Fang Ming expression Cold, turned over the palm, the city gold seal emerges. ≤, w≥ww.↖m

“Heaven Turning Seal !”

The golden gas swept across the mountain and took the giant mountain to crush the egg, and slammed it! ! !

Heaven Turning Seal is the Divine Ability that Fang Ming realized from the promotion, and with the gold seal of the city, the formidable power is even more endless!

In the eyes of the nine ghosts and unbelievable eyes, the ghost king was defeated by a blow, and the rays of light spread.

The gold seal carries the remaining power, squatting on the nine ghosts, and killing him all the time. In the air, he spurts blood and sheds blood and rain.

This is still a bit of force for Fang Ming, otherwise the nine ghosts are only a part of the meat!

Golden light flashed, Fang Ming appeared in front of the nine ghosts.

“You…” The nine ghosts really lifted their hands, but they quickly fell. It was already a sigh.

After a while, he could fully recover and be prepared to escape. Now, under Fang Ming’s sacredness, all the conspiracy calculations have not yet been made, and they have already died.

“Okay! Actually, the true body lie to you, the true body has to deal with you, mainly want to know the details of Zhou Yu, and the location of the cave Xuan Pai Shanmen!”

Looking at the nine ghosts, the eyes turned white, and Fang Ming’s face showed a narrow color, and suddenly he said.

“pu! !!”

After listening to this statement, Jiugui real people could not support it completely, and spit out a large mouth of blood, completely fainted.

“It’s just a dizzy, it’s convenient for the true body to start!”

Fang Ming talked to herself, and her face became indifferent. She placed her hand on the top of the nine ghosts. It was already the Divine Ability!

Divine Ability As the name implies, you can get the memory of the other soul, but once you show it. It will inevitably damage the soul of the other party, but it will be seriously ill for several days. The mind is sluggish, but the idiot is directly turned into an idiot!

Because there is a hurt. This Divine Ability has been used for the first time since the memory of Mu Qing.


Fang Ming drank, his eyes turned into pure gold, and there was only a hint of green in the center.

Surprisingly, with Fang Ming’s cast, the nine ghosts who are in a coma are also open-eyed and turned into pure gold.

After about a tea break, Fang Ming let go of his hand, and the nine ghosts closed their eyes. Continue to fall into a coma, but the breath is even weaker, almost on the verge of military defense.

“This person is a rescue, but also a waste!”

Nine ghosts are real people. In order to break through the consciousness of the gods, it is already a big worry and an enemy. In order to find out more news, how can Fang Ming waste his strength to protect his soul. All the way to fight hard attack, how to appreciate the sea? After this robbery, the nine ghosts did not immediately destroy the soul, it is already lucky.

At this time, the mind is lost. It is to save lives and to be a waste.

“I don’t want this person to be so mad, it’s both difficult. It’s also worth it!” Fang Ming said after reading the memory of the nine ghosts, he said to himself.

According to him. Although these nine ghosts are from the Xuan School, they are another true biography. The learning and the original nine pyloric have a great relationship, mostly the technique of raising ghosts and refining ghosts.

This method is more devastating, and the ancestors of the nine secluded gates have been killed by Heaven’s Punishment.

The same is true of the nine ghosts. Although they have become famous early and have a good reputation, they have been ridiculed and have to rely on Qianlong to gain the protection of the dragon. Instead of being like other real people, they can sit on the Diaoyutai and just send a discipline. water.

“From the memory of the nine ghosts, there are a lot of secrets, and there is a cave in the Xuan Pai Mountain Gate, Dashan!”

Fang Ming thought about it, or took the nine ghosts and went to the tunnel.

As for the Inn who found a guest missing tomorrow, and the sudden disappearance of the nine ghosts in the Dudu government, they no longer think about it.

After all, Fang Ming did not leave any clues, but he asked for an expert and could not find him.

Recalling the trip to Gangneung, it was the income of Shifeng.

This time, he sent a golden armor to capture the real people of the nine ghosts, and he was not idle. He also visited the Dudu government except Zhou Yu’s place. He also got a lot of news. It’s already clear to Jingzhou’s general trend. .

Yunsong County is a small county in Jingzhou. It is not a prosperous product. It is not a good place for people, but it is hard to get into the eyes of Jingzhou. The war is very rare. It is a paradise.

The Dongxuanpai Mountain Gate is hidden here.

There is a Taoist temple in Yunsong County. I don’t know when it was built, but it’s somewhat effective. Especially the old ones, there will be some medical skills, and sometimes free medical doctors are given. It’s got some good names and the incense is good.

At this time, Fang Ming stood before this quaint Taoist temple.

“Yun Song Guan?” Fang Ming looked at the big characters on the forehead and couldn’t help but laugh: “I thought that the Baiyun Guanshan Gate was a unique one. I didn’t want this Xuan School to be more interesting. It’s even bigger to hide the mountain gate in the county. Is it hidden in the city?”

Stop staying and push the door.

“Where did the pilgrim come from?” As soon as he entered, he saw a old road standing on the side, as if waiting for a long time.

“From Wuzhou!” Fang Ming lightly smiled.

“Guests come from afar, please also enter the tea!” The old road hit a head, said the ceremony.

