“Sect master, mysterious and incompetent, can’t lead Junior Brother Zhong Wei to escape this robbery. At this time, only with the sect master to go to Xuan Ming, from the troubles of chaos!”

Xuan Che Dao bites his teeth and looks at the soldiers who are surrounded by slutty laughs. He fully knows that if he falls into their hands, he will suffer something that is not as good as death.

At this point, I looked at the sect master on the back, and the light in the scorpion flashed.

The long sword broke out, and the two men on the fence were smashed and opened, and the gap was opened, but with the fairy in the cloud on the back, the flying body flew into a wooden attic burning with a majestic fire.

“Good decision! It’s so strong! It’s just that you don’t want to be smeared by the chaos!” Fang Ming said with amazement.

In the past, it was the Xuan Xue Dao who had temporarily escaped, and could not avoid the later sergeant. It was called the ten dead and no life. At this time, it was a resolute decision to preserve the innocence.

Struggling with the hand, the two souls were wrapped in golden light and flew out of the fire. “Don’t blame the true body. If you take the flesh of you, it’s too cumbersome. It’s so convenient!”

Fang Ming expression Indifference.

If you just shot, you can save the two people, you have to bring these two people, highlighting the stone dragon package, the difficulty is ten times bigger? Fang Ming asked himself to be unfamiliar and never do this stupid thing.

Anti-Righteous Path books are in their souls, why bother in the flesh?

“The classics start! Great good! Great good! If you want to take the treasure, the best of both worlds!”

The classics have already arrived. If you can come back to a treasure, Fang Ming will be happy to see it. Find the position of the middle-aged Taoist and follow it.

On the other hand, the middle-aged Taoist showed the token. Being guarded by several defenders, he rushed down the hill.

“haha…the slut in the cloud! Always keep the road ahead. Let me wait for the avenue to hopeless, and now I have finally retributed. It’s really great!!!”

The middle-aged Taoist people looked at the nine-day mysterious female ancestor who was familiar with the child as a purgatory. Although it was sad, more was pleasure.

I also touched a thing in my arms: “This mysterious woman is wearing… Xuan female, shouldn’t it be handed over to Shi Wang?”

Xuan Nian Pei Nai is the luck of the treasure, the benefits are endless, the Taoist people can not help but a bit of greed, then I think of Shi Wang, although young, but see through the world, burning the black scorpion of the red world of the three worlds. In my heart, it was a big cold, and I pressed my thoughts down.

“In any case, I offer a mysterious woman, and Shi Wang always has to give some benefits…”

But how much benefit is given, how can it compare with a gas to treasure? In the hearts of the Taoist people, the pace of the heavens and the war, the pace can not help but slow down, and now, there is no Xuan female Zongshanmen.

“Found it!” A clear drink sounded like it came from above nine days. More with a hint of joy.

Somehow the Taoist, after hearing this voice, was full of cold hair, and his heart was alarming. It seems that I have seen some natural enemies, sweating my hands and shaking my legs.

“Who? Defend adults!”

A few sergeants around are just mortals. The spirit is not high, but there is no such a keen sense. At this time, the long knife is sheathed and surrounded by the Taoist group. One of them also sent a signal, a group of green fireworks rushed to the sky, and the surrounding priests saw this, all whistling and coming over.

This prohibits the line and responds quickly. It is the pro-military of Shi Longjie!

Fang Ming praised him in his heart, but he kept on his hands and pointed to the ground.

Hong long! ! ! As Fang Ming slammed out, the ground where the Taoist people were suddenly rolled up, and the ground was picked up, like a huge wave, coming to these people, and it seemed to be alive. kill!

“Hah! Hefang demon! Actually use the demon method!” A sergeant loudly shouted, the head of the bloody suffocating, and a few long knives around the same knife cut out, facing the ground is a slap! ! !

Dong!! Dong!! Dong!!

The long knife smashed on the ground, and it was unable to break through. Instead, it made a metal collision, and even a few sparking stars.

“This…nothing!!!” said the leader.

Ordinary Dafa magic, as long as the military is mad at the blood, and then with the Yang Shi martial arts, can basically break more than half, not a real cultivation base, or have a treasure, can not support.

And this earth magic, can actually fight hard with the Yang Shi blood gas, no damage! You must know that they are the king of Shiwang, and even receive a bit of dragon blessing! ! !

The Taoist people are also discolored, no longer hesitate, and they will be tempted to take out the mysterious woman from the arms.

He knows that this is the enemy’s mana, I am afraid that it is still on the sect master cloud fairy, and only the mysterious woman can protect his life!

At this time, the situation is urgent. The Taoist bites the tip of the tongue, and the spout is hot, and it is sprinkled on the mysterious woman.

The hot blood drops on the ring of the jade pendant, which reflects the green eyes of the mysterious woman. The surface is shiny and shiny, and it will start! ! !

“Give the true body!”

The mysterious voice was drinking again, and the phantom of the azure jade seal in Void flashed past, and a green gas hangs down, and the mysterious woman screams, and the rays of light faint.

Although the mysterious woman and the Taiping seal are both air and treasure, the power can not be far apart, but the user difference between Heaven and Earth, play a natural disparity in formidable power.

