“true body is good to tell you first, it is natural to give you a transformation, but from now on, everything has to be heard by true body. Especially in front of the people of Yangshi, don’t show your feet, understand?”

Fang Ming stretched out and said casually.

The big head of the black scorpion slammed and ran faster. It seemed that he wanted to show more performances in front of Fang Ming, and to build merits and exchange for opportunities.

Although it is adjacent to Jingzhou, there are 10 Million Li on the road, but Fang Ming has a demon. If you are in a hurry, you will be able to cross the Sword Pavilion in a few days.

Sword Pavilion mountain range The stone blocks the clouds, the gullies are horizontal and vertical, and the rainwater from the Chengxi Mountain and the Jianmen Mountain are all descending from the northwest and the southeast. The river flows through the stream and flows through the stream. Injected into the Water Element of Qingshui River and merged into Jiangling River.

I saw the peaks of the mountains, like straight into the sky, faintly with sharp, breathable.

The mountain road is difficult, next to the cliff of ten thousand zhang, the more white fog haunts, the line of sight is unclear, it is really a walk and the wrong step, it will be broken!

“Swords in the sky of the sword, there is a poem cloud ‘Sword Pavilion 峥嵘 and Cui Wei, a husband when the customs, Wanfu Mokai’, really name is not in vain 呐!”

Fang Ming looked up at the mountain and muttered to himself.

“With the Sword Pavilion and the plank road, the influence of the outside world on the land is very small, so that Shi Longjie can clear up the forces of the land and completely ignore the outside world, but this has its advantages and disadvantages, and then it is necessary to go out of the state to kill, these two natural dangers Also became a hindrance…”

But for Fang Ming and the demon rider, this mortal’s natural danger is just a leisurely one. It’s just as smooth.

I didn’t see Fang Ming’s shot. Sitting on the black squat was just a few jumps. It was easy to pass a steep mountain.

“Black cockroaches have promised, but it is very desperate!” Fang Ming thought about it.

“It’s such a good mount. If it’s a true body, it’s a pity, don’t let it go?”

“Still forever, the four are not as good as before. The past life is still the mount of Jiang Ziya!”

In the middle of Fang Ming’s thoughts floating, the black screams, and has completely passed the Jianmenguan and entered the depression.

“This is… a strong resentment qi!”

As soon as he entered the depression, Fang Ming felt an extremely cold and resentful force coming in the wind.

This doesn’t even require Divine Ability. As long as you have a cultivation base, you can see the light black gas in the Void just by the naked eye.

“I heard that Shi Longjie’s usage is extremely harsh, and it is good to kill people! Zeng Lian but a dozen cities, shocked and dissatisfied!”

“It seems that the rumors have not been exaggerated, but some have been reduced. It is because of this resentment qi, and the people in the squad have died at least half of them!”

Fang Ming has a dignified complexion.

On the way, except for the chaos of Shi Longjie, Fang Ming barely saw half of the flat people. It seems that the people outside the town are almost dead.

“These soldiers are yellow and thin, and they can’t even eat enough. You can hear Shilongjie’s 300,000 army. If it is all. It is almost impossible for Zhou Yu to beat it. It is naturally impossible. He will cultivate elite soldiers. I don’t know how many is there?”

Fang Ming thought about it.

The chaos is coming, and the world is fighting for the dragon. Or the military power is the most prosperous!

The ordinary army of Shi Longjie is almost a refugee. One day only sent to the porridge to suffocate, the ordnance is not, holding the hoe and the like are not bad, most of the hands are still wooden guns.

This kind of army, with extremely strong combat power, meets the professional training of Song Yu and Zhou Yu, and is an army with sufficient military equipment. It must be a one-touch collapse, and it is not a problem to have one enemy.

“Shi Longjie built this squad, I am afraid it is not used to attack the city, but to kill the civilians!”

Fang Ming looked at a deserted village and some woke up.

The village seems to have been ridiculous for a long time, the weeds are raging, the houses are ruined, and there are no people at all. Occasionally, some small animals ran through, and there are some tastes of “ten-class frost and freedom”.

“Heavenly Dao is not benevolent, and everything is a dog! Although Shi Longjie is violently ruthless, it also coincides with Heavenly Dao. It is a machine with a witness to the devil!”

Heavenly Dao treats all things equally, while humanity only pays attention to the development and reproduction of mortals. If there are too many mortals, it will squeeze the living space of other creatures. This is the difference between Heavenly Dao and humanity!

“The true body of the Shinto, the Early Stage is born on the humane! To the Late Stage, but to the Great Dao of World, observe the Heavenly Dao!”

Fang Ming looks a little dignified.

“According to the true body estimate, when Shinto has the right three products, there will be a qualitative change. It can also be said to be the choice of the road. If you choose Heavenly Dao, it is the ancient god, and the same life with the heavens and the earth! The fruit is integrated into the human torrent, and coexists with humanity! This is the most fundamental choice, and it is not allowed to pedal two boats!”

“Shi Longjie is completely invested in Heavenly Dao, or is Heavenly Dao. And the dream is to come out, to prove the immortal, in fact, is also biased towards Heavenly Dao!”

