Fuyang is the world’s strong city, and the defender is the famous dragon city.

It is Zhou Yu, and he can’t afford to pay for it. He has to be surrounded by the city for several years.

But Shi Longjie and Song Yuxi will give him time?

If the casualties are heavy, it will not work. After all, to deal with the two tigers behind, Zhou Yu has to retain his own strength.

However, Longcheng is the person in Guanzhong. The world is crowned by the emperor. It is impossible to rely on the enemy. The only possibility is to buy the inner city.

Zhou Yu’s Fang Tongyu went here, and it was precisely for this matter. Now it’s hopeful that it will be hopeful, and it’s not too big, even the forehead wrinkles, and it’s a lot lighter.

Wen Ruo is the word of Fang Tongyu. Zhou Yu is so called, and the relationship is even higher.

“It’s just that the soldiers have been cultivated, and now they have recovered their strength. They can be in a spurt of energy and go straight to the sun!”

Zhou Yu waved his hand and seemed to have returned to the former governor of the wise and savvy.

“It should be like this!” Fang Tongyu also said.

This matter is not too late, although there is a seeking instant benefit, but it is nothing compared to the threats of Shi Longjie and Song Yu.

“Wen Ruo, if you come back, you will travel long distances, and you will have to work hard. Unfortunately, you can do more, and there is one thing that you need to do.”

“Also ask the Lord to tell you!” Fang Tongyu is a courtier, the Lord has a life, and what is the resignation?

“In the capital of the capital, there has been a strange thing recently, and you must have heard it!”

Zhou Yu said slowly, his voice was low.

“Strange thing?” Fang Tongyu’s eyeball turned and could not help but speculate: “Is it …… is it the real thing of the nine ghosts?”

Behind him is also a big Aristocratic Family with its own news channels.

“Not bad! A few days ago. Ben Dudu suddenly felt guilty and restless, and that night. Nine ghosts are missing for no reason, this is really suspicious…”

Zhou Yu will slowly say it all night. Finally, ask: “What do you think?”

Fang Tongyu indulged in a moment, only slowly said: “Nine ghosts are real cultivation foundation, but also the Xuan School Grandmaster! In Wuzhou, the subordinates really can’t think of anyone, can take him away silently, unless… ”

“Unless what?” Zhou Yu came to interest.

“Unless it is the nine ghosts who voluntarily leave, so that they can not alarm the surrounding guards!” Fang Tongyu said.

“Or, there is a cultivation base far beyond the nine ghosts. You can kneel down in an instant and don’t make a sound, but it’s hard, it’s the legendary too, and you can’t raise your hand. The next real person!”

Aristocratic Family, how can you be interested in this World Gate system? After so many years of exchanges between the two sides, the point on the surface. It’s all looking at the light, it’s the secret information, and it’s collected a lot.

“It seems that the nine ghosts may be bigger than others. The Governor has asked himself that he is not sorry for him. The reward has not been missed. Why is this?”

Zhou Yu looks a white. Immediately sneered: “Is it wrong… Is it true that he is not the Lord, is it worth it?”

He naturally knows. There is the Qi Viewing Technique method in Daomen, which can see people’s air transport. Daomen relies on this trend to avoid evil.

The Dong Xuan faction is famous for its congenital gods, and with the skill of looking for qi, there is nothing wrong with it. In this heart, it is Mu Ran.

“Tian Xingjian, gentleman to self-improvement! The main public can be so arrogant!!!”

When Zhou Yu was shaken, almost when he was disheartened, he suddenly heard the same jade shouted.

This sound is like a cold water in the same basin, and Zhou Yu is awakened from the delusion. On the back, there is a layer of cold sweat. He touches a forehead and sees the water stains. It is unfortunate.

“If the text is right, how can this Governor be arrogant! I lost my heart! I am serious! I have to thank you for your great Hah!”

Fang Tongyu is shaking his head: “The chaos in the chaos of the world is in the crowd! The first-class warlock is first-class, and the king is tempted by the technology of sinfulness. The Lord is still far away!”

“You are an orthodox scholar, naturally you can’t see this!” Zhou Yu waved his hand. “But this Dudu has the ambition of the king, and naturally wants to be a hundred!”

Having said that, the sound is low: “The hole is deeply rooted and has a relationship with the Aristocratic Family all over Jingzhou. I have to rely on it!”

“Wen Ruo, Ben Dudu will let you be the messenger, go to the hole Xuanzong, inquire about this matter, be sure to get real news!”

Later, Zhou Yu resumed his previous style.

“Nuo!” The Lord has an order. Rao is the same as Jade, and he has to deal with the errands.

“Okay! Go back to rest for a night and start tomorrow morning!” Zhou Yu said with a smile.

“Wei Chen retired!” Fang Tongyu again worshipped and retired.

In the Chamber of Deputies, only Zhou Yu was left alone. Zhou Yu was silent for a long time, only to sigh low: “Dong Xuanpai…”


The location of the cave Xuantai Mountain Gate, naturally there are nine ghosts and real people told Zhou Yu, but it saved a lot of trouble.

On the second day, Fang Tongyu was on the road and rushed to the tunnel.

After some negotiations, it was fruitless.

How is the old mysterious fox? It was also determined to abandon the Nanmai and vote for Song Yu. Even the end of the nine ghosts and real people were not revealed, and Fang Fangyu was sent out.

