When Song Yunan levied a northern war and entered Wuzhou, it was even more expensive for the people to delay the matter. 】⊙

After that, it was called Hou Gong, and Song Family generated a blessed land. Although Song Yuzhi’s grandfather was buried in Chilong Mountain, the soul of God has already returned to the family blessing, and he presided over the bad luck. Even Song Ziqian had forgotten this matter.

Now see Song Yu’s old story, everyone can’t help but be a bit strange, but they dare not ask.

Just listen to Song Yu said: “The grandfather of this public was buried in Chilong Mountain, but he has not been sent to guard the tomb officer, this is the filial piety of the public!”

“The Lord is absolutely impossible to say so!” The ancient utmost filial piety, this is a bit heavy, Shen Wenbin quickly beheaded: “The Lord and the public have a lot of opportunities, some omissions are inevitable, but these are dereliction of duty, failing to remind the Lord in time! !”

Behind Meng Meng, Song Si, Song Yu, etc. are also his Majesty: “Chen is guilty!”

How can Song Yu really punish them? The face turned slower, “It’s not too late to make up for it. The public will send a battalion to guard the ancestral tomb, and keep the nine products!”

“Nuo!” This is only a small matter. Several cabinet ministers did not feel that something was wrong. They were all promised.

“There is one more thing! It is the devil’s wounding around the place…” When it comes to this, Song Yu looks a little gloomy.

“Your Prime Minister’s cabinet, the devils in the local newspapers must be clear about the wounding of the people. Song is lacking, you tell everyone about the situation!”

Song lacks face and solemnity, face knife and axe chisel, the body carries a majesty of the law, it is very impressive, at this time, the voice is also cold and cold: “reporting to the main public, the deadline, Wuzhou territory, already There were twenty-eight things about the devil’s wounding, thirty-six deaths and injuries, and even one of them, and the place of the accident. Most of them were in the country, and the big one was in the middle of the countryside. !”

Since there are twenty-eight cases, there are at least twenty demons, and these are still courageous, not those who are hiding in the mountains.

If this wind is repeatedly banned, let other demons also give birth to mind, and it is even more troublesome to come out and learn from the living people.

Song Yu faintly thought, strictly speaking. This is still the cause and effect of his planting.

First of all, he self-reliance Wu Guogong, breaking the exclusion of the Dagan method, and now his own law has not completely reached the countryside, which has given the monster a hole.

Secondly, he smashed most of Sect in Wuzhou. Although many of the sects were kings, they also protected their own incense and believers and drove the demon.

And now all are overthrown. The reduction of the demon’s natural enemies is also a chaotic factor.

As for the scattered repairs of Song Yu, there are also the forces of the city, but the number is small. The forces that defend the county towns are somewhat stretched. As for the land of the country, they are even more unprepared.

The city’s beliefs have developed rapidly. But temples and so on need to be cultivated, although the conditions are very low. As long as the faith can be pious, but at least you must read and read. Can display Divine Technique! And all of this takes time to learn.

Fang Ming has cultivated a group of people, and it is enough to cover a few houses. But in the face of Wuzhou, there is nothing to do.

“The demon class hides more mountains, goes out of the remote places, traps the stranger, and gets away, it is more difficult to rectify!”

Song lacks and then said.

A few demon in the district, just a smashing disease, it is because of the death of a few people, there is nothing, not to see Song Yu killing the massacre, each time is thousands?

But there are a few examples in this, hundreds of surname Feng sound cranes, grass and wood soldiers, is extremely unfavorable to the later law and order, Song Yu is also deeply aware of this rationale, only to resolve to rectify.

“For this matter, the public has two regulations, you should first look at it!” Song Yu said.

“One is to move Wunan’s employee system here, abolish the hereditary system, and change to take the test. Of course, those who have invested in us in advance will be given grace and Xu Chuan for three generations. In addition, as long as the merits can be promoted, they can also be promoted. , get the official body!”

These clerk are local tyrants, humble positions, but they are, united with the Aristocratic Family, and constitute the power of even the rulers.

Song Yu’s move is to kill and resist the Aristocratic Family. When the squadron has no heads and is shocked, it is necessary to destroy the roots of the Aristocratic Family.

As for the villages, the villagers are protected from the demon, but they are incidental.

Under the guise of the old, I did not expect that the Lord’s first mention of this matter is not a bit sluggish. However, Xu Wei and Maddenke, who are on one side, ray the light of the ray of light, seems to think of something.

After a long time, He Dongming took the lead to say: “When the break is continuous, it will be disturbed. Now the lord is the welfare of Wuzhou people, and the appointment of the clerk is a blessing!”

The potential meaning is that Wuzhou’s resistance forces are now destroyed, the rest are also shocked, and there are demon classes. It is necessary to strengthen the rule and increase the law. It is a good time to change the system. .

After he did this, several other people reacted and beheaded: “The policy of the Lord is great!”

Seeing the understanding below, Song Yu is also a big music, changing the Wuzhou employee system, which is a fatal blow to the Aristocratic Family! Since then, no matter how strong the Aristocratic Family looks, it is nothing but the rootless duckweed! You can safely go out and fight for the dragon, don’t worry about the instability of your backyard.