“And what is my path?”

Fang Ming looked at the desolate scenery around him, his eyes flashing in the eyes, and the scene after the traversing came to his eyes, clear and incomparable.

I don’t know how many hours have passed, only to come back to his senses. I saw the black curtain in the sky, with a little bit of fluorescence, and I have already arrived at night without knowing it.

“This is the fundamental avenue, and there is no room for speculation. The true body is still a little hesitant!”

Fang Ming is long sighed then said.

The black squat is very quiet and has been waiting around Fang Ming.

“Fortunately, you are here! Where is this?” Fang Ming looked at all around, but unfortunately they all had the same desolate scenery and could not help but ask.

The golden light flashed, and the black scorpion cleared the scorpion. “You can die!!!! Oh! This is not talking about the lord!!” Lifting the front hoof seems to want to cover the mouth.

“hehe ……” Seeing this scene, Fang Ming is suddenly a loose heart, and the problem of road choices that have been entangled is also put aside.

“How about him, true body, let me go!”

In my heart, I decided to make a decision. Fang Ming felt that the body was clear, and the power that could not be said by the power of God seemed to have changed.

This feeling is mysterious and mysterious, but it exists.

“The longevity is difficult!!!” Fang Ming knew that he had passed a big level on the cultivation and sighed.

Whether it is cultivation of immortality or cultivation of the gods, even ghost repairs, demon repairs, desires for positive results, immortality, must go through numerous levels.

Once there is a slight difference in the pool, it is a big loss, even the cultivation realm slips, the Heart Demon invasion, the physical body, and the hard work into snow!

Every step further is tough, and from time to time with the test of Heart Demon and even the demon, it is a step by step startling.

“Unfortunately, there are thousands of tests, so many obstacles, and you can’t shake the true body to find the eternal life!”

Fang Ming’s gaze was firmer than ever, and the light in the eyes flashed, almost giving birth to electricity!

Another palm is placed on the black skull. “I don’t want to say, do you want to reply to the demon?”

“This says, lord! Hey, this is said!”

Under the pressure of this major event, the black cockroaches finally put away the funny gesture. “Before the old man was settled, he couldn’t wake up, but he still told him to go to Chengdu. After a few waves of people on the way, they were all opened!” It’s only a night away from Chengdu!”

“Good!” Fang Ming thought about it, or said: “It’s too late, or find a place to rest first!”

“If you want to rest, you just passed an abandoned ancestral temple, and you glanced at it. The roof is still there. It seems that you can still live!” Hei said quickly.

“Good! Go there! Depart!”

“Oh!” Blackbird promised to spread back and ran back, and the sound of jingle came out in the dark.

The old temple is old, and I don’t know how long it has been abandoned. There have been no sacrifices, and even a thick layer of dust has been covered on the front of the door.

Surrounded by wild grasses, and even vines clinging to the wall, vines and rags, like a grid.

“peng!” Fang Ming just tried to push the door down, and the two wooden doors crashed into the ground, causing a lot of dust.

Entering the hall of the ancestral hall, Fang Ming looked around and saw the scent of the incense burner, the lampstand, etc., and the main card of the gods enshrined in the middle was missing.

“It seems that this is the family’s relocation and refuge, and even the ancestral tablets are also invited to leave!”

Hu hu!! !

The windows are leaking on all sides, and the cold air is continuously poured into the main hall. The paper dust flutters and flutters, making a sound.

Late at night, broken, cold, strange, and together, there will be a sense of sensation in the immediate rise. If you are a timid person, you will have to be scared away.

But Fang Ming and the others? Since he was not scared by this small squad, he even sneaked a snoring sound.

Fang Ming also stacked the door panels together to ignite the flame regardless of the surrounding scene.

The flame of bright yellow color rises, and the warm rays of light shines, and all around is bright, and the feeling of gloomyness suddenly disappears.

Fang Ming itself is the soul of the soul. Since he does not need such means to warm up, he does so for another purpose.

Waiting quietly, just after the flame rose, there was a voice outside the door: “But someone is inside? Can you let Ning interfere with one or two?”

The voice is thick and sounds like it’s about thirty years old.

“This is unattended here. I am also a passenger. Everyone is inconvenient to go out. They should support each other. What kind of disturbances do not disturb?”

Fang Ming smiled.

“First to the main, then to the guest, this is a rule, can not be checked!”

Along with the sound, a middle age person came in. The lines on the face were hard, horizontal and vertical, giving a lot of color to the ordinary appearance. The eyebrows are a cinnabar, which is unforgettable.

In the middle age, I met Fang Ming. It was another ceremony. The body was bent down deeply: “Excuse me!”

“hehe! Where is it! The night is heavy, please bake the fire!” Fang Ming said.

Hurrying in the middle of the night, in a hurry, must have something to do, or have a lot of trouble on the body, but Fang Ming is the least afraid of trouble.

At this time, I used the Divine Ability. I saw only a few whites in the middle of my head, and I was floating. This is a sign that the body is not thick and not an official.

Instead, a golden one in the middle stood upright, let Fang Ming start small.

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