The waves of the river are turbulent, reflecting the distant sun. It is golden, and it is fragmented. Although it is far from the ocean, it is a mystery. It is still a long way. It is a dangerous road, a huge wind and a huge wave. I don’t know how many ships are overturned. However, under the huge warship, forcibly opened a wave.

The water wave was cut open by the warship, forming two white waves, extending backward from both sides of the hull, such as the geese flying south, very beautiful.

Hundreds of water waves, but around the fleet, forming a ripple.

Behind the warships at this time, there are still a large number of sailboats. From afar, there are more than a hundred, and the sails cover the sky.

“This five-toothed ship is solid, and it is like walking on the river, like a flat!”

Hong Quan stepped on the solid floor and couldn’t help but say.

His flagship is the five-toothed ship, which was made by Song Yu and the Ministry of Labor.

“Five teeth” actually means that the battleship has an 5-Layer structure, which is more than 100 feet high. Set up six shots around the front and rear, 50 feet high. Each coffin is a boulder with a shovel. When it is approaching the enemy ship in battle, you can quickly put down the boulder and smash the enemy ship. If you can’t hit a single shot, you can quickly put it back and put it back. If the enemy ship is surrounded by four sides, it can also be “six-pronged”, and its combat power is strong.

Moreover, each of the five-toothed ships can carry 800 soldiers, the full length of severe ten zhang, in Dagan, it can be called a giant.

Hong’s body is a general of the Navy. It is natural to know that this ship has a great advantage in the water war. I am afraid that the rest of the boat will have to knock over! ! !

“Unfortunately, this five-toothed ship is time-consuming and laborious, even if it is overtime. It is only over twenty.” Hong Quan has some regrets. “But the Huanglong boat is not bad, it is better than the Jingshui Navy!”

Huanglong boat. It is also made by the Ministry of Industry and can accommodate more than one hundred soldiers. This is also the normal standard of the state’s navy, and it is considered to be the backbone.

On the other side of Song Yu, the evil spirits are avoided, deep into the mountains, and the giant woods are built. The joints are naturally seamless and do not need to be nailed together. Not only does it save the cost of work, but it is also better than other ships in terms of solidity.

This ancient ship of the high ship was the ship of the later ship. It was frightening and dissipating.

Hong Quan looked at the distant waves and muttered to himself. “I don’t know that Meng Che is a pioneer. Can you go to Jiangxia?”

Ancient military affairs. The mobilization was extremely troublesome. From Song Yu’s determination, the army began to mobilize and officially sent troops. It has been more than a month.

During this period of time, the Northland smoked and the Yuan Zongshang was fighting in Yuzhou.

Zhou Yu and Shi Longjie revolve around Fuyang City. Form a confrontation.

“Jiangxia has insufficient soldiers, and Meng Che has brought in 20,000 water troops. It should be nothing! Or soon, you can hear the news!”

have to say. Meng Che is a refined and elegant person, and he is full of dragons. Unconsciously, he can make a good impression. When he is now, it is Hong Quan who was not used to it before. He became friends with Meng Che.

The army was dispatched, and it was walking along the waterway, and Song Yu was appointed as the vanguard of Meng Che, leading the Xiangyang Navy to go straight to Jiangxia.

Meng Che has a dragon boost, and the Navy has another 20,000, which will open the situation.

Hong Quan as an old man, although the official face and Meng Cheping level, but in the eyes of outsiders, nature is still above Meng Che, the later relying on.


Jiangxia Prefecture is adjacent to Jingzhou, east to Daye, and south to Xianning. It is the eastern gateway of Jingzhou. It has always been popular and commercial is very developed.

Since then, because of the news that Wu Jun is about to come to attack, the business travels will retreat early, and even the people will have abandon their homes.

After obtaining specific information, Jiang Xia Fucheng imposed martial law three days ago, and the people were not allowed to enter and exit, preparing for wholeheartedly.

In the distance, Meng Che carried a thousand miles of mirrors, looking at the distant Jiangxi city wall, the car is also a five-toothed ship.

“It seems that the defense is very strict, and even the Navy does not come out, it is completely ruined by my master!”

Also playing with the things in his hand, this thousand-mile mirror is long in shape, with crystals on both sides, and it is extremely smooth. “The people in the company are really capable, whether it is this ‘thousands of mirrors’ or ‘five teeth big “The ship’s are all weapons of the military! The former Imperial Court Ministry, how can you not hear these things come out…”

He did not know that the former Imperial Court officials were mostly from the Aristocratic Family. They only knew that they were obedient or invented, but they did not enter the eyes of the superiors. They would be accused of being curious and incompetent.

Song Yu is different, although he is natural to science and technology, but to use it to enhance his own strength, why not do it.

Just set the rewards and say some suggestions. The people at the bottom gave these two distinct things, and there are other pieces that are not time-consuming or practical. They are all discarded.

“The Governor said that it is, but the enemy can’t shrink, but it is also troublesome. I am still a navy after all, and I have to use it to attack the city.”

Next, a scribe-like person said.

