“How do you think of God?”

Dong Xuanzhen asked the attitude of Fang Ming.

“Your Dong Xuanpai is willing to be attached to the Lord. Naturally, it is excellent. Wu Guogong has his own reward…” Fang Ming raised his head and shook his fingers.

“Unfortunately, true body can’t see the sincerity of sect master!”

“Sincerity?” Dong Xuan’s face was stiff. “Please also respect God!”

“On the southern trend, Shi Longjie is a ghost king. Although Zhou Yu is a saga, it is also better than Wuzhou Song Yu. As for Yuyang defensive Dragon City, let alone, if you want to rely on Zhou Yu, with Wu Guogong Song Yu attacked Jingzhou, and only one death, not relying on Wu Guogong, is it to go to Shilongjie that ghost king?”

On the Three Great Influences in the South, it is indeed Song Yu’s far ahead, Shi Longjie later, and Zhou Yu’s last.

There are also some small princes, and the defensive positions in other places are completely devoid of climate and can be ignored.

Among them, Shi Longjie is the reincarnation of the ghost king. He is born and the door is not right, and he has issued a “death command”, vowing to kill the door.

Dong Xuanzhen is not a fool, how can he rely on it.

Zhou Yu is a native of Jingzhou. He is the most suitable candidate for Jingzhou Longqi.

It is a pity that the previous battles took a long time, and the time was lost. The most successful Flood Dragon, the wind and rain, can’t last long!

When you are full of calculations, there will be only one Song Yu, regardless of strength or as a master!

It is natural to understand that the Dong Xuan faction wants to sell.

Other Aristocratic Family and the like, although they have unique eyes, are confused by the general trend and cannot be distinguished. Or see it clearly, but it is involuntarily.

Although Dong Xuanzhen is not good at fighting, but is proficient in the Qi Viewing Technique calculation method, he has already seen the greatness of the East, overshadowing the air transport of Jingzhou and Shudi.

At this point, it started to rely on Song Yu.

This is a good thing. Fang Ming’s heart is overjoyed, but the face is quiet: “The real person is vying for the subversion of the South Pulse, and then the Northern Pulse is a big one. This is a good tool!”

As for what to ask for help, it is simply an excuse. Fang Ming does not believe at all.

“That depends on the view of God. What should I do?” Dong Xuan asked quietly, and there was no shame in planning to be seen.

Since it is still installed, Fang Ming is also happy to use the slamming door as a fig leaf to cover up the next transaction.

“true body view your secret mystery, the congenital god. Profound mystery infinity, want to borrow one or two, hope sect master should be accurate!”

Fang Ming smiled, but it was daylight robbery.

“You…you…you…” Fang Ming said that when he exited, Dong Xuanzhen could no longer maintain his image. He suddenly jumped up and pointed at Fang Ming’s nose and shouted: “The secret of this mystery is millennial, Each one is created by the ancestors’ painstaking efforts. It is the secret of the secrets, and it is the secret of the secret. God respects God to think twice. It is too much!”

This kind of mystery, although not comparable to the fundamental Taoist, is also a secret collection, Fang Ming will have to go two ways, how can you not let the hole Xuan jump?

“Two things can’t be done, that is to say. Can you do the same?” Fang Ming had a smile on his face, in the eyes of Dong Xuanzhen. It seems to be no different from evil spirits.


After half an hour, Fang Ming left the tunnel and left the Xuanshan Gate.

I think of the mysterious face of Dong Xuan. A smile appeared on his face.

He left the nine ghosts in the cave of Xuanshan, and then he didn’t care much about how Dongzheng really dealt with him. It would not be good to want to come to the end.

The nine ghosts are a good magic weapon, and they are deducted by Fang Ming. They say that they have been damaged in the fight, and even the nine ghosts will not exist, causing the boss’s belly.

“The method of the congenital god of the Dong Xuan faction is famous in the Daomen. At least it can be ranked in the top three in the same way, and it will greatly benefit the true body!”

Fang Ming picked up a piece of shabby turtle shell on his hand, and the face still showed joy.

Although the original Dong Xuanzhen was unwilling at the beginning, but in the end there is a desire for people, even more terrible is that even after relying on Song Yu, the Dong Xuan faction has to live under Fang Ming, he has his own channel news, know Wu Guogong This god is extremely trustworthy, and there is almost a kind of meaning that the majestic major event is fully entrusted.

This is also the bleeding show!

The two sides reached an agreement, the Dong Xuan faction to rely on Wu Guogong Song Yu, the sacrifice of the congenital god as a price, in exchange for Fang Ming to rescue the tunnel door.

Of course, on the surface, in fact, after Xuan’s self-satisfaction with Fang Ming’s affirmative reply, he even had no idea what to say about the life and death of the door. He directly shut down and concocted the nine ghosts.

Externally, it wasn’t that Dong Xuan’s real people succumbed to Fang Ming’s arrogance, but in order to succumb to the death of the gates, he committed himself to Song Yu, in exchange for Fang Ming’s shot.

Although other gates know what is going on, there is a piece of fig leaf, and many things are justified.