In the desperate eyes of the middle-aged Taoist, all around the soil is closed, wrapping him and the surrounding Austin.

Bang! ! !

The sound of a sore bone cracked, and a lot of blood flowed out of the gap.

Spit out and spread out. At this time, the three people inside have already done their best, and they can not be separated.

In the middle of flesh and blood, there is a glimmer of color, and azure light is placed outside.

“It’s not a bad luck!”

Fang Ming smiled, reached out and beckoned, and the mysterious woman moved, seemingly pulled by a transparent thread and floated to Fang Ming.

From the time of Fang Ming’s shot, now the mysterious woman Pei Fei came, but it’s just a moment, even the last few soldiers have not arrived.

“Not bad! Good!” Looking at the mysterious woman Pei Fei near, Fang Ming’s eyes are not a slight feminine.

The success of this shot is far beyond his expectations.

“Bold! I dare to grab the Solitary King!”

Just as the mysterious woman Pei Fei went to the air, Fang Ming’s ear suddenly sounded like a thunder.

This sounds with a tiger screaming, shocked a hundred miles, Fang Ming looked back, saw a black-armored silhouette, right hand fist, air blast, slammed out here! ! !

The air seems to be flattened by this fist, condensed into clear crystal, and squeezed into Fang Ming.

Just the wind caused by the fist, there is such a power! ! !

In Fang Ming’s eyes, this fist is not only with a huge phantom, but also a black snake-like monster. There is no horn on the top of the head, but there are two claws under the belly. The body is huge and bloated, and it is terrible! ! !

“This is… Python!!!” Fang Ming pupils shrank, his face is very dignified.

Although in the rumor, the giant dragon does not enter the dragon species, but Fang Ming can still feel the strong Flood Dragon atmosphere! ! !

Giant python, under the sway of the dragon, Fang Ming feels with the body, and the spirit of the sea pool seems to be suppressed, not working! ! !

Dragon Supreme, killing and killing, suppressing the majesty of Five Elements, all at the moment suppressed on Fang Ming! ! !

The golden power is sinking, letting Fang Ming drive it all, it seems to be completely controlled by the dragon! ! !

“Great!” Fang Ming looked at the oppressed fist, his mouth muttering, but there was no horror.

“Dragon gas suppresses Five Elements, even the golden power can suppress, but unfortunately, the true body has begun to break through bottleneck, gathering green gas!!!”

Fang Ming’s golden light is completely introverted and seems to be turned into a mortal. It is a movement in the dark, and from the inside out, it emits a faint cyan ray halo.

This cyan ray is very weak, soft and soft, but can stand up under the pressure of dragons! ! !

“The true body is not bad, although the dragon is powerful, but there are many great gods in the past, can maintain the sacrificial belief under the secular kingship, and it is really strong and capable of resisting!!!”

The predecessor’s kingship is concentrated, and there are many sacrifices. The gods can survive and naturally have resistance! ! !

The power in the world is the essence. If the former gods did not have the power of self-protection, how could the rulers give them space to live and even lead the sacrifice?

“In the Shinto, golden is the backbone, and azure is the great god, you can resist the evil of the world’s Flood Dragon!!!”

Fang Ming laughed and waved out. If the best white jade made no hands on the silk, it was surrounded by green air.

Hong long! ! !

The black giant fist and the azure fist collided, and a huge explosion force was produced. The aftermath of Fang Ming and the black-armored person made the whole yard fly into the sky. Within the square ten zhang, the land was all picked up and the creatures disappeared! ! !

The mysterious woman was affected by the war, and she flew out of ten several li and disappeared.

“Flood Dragon’s anger, the image of the giant python, is Shi Longjie!!!”

Although Fang Ming has never seen Shi Wang, but from the weather just now, this black armor must be Shi Longjie undoubtedly! ! !

The black-armored person approached, revealing a very young face, and it seemed that the eyes were still burning with the flames of the world! !

“I just got the news from Neizi, saying that the city has come from Wuzhou and I don’t want to come so fast!”

Shi Longjie seems to have raised a thing in his hand. At this time, he threw it on the ground. Fang Ming saw it. It turned out to be a ghost. The body of the nine yin lingered, it turned out to be a ghost repair! ! !

“It seems that Shi Longjie and the Ghost Army just went to the ghost of the nine-day Xuan female sect to go to the Senior!”

Fang Ming is clear, the ghost repairs are invisible, the mortal is hard to see, the Yangshi army has no great use, and it is also a soul body. It is convenient to fly, and it will escape to it if you don’t pay attention, it’s Shilongjie personally. Killing with a ghost army! !

This ghost repair on the ground, the body of the nine yin is strong, has been half a step of the human cultivation base, it seems that it is the ghost of the nine days of the female sect.

“true body came to Yizhou, it is to hear that Shi Wang is the world’s hero, deliberately come to see, really worth is not in vain !!!”

Fang Ming said, looking at the black day wheel behind Shi Longjie, the color of his face is getting thicker and he has already retired.

Although azure can compete against Flood Dragon, Fang Ming is not strong enough, and it won’t last long. Shi Longjie is in the middle of the road, and he has to support it in the air. It is a dead end.

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