“many thanks!” Fang Ming cherished the words like gold, followed by the old road.

The old road fluttered and led Fang Ming to the backyard. Before passing through the main hall, Fang Ming glanced inside and saw that a censer was enshrined, and it was not known whether the tunnel was a treasure.

At this time, the sky is slightly bright, and the time is still early. There are no other people besides a few cleaned Taoist children in the Taoist temple. All around, except for the sound of the broom and mopping the floor, the silence is silent, full of harmony and tranquility.

The old path leads Fang Ming to the back garden, where the peach trees are planted, and the branches are almost inaccessible.

The more you go, the more so.

If it is an ordinary pilgrim, nature will stop here, but the old road leads Fang Ming to go deeper. Fang Ming seems to have returned to his own home, not surprised, but also followed.

In the innermost part, there are three huts, almost growing together with the peach trees, low and short, crumbling, very tattered.

“Guest please!” The old road has a cloud sleeve, but it is first to bend into.

Fang Ming had some changes in his face at this time. He carefully looked at the hut for a while before he stepped in.

At the moment of entering, a sense of breaking through the diaphragm emerges.

This feeling is very familiar, Fang Ming’s city law, every time you enter, it is also this feeling.

“This is the power of the legal world!” Fang Ming said to himself.

Dong Xuan opened his ancestor and had a very high innate talent on the mustard. He even built a man-made domain to better accommodate the stranger! Wonderful use!

In the eye, it is a very large great hall, all around each with nine large cloud columns, and the sky is still floating with a thin white mist, with a touch of aroma.

“Spiritual Qi gathers and turns into white fog. How much is this? This environment, where mortals can live longer, Dao Cultivator is a thousand miles!”

“Welcome to the city to drive!”

The place where Fang Ming came in was the main entrance. At this time, the Taoist children were set up on both sides.

At the forefront, the old road changed clothes, although it was also a robe, but it was embroidered on September 9th, and the atmosphere was extraordinary. At this time, there was a smile: “The city is driving the Xuanshan Gate, it is really shining! This poor Daoist Dong Xuanzi Courteous!”

“It turns out that you are a real man of Dong Xuan!” Fang Ming said, but there was no surprise at all.

“I have a sacred ancestor of the ancestors of the ancestors, and I have been taught by the dynasties in the past.” It seems that I am afraid that Fang Ming will not understand, and Dong Xuanzhen explained.

“Come on! Please come to the seat!” Please put Fang Ming in the seat.

“You will be quiet in your troubles, and you will be ingenuity! This is the art of opening a world, it is amazing!”

After Fang Ming sat down, he didn’t want to talk to Dong Xuanzhen, but he seemed to admire it.

Listening to this statement, Dong Xuanzhen is a bitter smile: “District skills, borrowing the land, avoiding the worldly customs! How can you enter the eyes of the family?”

“This is a self-opening technique. It is also a lot of flaws. It is not only expensive, but also Void is unstable. The cultivation base above the Master can be broken with a little touch!”

“These great halls are only open when sect master inheritance, or something else is needed. Today is the first time in 20 years.”

It seems that Fang Ming is afraid of seeing the money. Dong Xuan really talked quickly and pointed out some shortcomings in this field.

“Even so, it is very bad!”

Fang Ming sighed.

To open up the boundaries in Yangshi and to accommodate the entry of living people, the mana needed for this is not to say, just the understanding of the avenue, and above him at this time, Fang Ming secretly looked at the great hall scene, before the millennium The Dong Xuan real person can’t help but admire.

“haha…you please use tea!”

At this time, a boy with red lips and white teeth and a childlike appearance put a tray on it and placed the cup and several small dishes in front of Fang Ming and Dong Xuan.

The cup is faintly aromas of tea, and it is deep and profound.

There are only a few red dates and so on in the small dish, and I look at some cold.

Fang Ming is not such a superficial person, not to mention, from these fruits, he feels the pure World’s Spiritual Qi.

“This is…spirit fruit?”

Fang Ming picked up a date and asked in a somewhat uncertain tone.

Naturally, there is also a spiral plant. Fang Ming also got a strain from the evil spirits of the mountain. It can dissolve the resentment qi, which is very strange.

But it can be eaten, and it is really rare to have the fruits and vegetables of World’s Spiritual Qi, at least not in Baiyunguan.

“Respecting the eyes of the gods is extraordinary. This is a senior of this door. It took the 40 years of hard work to cultivate the spirit plant. Although it has no great use for me, it is excellent for laying the foundation for the juniors!”

“Not bad!” Fang Ming opened his mouth and felt a purely Spiritual Qi. The taste was even more delicious. He couldn’t help but praise: “The true body is also very knowledgeable, but this is still the first time. You can see that your door is a talented person!”

“Respect for the gods!” Looking at Fang Ming, eating like a human being, the complexion slightly changed, and then returned to normal.

It’s just that the heart has set off waves and waves. “This city is a god. It should be a ghost. If you change your body, the essence is still negative. How can you be like a living person now?”

He ordered the spirit tea spirit, in addition to entertaining guests, there is also the opportunity to test the temptation, but the results are unexpected.

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