“This tortoiseshell is also out of the ordinary. Look at the trace of Spiritual Qi. It should be the will of a big demon. It is also given to the true body. The blood of the hole is really a lot…”

Fang Ming stroked the crack on the turtle shell and murmured.

This “congenital god calculation” is the method of the Emperor Dong Xuan from the ancients to burn the shells, and the plum blossoms are easy to count and upgrade.

This method is similar to a whim, can know the good and the bad in advance, avoid the disaster, eliminate the disaster, and use it infinitely.

The cave Xuan faction has a long history and relies on this method to protect the body.

“The true body has been involved in other laws. The only way to do this is that it is a bit difficult and difficult to understand. Now there is this technique, and it is hard work, and there is no glimpse of the discovery mystery…”

The technique of the opening of the Dong Xuan faction is essentially the same as the formation of Fang Ming’s jurisdiction. Naturally, it is not very eye-catching.

And this innate god can count the current deficiencies of Fang Ming, and Fang Ming naturally chose this method.

“Although the meaning of Dong Xuan is very obvious, the true body is slightly turned around, saving two or three scattered small fish, meaning meaning is over, but unfortunately true body is very interested in 酆, originally intended a line, but can not So try it!”

Unconsciously, Fang Ming has come to the outside of the city, Fang Ming will bring the turtle shell into his arms, and his mouth shouts.

叮叮Ding! ! ! ! With the sweet copper bells, a donkey ran with his hooves, his hair was black and shiny, and every time he ran, he swayed the copper bell on his neck and made a pleasant sound.

The donkey came to Fang Ming, but the nose spewed two white spirits, giving the voice of human words.

“When are you going to impose a curfew?” The voice was low, like a thunderous explosion.

“If you encounter a true body, you have to be a mount, it is your well-being! Monster Beast, you can’t ask for it!”

Fang Ming patted the long head of the donkey and smiled.

“When you are a mountain, how can you be a driver? Especially a mount?”

The roaring roar, open and pouting, seems to want to choose someone!

It is a pity that this situation, placed on a donkey, will only make people laugh.

Mao roared for a moment, but he never dared to pounce on it. He finally stopped moving. Some said helplessly: “It is a mount, and it is also good to restore the appearance of the embarrassment. Don’t be embarrassed, it’s ugly!!!”

“hahaha !!!” Fang Ming laughs: “true body If you are riding on your body, you will not scare passers-by, you can’t!”

Turned over the donkey and sipped: “I don’t want to go, do you want to eat a whip?”

When it comes to the whip, the black donkey’s body trembles and seems to remember something that can’t be looked back. I dare not say it again. It spreads out of the four hooves, and the speed is faster than the so-called Maxima in the world.

“Would you like to talk to you about it? If you change it back, it’s too bitter to do it, especially those forage, you can’t eat it!”

Although Feng Ming was sitting on the scorpion, Fang Ming was very stable on the scorpion. At this time, the voice of the black cymbal sounded again. Although he was running fast, he brought his own back, but he spoke clearly. Yu Li!

Business, what can I eat??

“It’s not a blind man!” The mount was not convinced.

“After the transformation of the true body, you are now a scorpion!”

Fang Ming Since I have azure power, I can transform everything, and I want to completely transform myself, at least on the surface, to be like a mortal.

But this involves the flesh and does not dare to neglect. I have found a lot of materials to experiment and gain experience.

This mount is obviously one of the victims, and it is transformed into a black head!

“Isn’t it oh! This is not a slap!” The black cockroach kept chanting.

The sound is broken, and Fang Ming is a little bored. “Noisy!”

With the movement of the mind, the bronze bell on the neck of the black scorpion emits rays of light, and the black cockroach suddenly looks like a duck that is only caught in the neck, and no sound can be heard anymore.

Seeing this scene, Fang Ming is satisfied with nodded, this monster, or he is caught on the road, and he is the right to travel.

Another prohibition, in order to control, is the brass bell on the neck of the black skull.

Pat the black skull’s head: “true body promises you, as long as you work hard in the future, you will re-form it into a demon!”

Some mysterious words: “If you can make a great contribution, the true body can even transform your demon body directly into the adult body! Be aware that the human body is made up of heaven and earth, concealing the avenue, cultivation is a thousand miles! By then you have The speed of human cultivation, and the life essence of the demon body, what a rare blessing?”

Sure enough, as soon as he heard this, he couldn’t help but shake his head. The black eyes blinked at Fang Ming and seemed to say, “That’s it, you can’t!”

It seems that I heard the words of the black sorrow, Fang Ming patted the gimmick, “Reassured, true body words of enormous weight, how can you lie to you!”

Now transforming, it is just staying on the outside. After Fang Ming is promoted to the position of the three characters, the power of the gods will advance, and the body of the demon can be transformed into the human body, but the life essence of the demon is retained.

Promised to give this black sorrow advantage, in addition to let it do their best, Fang Ming has another thought.

The true body also needs to be completely transformed into the human body. Once something goes wrong, the consequences can be disastrous. Fortunately, this stupid big volunteer is a trial product, great good! Great good!

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