Golden life, that is the talent of a government, the highest can serve as the official position of the five products, where to put it down.

Fang Ming saw this scene, but also a little interest.

Look at this time, this golden life is surrounded by a trace of white, straight and standing, just right, with a sense of jurisprudence.

“This is literary! It is this anger that this middle-aged is at least a classic reading, and has its own insights, and can be carried out, it is not easy!”

Golden Ming Fang Ming has some invisible eyes, but can be literate, read the legal person, is still somewhat attractive to him, and he can’t help but feel a few words: “Wu Guanbrother travels late at night, there must be Can you tell me one or two?”

The middle age person had a hard color, and then he sighed and said: “little brother, many thanks for your kindness! It’s just that this thing is not going to get rid of it!”

When the middle age person said something, he fell into silence.

Fang Ming sees this, and does not ask more questions. If this person does not understand for help, and finally he is dead, it is also his life is not good, no wonder others!

Both sides are silent, and the moment in the temple is silent, only the sound of the wood burning.

After a while, the middle-aged took two pieces of dry food from the baggage on the back, and went to the campfire to heat it up. He handed it to Fang Ming: “The same is the end of the world, why do you meet each other, little brother, I don’t ask you.” The name, you don’t ask me about the past, or the peace of mind is good, so it won’t hurt you, come, use some dry food!”

Fang Ming took over the dry food, and his eyes flashed. “I am afraid that it will cause trouble, but it is implicated. It seems that this person is provoked the official power, at least it has a relationship with the government!”

Don’t care. Talk to this middle age person.

Since this middle age person has a literary style, he naturally reads poetry. Through conversation, Fang Ming discovered that this person seems to have extremely deep insights into the way of the Legalist family. Every time he talks about it, he is elated.

“Is this person, even a legal disciple?” Fang Ming secretly guessed.

Dagan World Although Confucianism and Taoism prevails, there are also Taoist metaphysics, but the thoughts of the philosophers are still circulating, showing a strong vitality.

Although not in the mainstream. It also has influence.

“The legalist theory is very useful to the rulers. The idea of ​​severe punishment should be resonated with Shi Longjie. If it is a official, the official transport will not be said, at least it will not fall to this point… unless…”

Fang Ming has a guess in his heart.

tread! tread! tread!

The sound of the horse rides and it looks like it. Still coming to the temple, if the middle age is struck by lightning, the dry food in his hand falls to the ground.

“Come on!” Middle-aged Confucian murmurs, got up and went to Fang Ming, cup one fist in the other hand. “little brother, I am tired of you! I am not surrounded by them, or just escape!”

“Where it comes. Then peace, why should brother be so afraid?” Fang Ming expression is light. Still sitting there, not moving.

“oh! You don’t know… It’s a stone king’s army outside. It’s always fierce, killing is also a white kill!” middle age person smiles, see Fang Ming still does not move, and the sound of horseshoes has surrounded the temple, finally shut, double Lost in sight, seems to be thinking about something.

“Mr. Ning, why don’t you leave without saying goodbye? It’s really a good way for the brother to find it!” The sound was heard, and several guardians were surrounded by one person, but with a smile on the face, the scorpion was incapable of turning over. cold.

“Xie, you finally got it!” middle age person looked at Xie Tao, and there was a bitter hatred in his eyes.

“Mr. has a great talent. I talked with Wang on the last time. I am going out in the middle of the night, but I am going to make the king rush, and I am going to come to the guard to go back!”

Xie Xiao said with a smile, it seems to be a very good friend with this middle age.

“Hey! If I stayed again, I will be killed and killed by you sooner or later!” said the middle-aged anger.

“Where to say this, there must be misunderstandings in this, please listen to the brother said …” Xie Wei told the guards on both sides, “Mr. Ning was cold, my mind is not sober, you go to please Mr. Go!”

“No need!” Ning surnamed the middle of the year to push forward the front guard.

I got up by myself, took a thing out of the parcel, and looked at it. It was a book, and I was in front of Fang Ming: “little brother, Ning Mou, who studied for twenty-two years, is still a legal person, and he has a little bit of sincerity. I learned what I have learned, and I am in this “Taiwan Law”. I am in great trouble today. I have no hope of survival. I hope that you can teach this “Current Law of the Ancients” to choose someone. Regret!”

Obviously, I have already lost my mind, and it seems that I feel alive.

“hehe! Please take this little brother together!” Xie Wei said with a sneer.

“Xie Wei! You…” Ning surnamed the middle-aged anger and rushed to the crown, his eyes were red, pointing to Xie Zhen, his arms were a little trembling.

“I asked myself how to be polite to you. Why do you want to be embarrassed with me, even falling in front of Shi Wang?” Middle age person finally asked the question that has been entangled in my heart.

He is a monk named Ning Ruochen. He has read poetry since childhood and has a name. He was recommended to enter Shilongjie.

And this is also the beginning of his suffering.

