“I have a lot of scenery in Yizhou, I also want to stay in the city, and read it with one or another!”

Shi Longjie is also clearly seeing Fang Ming’s intentions, behind the black day, it is full of shots! ! !

“The sky is extinct, the soul of the soul is !!!”

Shi Longjie burned black flames on his body, and his hands seemed to take the power of extinction, and Muran grabbed it! ! !

Shi Longjie is also a ghost king, but obviously in the Peak, the cultivation base is far above the stone lady.

Fang Ming seems to hear a lot of ghosts crying in the ear, seeing the world fluttering in the eyes, the heart shakes.

The ghost repair at the foot of Shi Longjie was stained by the black flame. Even if he didn’t even export a sentence, he turned into black smoke and added it to the big day behind Shi Longjie.

“This black flame is so powerful that it seems to be able to devour all things, gain strength, supplement itself, and increase power!”

Fang Ming’s face is extremely dignified, and the golden day behind it emerges, and the youthfulness is faint, and it is against the black day.

The rays of light on both sides of the day illuminate the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

“Heaven Turning Seal!”, “Traditional!”

In the face of this method of extinction, Fang Ming is no longer reserved, and all efforts are made. Fan Tiandi’s second seal has been pressed from nine days, rising from ten places, and both sides have hit the black giant claw of Shi Longjie.

Bang!! ! ! !

Azure light and black gas entangled, and an extremely violent explosion suddenly occurred.

The entire mysterious female peak was cut off, and Muran was short.

The nine-day Xuanzong Zongshanmen was also completely wiped out in the competition of Fang Ming. Whether it is still resisting the disciples or slaughtering soldiers, there are no bones.

And in the middle of the two hands. There has been a deep invisible giant pit, black and white. It seems to extend to the bottom of the nine.

Shi Longjie held his hand and his face turned dignified. “A good city god!”

Oh la la! ! !

There was a burst of noise on the body, and the black armor that was originally worn was broken into pieces and fell like a butterfly.

Shi Longjie’s face was white, and it seemed that he had suffered damage in the previous hands.

Hu hu hu!! !

Fang Ming rides on the black scorpion, and the scenery on both sides is going backwards.

The black scorpion is a big demon, and it is far from the battle between Fang Ming and Shi Longjie. It is unharmed. At this time, Fang Ming is on the road.

“This stone dragon is at least the ghost king Peak. Touch the ghost gatekeeper!”

Fang Ming is indulging, he and Shi Longjie play against each other, it is not a winner, but Shi Longjie has the backing of Yizhou Longqi, and Fang Ming is away from the game.

“It’s a pity that the girl is wearing it!”

Shi Longjie is a ghost king and has a dragon spirit. He is a character on the level of Fang Ming, against the enemy. Also distracted, it said that you should not eat a big loss, Fang Ming will not be like this.

“It seems that the heavy weight of the gas will fall into the hands of Shi Longjie. Fortunately, the true body has received the fairy in the cloud and the soul of a true biography. It is not without gain.”

“The situation in the world is already urgent, especially the Taishang Road has a collusion with Shi Longjie. The plot is not small! When you return to Wuzhou, you must first make a man!”

Fang Ming is determined to flash. I don’t know what to guide and I’m running faster…

“Wang?” Fairy Peak top. At this time, it was a mess, and the middle stone dragon stood in the direction of Fang Ming’s departure. The ray of light flashed in the eye, I don’t know what to think.

At this time, the defenders at the foot of the mountain saw Fairy Peak’s change, and they were busy coming up to save the car.

“Lonely king has nothing to do!” Shi Longjie waved his hand and looked at all around again.

The original nine-day Xuanzong Zongshanmen Palace, connected with the discipline and the siege, were all ashes in the struggle between Fang Ming and Shi Longjie.

“It’s clean! The lonely king of the province started!” Shi Longjie looked gloomy and uncertain. After a moment, a sudden smile made: “The class teacher returned to camp!”

“Nuo!” Although Wang Shang was safe and sound in this horror scene, it was a bit weird, but the soldiers did not even ask half a word.

There has always been only a dead end in the secret of the upper class, let alone the tyrant of Shi Longjie?

The desolation of the military horn sounded, and Shi Longjie’s scorpion was slightly stunned.

“Wuzhou Wu Guogong is the enemy of the Lone King! This is a sinister thing, can’t be dragged!”

Originally, any master, after playing the next place, had to spend a lot of thoughts to control, in order to settle the people’s livelihood, but Shi Longjie is different, the usage is extremely strict, and the people are plundered very seriously, and the middle is completely broken. If you don’t find another place to plunder, he Your own army must be cut off! ! !

As long as the next state, Shi Longjie is sure to let the Black Day Perfection, when it is the city god, or the Taoist real life, are not afraid! ! !

“City God! Dream Fairy!”

Shi Longjie burned black flames and seemed to see two silhouettes…

Because it is a return trip, there is no need to observe the people’s feelings. Fang Ming is a black monster and a monster. He is physically strong. His daily routine is just a leisurely time. Fang Ming also uses Divine Ability to assist him. However, after a few days of hard work, he returned to Wuzhou.

