Hou Xiaosan looked through the doorway and watched the iron ride that flew past. He licked some dry lips and saw all around. He returned to the house and said to himself: “Cao big brother, what do you do with this? ?”

“How is it around?”

This Cao big brother was wearing a linen coat, his hands were surrounded, his eyes were slightly stunned, and he seemed to be closing his eyes, but he asked about other things.

“Reassured, I have seen it, there are no one around…” Hou Xiaosan waved his hand and some did not care.

See you, Cao big brother is also sighing, “How many times have you told us, the first thing to do is to be cautious, otherwise you will have to live a few years, you have to be a ghost! Or even the ghosts have nothing to do!”

Stand up and look at all around through the window slits.

“I have been with you for so long, Cao big brother still believes in my craft?” Hou Xiaosan is not convinced.

“Be careful to sail for thousands of years!” Cao big brother sighed: “Hey, this is a terrible thing, don’t keep your head in your belt, oh…”

The big face was full of bitterness, and even the figure was a little bit smashed.

“big brother Don’t worry, wait until we make a great contribution, there are natural arrangements, and then you can get rid of this bird errand, go back and enjoy it…”

Hou Xiaosan could not help but say comfort.

“Great work? hmph!” This Cao big brother is a little sneer.

He and this Hou Xiaosan, on the surface, are the merchants of Jianye. In secret, they are the spies of other forces in Jianye. They are responsible for reporting the development of Jianye at any time.

This dark work is both bitter and unspeakable. Surnamed Cao Dahan has seen many times when Wu Guogong executed his peers. The blood was so bloody that he was shocked. It can’t be night.

Hou Xiaosan said that the merits of the cloud, surnamed Cao Dahan is not at all in mind. Since I got on the boat, do you want to go down? He has been in the dark since he started. There is no such luxury in my heart.

This thought is just a turn in my heart, and my mouth still says: “Since we know that Wu Guogong has changed, we naturally have to report it!”

As far as he knows, his master’s spies under Jianye are definitely more than just him and Hou Xiaosan.

These groups of dark people do not know each other’s names, they meet every day, and they may not be recognized. The master set this basket, in addition to being an insurance. Just in case, let the teams compete for the better.

If you wait until the assessment, there is no intelligence in this group, and you can’t get any important news. When you are not sure, you will be given up by the peak! ! !

Surnamed Cao Dahan naturally does not want to do this, his mouth does not stop: “I am, you write!”

“Well!” Hou Xiaosan promised to take out a few things from the secret place. It was a small yellow paper, a small box, and a wolf.

Seeing Hou Xiaosan took the clear water and opened the small box. Pick a little red powder and suddenly become red ink.

Hou Xiaosan mentioned some small wolves, and they were stained with red ink. I heard the surnamed Cao, and he started to write on yellow paper. It turned out to be a small head.

They are trained, and this hand does not say how good it looks. However, the small strokes and the strokes are not chaotic, which is also a bit of hard work.

After a while, the whole piece of small yellow paper has been secretly numb, which is the recent development of Song Yu. At the end, it is also attached to the speculation of surnamed Cao.

“Cheng!” Hou Xiaosan threw down the pen, carefully picked up the yellow paper with his fingers, and blew it.

The amazing scene happened. I saw that as the ink dried up, the handwriting on the yellow paper disappeared, and it seemed that I had never written anything.

“Quickly seal with wax!” Surnamed Cao reminded me.

After some processing, the original note has become a yellow wax pill.

Surnamed Cao Dahan collects wax pills, “I am going to put information, you stay at home, don’t go anywhere!”

“Know, know, not the first time!” Hou Xiaosan sent impatiently.

“You…hey…” Surnamed Cao Dahan sighed, or walked out of the house.

When I came to the street outside, there were several acquaintances saying hello: “Cao Boss is good!” “Where did you get rich recently?” “Come to me here!”

Surnamed Cao Dahan smiled, one after another responded.

Originally, the house he was in was the backyard of a warehouse. He and Hou Xiaosan made up the merchants and bought the warehouse. They sold merchandise such as department stores, followed by warehouses and residences.

To the outside, surnamed Cao is the Boss, and Hou Xiaosan is the account and buddy.

Around the business Boss, I know that Cao Boss is a business virginity, arrogant, and arrogant, and is willing to deal with him.

Surnamed Cao Dahan’s face is leisurely, like a stroll, not long after, it is farther and farther, and the pedestrians around it are rare, and the vendors are extinct.

Seeing that I have arrived at the destination, surnamed Cao seems to have lost one thing. By bending over and taking things for a moment, I look back and see no one behind me. It’s already in my heart, I’m getting up, two steps. It turned into a more remote alley.

I didn’t say that Jianye was in the county town, and there was no such thing as a remote place.

