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After thinking hard and re-estimating the strength of Fang Ming, Dong Xuanzhen asked this question: “God to the cave of Xuanshan, what advice?”

“I don’t dare to be instructed, but since the leader can be prepared, he is naturally predictable. Can you solve it?” Fang Ming asked.

“This poor Daoist, this mysterious biography, has a congenital god, today’s whim, knowing that there will be guests, but in any case, it can not be regarded as a guest, can only open the temple hall, ready, but did not expect it is the city Come here!”

Dong Xuanzhen has a beard and explains.

“What about the congenital god?”

Fang Ming, of course, the Taomen in this world, there are many inheritances such as divination, most of them are useless to him, this congenital god, can get general information, it is very remarkable.

“true body came here this time. First, Dong Xuan was the head of the Jingzhou Daomen Gate. He came to visit specially. The second was that he encountered several tragedies on the road. He had to know with the sect master…”

Fang Ming expression turned to solemn.

“Oh? The tragedy?” Dong Xuan was shocked by the real face, and immediately seemed to think of something: “Is it…”

Complexion sank, “You wait all the way!” It is the beginning of the clearance.

“As you bid!” The Taoist and the serving boys on both sides are retreating. For a moment, the entire hall is empty, leaving only Dong Xuan and Fang Ming.

“There is no outsider at this time. This great hall has the ability to isolate it. If you have a god, please say something!”

After Dong Xuanzhen dispels the discipline, he looks at Fang Ming, and there are some inexplicable meanings in his eyes.

“It is like this. The true body came from the summer of the river and passed through Sancha. The black wind forest and other places were unexpectedly discovered…”

Fang Ming is also welcome, and he will tell the story of the ghosts and ghosts around Gangneung.

“嗨!冤孽!冤孽啊!!!” Dong Xuanzhen sighed: “Respecting God, this poor Daoist has already known, but this involves my secret. I am afraid I can’t tell, but please reassure the gods, three days later A satisfactory answer will be given to the gods! It is also a confession to the innocent souls!”

When I said this, Dong Xuan’s face was red and my eyebrows were lifted, obviously it was extremely angry!

“Give a reply to true body?” Fang Ming repeated the words. A sudden smile: “It seems that the leader is ready to clean up the portal, but this is not necessary!”

“Why?” Dong Xuan stared at Fang Ming silhouette, and the nine ghosts were also from the Xuan Xuan faction. Making such things would also harm the sect air transport. The fellow apprentices friendship is not tolerated.

Moreover, the relationship between Dong Xuanzhen and Jiugui real people is not as good as it is on the surface. It is not known whether it is a chance.

“Sect master, please see!”

Fang Ming took out a golden pill from the cuff and threw it on the ground.

boom! ! ! The golden pill touched the ground and made a dull sound. Then the golden light is released.

Waiting for the rays of light to disperse, there is a silhouette on the ground, half lying down. Breathing is weak, almost a dead person!

This person is wearing a black robes, embroidered with a few evil spirits on it, it is terrible.

“This is… Jiugui Junior Brother!” Dong Xuan really said, and stood up, the pupil in the eye shrank into the size of the eye.

“true body night to explore the Metropolitan Government. Found this sacred ritual murderous ghost, collect blood food. For the evil in the township, shot him. Sect master mistake!”

From the memory of the Nine Ghosts, Fang Ming learned that the Confucius had a lot of secrets, especially the two real people belonged to each other, and they had been fighting in the dark, and they were able to release the Nine Ghosts without fear.

This is good, and the second is deterrence. After all, Fang Ming can win even the nine ghosts, and it is not difficult to add another hole.

Sure enough, Dong Xuan real people stepped forward to explore the arm of the next nine ghosts, as if watching the pulse, and then shook his head.

“Within the body meridian is completely broken, but there is still a way, but the sea and the heavenly gate are both big losses, but it is back to heaven!”

This kind of injury is already a sure death situation. Even if it costs a lot of money, plus a little luck to save, it is also a waste. If it is dead, it is a slap in the face, like an idiot, this means is very cool! ! !

In the eyes of the looking towards Fang Ming, there is more to say the meaning of taboos.

“Nine ghosts have strong mana, Divine Ability is secretive, and can make evil spirits. True body will suddenly hurt him and miss sect master!”

Although Dong Xuan and Nine Ghosts can’t wait for you to die, on the bright side, the nine ghosts are still the real people of Dong Xuan, Old Ancestor, who is a sect master, and naturally wants to explain it to his serious injuries.

“The battle of the law, this is a dangerous anomaly, the nine ghosts are wrong, but it is no wonder Fellow Daoist!”

Dong Xuan real people did not know what to think of, his face turned calm, sit down and say.

“In fact, I am a hole in the tunnel, divided into the north and south, the old road is the north pulse, the main road Divine Ability, can look at the number of gas, know the fate, good and good, and longevity … and the nine ghosts of the Junior Brother belong to the South, It is the main course of killing and killing. It is more affected by the nine secluded books. It uses ghosts to search for bloody food. It hurts the sky and even implicates the sect. This poor Daoist has repeatedly advised that Junior Brothers are not listening. Even if he is willing to go his own way, it is even more difficult to cover up with the dragon’s anger. In the end, it is full of sin, but it is also a sin…”

After Dong Xuan sat down, he talked about the hidden secrets in the tunnel.

