Looking at the obvious Xiaobing Yi, the veteran did not know what to think of, laughter stopped. Say,

“You have a temper like me, like when I was young!” the veteran murmured. “I will tell you today, lest I should embark on my old path!”

When he said this, the veteran voice was full of enthusiasm, and a sad and desolate atmosphere emerged.

It seems that influenced by the atmosphere, Xiao Bingyi quieted down and listened quietly.

“How is your origin?” The veteran asked first.

“How do I get out of business, what is it about you?” Xiao Bingyi said with dissatisfaction.

“I can be a small soldier. I don’t know how to come. At least it is not Aristocratic Family, hehe… When I am in the army, when I promote the official body, I will let you know how much. If you don’t have a good family, you are ready to be a big soldier.” !”

The veteran sneered.

“Is this awkward? Former champions, isn’t it from the grass people? Still do the generals!” Xiao Bingyi dissatisfied.

“Do you know the champion?” The veteran chuckled: “It’s all the old ones in the army. It’s used to fool you guys…”

Instead of waiting for the young people to ask questions, they went on to say, “Do you know how many years the champion is out? How many young soldiers are dead on the road?”

“Every battle, the soldiers die at 30%. If they are not lucky, they lack arms and legs, but they still don’t die. Then the end is not terrible…”

“If this road comes down, even if no one is martyrdom, you will go all the way from Wu Chang, to the team is in the camp, then to the commanding general, and finally the merits of the seal, the size of the battle must have at least 100 games, each time at least 30 % of casualties, are you sure you can live for so long?”

Xiao Bingyi has been silent at this time. Obviously it was scared by the description of the veteran.

“Well, even if you survived down to the local area. You can also make a good job, but you know. How did the champion of the former dynasty die?”

“The war died in the grassland!” Xiao Bingyi’s voice was low.

“Not bad! Champion Hou Bai battles victorious, only seventeenth place to seal the throne, but because of the grass-roots, was excluded by the Aristocratic Family, when faced with the Hu Rentie, in the case of the severance of the road, the first to beat the Hu people Tens of thousands of iron rides, and finally died in the middle of the arrows! Only 20 years old!”

The veteran sighed. Look at his tone, it is also a storyteller.

“That… then… Huangsha battle, the wife’s shade, are all fake?” Xiao Bingyi’s face pale, his hands can not even hold the long spear.

“That is not enough. In the troubled times, the rules are relaxed, and there is a chance for the grass people to have a chance!”

The veteran has obviously been hit hard, and the discourse has turned into comfort: “The most important thing is to follow the protagonist, plus a few points of transportation, and it is not impossible to be a general. At that time, I have the Aristocratic Family. Marry you, tie the relationship, you just have to accept it. It is a part of the Aristocratic Family, and there will be a chance to rise…”

“I heard the original champion Hou. It was the rejection of the door valve, and it was only this one!”

“Eldest Young Lady of Water Spirit. That’s not bad!” Xiao Bingyi did not know what to think, obviously lost.

“hehe!” The veteran took a shot of Xiao Bingyi’s head and woke him up. “Don’t think about those that are not practical. It’s important to take care of this plank road!”

“This road is so narrow, how can someone kill it, you have more heart!” Xiao Bingyi muttered.

“This is also true!” At this point, the veteran is very much in favor: “This Sword Pavilion can only pass one person at a time, next to the cliff of ten thousand zhang, we are here, it is a husband, Wanfu Mo Open! It is not good, but it can be burnt with a fire. It’s a hundred! But this is the beginning of the work, it took only a hundred years to make it. It’s a pity to burn it. Later, people are inconvenience…”

The veteran is saying, suddenly there is a great cold wind, cold and biting, can not help but swear: “The evil wind of good evil door!!!”

At this time, Xiao Bingyi pulled the veteran’s sleeves and pointed to the distance. He said, “You…you…see!” The voice trembled.

The veteran looked at Xiao Bingyi’s direction and couldn’t help but stunned: “My mother-in-law is guilty of evil now? Is there a ghost group traveling in the daytime?”

As far as he could see, he saw a dark cloud in the distance and quickly flew to the side.

There is a faint ghost silhouette in the middle.

“Give it to me! Drain them!” In the dark cloud, there was another charming female voice coming from all over the place.

“Hey! Cover the sky!” The female voice is high, and a layer of dark clouds does not know where to come from, and covers the sky in the sky, not falling.

“jié jié !!!嘎嘎!!!”

The fierce ghosts screamed harder, and many black shadows rushed out of the dark clouds and came to the military camp.

“Rely! Rely! Rely! There are still ghosts who dare to rush to the military camp?” The veterans felt that they had been fake for decades before, and what they saw and heard was illusory.

“Don’t be afraid, if you are afraid of ghosts, you will be wrapped around you!” The keeper will also come out, see this scene, and rush to drink.

Also 吼: “kill!!!”

The first few murderous ghosts rushed to seem to be hurt by the invisible sound waves.

“I am waiting for the sergeant, bloody masculine, and military suffocating body, as long as you keep your heart and blood, you will not be invaded!”