But these few plots of land, I do not know why, it seems to have been evil, living people are sick, doing business is also bloody, and gradually spread the fierce name, the people said that there are evil spirits here, avoid it.

In fact, these were just rumors, and they were later used by Dahan’s organization as a secret joint.

This alley is full of weeds, the fresh air of the grass is mixed with the unknown stench, but the big man does not wrinkle even the brow.

Going to a place, a small smile on the mottled wall, like the graffiti of the previous urchin.

Surnamed Cao Hanseye shined, turned over under the mark to find the three blocks of stone together, and then digging and digging in the land, a ball to the hand.

Dahan quickly buried his own wax pellets with small yellow paper in the soil, and set the three stones as they were, before they got up.

The silence was restored in the alley.

Soon after, the sound of the sleeves rang out, but there were a few silhouettes, wearing flying fish suits, and the face was cold.

“hehe… don’t let him go, keep track of many days, and finally find another place, but unfortunately did not catch any big fish, all small shrimp!”

When the first person sneered.

“Big fish? If there is a big fish, how can I get you and me? I have a hundred households to take over!”

The latter person does not seem to be a subordinate, but a level, the tone is a bit embarrassing.

Song Yu set up Bright Gown Guard, basically copied the Ming Dynasty, and commanded Chen Yun to be promoted several times. Now there are also five products, and there are thousands, 100 households, and small flags.

Thousands of households are seven products, one hundred households are nine products, and the small flag is equivalent to the priests. Below, there are some who do not enter the stream, called Fanzi, just like the servants, but they can also get the money.

The two Bright Gown Guards are small flags, only one level higher than Fanzi.

I heard this statement from my companion. When I first talked about the flag, I was a little uncomfortable, but I didn’t say anything. I opened the stone and took out the wax pill. It was sneer: “Hey! The shape paper? But it’s the show on the rivers and lakes. How many years old Old Huang has been used, and it has been used, and there is nothing new…”

I found a clean stone, took out the yellow paper, laid it on the surface of the stone, and took a small bottle from my arms. I poured out the transparent liquid, soaked the yellow paper, and quickly removed it, and dried the yellow paper.

Wait until the surface of the yellow paper is dry, the surface that was originally empty, and the dense red font of the densely packed.

This person looked at it carefully, but he yelled: “Hey! Nothing is important!”

Throw the yellow paper to the back of the small flag, the small flag was taken, and it was browsed again, said with a smile: “I told you earlier, there will be no big fish here, not believe it, how is it now?”

Seeing that some of my companions were depressed, I couldn’t help but change my tone: “Everyone wants to climb up, but the seat is that many, it’s too difficult now, but the country’s only twenty is not here. It’s just a state, and it’s all over the country. Nine Provinces, we old people, are afraid that they will not be promoted? It is possible to go out alone, it is possible!”

Listening to the advice of the small flag, the face of the original person seems to be much better, and he smiled: “You are doing a good job, I am also anxious, inform the third child, accept the Internet!!!”

It seems that I also gave up this place.

“Good! I will send out the signal. Although it is a small shrimp, but it is accumulated, it is also a meritorious service!” Xiaoqi smiled.

With the arrest of Bright Gown Guard, Jianye has many secret agents from various princes.

Although it is certainly not a net, but with the help of the city’s sinister ghosts, it is also a hidden generation of one after another, nothing. They have caught the prison and forced to ask the news. The important ones are under the black prison, and the rest are broken! ! !

Just leave a few small fish, control it, put some news that is really fake, although it may not be useful, but you can try it.

When the army is dispatched, the princes are not fools. It is hard to climb the sky if you want to hide the past.

Unless you have been planning for a long time, the number of people is small, and the place where you live is sparsely populated, it is so fast that there are some possibilities.

In this regard, Song Yu did not hold much hope. Every time after clearing a group of dark rooms, in less than a few days, the princes would send people to sneak in. For this gesture of not taking human life as a play, Song Yu is not too good. Way.

It can only be ordered by Bright Gown Guard from time to time.

Fortunately, since the division of Wuzhou, the Song Yu has become more and more ambitious, and the use of the plan is mostly a conspiracy, not afraid of others seeing through.

The personality is gloomy and unpredictable, and it is easy to use tricks. It is the python temper, which can be used at the beginning. At this level, it is difficult to be elegant.

The battle of the world is in the sky and the general trend.

As it is now, Zhou Yuming knows that Song Yu will take the opportunity to attack Jingzhou, but there is no way other than to guard against death.

The gap in strength is not so easy to smooth out.

Song Yu can start the hunting thousand army without damage to the roots, while Zhou Yu uses the stocks and regular positions of the prefectures. If he can’t win, he will get supplements, rush to class, and just rule collapse. The end.

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