
Looking at the old body’s body shape immediately dried up, turned into a dead body, the road can not help but cry.

She knows that this is the Master’s backlash of the bottom of the discipline and will be dispelled. Otherwise, with the old way of the mana, you can definitely survive this robbery!

Daogu cried, and felt a light hand.

Lifting the pretty face of the weeping beauty, I saw that the old corpse was completely turned into fly ash, leaving only one sect, scattered on the futon.

“The backlash of Heaven’s Punishment is so fierce?” Dao’s heart was so cold that he was so upset that he could hardly help himself.

This is the invasion of the outer magic machine, to break the aunt!

Weng weng! ! !

At this critical moment, the mysterious woman in the hands of Daogu suddenly burst into a fluorescent, and there was a cool meaning coming from the jade pendant, and entered the body.

On the face of the road, some confused eyes are also awake.

“I…what’s wrong with this…” Daogu looked at the scene in front of him, and tightened his hand in the hands of Xuan, and could not help but think back to the past.

“I saw Heaven’s Punishment’s viciousness, and it was disturbed by the outside army. It was already a misguided mistake. Fortunately, there is a mysterious woman.”

Daoguzi is completely awake, “This mysterious woman is not my lord to the treasure! I need to hand it over to the three divisions to protect the mountain gate!”

No longer hesitating, worshipping the worship of the old things, worshipping the red eyes, long exit gas, and got up the great hall.

Outside, the Great Mountain Protecting Array of the nine-day Xuan female sect stood proudly. It seems that the big bloody sacrifice was just doing nothing.

“Blood sacrifice is still not enough!” The execution officer saw the scene, frowned. “Let’s go to the book later, and then take more prisoners tomorrow. See how you resist?”

At this time, there was a loud gong in the distance. The officer hated and looked at Fairy Peak: “You are lucky!”

Go back and drink: “Yinjin receives troops!”

This kind of scene has already appeared more than once. Shi Longjie came to prisoners everywhere, and even directly slaughtered the people. He wanted to use the blood sacrifice to break the Great Mountain Protecting Array of the nine-day Xuan female sect, and the big squad of the nine-day Xuan female sect did not support it. Then there is azure jade pendant flying out to add to Xiaguang.

However, Shi Longjie seems to have a well-thought-out attitude and will continue to attack. Daily blood sacrifice is constant.

“According to this situation, as long as Shi Longjie once again has a blood sacrifice, the big battle will be undoubtedly broken, but why did he even send the gold to the army and give the nine-day Xuan female sang a breather?”

“Is it true? Is this really a trick to enemies? No! In the middle of the gate, it is headed by the nine-day Xuan female sect. Other Sects are scattered, I am afraid they are not in the eyes of Shi Longjie.”

Fang Ming looked at the scene and couldn’t help but slam the stone dragon’s intention. However, I feel that there are so many things that I don’t know.

“How about him, the true body is waiting here, not entering. Wait until the day of the break, then choose the machine, if it is not appropriate. You can get out as soon as possible…”

Fang Ming has come to Yizhou and has already gained a lot. This time, nothing is gained, and nothing can be done.

Since it is saved, it is also happy. The idea of ​​defeating can be happy, and there is no desire for it. Shi Longjie is no longer able to arrange it, nor can he design it on Fang Ming.

Fang Ming presses the heart and waits quietly.

Unexpectedly, the second day, Shi Longjie pressed a lot of prisoners before the Xiaguang big array to beheaded, with blood gas resentment qi.

Xiaguang gradually lost, and when I saw it, it was time for the nine-day Xuan female sect to take out the heavy luck.

Fang Ming looked far away, suddenly pupils shrank: “The air chaos, this is the horror of Shi Longjie ambush!”

Sure enough, the Fary Peak in the distance gradually collapsed, but there was no luck in the rescue.

Not only that, but also the sound of magic light and fighting.

“Three Masters, why are you doing this? Actually betrayed the door?” Young Dao is a little lost, and the sword in his hand points to a middle-aged Taoist.

The middle-aged Taoist people first had a twilight, and soon they converge: “I am also in order to inherit the inheritance of the mysterious female sect. The stone king is unified with Yizhou. It is the owner of Yizhou. I am recalcitrant. Only the smoke is gone, I wait for Dao Cultivator, not Should you listen to your destiny? The current Yizhou destiny is the royal king of Shihwang!!!”

At this time, the middle age person shouted, and there was a “righteousness” on his body.

“You…Master and sect master have said that Shi Longjie is a ghost king, fierce and tyrannical, how is the Lord?”

Young Dao’s chest is ups and downs, his face is red, and he is obviously not very angry.

“If you really want to go, the teacher is not good to retain, but the mysterious woman is the treasure of my ancestors, but also the uncle!”

At this time, several true gatherings were gathered around the young Daogu. It seemed that she was headed by her, and the young Dao was biting her teeth, or talking to the middle-aged Taoist.

“Handing over the mysterious woman?” The middle-aged Taoist expression ridiculously, “Are you a fool in your grandfather?”

This mysterious woman is a treasure trove of gas, and there are not many pieces in the whole world. It is expensive and abnormal, and it can suppress its own gas transportation. It has great use.

The middle-aged Taoist people can’t keep it, but they should also be regarded as the step of entering the body. How can they easily let go?

