden Armor Deity, and then walked into several silhouettes, and it was generally the same as the previous gold armor. The more you go, the more you can’t see the end. If it is not the other, it is the little silence. The room can’t accommodate so many people.

“One…two…13…eighteen! There are actually 18 guardians! This is all made by evil spirits!”

Nine ghosts can’t help but say nothing.

“It’s the door to the door. It’s only this foundation. Who is it? Too good? Baiyunguan? Or Shi Longjie?”

His nine sneaks, banned nine evil spirits, informable power infinity, but also from his accumulation of this pulse, is not a temporary work.

And the people who come to the crime can easily make eighteen! This battle, at least only the leaders of the states can be put out!

“This poor Daoist is a real man of Dong Xuan, who dares to ask the name of Fellow Daoist?”

The nine ghosts flashed their eyes and said in the mouth. The sound spread far and wide.

This is not only to say to the enemies, but also to remind the outside guards. With these eighteen gods, they will know that the enemy is not the same. Nine ghosts can’t cope with it, and hope to attract the guards to help him.

“No!” The voice spread out. Azure is blocked on the surrounding walls, and the voice of the voice echoes only inside the house. However, it is impossible to pass it on at a glance, so that the nine ghosts are not good.

“The Lord has a command! Get this person!”

The first god will be expressionless. An order was issued.

“There is no even a moment to take a breather!” Nine ghosts are angry, just three ghosts will be injured, he also received a little backlash, although not a big injury, there are always some obstacles when the mana is running.

Now for a moment, I don’t give it. It’s obvious that the opponent sees through the real thing. I want to in a spurt of energy and take him down!

“Big array! Get up!”

The nine ghosts are really loudly shouted, and the surrounding gloom is rising, gathering together and wrapping him.

“hmph! Kill!” Golden armor will shouting loudly, “cooling up!”

Seventeen guards behind him, according to the words, the body rippled mysterious fluctuations, connected with the leader, sighed in unison: “kill!”

A smoldering temperament is all around the Void.

“This is… iron and blood!” In the array, the voice of the nine ghosts was amazed.

With the formation of the 18 gold armor, the golden light condensed, and a black black knife appeared in the Void. The knife showed a beautiful arc shape, and the whole body was black, but the golden light was released, releasing a huge pressure. More with murderous aura!

“Hah!” The gold armor leader held his hands in a virtual grip, holding a big knife and crouching down!

The big knife floating in the air is also following the action in the hands of the leader, Mu Ran! ! !

Weng weng weng! ! !

The black blade slammed into a large array, swaying a circle of ripples, passing it away, but was stopped by the azure light of the house all around, and the furniture decoration in the whole house was turned into fly ash in a flash.

The entire house instantly became empty.

“Come on again!” Looking at the bursts of rays of light flashing, but eventually stabilized, the first god will scream and launch the offensive again.

The black blade once again slammed into the big array, and the golden rays of light spread on the knife edge, even faintly green!

Hey! ! !

The big array finally failed, and the gloom of the gloom was scattered, showing the silhouette of nine ghosts.

The six black shadows are also close to fragmented, black and black, and are not in the hands of the nine ghosts.

“pu!!!” The nine ghosts are white and uncertain, and spit out a big mouthful of blood. “I hate! If not three ghosts will be wounded in front, and they will be made into a nine-story array, it will not be so!”

“Hey! The mourning of the defeated dog?”

The golden armor will sneer a sigh, grab the big hand, and take the nine ghosts who have no resistance, and scream out with other men.

The nine ghosts only feel the wind hu hu whistling in the ear, the body vacated, it seems to be in the clouds, not much time, the surrounding scenery has changed greatly.

In the eye, it was a dim forest, and it was very remote.

“The Lord, the subordinate has taken this person!”

“Work hard, you wait!” A voice sounded, very young.

“To be a loyalty to the public, it is a blessing to the subordinate!”

Fang Ming looked at the respectful god leader, lightly smiled, his 18 golden armor gods, or the spoils of war he had last killed on Baiyunguan. He was originally a mountain gate guardian of Baiyunguan, but he was taken by him. take.