The people of this world, as long as they are in a high position, have the habit of collecting the wings of the counselor. Before Meng Qi was the governor of Wuzhou Navy, it was also a high power and a natural weight.

These are the aides of private collection, as long as they are reported, they will basically be approved.

Of course, there are restrictions on the number of people. If you have more, you have to bear the burden.

“According to the secret news, at this time in the Jiangxia City, the defenders are only a million people, how dare to come out?” Meng Che is not surprised, but some admire the decision of the defending city.

Traditionally, there is no need for young people to defend the city. It is afraid that the young and the young will be in full swing. In the meantime, Jiang Xia’s garrison will not even do temptations, and they will directly shrink and see the old country.

“The army can transfer to the city, but the ship does not have a foot, and can’t run ashore. Let’s go to their navy Dazhai!”

Meng looked at the defense, and had already discovered Wu Jun, the police city of Jiangxia, who was alert.

“The Governor is wise!” The generals around said.

“Adult! You see, Wu Jun Navy went to the camp of our army Navy!” Jiang Xiatou, one will lead the armor, with the wind and frost, the horns see white, a pair of scorpions are extremely narrow, with cold light, people Chilling, at this time looking at Wu Jun Navy.

Seeing that the Navy turned around and went to the Dazhai of his own water army, it was impossible for someone to make a sound.

“This General knows naturally! You wait for the civil servant. At the time, this General was not allowed to burn this village. Now it seems that I want to be cheaper outsiders?”

The generals stared at a few civil servants, and they brought a murderous aura.

“I am waiting for this? There are three thousand soldiers in our village, and there are several large ships. It is a pity to burn them. It is a big mistake, and the army will be reduced!”

Seeing this scene, the following few civil servants, trembled on the body, but there is one person, dressed in a red official gown, came out deeply cup one fist in the other hand, he said, it seems like this will be murderous aura, nothing feel.

“hmph!” This will turn around and stop talking.



The water battle is different from the land. At this time, several large ships are arranged in a row, staggered together, and arrows fall like rain.

Although the Jingzhou Navy’s lineup is neat, it seems that after training, but the ship is not as good as the sailor sailing under the five-toothed ship, just like the strong man and the child, he was easily hit by a smash, and the soldiers were captured.

“The adults won the first battle, but they are grateful!” When they met, they all congratulated Meng Che.

The situation in this situation is very clear. Although the Jingzhou Navy is also very elite, the number is really too small, only 3,000 people, and Meng Che has 20,000, the ship is not as good as it is only final struggle.

After half an hour has passed, one will come up. “The end will be Han Dang, I have seen the Governor, and I will not disgrace my mission. I have already broken the enemy!”

“Good! When you remember you!” Meng Che’s tone is dull, it seems that he does not care about the current victory.

Han Dang has a happy face and the ceremony is retired.

“Dudu! Jingzhou Navy Camp has been cleared, our army has come all the way, it is very tired, whether to camp and rest!”

At this time, there are people who jump out and say.

“You are so suggestion?” Meng Che looked around and asked slowly.

“What do you mean?” The scribes asked, and the eyes of Meng Che were so excited that they couldn’t help but shudder. “Is it wrong, the enemy is swindling?”

“haha! It’s a little Xu, it’s my heart!” Meng Che was clapping and stood up.

“You know who Jiang Beishou is?”

“General will celebrate!”

“Yes, it’s Zhou Qing! This week is not only Zhou Yu’s family, but also trusted. The soldiers are extremely poisonous. They are called ‘poisonous snakes in the water’! My father is praised. And this and the others, Do you think that he will send me the water army camp?”

Meng Chexiao asked, the public will shake their heads together.

It’s just that there are many places in Wu, and Zhou Yu and Long Cheng are also known to Jingzhou. As for the generals, who will worry? It is only when the attack is now launched, it will be a surprise attack, and Meng Che not only remembers, but also knows the details, so that everyone has to admire.

“That is what Iduto sees, is this week wanting to attack at night?” asked the scribe.

“Night attack?” Meng Che shook his head. “If the Governor is Zhou Qing, he will bury the fire and other things in the secrets of the Navy’s camp. When the night is quiet, he will take the opportunity to start the fire, and the Navy will be burned! !”

The public will be silent, Meng Che said, it is really possible.

The Shuijunying Village is very arrogant, and after a fight, there are many bloodstains. If it is a special fire oil, the taste is very light. Wu Junshi’s pawns come from afar, long distances, physical and mental exhaustion, and no time to check. It is really possible to have a way!

“These Jingzhou Navy captives?” Someone asked.

“Nature is also burning together! Can’t say, Zhou Qing even let them hide the past together!” The scribe said slowly.

“Three thousand elite navy, and the big ship camp, said to throw away, just to lead me to the middle, this week’s ‘water poisonous snake’ name, really worthy!”

The public will look at each other in dismay, and they all feel chilling.

“Report! I waited for a thorough search, and I found oily and other dyes in the hidden secrets of the camp!”

At this time, a pro soldier came to report.

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