The generals drank, and some of the turbulent military arrays were ready again.

“Can the glass of water smash the fire? The light of the worms dare to compete with the sun and the moon?” In the dark clouds, the beautiful female voice came again, with the meaning of contempt.

With the words, there is a green claw of the giant claw floating out of the black cloud, with a hurricane, to kill the general! ! !

“Ghost!!!!” general led loudly shouted, the surrounding soldiers also took out a long knife, cut off against the giant claw: “kill!!!”

The long knife is cut on the surface of the giant claw, but it is a string of sparks. The long knife is broken. The dark green giant claw seems to be unscathed. It is a claw that falls, and the generals with the horror of the color are caught into the meat! ! !

“General!” “The general is dead!”

Looking at the flesh and blood, the other soldiers in the camp were immediately chaotic.

The military force over the military camp is also completely dispersed, and it is no longer a climate.

“hehe !!!” A group of murderers, under the leadership of the devil and evil spirits, rushed into the military camp to slaughter the squad…

In the black cloud, the lady’s face is white, she spits out a large mouthful of blood, bit by bit, falling on the chest fullness, and being bounced off, showing amazing elasticity.

“I still got the help of Husband Dragon, killing a small official with six or seven products, all have backlash… Humanity is still the mainstream…”

Mrs. Shi caressed her chest and murmured.

It is difficult to walk the road, and there are more soldiers to guard. If there is a defeat, it will burn the plank road. Face the danger of this day, Rao is the great army of Shi Longjie, and there is nothing to do.

Only the ghost army, because it is the soul, can float, can be killed as a strange soldier! ! !

Whether it is the Shinto or the ghost road immortal dao, once the face is humanized, it will be backlash.

Mrs. Shi is a ghost king. She converts adult roads. At least she has five products. But killing a small official with six or seven items is a big injury. If there is no stone dragon in the back, it is possible to fall into a sleep. .

The same is true of Fang Ming. He is now in the ranks. Although he can manipulate and even kill the five-product officials, he also has to take backlash.

For example, when attacking the city, he can attach to the city gate defender and let him open the city.

But what I paid for it was that I was seriously injured and even suffered a great loss. In exchange for a few thousand soldiers in the district, this is too worthless! ! !

For Fang Ming, Wuzhou has everything to do, and for this reason, it is damaged by the fools! ! !

Now, in order to go out as early as possible, Shi Longjie has to use the ghost army to attack the Yangshi army. This is still Zhou Yu’s attack on Fuyang, and Longcheng has withdrawn most of the defenders.

Otherwise, if there is a military commander who has a real power and five products in this place, Mrs. Shi will not be able to help each other.

But if there is nothing, the blood on the stone lady’s hand turns into black smoke, and screams: “Kill this army camp, one does not stay!!!”

I am no longer moving, but I have been seriously injured and I am already angry.

“Kill!!!” Xiao Bingyi burst into tears, and the long spear in his hand followed the memory of the previous training and shot in a beautiful arc.

In front of a black phantom, the gun was shot, but it was only slightly stopped, and then he rushed to him if nothing happened.

In the face of this strange thing, Rao is Xiao Bingyi’s self-defense and daring, but also the back of the cold hair, falling again and again.

Pa!! The heel hit a piece of stone, Xiao Bingyi fell to the ground involuntarily, and the long spear fell off the side.

“Is this going to die? Or is it dead in the mouth of the fierce ghost?” Xiao Bingyi’s mind emerged.

Seeing, the face of the opposite fierce screaming has been less than half a foot from his neck, Xiao Bingyi closed his eyes to death.

“Hey! What are you doing?” After waiting for a while, but no painful feeling came, looked up, the original veteran was holding a knife and laughing.

“many thanks uncle save!” Xiao Bingyi quickly thanked.

“I don’t want to let go, let’s put it down. Now we are a grasshopper on a rope, we can’t run!” The veteran vomited.

“Remember, your heart can’t be chaotic, and then you can beat all the strengths to hurt the ghosts!”

The veteran taught that this is the experience of his death in the pile of people, not to mention the deep and deep, said that it is worth mentioning.

“Hah! Kill!” Xiao Bingyi picked up the long spear and smashed the fierce ghost on the back of the veteran.

At this time, he even forgot everything, only the shadow behind the veterans! ! !

Pu!! !

Long spear, like a bubble, blasts open, and the shadows in the middle disappear.

“Good! This is not going to be back!” The veteran praised.

Then there are some regrets: “This is the best way of Spirit, Soul and Qi blood. You can get started as soon as you hear it. The talent is very good. If you can escape today, it will be a fierce battle on the battlefield in the future!!! Unfortunately… ”

However, they are completely pessimistic about their chances of escape.

“Things are artificial!” Xiao Bingyi sighed and was speared by long spear.

“haha! Yes, Laozi is going crazy today!” The veteran laughed, and there was a crazy color in his eyes.

Two daoist silhouette, gradually being overwhelmed by the ghosts on the squad…

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