Shi Longjie used the law strictly, and talked with Ning Ruochen, who is a descendant of the legal family, but he was attracted by the chief of the stone king, Xie Tao.

Not only has it been maliciously wounded, but it has even been murdered.

Ning Ruochen pays for himself in front of Shi Longjie. He can’t compare with Xie Wei, and he is arrogant, life and death, and when he thinks about it, he only flees alone and keeps his life. He doesn’t want this Xie temperament to be so cloudy, he sent a cavalry to follow. Hunting for it!

“Whoever makes you talented, and I don’t know how to converge, I will offend the people in the house for a moment, but I will love the king. Isn’t this the way to death?”

Xie Tao saw this, but also completely tore the dough, at this time his face was stunned, and under the faint flame, it looked like a ghost.

“I have some guesses early, I don’t want to be so!” Ning Ruo dust smiled.

“Want to blame, you will blame you for learning people, and you will be able to show your strength! Give me a look!” Xie Tao drank.

“Mr. Ning, offended!” said the two sergeants, pulling out a long knife.

With a murderous aura, it seems that I want to kill Ning Ruochen directly here!

“The young man, too, kills it! Put the hand and tail clean!” Later, Xie said loudly, the chest was revenged with a refreshing meaning: “There is also a book that is burned together.” I want this to be so dusty and dead!!!!”

Several other priests were separated and came to Fang Ming.

“This is not the fate of this person!” Fang Ming said with a smile.

It was only after the pursuit of the soldiers that Fang Ming had to take the shot. Fang Ming was forced to save because of his previous sentiment.

What’s more, this Xie Qilian Fang Ming is involved in it, even if it does not save Ningruo, those few gentlemen will not let go of Fang Ming, who seems to be a weak scholar.

“Who are you?” Seeing Fang Ming, Xie Tao suddenly felt a little worried, as if he had made a big mistake.

“It doesn’t matter who the true body is, but listen to what you just said, you are Shilongjie’s owner?”

Fang Ming looked at Xie Zhen and asked with some interest.

Xie Tao just wanted to speak, a sergeant sipped: “Yes! This is the lord of the king, thank you, thank you, adults, don’t you see?”

This made Xie Tao’s face smack, and I wished to kill the sergeant directly.

“Heart is poisonous, tricky, not bad!” Fang Ming faintly commented, and looked at Xie Tao’s head, an azure command standing upright, just surrounded by black air, it seems resentment qi entangled, if not his own life High enough, and there is Shi Longjie Longqi protection, long ago life.

“It seems that the life and talent are not completely matched! This Xie Yi has azure’s life, but it is ridiculous for Ning Ruochen of the golden life. It is ridiculous… Of course, it may be that this is too narrow and can not be seen by others. Beyond, or even surpassed…”

“I don’t know who to drive?” Fang Ming’s tone of voice is flat, and he has a condescending attitude, which makes Xie’s heart somewhat uncertain and humble.

Of course, it will not be completely retired because of Fang Ming’s words. If it is Fang Ming’s bluffing plan, then is it not a big tooth?

“You don’t know the true body name!” Fang Ming shook his head and saw that the surrounding priests had the meaning of encircling themselves. Some of them touched their own arms. The fascinating flash of light flashed, and it was obvious how to use them. .

“Black, solve these inconvenient guys!”

“Follow! Master! You can’t eat blood for a long time, this night comes just right!” Hearing the sound of the black screaming outside, with the wind blowing the wind, flying sand running stone, or mixed with the sound of wild beast.

“roar! !!” A huge black shadow fluttered into the room, bringing a hurricane.

“what is this?”

“The knife can’t be cut, the Qi of Blood Fiend is useless!”

“Quickly use symbols… ah!!!”

Suddenly, the shouts of the screams, the screams, the sound of the wild beast screaming.

This evil wind came quickly and went fast. After the mad wind passed, the soldiers in the temple disappeared, and only the ground was bloody.

“This…this…” Xie Yan’s face is a bit whitish. These sergeants are all one-of-a-kind, and they are smashed in the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea. They have a suffocating body and are equipped with a scorpion, which is a real person. Can also resist one or two, how can it be completely annihilated?

When I saw Fang Ming, I looked at it with a smile, and immediately fell to the ground. The girl said: “The little eyes don’t know Mount Tai, and the adults are forgiven!”

“Put your little tricks and take out the things in your trouser legs. The true body will let you live for a while!” Looking at the person in front of this person, the respectful little man gesture, Fang Ming said, the voice was cold.

“It’s still a big man!” Xie Xiao smiled, his hands swayed, and took a yellow paper with a plaque from his trouser legs. The aura on it was extremely dark, and it was impossible to fluctuate and the concealment was extremely high.

“This is the earthworm symbol given to me by Shi Wang. It is the secret of the inheritance of the thick earth sect. It is also available to mortals. It can instantly smash out a hundred miles…”

Xie Tao is a bachelor, but seeing Fang Ming, not waiting to ask questions, will be the confession of the plaque.

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