“The Governor is wise! God is wonderful!”

Just guessing, but now I hear the obituary, the public will be loyalty acknowledgment allegiance.

“Now the enemy’s plan has been smashed by the Governor. I will wait for it to count…” The scribes turned and asked.

“No!” Meng Che waved. “My master Wu Guogong is a man of state, and Zhou Yu is only a house. Now it is dragged in Jingbei, and it is not allowed to display. These are the general trends of my master!”

“In fact, we have 20,000 troops, and Jiangxia City was originally dissatisfied with 10,000 people. Now it has lost 3,000, and the defense is more empty.”

“The strength gap is so obvious, I just need to be steady and steady, not greedy, not advent, the opponent is a dead end, no place to turn over!”

“The order is passed down, the water army is transferred, and the camp is set up for camping!”

“Nuo!” All the voices came neatly.


In the city of Jiangxia, Zhou Qing heard the obituary, waving his expression expressionlessly: “this General knows, you go on!” The men under the shackles, the wolverines ran out.

“The old man is not willing to end!!!” After a long time, there was a depressing voice coming from the hall.

Although the plan was seen, Zhou Qing’s appearance was not particularly exposed. On the second day, Jiang Xia Baiguan was also convened.

Looking at the bottom or implied fear, or thoughtful face, Zhou Qing secretly sneered, then said: “This time this General has set a military order in front of the Governor, swearing to defend the city in March, if March The inner city is broken, what does this General have to see the governor? It can only be a death, and now, whoever dares to slack off in this General, or even to delay, is the life of this General!! Since you are waiting for the life of this General. This General is only the first to be strong…”

When he said this, Zhou Qing’s eyes were cold. Like two long swords, they point straight to the people below.

This language is murderous aura. Everyone is listening, knowing that the general at this time is definitely not recognizing one’s family, whoever dares to go out and destroys them, all of them have bowed their heads and made people look good.

“Good! Since you have no objections, this General has a life…”

Zhou Qing looked around and naturally knew that today, by taking advantage of the pressure to suppress people, life and death, the disaster is not shallow. However, if you break the river, it will not be a problem, but the problem of the whole family! These two evils are relatively light, and they have to do the same.

Zhou Qing thought about it, and the expression turned cold.


Meng Che looked at the river city wall in the distance. I saw that there were not only soldiers, but also the brawny dressed up by the people. They held the military equipment and defended the city. The husband and the soldiers are like the densely packed ants. Every mouth is guarded, and the brow is somewhat wrinkled.

“There are still people who help Zhuang Ding to help defend the city, which is troublesome!”

Meng Che naturally knows. Today’s Jiangxia City, because Zhou Yu has drawn a lot of soldiers, it is rare to leave behind. After all, before the Sanjiangkou, Wuchang and other places. There are not even thousands of people who watched the pawn. I saw Wu Jun Navy. All are immediately committed.

Now, the number of guards on the wall is estimated to be 15,000. Although the regular sergeant is less than 5,000, it is extremely troublesome.

After all, the defenders only need to have the courage to use them. Even the folks can use them. With the city wall, the folks can also improve their courage, but the siege is different, let alone the men in the hands of the water army!

“However, this is the case. Zhou Yu will be the military officer who will be available to the rear. They are all transferred to Jiangxia, and they are trying to defend the enemy from the country. If they are laying down the river, the back is mostly empty, almost no one!”

The army dispatched and secretly reported three times a day. Meng Che knew the current Zhou Yu through the Bright Gown Guard system and his own channel. He also took the hunting thousand army and Shi Longjie to confront the Xiangyang, and the entire southern part of Jingzhou was already empty. Jiang Xia has some resistance here. The rest of the place is unmanned. It is almost a dozen hits, and my heart is hot.

“This is a good opportunity, it is a rare event! And this war, and Jiang Xia is the first great achievement, absolutely wrong!”

Meng Che thought in his heart, “I am a descendant, although the trust of the national government is not reduced, but it also needs to be guaranteed. This Jiang Xia is sent to me by God. As long as you lay down Jiang Xia, other merits, you don’t have to fight again! So, those dark hands can also move!”

The rumored order said: “The order is passed down, and the army is ready to attack the city and prepare for the siege!”

“Nuo!” The long-term instinct, let the pledges promise, but they are somewhat puzzled. The Navy attacked the city. In ancient times, there were some dramas. Especially in the case of a similar number of enemy troops.

“Although it may not be able to lay down Jiang Xiacheng, but you can also test the enemy forces, but also tired of the enemy soldiers, prepare for the arrival of the main public!” Meng Che blinked in the eyes, smiled and explained.

“Yes! The words of the Governor are very reasonable!” Since it is a temptation attack, since it is not necessary to send a soldier to the ant to attack the city, this casualty is extremely small, almost training, the public will think, they are promised.

The Navy’s big ship also carried the parts of the small catapult, and the craftsmen accompanied him. When they arrived at the ground, the soldiers cut the wood to make the siege equipment, and the craftsmen reassembled the catapult, but they also had the same model.