“Sure enough, the wolf ambition! Junior Brother Junior Sister, this person is not my uncle! I am going to take this person and win back the mysterious woman!”

Daogu is drinking.

“Yes!” Dao Gu seems to be in a high position in the door. Around the nine-day Xuan female patriarch disciples, after listening, they all sipped: “Leading orders!”

Middle-aged Taoists look at their lineage’s discipline surrounded by groups, not byfrowned.

His lineage has been at a disadvantage in the nine-day Xuan female sect, and the discipline is also rare. If it is not the sect master and several Elder seriously stunned, he is not allowed to impudent.

And now surrounded by the discipline, he even has some taboos, can not help but say:

“Xuan Che Shi, you put the uncle to go, to the king of Shi Wang, the uncle is also pleading for you, otherwise the army will arrive, regret it late…”

At this time, a clear wave of volatility was introduced into the ears of the people.

The young Dao is a white face, but the middle-aged Taoist is Muran’s happy color: “haha… the big break is broken, you will wait until the death is coming! If you abandon the darkness now, maybe there is still a chance to survive!”

I heard that the big array was broken, the surrounding disciplines were all sorrowful, and I heard the words of the people. Many disciples were squatting.

Pu! pu! rays of light ! ! With blood!

Taking advantage of the disciplinary opportunity, the Taoist long sword waved, and there was a snowy edge, and two disciplines surrounding him were cut and broke out.

He knew that at this time, if the disciples were succumbing to death, they would have to confess to them. Since the ancient gentlemen did not stand under the dangerous wall, Xuan Nianpei has already arrived, and naturally it is the best policy.

“Kill!!!” As the big array was broken, waiting for the soldiers below, prepared the flying claw ropes and other things, climbed up.

In a moment, it was killed before the nine-day Xuanzong Zongshanmen.

“At this time, the smashing of the big squad is not successful, and it will start, and there will be no death. I will protect the sect master and several Elders, and break out from the mountainside!”

The young Dao has seen this, but also decided to say.

Also pointed to a few people, “When you go to clean up the magic of the classics, you can’t take it away, then you will burn it!”

“Follow the law!”

Two disciples look at each other, and there is a decisive color in the scorpion.

“Hehe! Did the little nephews hide here?”

The door was suddenly opened, and a team of sergeants entered, and the first one laughed.

“eliminate demons protect the dao, just in this battle!” Daoguqing sipped, flying a few cold stars in the cuffs, flying to the front of the squad in the face of lightning.

Pu! pu! pu!

A few of the priests couldn’t dodge, and they flew out. After they fell to the ground and struggled for a while, they were physically tall and completely dying.

“A good fierce woman!” The surrounding sergeants are sucked in a breath of cold air and hacked several times by discipline.

“Fast, break the law to prepare, adjust the archers come!” See the nine-day Xuan female sect discipline not only the high-spirited spells, it seems that there are also weak martial arts in the body, but the leader of the sergeant is the order.

“Don’t be in love, break out!” The young Dao sipped and saw the blade between the light, and several Junior Brothers fell to the ground and couldn’t help but scream.

Although the nine-day mysterious female disciples also learned some martial arts, but most of them are to keep fit, wherever I have seen the fight of real thing, there are now many people who have been killed by the battle.

Hearing the words of the aunt, many disciples broke through, and several were entangled in the soldiers, and were surrounded by the subsequent army and bow. The entire nine-day Xuan female sect suddenly fell into a Corpse Mountain Blood Sea.

“The original Shi Longjie ambushed the darkness in the nine-day Xuan female sect. It is no wonder that this is done to reduce casualties…”

Fang Ming looked at the top flame of Fairy Peak and couldn’t help but mutter.

“The nine-day Xuan female sect is the same large-scale gate as the Baiyunguan and Dongxuanpai. At least one of them has a heavy airlifting treasure. There are real-life masters in all ages, and there are countless medicine pill books and materials…”

Fang Ming looked at the mysterious female Zongshan Gate in the flame, and could not help but think a few thoughts.

“Don’t say that the luck of the treasure, it is the inheritance of inheritance, and certainly above the Qingmu Zong and other scattered repairs, the true body to understand the rules of the road, a lot of benefits!”

Fang Ming blinked in the eyes, and it was completely hidden.

Pick up the shackles, a few flashes, and go to the battlefield.

“Well?” Fang Ming looked at it and found out. “This middle-aged Taoist is in a hurry. When he sees the Stone King, he is not scared. It seems to be a dark room. He has a treasure, and he is lucky. in his body!”

“The young girl on the other side, the woman on the back is the nine-day sect master sect master in the cloud fairy! Fruit has a bit of color! In the soul of these two people, there must be a basic book!”

“These two places are the most valuable on the battlefield!”

“The true body is the avenue. Naturally, it is a classic. It is a treasure, but it does not matter!”

Fang Ming turned his mind and looked forward to the young road.

In the long sword flying, several people flew out.

The young Dao is carrying a person, and the bloody battle is in a row. At this time, it is completely disengaged and sweaty.

“It doesn’t become…” Daogu saw the soldiers who were surrounded by him, and could not help but show the color of despair.

Later, there were more and more soldiers, and the military became more and more prosperous. In the middle, there was even a dragon, and the spells were banned. Only the secular martial arts were available.

But now, the physical strength of the Tao is not enough.

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