After receiving the return of Fang Tongyu, Zhou Yu sullenly turned his face and locked himself in the study for one night.

The next person can also hear the sound of a cup of books landing.

“We can’t wait!”

Fang Tongyu asked Zhou Yu on the second day. Just met, Zhou Yu said so.

Fang Tongyu was shocked and looked up slightly. He saw Zhou Yu’s hair scattered and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. He couldn’t help but ask: “Can the Lord’s body be wrong?”

“This Governor is very good!” Although the description of the dry, but Zhou Yu spirit is very strong, “This Governor is very clear, at this time, I am not waiting, only to lay down the sun as soon as possible, only half a year, to the capital of the Governor to clean up the old mountains and rivers, To meet the challenges of Yizhou and Wuzhou!”

“When this is the case, regardless of the support of the Dong Xuan faction, this battle must be played!”

This analysis is in the matter of reason, it is Fang Tongyu, and only nodded. “But the grain ordnance and other things?”

“This Dudu to do all the stocks of the prefectures, plus the support of Zhou Family, is enough!” Zhou Yu’s eyes shot crazy.

“This is to break the boat, do you have a fight?”

Fang Tongyu naturally knows that if the stocks of the prefectures and counties are used, it is naturally enough for the army, but if there is any natural disaster in the back, the government can’t get the relief of the materials, what will happen! ! !

At this time, it is impossible. There is also a family member behind him. Naturally, he cannot say: “The Governor does not have to worry, his subordinates are willing to go bankrupt and help the military capital!”

Let’s not talk about the problem of clansman. You are so enthusiastic to replace the sergeant of the governor. Do you want to rebel?

At this time, it is also a bitter smile: “My family is willing to make five thousand two silver, two thousand stones, and drive other Aristocratic Family to raise funds…”

As a subordinate, he can’t do it at all. The money is not much, just right.

Zhou Yu listened, and his face turned and his eyes were a little moist: “Wen Ruo! When you are in distress, you will see loyal ministers. You will not disappoint you!”


In the second year of Hongzhi, on April 12, Zhou Yu, the governor of Jingzhou, made a flood of military forces and attacked Fuyang.

For a time, the South, which had just calmed down, once again fell into war.

Yizhou, Shilongjie climbed high and looked forward to, “Jingzhou re-emerged, the great good!”

“Report!” A ride quickly ran, and when it came to the next, the soldiers left the horse, flew up and stumbled in front of Shi Longjie.

“reporting to the king! Jingzhou big governor Zhou Yu, sent soldiers hundred, attacking Fuyang, has now been connected to several cities, Fuyang defensive Longcheng Jianbi Qingye, gather soldiers in the city, seems to want to defend the city!”

“hehe … on the site, Zhou Yu has already got Jingzhou 60%, and Longcheng is only 40% at most, the strength is not as good as people, he can rely on it, it is also a Fuyang City!”

Shi Longjie coldly chuckling.

In ancient times, the site was the population, that is, the field of acres, that is, the food soldiers! ! ! It is also the strength of red and naked! ! !

The construction of the Dragon City is not as good as the people, and the food of the soldiers is also the same. If there is no Xiangyang City, then Shi Longjie can directly regard him as a dead person! ! !

“Zhou Yu will be holding the Dragon City in Fuyang City, and eventually it will be cheaper!”

Shi Longjie laughed, and there seemed to be a burning flame in the scorpion.

When I strode down, I saw the layers of the soldiers holding the ordnance, waiting silently.

These are not the squadrons, but the elite power of Shi Longjie. Maintain the capital of the throne.

“The Lonely King has a purpose! The Sword Pavilion, we are out! The looting of the food woman in Jingzhou!!!”

“Wu Wang Wansheng! Wansheng!! absolutely wins!!!”

The sergeant is screaming, the voice seems to overshadow the clouds, and the expression of the wild beast rises in the scorpion.

In the middle of the land, although it has the danger of the Sword Pavilion, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it is also subject to this. The kings of all ages are trapped, and the outsiders can’t get in, the army can’t get out, they can only get away, wait until True Dragon has been set, it is already a matter of call.

Now, the Dragon City in the north of Jingzhou is being restrained by Zhou Yu, and most of the strength is shrinking in the city of Xiangyang. It is a godsend! ! !

Just in the Shiwang army, when the black pressure came to the Sword Pavilion, the Jingzhou defenders in the east had already ushered in a big robbery! ! !

Aha! ! !

The guard Xiao Bingyi yawned boringly, some boring.

Although it was spring, but the wind blew, it was very cold, so that he could not help shrinking his neck.

“The days of this guard, it is really boring!!!” Xiao Bingyi said to himself.

“hehe! Now all over the world are fighting, we are lucky, only arrived here, can save a small life, how many people envy are not envious!”

Next to a soldier who is obviously a veteran, he said.

The veteran was thin and thin, and he was carrying a lot of sickles, but he did not know why he had not retired, but he had been a pawn.

“hehe … the battle of the sand field is the true character of the man! My generation has made great achievements, and the public is sealed, it depends on this!”

Xiao Bingyi is obviously a girl with a temper.

“haha …… make a meritorious service, seal the public seal?” The veteran laughed, even the tears came out.

“What are you laughing at?” Xiao Bingyi is obviously not awkward.

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