Waiting for the military camp to kill the sound, the ground is full of skinny dry corpses, this is the exhausted angry soldiers.

“I have seen my wife!” Mrs. Shi came down at this time, and the ghosts around her were saluting.

Mrs. Stone looked around and saw that the ghost army was less than half of the ghosts. Most of them were evil spirits and devils. The fierce ghosts did not leave one. They were not promoted just now, but they have already disappeared. It is obvious that the war was fierce! ! !

However, the remaining ghost army, the body is full of anger, apparently also tempered, more elite.

“Not bad! Yes! This is to go to Cun Cun Jing!” Mrs. Shi is very satisfied.

Another look back, at this time on the plank road, there is already the silhouette of the soldiers of the Sui Army, can not help but smile, style!

“Mrs. Lao! The rest, give it to me!”

At this point, a sound rang in the ear.

“Let’s go back to the division!” Mrs. Shi looked at the squadron and gathered the ghost army to form a dark cloud.

In this time, the Ghost Army has made its way out, and Shi Longjie has helped the dragon to help the Sunshi military camp. Even if it wins in the end, it will be a dead and awful, and within a few decades, there will be no more effort!

But even so, it can be exchanged for the Sword Pavilion, and it is also a big profit.

On April 20th, Hongzhi’s second year, Shilongjie attacked the breakthrough Sword Pavilion on the plank road, and the dragon was out of the wild, shocking the world! ! !


Zhou Yu heard the news, and the cup in his hand fell to the ground, making a crisp sound and splashing.

The surrounding attendants were all sinful and trembled.

Face this scene. Zhou Yu expressionless, got up and out of the military account.

The smoke is dark outside. The sergeants lined up and there were many horses patrolling. Here is Zhou Yu’s army position.

In the distance, there is a big city outline, such as the dark clouds in the sky, vast and boundless.

“I don’t want this Dudu to continue to count down the city, and the battle is invincible. Until Fuyang, the Dragon City has to be forced to protect itself, but in the end it is a cheaper for Shilongjie…”

Zhou Yu clenched his fist and almost bleeds.

“The main official…” Fang Tongyu and the others heard the news. I don’t know how to persuade.

Longcheng is defensive for Xiangyang. Since the beginning of the chaos, it has jurisdiction over several surrounding capitals. It monitors the movements of the land and guards against the departure of Shilongjiejun. It is also his duty, and he does not want to be completely ruined. It is really shocking.

“The Lord, this is the end of the matter. I can’t do anything, but I have to worry about the movement of Shi Wang!” Fang Tongyu said calmly.

“Where is the text?” Zhou Yu looked back, his eyes wide open, looking directly at Fang Tongyu.

“Shi Longjie has a big ambition. Big force, this time into the Jing, must have the pulse of Jingzhou. This is the enemy of the Lord!”

Everyone knows that Fang Tongyu went on to say: “Sword Pavilion is a natural adventure. When the husband is off, the Wanfu is open, and it has always locked the dragon. So that the number of kings can not be broken, and now, Shi Longjie is so easy to break out, There must be a dragon city in the middle, and it must be prevented…”

“You mean, Dragon City deliberately removed from the garrison, and placed the stone dragon outstanding, and you must be with the boss of the boss!”

In the eyes of Zhou Yu, the light shines: “If this is the case, the Governor will admire him!”

It is necessary to protect themselves in the eyes of Zhou Yu and Shi Longjie, and even laugh at the end. The difficulty is to take the chestnuts in the fire. The tightrope is generally not noticed, so they will be eaten by the two without even the bones. The process is even more difficult. Finally, there may be people who come to pick peaches, which are called nine deaths and still alive. Dragon City guides this situation and makes Zhou Yu somewhat admired.

“He is also a no-brainer. If the situation is the same, Longcheng is already in a state of ten deaths and no life. Now, despite the chaos, there is also a glimmer of life!”

Fang Tongyu said, Shen Sheng.

“Is it too much for the governor to persecute?” Zhou Yu looked at this friend and his eyes coldly.

“Don’t dare!” Fang Tongyu hurryed down. From Zhou Yu’s eyes, he obviously felt the killing intent.

“Jingzhou is rich and has a large population. It is the foundation of the emperor. The rise of the protagonist is here. It is the land and the people, but there is Wuzhou Wu Guogong, the stone king glare like a tiger watching his prey, if not unified Jingzhou, how to resist ?”

“And now, Longcheng leads the stone to enter the Jing, the stone king moves, Wu Guogong of Wuzhou, what will be thought?”

Zhou Yu was shocked. This was originally a trip of the three parties. But Song Yuxi would sit and watch someone stand in Wuzhou or be occupied by Shi Longjie? I will not wait until next year, I will also shoot! ! !

When it fell, it became a four-country melee, in which the Dragon City was the weakest. It was absolutely impossible to laugh at the end. Zhou Yu was only better than the Dragon City, but it was not the opponent of Shi Longjie and Song Yu.

In particular, Zhou Yu’s old nest is in the south of Jingzhou. If the war ahead is unfavorable, the rear will be attacked by the Song Yu army. I am afraid that the hundred troops will be disappeared only during the engraving.

Mind here, the brow is close, and after a while, the sweat of the bean is dripping down.

After a long silence, I lost my smile: “This Governor said yesterday that Dragon City is the best in the middle of the world. I don’t want to be in a better position today.”