Three days later, the ordnance was ready, and the stone-throwing vehicle screamed, throwing the boulder out and squatting on the riverside city wall, making a loud noise.

A bow and arrow, but also do not want money to sprinkle to the head of Jiangxia.

“Is this… temptation?” One will shrink behind the city, watching the boulder and arrow rain coming from the air, asking himself inexplicably.

If you really want to attack the city, you must first fill in the moat, then build a ladder, or hit the door with a collision machine, and these are all to be filled with human life! Now, Wu Jun is only doing some long-range attacks, as if he is tempted.

“Isn’t it… the plan of being tired?” This will be thinking, Wu Jun’s big business is big, and these are just pioneers. It is understandable to have this temptation.

If Jiang Xia is exhausted, when Wu Guogong comes, the army will surge up, it will be resisted, and it will be meritorious. This will be thought of, and some will not be able to sit still, and said: “Transfer! Closely monitor Wu Jun’s movement! Take turns to rest!”

“Nuo!” A soldier behind him immediately went out to convey the military order.

“I hope I think more…” The keeper is still a little worried. “But no matter what, blocking the four things, you can’t die!”

The day before yesterday, after the intimidation of the Aristocratic Family to defend the city, Zhou Qing wanted to block four doors with huge stones.

This is the account of the household! ! ! In this way, although it will last for a long time, there is no way out in the city regardless of Aristocratic Family or the people!

How can you survive when the food is exhausted?

The squadrons tried hard to persuade, and the Aristocratic Family was even more tit for tat, and promised to have more guards and food rations, so that Zhou Qing’s thoughts would be withdrawn, and the keeper would be so frightened.

He is naturally loyal to the great governor Zhou Yu, but if you do, you have to lose hundreds of lives and yourself, and it seems too much…

Time went to the night, the city wall used a torch, shining on one side, bright and incomparable, filled with the burning smell of pine cedar wood, more with a medicinal herb aroma, can avoid mosquitoes.

The moonlight seems to be covered by layers of tulle, and the fog is foggy. This is a cloud that covers the sky.

Even the moon is like this, other stars, almost completely covered, can not see starlight, only the brightest, can barely see the flash.

“The emperor star is swaying and stunned!” The defender looked at the faint star of the sky and couldn’t help but sigh.

“How come I suddenly thought of this sentence?” Shou will touch his head, some puzzled.

“This is the poem of the former dynasty. It is also out of chaos. What is the first sentence? There is a mad night to sharpen the knife…”

“Suddenly, there is a madman who sharpens the knife… The stars are swaying and swaying high? Ah!!!!!? Not good!!!!!”

The defender will be shocked, “came back to his senses.” “Confucianism has many senses of heaven and earth. I have a restless mood, and something will happen tonight!”

Pulling the knife and drinking; “Where is my pro soldier?”

“General! We are!” The surrounding soldiers are all surrounded by the guards of the regiment at the innermost side.

A few more people wore armor, and they were in front of the keeper. They had hard bows and arrows, and they had to pass them to hurt the generals in the back.

“This General is upset, and there is a big change tonight. You are going to visit the city wall with me, Xiaosan! You are going to ring the police!”

This vigilance can only be used by night raids. Now, just because the defender is uneasy, he has to ring, there are some dramas, but this guard will go through a battle, from the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea, and the nerves are sharp. The extreme, as early as from the action of Wu Jun in the day, I smelled something wrong, but now, I smell the breath of death, and I don’t care so much.

Above the battlefield, there are many changes, and many times, relying on the generals of the generals! ! !

And this will be convinced of your own spiritual awareness! !

“Nuo!” called Xiao San’s pro-arms should, and got up and ran to a high-rise.

“We went to four doors, and at night there was only a problem at the main entrance!” said the keeper.

“Yes!” The surrounding soldiers promised that they were about to start, and the sound of killing was heard at the East Gate!

boom! ! ! Long knife hit the ground, splashing a few ignition stars: “Or a step ahead for these counter thieves!!!” Shou will not drink.

“Follow me to the East Gate!”

The soldiers did not dare to neglect, surrounded by this will go, through a few streets, to the scene, only to find that Zhou Qing is also around, densely packed are all a gentleman, there is a camp bower behind.

The keeper will hurry up and ask Ann: “I have seen the general!”

“It’s you!” Zhou Qing smiled, his body covered with armor, no mess, no spare time, seems to be prepared for this matter.

“This General loves to use tricks. Before the Wu National Public Soldiers, they also sent more secrets to inquire about the secrets. This surprise attack has already entered my mind!”

Zhou Qing sneered and said: “It was only a few days ago, before the closed city gate, he sent a secret room into the river, hiding the ambush, and waited until now, suddenly a blow… this little child!”

The defender is a little cold sweat, although it is a subtotal, if one does not prevent it, it is really possible to go.

Can’t help but admire: “General wise!”

The defender will look into the field, and see a group of merchants dressed up by the merchants, holding a knife and gun, hitting the East Gate, and entangled with the defenders.

And now see power is far from good, and some have turned to escape.

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