This kind of situation in the family’s nest is naturally a big ugly thing. It is that the closest neighbors only faintly see the traces. From the unheard of hearing, now the real people of Dong Xuan are like bamboo beans and trays, so let Fang Ming have some Unexpected.

Although Dong Xuanzhen said that Fang Ming had previously searched for the soul from the nine ghosts, he would not sway the door, but the party’s self-exploding home was a little strange.

Can’t help but say: “This is a secret of yours, why are real people all out? Are you afraid of leaking out?”

“As long as the Aristocratic Family, which is a long time ago, is known, it is useless to say it!” Dong Xuanzhen said with a smile.

But it is one of the purposes to share secrets and get closer to each other.

Fang Ming thought for a moment, and then some doubts, this Xuanzhen real person seems to be too weak, even condescending to show good, what is the intention?

Do not return, silently drink tea with a point, waiting for the next section of the hole.

In the great hall, a moment of silence, in the end, is still a hole in the real life of Dong Xuan, but it is not a matter of the nine-ghost lineage: “Do you have seen the image of the black day of the gods more than a decade ago?”

Before Song Yu retired, there was Heaven Descending Natural Phenomenon, and the black day fell into the depression. This is the sign of the reincarnation of the ghost king!

This natural phenomenon is vast, and the entire world of Refining Qi is visible, and Song Yu is ready to enter the world to fight for the dragon, which has attracted the attention of Fang Ming.

At this time, there is no hesitation: “Nature knows that this is the reincarnation of the ghost king! Every time there is a chaotic world, there are evil monsters coming out for it, but this time there is a big one! Hehe… It is not small!”

“Respecting God is saying that this is a ghost king. It is a rare enemy. The ghost army under the seat is even more vast. There are many wings, and even the wife is a ghost base. Difficult!”

Dong Xuan really sighed and said that the Taoist inheritance has been going on for thousands of years, and there are many books, and the actions of the ghost kings are also expected. There is even a message that Fang Ming doesn’t know.

“What? The wife of Ghost King is also the cultivation base of the ghost king?” Fang Ming is still unclear. His news about the land is still from his men, and he has not been able to go to the investigation in person.

In addition to traveling in Jingzhou, he traveled from Sword Pavilion all the way to the depression, and he was also a must-see. The information came very timely.

Otherwise, the two ghost kings join hands, and there is even more help from the dragon army. If you don’t do well, Fang Ming will have a small loss.

“hehe … that ghost king is the wife of the previous life of the capital, after the massacre is also following the self-sufficiency, incarnation into a ghost, to the present, but also the king of the ghost! The murderous name is too strong, leading to this woman obscurity!”

Dong Xuan explained. It seems that some women who are loyal to this loyalty are somewhat sorry.

“Teached!” Fang Ming has a heavy face, and finally knows why the ghost king can go away to this day, and even enter the WTO to fight for the dragon, not afraid of the rear roots damaged.

However, in the old nest, there is still a ghost king. When two ghost kings join hands and there is a military help, even if it is placed in Wuzhou, Baiyunguan will be refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.

This thought is a move, my heart is a move.

“Fellow Daoist talked about this, is there a change in the middle?” Fang Ming guessed.

“Not bad! This poor Daoist received the flying crane biography of the fairy in the clouds yesterday, only to know that the ghost king reincarnation, that is, Shi Wang Shi Longjie, before the three days ago, the ‘death order’, vowed to kill In the middle of the gate, in the case of the dragon in the middle of the dragon, and the dragon gas is the result of Shi Longjie, it is even more unstoppable, and the gate of the middle gate is ushered in a catastrophe!”

“The fairy and the old road in the cloud are old, and the door is also a family. She wrote a letter for help. This poor Daoist has been saved by life. Unfortunately, the old school is the way to rejuvenate Qi. It is not good for killing. Now, in an eager eagerness, the god of honor comes to worship the mountain. Isn’t it necessary to borrow the hand of the god to liberate the sacred door?

See Fang Ming expression indifferent, it seems that the blood flowing into a river does not care, the hole is sighed in the heart, knowing that this city will be destroyed by the vast majority of the city gods are also cold-hearted, not good, I am afraid If you don’t shoot, you will say: “If you respect God, no matter what the outcome, Dong Xuan is willing to return to Wu Guogong! Drive for it!”

“This is really true body!” Fang Ming looked at Dong Xuanzhen with great interest. “Dong Xuan is a Jingzhou school. Why don’t you support Qianlong Zhou Yu and reverse the outsiders?”

“Jingzhou Qianlong’s gas is strong, but it can’t be used in time. Why do you say that this time, Zhou Yu’s generation is mostly from the South, and has nothing to do with my North!”

In the eyes of Dong Xuan, the cold voice flashed and faintly said.

This is to abandon the Southern Pulse Disciple. In the case of the death of the Nine Ghosts, there is no real person to suppress the backlash and receive the catastrophe. The Heaven’s Punishment will be distributed to the discipline under the Nanmai. One counts, one does not run. The day of Zhou Yu’s defeat is the time when the South Pulse is extinguished!

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