“If the true body is under the command of the general, the army is Ye Haoyan’s monopoly, the water master Meng Che is out of the ordinary, and is full of dragons, as long as it is not against other princes or dragons, it is unfavorable. .”

In fact, the real theory, Meng Che, this is not a matter of cheats, not only the Song jade hand, only Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin are worth looking forward to.

Among them, although Luo Bin seems to be lower than Ye Hongyan’s head, it is actually a problem of his own wings. Ye Hongfeng’s nephew Ye Jianfeng is also an azure talent. Ye Hongyan has his help, and the two together, the gas can naturally form.

However, Luo Bin did not have this squat, and was pushed down, which is inevitable.

Humane luck, just in the crowd, just in the talent! Song Yu secretly sighed.

“I have seen the Lord!” At this time, everyone stood up and worshiped according to the rules.

“You are free and courteous!” Song Yu’s hands were helpless, and he said: “Today’s call to the public is for Jingzhou, this news, you should first look at it!”

His own civil servant took the paper and showed everyone.

At the end of the martial arts, there is a lot of color in the eyes. They have a lot of basic channels, but they have got the news, but they are vague and unrealistic. Now when they take over the information, many people will appear. Scared.

“The main public! Jingzhou three contends, I am afraid that this year will determine the outcome, we can not wait!”

Shen Wenbin, Meng Zhun, etc., saw that the situation was urgent and could not help but say.

“But Wu Digang is determined, the people are attached, and the industry is waiting for the future. These are time-consuming. It is not appropriate to send troops now.”

It’s He Dongming who said this, and the forehead is deep. It is obviously difficult to decide.

“The army is dispatched, and the military food is money. You have to prepare for the horse riding.”

The ancient army went out. It is not only the military affairs, but the entire military and political system, and even the ruling areas, must be mobilized to prepare materials and provide logistics and servants such as the Zhuangfu.

It is a victory, sometimes it is not worth the loss. If it is defeated, it is a matter of rest.

“When things are coming, how can they not fight?” In the case of military commanders, some people have retorted.

“Whether Jingzhou falls into Zhou Yu or Shi Longjie’s hand, we have to fight in the future, and there are more troubles. It is better to fight now. The enemy’s main force is fighting around Jingyang in Jingbei. We took Jingnan in one fell swoop and took the place first!”

The sound was loud, and the atmosphere of the blood was killed. Everyone looked at the source of the sound. It turned out to be Luo Bin. At this time, the face of this big man was red, and he was a little embarrassed with scars around him.

Ding! ! !

Song Yuyi’s nails, “Luo Bin’s words are thick. But it’s good!”

“The enemy is now focusing on Jingbei. This is the overall situation. Although Zhou Yu is guarding in Jiangling, Jiangxia and other cities. But in the end, the cost is small, after the huge thousand army is dispatched. How much can the old nest still have?”

“If you don’t want to lay down at this time, wait until later. There are indeed many troubles…”

Everyone was silent. This is the first time that Song Yu has not waited for the discussion of his subordinates. He has made up his mind. From this point of view, the heart of the lord’s sending troops has been recovered by no one.

“And, Northland News, have you received it?”

Song Yu asked another question.

“The Lord Gong said that Qin Country is a public thing?” Below, Ye Hongyan, Shen Wenbin, etc. just think about it, then they know what the Lord said.

“Yes! A few months ago, Yuan Zong invited Yuzhou Mu, and led the sacred decree to attack the Yuzhou rebel party!” Song Yu said that when the word “the sacred”, the tone is somewhat interesting.

“Yuan Zong is a man who is in the upper position, and he holds Divine Artifact. Weifu is self-use and full of civil and military. It is his partisan. It is a sacred decree. It is just an overkill!”

He Dongming said that in fact, in fact, Song Yu started his family, relying on the false imperial edict, which is worse than this, but his subordinates have intentionally forgotten.

“Although this is the case, but it has been for hundreds of years, and it is still orthodox in the hearts of the people. Yuan Zong has been attacking the city and plundering the land. He has already laid down most of Yuzhou. In the world, the princes are the first!”

Song Yu seems to be sighing.

“Since the ancient northern states, the states are rich and densely populated, the two states can reach the three southern states. Of course, this is the previous thing…”

Since Song Yu vigorously promoted the belief in the city, Wudi Tianmu has been unveiled, and the per mu production has also increased sharply, and there is still more than the northern land.

It’s still a short time, and if it’s been going on for decades, it’s a real growth of the emperor’s foundation! ! !

The natural subordinates are also known, and they are full of confidence in Song Yu’s great cause.

“After Yuan Zong took down Yuzhou, he is bound to enter Xuzhou. When the three states are all in place, the land of the Central Plains is in hand, naturally sweeping **, no dissatisfaction!”

Fang Ming studied in the past, and there are records of it. The princes of troubled times began to rely on the corners of the land to protect themselves. When the strength was strong, they entered the Central Plains and swept the four sides.

Now Yuan Zong, has entered the Late Stage of this process, began to invade the Central Plains, the Central Plains, convenient transportation, extending in all directions, if the weak is here, he is trapped to death, and if his strength is strong enough, then it is The destiny has returned.