Next to the Wenchen military commanders, they were all pale and like paper, so that Zhou Yu’s heart sank.

Seeing the same side with the jade on the ground, but the eyes of the divine light Zhan Zhan, can not help but move, “Wen Ruo, what do you have, say quickly…”

“Nuo!” Fang Tongyu should be.


Wuzhou, the government office.

Song Yu was dressed in a Chinese costume. After sitting on the copy, he was calm and mature, and he almost forgot that he was still a young man of about twenty.

“Is the dragon already out of the wild?” Song Yu brows some wrinkles. I remembered the description on the secret letter.

“The sky is dark, the sky is covered, the voice of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves is hidden, the beggars, the clouds are gone, and no one has survived the defending camp…”

“The dead corpse is like a dead cockroach. It is like a corpse. It is an anger and an apprehension. It is an anger.”

“Shi Longjie is a good force, but dare to rush to the Yangshi military camp with the ghost army. Even if the dragon city shrinks a lot of strength, and there is a dragon gas phase help, the ghost army is probably a heavy casualty, even the two ghost kings will be seriously injured… ”

Fang Ming has been a god for a long time, and it is natural to know that the Yinshi Ghost Force forcibly interferes with the operation of Yangshi.

This is because Shi Longjie is a squatting dragon, with the hope of the world, otherwise, a wave of catastrophe will come down.

“Don’t say how the Ghosts are, at least Shi Longjie’s Yang Shi army, without a soldier, will enter Jingzhou, and it will be a step!”

“true body view Zhou Yu’s cub and the dragon’s snake statue, but it is not the opponent of Shi Longjie’s giant…”

Although air transport can’t represent everything, the strength comparison is still very obvious.

If there is no miracle, it is Zhou Yu and Longcheng add up, but also against Shi Longjie.

For Fang Ming, it is rather that Jingzhou falls on the hands of Zhou Yu or Longcheng, and does not want Shi Longjie to get involved.

“I am afraid that the public also got soldiers!”

Song Yu muttered to himself.

Commanded under: “Yu Hongyan, Shen Wenbin, etc.!”

“Nuo!” Immediately there was a waiter who went backwards to pass the purpose.

Not long after, Ye Hongyan, Shen Wenbin and the others all came in. At this time, there were still a few people in the back of the military officer, dressed in the generals of the Navy, which was very eye-catching.

Song Yuyi looked, Hong Quan, Xu Lei, and Meng Che were all inspected.

The azure squid on the head of Meng Che, although there was no water wave, passed through these days, but it gathered some white gas, and some recovered.

The heart can’t help but sigh. This Meng Qing is full of dragons. No matter where he is thrown, he can stand out if he has the opportunity.

Of course, a squid is still not in the eyes of Song Yu. His air transportation has already achieved red scorpion at this time. It is only one step away from the Red Dragon. The pattern is all there.

“Meng Che is a dragon, with a natural phenomenon, a better water war, this Jingzhou battle, still have to use him!”

Song Yu is the main lord, with a sea of ​​mountains and rivers. He is more confident. He is a deep-funded and has a dragon elephant. He can also use their life to become the auxiliary dragon’s bureau for their own use.

After all, it’s silly to kill all the dragons before the True Dragon in the world is fixed.

There are countless princes in the world. Before the land was still small, it was still in the territory of Wuzhou. When it came to the back, did it all have Song Yu personally leading the troops?

“To deal with the princes, the generals here should not be too weak, at least have the image of a lion and a tiger. Of course, if you can control it, it is still the best, and the dragon will attack the dragon, but the public will sit on the Diaoyutai…”

Song Yu secretly thought about it, turned on Divine Ability, and looked at the weather.

If you talk about talent, your life can be one thing. This is the foundation, just like the skeleton. By waiting for the official position, ruling the people and even leading the army, there will be military ethos to enrich the skeleton and form the natural phenomenon of the red tiger or the giant python. The highest level is naturally the image of True Dragon!

And Song Yu is now a subordinate, and there are only a few azure people who have this foundation. Only when they are alone, they can become natural phenomena! ! !

“Well! Ye Hongyan has a good foundation. What’s more important is that there is a good voice. Now there is a tiger elephant, it’s not bad!!!”

These people are under the Song Yuxi, and they have entered the system. Most of the gas transportation on the head is given by Song Yu. In the eyes of Song Yu, it is even more invisible.

Among the civil servants, He Dongming had the highest life, and the youthfulness was faint. There was a little bit of starlight in the middle. This is the star of the world, it is out of the ordinary.

As for the other few things, although there is a life, but the official position is too low, the air transport is insufficient, there is still no difference in spirit.

However, the military attache, because Song Yu has more support, it is a lot of talent.

Among them, Ye Hongyan’s head is rising, and azure is faint. It is a tiger statue with a white eye. Although it is still small, there are only some skeletons, but as long as you go out and lead the army, you can achieve it with the military. .

Luo Bin, who is close to Ye Hongyan, although he is also azure, his position has five products, the top of the air is rising, the weather is somewhat scattered, the gold gas is agglomerated, like a tiger-like leopard, erratic, not completely fixed.

And behind, Meng Che’s head is a tail of azure squid, lively.

This is the general of the natural phenomenon under the Song jade hand. As for others, it is only the gas, no form.

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