These gods will be the evil spirits who were originally the victims of the evil, captured by the white clouds, washed away the wisdom, set up the law, and easy to manipulate.

In the hands of Fang Ming, it was modified to change the object of allegiance from God to Baiyun. In addition to several powerful Divine Ability, the formidable power is above.

Putting God in the sleeves, Fang Ming looked at the nine ghosts lying on the ground, and there was some embarrassment on the surface: “Since the real person has responded to the power of action, how can he still do the dead on the ground? Is it not afraid of smudging?”

Tough barely fell, there is a magical light on the nine ghosts.

A Dao Talisman emerges out of thin air, and he will be inspired when he sees it.

Behind the nine ghosts, his face is extremely dignified. His mind is deep. As soon as he is on the road, he will recover some of his mana. He can move, but pretend to be still in a state of serious injury. In addition to waiting for an opportunity to escape, he still wants to see the identity of the people behind the scenes!

Seeing Fang Ming now, I only feel the golden light flashing in the eyes, even with azure in the middle.

If this qi is in the mortal, although it is high in weight, it is still normal, but in the cultivation person, it represents the real person cultivation base! Even has begun to touch the fairy bottleneck!

What’s more, ordinary people are lucky, how can this person in front of him be so strong and powerful, almost endless!

Originally, my heart was born with fear, and was seen by the other side. The nine ghosts were no longer concealed, and they used the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

The symbolic floats out and turns into a bloody rune, which protects the nine ghosts.

“My ‘Ghost Wang Fu’, or the ancestors passed down, I heard that the day of Fu Cheng, blood sacrifice a ghost king!!! Power is endless, it is facing the five real people siege, can support for a long time! This person How powerful is it, is it better than five real people?”

Nine ghosts think about it, but the heart is bleeding, this inheritance has been used for hundreds of years, but once it is motivated, it will also consume a lot of money.

“Fun! Fun!” Fang Ming’s golden light in the middle of the scorpion flashed, the golden fingerprint appeared, and collided with the ghost king.

On the surface of the symbol, a flash of brilliance flashes, but it is very solid, showing the power of defense out of the ordinary.

“Golden light? Handprints? And this strong incense atmosphere, Zunjia is Wuzhou City God?”

In the light curtain, the nine ghosts looked at Fang Ming, but they remembered one person in the intelligence and could not help but ask.

“The true body is the battlement. I would like to ask Fellow Daoist to come out. I just want to see the Fellow Daoist. It seems to be a little true body!”

After a bad blow, Fang Ming did not try again, standing with his hands, faintly said.

“How can you trust this way when you ask this poor Daoist to come?” Nine ghosts have taken out a lot of bottles and cans from their arms and pour the medicinal liquid or Dan pills into their mouths.

These medicines have taken effect very quickly. The face of the nine ghosts is very beautiful. At this time, I stared at Fang Ming: “Respecting God is the sire of Wu Guogong. It is understandable to come to Jingzhou to inquire about the news. I just don’t know why it is difficult to go with the old road?”

Although the ordinary door helps the dragon, I can’t wait to kill, but on the surface, Fellow Daoist Fellow Daoist is still crying. Will be aware of future changes.

If you do it yourself, but you will escape to your opponent, under the change of the heavens, I am afraid that it will be your own robbery in the next day.

Like Fang Ming, it’s rare to say nothing, that is, it’s really handy.

“The original body is the master, the true body is not so. Unfortunately, what you do is to make a big jealousy, but you can’t spare it!”

Fang Ming waited for the nine ghosts to adjust to the real thing, but answered.

“What do you do?” Nine ghosts face changed, “I assisted Qianlong, what is the Heavenly Dao, I dare not go too far, where is the difference?”

“You indulge the murderous ghosts and hurt people, it is the natural reason, you can’t stay!”

“Indulge the murderous ghost?” The secret color of the nine ghosts in the eyes of the real people flashed. “It’s just that the murderer went out to find blood food on his own. What about the old man?”

“The matter is still not repentant, true body will fulfill you!”

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