After Yuan Zong swept the Northland, he must peek into the South. At that time, regardless of Zhou Yu, Shi Longjie, or even Song Yu, even self-protection is difficult! ! !

“Lord! I have to wait for the Yangtze River to be in danger. As long as the water army is profitable, it will be inferior. It can also be self-protected like Nanzheng, inheritance for a hundred years.”

Hong Quan said it.

Song Yu shook his head and smiled: “This is the last resort. Hongdudu has to raise the ambition of others and destroy his prestige!”

In the heart is a sigh, this Hong Quan is missing a few points in the overall situation, only to see the surface.

Although the north is dominated by cavalry, the southern water army is powerful. This is a geographical decision and cannot be changed. However, there are five states in the north, and the strengths of the righteousness are all above the south. If it can be unified, how can the south resist?

In the history of Nanzheng, thanks to the splitting of the North, the confrontation of several countries, it was able to struggle on the at the end of the death’s door, and wait until the North is unified, still immediately gray.

Not to mention, true body Fang Ming, this trip, but also glimpse of the secret, found that Taishangdao and Shi Longjie have collusion, which is very terrible.

If you live in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, if Shi Longjie is in good faith, Yuan Zong can take the trend of six states and go down the river. Who can stop it? At that time, it was really “the five-color building under the ship Yizhou, Jinling Wangqi received it”.

In Song Yu’s heart, there was some bitter smile, and Hong’s overall color was red and he returned.

“Hongdudu also had some truth before, but if you want to rule the country from the north and the south, you must at least win Jingzhou. You can protect yourself from the Fuyangjian City. It is best to integrate the four southern states into one, and the foundation is thick!”

Meng Che then listed the ceremony and said slowly.

Seeing that he spoke for himself, Hong was completely surprised, and he thought that he had to marry him anyway. This person is all serene, not worried, not looking red, looking at Meng Che’s eyes, but it is soft.

“All in all, this war is a must, this is the battle of the national movement, so you must do your best!”

Song Yu looked around and the voice was so high that he scored three points.

“I am obeying the life of the country!”

Since the Lord has made up his mind, as a subordinate, there is only a share of execution, and everyone is worshipping.

“Yeah!” Song Yu nodded, and asked Meng Meng: “How much food stock is in China?”

“According to the command of the Lord, to relieve the victims of the disaster, to allocate military food, and to prepare for the spring drought, although gold and silver are enough, and secretly sent people to the state to buy food, it is also a glass of water, and now China’s stock, in addition to the usual closed position, up to Out of the grain 200,000 stone!”

Meng Meng only counted in his heart and reported the specific number. As for the Changping warehouse, it can really be the last life-saving food for the people. It must not be moved. Otherwise, the people’s heart is unstable.

The generals are gazing, 200,000 stone! Enough enough for the first half of the military, it is definitely not less.

The main public foundation is so strong that it is far better than other princes.

Song Yu listened, and it was a slight joy. This is slightly more than he secretly estimated. It should be the merits of Meng Zhu. After all, reducing greed and other things, you can have more food. This is the advantage of political affairs. The strength can also rise a few points.

“Very good! When you remember you!” Song Yu will never forget the reward.

“Thanks to the Lord!” Meng Zhuo Xingli, he buried the first day and night in the first case, only to sort out these, spending a lot of effort, now listen to the public award, but suddenly feel great value.

“Hongyan, how is the new training?”

If there is enough food, you will need a soldier to form a large army.

“Reporting to the main public, the new recruits’ camps are intensifying their training. It is expected that in June, the hunting thousand army will be released again! Now, there are only 70,000 old soldiers and 60,000 sailors are available.”

Ye Hongyan said it.

Song Yu was secretly sighing. Originally, according to his plan, he acted slowly and accumulated strength. After the autumn harvest, there would be twenty three million troops. The grain and grass are even more worry-free. Then Jingzhou will be hit as soon as possible.

But now, the strength is a bit weak.

“So, the public will pay 60,000 troops, 40,000 sailors, and the public will lead the troops personally!”

Song Yu made up his mind that this only took the huge thousand army, one was the lack of food and grass, and the other was to leave some strength and defend the old nest.

“In this, Linjiang, Xiangyang Navy, with the public, and the Yangtze River Navy, to defend the natural danger, monitor the North, can not move!”

“For the Army, Ye Hongyan, Luo Bin, etc. each with the headquarters, with the public!”

Song Yu thought about it, or said it.

“Nuo!” The following civil weapons are all worshipped.

After the order was issued, the entire national government was moved.

Jianye City is surrounded by tension, and there are many more sergeants on the city gate. There are a lot of fast horses, and the shape is rushing. It seems that there is important news.

“The national government wants to send troops!” Seeing this situation, there is still a cloud in the mind of the Jianye people.

In all fairness, although Song Yu did something arbitrarily and decisively, but under his rule, the Wuzhou people finally had a few days of birthday, and now they have to re-emerge, not by the complexity of expression.

There are many people here, and the expression is very different, secretly doing their own thing.

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