“The second is to set up the ‘demon stalker’, which is responsible for the devil’s wounding. The chief is eight products, and they are filled by the new entrants. Since they have invested in the public, they naturally need to contribute. !”

The usual Constable catches fast, how can it compare with the goblin, and venture into the mountains to catch, I am afraid it will catch up with his own life.

This kind of thing is to get a shot from a foreign sergeant! For this, the old club has a consensus, and there is no objection at this time.

“These things, after you wait for the finishing touch, write the will, hand it to the public seal, and then send it to the government!”

Song Yu saw his subordinates, and he said, and seeing the sun in the sky, could not help but smile: “All of you are the skeleton of the public, just to the time of the meal, when the feast!”

I saw a few other people attending the scene, “You come together too!”

“Many thanks to the Lord!” Several of the old people have high weights, and Song Yu has been rewarded more than a few times. At this time, there is no particular excitement. On the contrary, those few lifts are red, and they are so excited that they can’t .

Song Yu sees this, faintly smiled, these few people attending, Wencai has learned a lot, he also intends to promote, and later take the responsibility.


In Jiangling City, the Metropolitan Government, at this time, is filled with a dignified atmosphere.

Recently, the big governor, some temperamental temperament, if it is unfortunately hit, the subordinates are okay, the most swearing, if the servant does not have long eyes, it is only a killing, recently it is a small thing for the vase tea, Zhou Yu has already hit Three slaves died, and the entire governor’s palace was in a hurry.

At this time, a young scribe came to the Metropolitan Supervisory Office through heavy guards.

In this hall, except for the main seat, the rest of the place is empty. Zhou Yu closes his eyes and seems to be raising his spirit.

The scribe did not dare to bother, and was preparing to stand still while waiting. Zhou Yu in the seat suddenly opened his eyes: “Is it the same jade?”

“It is the subordinate!” The scribes paid respect.

He is Zhou Yu’s confidant and has been assigned a heavy responsibility. Now, there is something to come to tell.

To him, Zhou Yu had a hard time to put away his face and a smile: “Look at the same jade, there must be good news to inform the Governor!”

The following is the same as jade said with a smile: “Exactly! It is!”

I glanced at Zhou Yu, and I saw the majestic hair of the Dudu, but there were a few more marks on the forehead, and there were a few more hairs behind my ears. I couldn’t help but sigh.

“The big governor is a young talent. Not only is he a family, but his own knowledge is even more extraordinary. At the age of fifteen, he was recommended as a County Magistrate. After several promotion, he is now a big governor. Jingzhou is in the hands of Fuyang. Don’t be in the sky…”

Fang Tongyu is Zhou Yu’s confidant, and naturally knows why his lord is worried.

Although Zhou Yu is very fast, it is not as good as Wuzhou Song Yu and Yizhou Shilongjie.

Now, Wuzhou and Yizhou are unified. For Jingzhou glare like a tiger watching his prey, Zhou Yu still has no yang, can not unite Jingzhou, integrate strength, cope with strong enemies!

The world is fighting for the dragon, not to die! Don’t look at the difference between this step, the final is the difference between the body and the dead!

Under such tremendous pressure, Zhou Yu can still support it until now, and he must not reveal a half point before him. Only at this time will he show exhaustion.

Or, through a few excuses, venting on the servant.

Fang Tongyu looked at the master above, somehow, a hot eye, almost shed tears.

Zhou Yu saw this, but said with a smile: “You are doing that youngest daughter posture? This is the governor!” His family and Fang Yu family are world friends, since childhood, they are classmates, with a friendship No more than other officials, with a bit of love.

“The big industry still has to support the public, but also hope that the Lord and the public will take care of themselves!” Fang Tongyu is worshipping.

“This Governor knows, but unfortunately, I don’t want to wait! According to the detailed investigation, Yizhou Shilongjie is eager to move, and in the spring of next year, Wu Guogong will also be shot. Jingzhou is enemies on both sides, and the situation cannot be delayed…”

Zhou Yu sighed and frowned. “Only before Shi Longjie and Song Yu started, they laid down Fuyang and unified Jingzhou. The Governor of Dudu had the power to resist. This is the machine of life and death!!!”

“How is your business going?”

When it comes to business, Fang Tongyu puts up the expression on his face, and he is wearing a dress. “Reporting to the main public, he has no heavy hopes. He has already got a map near Xiangyang, and he has gotten through the relationship and contacted the Aristocratic Family in Xiangyang City. There are already two promises. As long as the governors are under the city, they will wait for the opportunity to open the city to welcome the king!”

“Good!” Zhou Yu’s heavy punches, “If this works, it’s really raining!”

Fuyang is a famous city in the world. In the history books, even if it has a decade of siege, it cannot be broken. It is an example of the offensive being dragged alive.

To get the city down, it’s Zhou Yu, and it’s also awkward, but now, grasp Mo Ran’s 30%! ! !

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