Under Fang Ming’s Divine Ability, the ancestral graves are full. ∽

Fang Ming In the eyes, the divine light is shining, and it can be seen that the golden gas gathers. On the other hand, there is a generation of green gas, and the gas is turned into a scarlet Flood Dragon. The eye is azure and the golden light is out of the ordinary.

Originally, the foundation was good. First, it was forced by Fang Ming to change the atmosphere with Divine Ability. After that, the water lotus people arranged the Feng Shui pattern with the point of the mountain pen. The dragon and tiger gathered together and became a small dragon.

Although it is still somewhat inferior to the Jilong of the Qianlong, it is enough for the children and grandchildren to have the hope of the public.

But now, the Scarlet Flood Dragon is snarling, and there is a sigh of relief on the top of the nine days. The golden flower of the earth rises and the clouds rise. The two gases are combined on the dragon body. The Flood Dragon turns over and the claws are five. Toe, a reverse scale is produced under the throat, and there is a majestic atmosphere in the body.

“This… this is not Akasaka, but the Red Dragon!” Fang Ming was shocked.

In theory, all the princes who are on the side of the law are full of the spirit of Flood Dragon, but the Red Dragon is a further step of the Flood Dragon, just a step away from the True Dragon.

In the troubled times, Flood Dragon has no fixed number, but the five-color dragon elephant is no more than three fingers!

It was before, when it was lost, True Dragon faded, and it became a red dragon!

“With this red dragon, distraction can not only open the country, but also have a hundred years!”

Fang Ming looked at the Red Dragon, could not help but think of the past life, the ancient emperor does not occupy Nine Provinces, can not be orthodox, difficult to become a True Dragon, but also make great efforts, confrontation with other enemy countries for centuries, the countries of the country, are all True Dragon What? It’s just a Jackie Chan!

Compared with the Song Dynasty, there are Song, Liao, Xixia, Tubo, and Dali confrontation, among which. Song and Liaozhu must have dragons. Each of the five virtues, and Xixia, Tubo, Dali three countries. The dragon is weak, but it is only the Flood Dragon.

Only the Song destroys Liao, or the Liao and Song Dynasties, the winner can achieve True Dragon!

Of course, the result of the struggle between the two dragons is that the last prairie Hu people benefited, according to Nine Provinces, with the appearance of Black Dragon on the True Dragon!

“It’s just a small dragon here. How can you get the image of this red dragon?”

Fang Ming is somewhat puzzled. In the eyes of the golden light skyrocketing, more with a silk azure, and found.

“Good guy! Flood Dragon is actually pulling the Qi of Earth Vein on its own. It seems that there is Heavenly Dao helping, and the dragon and tiger gather together, which is far beyond the cave of the dragon!”

Fang Ming is looking for Divine Ability to reach the top, and I can see the talents of the world. Now I see that the Qi of Profound Yellow is attracted by the Flood Dragon and comes from the whole Wuzhou. Heavenly Dao not only released all the way, but also lowered the azure, and transformed the ancestral grave.

With Heavenly Dao help, the ancestral graves changed. Since the wind is smooth, it will be achieved.

“This is a self-satisfaction! No more than a true body before the forced collection of the ground, there are hidden dangers. Great good! Great good!”

Fang Ming laughed, and there was a hidden color in the blind.

Then the Heavenly Dao of this World is running. There are some comprehension.

“Distraction defeated Li Rubi and officially boarded the position of Qianlong. And this side Heavenly Dao can only agree with this result. As Song Yu wins the world, Heavenly Dao will tilt to this side. It’s still a small matter. When Song Yu officially ascended the throne, I am afraid that this cemetery will be officially turned into a cave of True Dragon!!!”

Qi’s Qi of Earth Vein, this non-thinking, will naturally gather in the powerhouse. Now Song Yu called the public state, the air transport is high, and the ancestral land is driven. The ancestral grave is like a huge magnetic field, attracting Wu Earth Dragon. Thus the dragon! ! !

Fang Ming feels the convergence of the dragon’s veins, and can’t help but sigh: “The previous man-made modification is just a trail. How can this Heavenly Dao be shot, and it will be awesome and unworkable!”

See also Hu Chunsheng still waiting on the side, uneasy, said by the comfort: “true body has been viewed, this is the Song Gongzu De strong, self-receiving the evolution of the atmosphere, you do not have to worry!”

“Yes! Yes!” Although Hu Chunsheng had speculation before, but seeing Fang Ming, it is still not long-term export.

Fang Ming saw the fire, and saw that the weeds along the graves of Song Yuzu were extinct. They were cleaned up neatly, and even around the cemetery, they were carefully taken care of by Hu Chunsheng, and a small road was built for the sacrifice of the ancestors. People walking, not bydunded: “You are a red snake mountain god, still doing a good job! The reward!”

“How do you dare to reward for the main public?” Hu Chunsheng quickly slammed the ground, but the color of the face, but how can not hide it.

“The true body has always been rewarded and penalized, you don’t have to quit!” Fang Ming said: “Hu Chunsheng listens!”

“The villain is!” Hu Chunsheng slammed his head and peng peng.

“When you were the Red Snake Mountain God, you will be loyal and dedicated, and you will be careful, and this is a red snake mountain mutation. It should be changed to the “Chilong Mountain”. ”

“many thanks the Lord! Many thanks to the Lord!” Hu Chunsheng was grateful to zero, repeatedly beheading.