Once in Wuzhou, Fang Ming felt a strong blessing on his own, and he was all in a good mood. He also had a feeling of “destiny in his hand.”

“This is the home of the true body! True body in Wuzhou, like Shilongjie in Yizhou, can get a side World blessing, no disadvantage!”

Fang Ming feels it carefully, it feels like returning to the mother body, not only calm and calm, but also a feeling of being covered by warm current.

“Master… lord…” The black scorpion on the other side did not feel anything. At this time, his face squinted and he was an impatient color.

“What are you doing?” Fang Ming shook his head and smiled. “The true body will still kill you!”

Point out, right in the middle of the black forehead: “Solution!”

The black roared, the ground rolled, the black wind rushed, and when it appeared again, it had become another thing, the whole body was dark, the claws were sharp, the whole body was patterned, and there was a “king” on the forehead.

It turned out that this black scorpion body turned out to be the Black Tiger demon! ! !

Not only that, this black tiger is far more common than usual, all around has a black wind surging, at a glance, out of the ordinary!

The world has a cloud: “The cloud is from the dragon, the wind is from the tiger!” The black tiger is all around the black wind, and it is obvious that it is a big demon.

The black tiger recovered its original appearance, and happily roared and snarled, and the body was still unfolding, but the copper bell was still hung on the neck, giving a crisp sound, which formed a strong contrast with the mighty appearance, making people laugh.

“Master…you see this?” Although the black tiger recovered its original appearance, it was smothered by Fang Ming. Now the tiger’s face is full of smiles, and the claws point to the brass bell on the neck.

“This copper bell is a true body mark, and you can also use it to contact the true body, but you don’t have to take it!”

Fang Ming shook his head.

Blackbird patted the big head: “Contact? Master, have you promised to transform your body? Don’t you be black now?”

“haha…” Fang Ming laughed and knocked on the top of the black skull.

“You follow the true body these days, it’s really hard, the true body will put you back to the mountain, when it will be useful to you, it will be summon!”

“As for the people, it’s not the time, but you can rest assured that true body will not say anything!”

“roar roar roar! !!many thanks lord! many thanks!”

The black tiger was overjoyed. He thought it was the life of a horse. He didn’t want to go back, and Fang Ming also promised to cast a flesh for him in the future. The exit was a tiger cub, and he would not even say anything.

When I thought of eating so many days of forage, I had some nausea in my abdomen. When I thought about blood food, I couldn’t stand it. The saliva flowed out.

“Master, then you will leave…”

“Well! You go here, the mountain pig wild deer in the forest, you can take the appointment, but remember not to hurt people, especially the city believers, otherwise true body spare you!”

Fang Ming finally asked a word.

“The lord is relieved, and the province is very powerful!” Black screamed at the tiger’s head.

I was so impatient again that the tiger’s body seemed to be beheading Fang Ming.

After worshipping three times, the black tiger screamed in the sky, the wind swelled, and the sound was severe li. The number of forests not far away was bent.

“haha… 俺 Free! Pheasant hare, and sika deer, oh old black come!!!”

Far away, I saw a shadow on the ground, like a whirlwind, and disappeared into the jungle in a flash.

“Although this black scorpion is quite awkward, it is not a cover for a demon power. It is a majestic man!”

Fang Ming looked at the back of the black tiger, and faintly commented.

Now his men, regardless of the influence of Yang Shi Song Yu, in fact, there are few outstanding talents, Xie Jin Xu Yuan, etc. Although the martial arts are outstanding, but at most only comparable to the core disciple, if you do not rely on military, it is not true. .

And this black tiger, talking about the devilish power, has been equal to the real person, but the wild beast is open, the wisdom is still not accumulated enough, and the fight is broken, but it will be broken by the real person.

“This black tiger, after training, is a good gold medalist!”

Fang Ming smiled and said that the black tiger in the running was so cold that he did not know that he was behind the identity of the mount and was tagged by the owner with a beater.

“For the time being, let’s put it in the wild, and then have a good life and teach!” Fang Ming has been for many years and now has been to the point of perfection.

For the black tiger, this fair and reasonable character is to be tempted and supplemented by rules. Of course, it is inevitable to give it some sweetness.

“Leaving for so long! I don’t know how many things are in the city’s jurisdiction!”

Fang Ming thought of it, no longer delays, the golden light flashed at the foot, and the Divine Ability of Shrink the Ground to an Inch was transported, and the figure disappeared into the open space.

He is a god of Ammin and has a busy business. If he does not establish a system, he will assign specific tasks to his subordinates. How can he have this leisure trip?

But even so, there are still a lot of major events that can’t be decided, or a backlog, waiting for him to come back.

“This time the tour, in addition to the state of the South, the true body has been to, the situation is already clear.”

Fang Ming thought: “The population of Jiaozhou is still less than two million, and it is mostly sullen and evil. It is almost useless for the world to fight for the dragon. Don’t bother.”

“And Jingzhou, the big governor Zhou Yu, although he took down Jiangling, but also consumes his own strength, Fuyang is the world’s big city, and the dragon city also has some weather, I am afraid it is not so easy.”

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