Originally, he was a red-snake mountain god, but the district was in the midst of a nine-person priesthood, and his character was low. He did not even have the qualification to see Fang Ming directly. Now he is a direct-selling product. It is also in the middle of the Fang Ming Shinto system. .

What’s more, every time a god is promoted, it will rise with the power of the gods. These are the strengths of the red and bare naked!

Fang Ming waved his hand, Hu Chunsheng’s golden light flashed, the original Zhengzhou nine official clothing disappeared, but replaced by the eight-body official uniform, the body is superficial, and the face is a bit of majestic color.

“Thank you for the Lord!” Hu Chunsheng thanked.

“Chilongshan is the main air force, the status is important, true body also rewards you with a pass token, you can see the true body at any time after this order!”

Fang Ming thought about it and said, a golden token emerged and fell into Hu Chunsheng’s arms.

“Subordinate to obey!” This can always see the Lord, the status is very different, that is, the official position is lower, and who dares to look at the people at any time?

Song Yu looked around again. “There is still a need for Yang Shishi to guard this place. After the true body, I will inform Wu Guogong, you must be prepared!”

This ancestral mutus, which attracts the Wuzhou geology, gathers and becomes the Dalong’s point. As long as the Refine Qi is successful, the generations of the Mingtian can know that it is necessary to send troops to guard against the chaos.

Although Song Yuzude gathered together, it is the fate of the destiny, that is, someone broke this dragon’s point, but also scattered Song Yu some floating gas, can not hurt the dragon’s air, but the air is also a gas transport, can not lose or try not to lose As well.

At that time, there are people guarding the Yang Shi Yin. If you want to break the Song Yuzu grave, it is only possible to dispatch the army!

But Wuzhou has been in control of Song Yu, where did the enemy find the army?


Jianye City, Wu Guogong House, since the decision of the plan, Song Yu has stolen a few days of leisure, no need for soldiers outside, internal small things have cabinet treatment, and finally through his approval, efficiency is a lot faster, there is still leisure With the wife and a few small flowers to enjoy the flowers.

At this time, Bao Yuxin and Li Xiufang and Wu Xinling were both pregnant and had a slight uplift in the abdomen.

This scene, let one side of the former maid, now Xiaochun Chunlan, look a little sad.

“Mrs. How is this flower scene?” Song Yu saw this, but he smiled secretly and put down a potted potted plant.

“Spring is full of ingenuity! Husband is really good!” Bao Yuxin admired the potted plants, only to feel the grass and quiet, and there is an atmospheric assaults the senses, could not help but say.

“If you like it, you will be sent to the room to let the lady enjoy the day and night!” Fang Ming ordered a maid around: “Put this pot into the lady’s room!”

“Nuo!” The waitress took the pot and returned!

“many thanks Husband!” Seeing this scene, Bao Xinxin smiled into a crescent.

When a few people on the side were not paying attention, Song Yu covered his cuffs and licked the Chunlan jade hand.

Chunlan was shocked and looked up. Seeing Song Yu’s squinting eyes, he couldn’t help but look red.

Accompanied by a wife, teasing beauty, is really a happy life, Song Yu’s mood is comfortable, suddenly, frowned, seems to have a heart.

“Husband is something?” Although people in the field are all seen, only Bao Shuxin has this status and can ask.

“Yes, I suddenly remembered that something has not been dealt with!” Song Yu did not hide.

“Husband is the main event of the military country. Don’t delay the business for a few women who are slaves!” Bao Xinxin said in a positive color.

Although I don’t know if this is true or not. But to have this insight, it is the style of everyone who knows the book.

Song Yu nodded, “That’s the first time for the husband! The spring is still cold, you have to wait for a while to return to the house, you have to suffer from the cold…”

Saying goodbye to his wife and wife, striding out of the garden and going to the shoulders, the eunuch came up and asked: “Where is the country going?”

“The cabinet!” Song Yu said.

“Guo Gong started driving!!!” The eunuch screamed, and the ceremonial team began to move slowly toward the cabinet.

Song Yu’s government office was built to the vast extent. In order to facilitate the cabinet office, several courtyards were specially selected and given to the old club.

Who can think of Wuzhou’s political center, which is within these inconspicuous small houses?

Song Yu faintly thought, holding the hand into the attic.

“I have seen the Lord!” In the room, the sun shines through the yellow window paper on the ground, reflecting the countless erratic dust in the air.

In the middle of the room was also a small stove, dispelling the chill of early spring. Shen Wenbin, Meng Zhuo several old, and several services of serving, this time are all underarms.

“Get up!” Song Yu waved his hand.

“You have to wait for the public for a long time, and you don’t have to be too cautious…” Song Yu sat down and said, “This is the time when the public came to think about a few things. I have to deal with it immediately. No doubt, it is intended to be sent!”

“Please tell the Lord!” Shen Wenbin took the lead and said.

“This public has two things, one is the ancestral grave, the grandfather’s tomb, buried in the Chilong Mountain, but has not sent troops to guard, this is not a filial piety!”

The important thing in this world is the ancestral rituals, the main card of the temple, and the importance of the tombs.

Song Family was only a big newcomer before. What qualifications are there to talk about?

Shen Wenbin was suddenly a few people.

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