Wang Tong and several defenders are there.

At this point, the faces of the guards are a bit strange.

I remember that at this time yesterday, they are still studying how to resist Wu Jun. Now, still here, they and their superiors have all become Wu Jun.

The eccentricity of the world is no more than this.

It was Wang Tong, on the surface of serene, met several defenders, but also smiled and greeted, and did not see the twilight, so that several guards would admire the heart.

On the first, Meng Che said: “…you wait for the dark to declare, my master knows how to use people, and has a broad mind, there must be a reward… As for the week, I will wait for my Lord to come to dispose!”

Since he became a member of the family, Wang Tong and these few defenders did not dare to put a shelf, and they all said: “Let the adults tell you!”

“haha… good! Bento has a banquet today to entertain you!”

Meng Che laughed and said, staying in Zhou Qing, waiting for Song Yu to come to the disposal, is also the duty of the courtiers, and these several guards, relying on the battle, and make great contributions, according to the rules of Song Yu, at least can rise The higher level, after a few years, is the command of the first-class, this is the middle-level general, very valued, do not want to pull some relations now, but when?

He is still the leader of the 20,000-strong army, and has hosted a banquet for several defenders. No one can say no gossip.

If it is really a few commanders, or generals, he should avoid suspicion.


Song Yu’s ship, since the special five-toothed ship, is bigger than the other similar ones, and can accommodate thousands of soldiers.

The hull is even more coated with gold paint dragon, which is very eye-catching.

“reporting to Guogong, Meng Chedu Governor has already laid down the city of Jiangxia. Currently in the city to rest, waiting for the main army!”

“Good!” Song Yu was overjoyed. This Meng Che is worthy of being a dragon, dealing with other generals. No disadvantages.

Around the waiter’s Hong Quan, the corner of the eye is also a hop, secretly said in one’s heart: “I thought that Meng Brother can win Sanjiangkou, Wuchang, it is not a small merit, I did not expect, I really did not expect, even the defense of the Jiangxia The city can be laid down! Real genius also!!!”

“The order is passed, the army speeds up the progress, and rushes to Jiangxia as soon as possible!” Song Yuxin was happy. It was immediately ordered.

At this time, it is not a later life, Wuchang is only a small town, and Jiangxia status is far above Wuchang, it is the gateway to Jingzhou, and it is the important town of Wuzhou! ! !

Now that the army has not arrived, Jiang Xia will be won by the pioneers. This is a good start.

With the military order, the surrounding fleets took the wind and waves. Speed ​​up, full of sails, and go to Jiang Xia.

On May 25, the army arrived in Jiangxia. When Song Yu took a seat, he saw Meng Che with a few strange generals welcoming: “I have seen Wu Guogong!!!”

“Love Qing quickly picks up!” Song Yu stepped forward and helped Meng Che: “Ai Qing lays down Jiang Xia. It is really great! The public has a lot of rewards!”

“A certain monarch will not give up, can be promoted. Dare to live in power?” Meng Che worshipped and introduced the following people: “This is Wang Tong. Vice-President Zhou Qing, this is Zhang Yifei, Yang Yong, Qiu Guo, are all generals. Now I’m abandoning the dark, and I’m tied up with Zhou Qing…”

Wang Tong took a few defenders and paid respect again: “Sin will see the national official…”

“haha ……” These generals are all good, but Wang Tong, who is headed, seems to have some connection with Meng Che.

Song Yu’s heart secretly recorded, the face is not exposed, one after another to support the relief, directly to each person to a level.

Seeing the Wu master not only did not have the legendary, so did not like the Aristocratic Family, a few of the guards were full of sigh of relief, and the face was beaming.

“As for the week, the public does not have to meet, kill directly!” Song Yu, in the end, seems to inadvertently, said.

Zhou Qing is Zhou Family clansman, the family is in the hands of Zhou Yu, let alone the hype, the golden lotus, not falling, let alone put out any news, and Zhou Yu is the gathering of Jingzhou Longqi, now Song Jade, but also the owner of a state, can not accommodate this Flood Dragon, between the two, must be the end of your life! ! !

“It’s a pity! But there is Mengci, it’s not bad!” Song Yu thought.

Zhou Yu is a Jingzhou Qianlong, a good water army, well-known in the world, compared with Meng Che, like pearls and rubble.

However, Zhou Yu’s body is too prosperous. Song Yu’s ability to accept the South, unless it is unified in the South, can be accepted. At this time, there is only one word of “kill”.

Although Meng Che has a dragon, the pattern is small, the system can accommodate, but it is unhindered, which is also his luck.

Wang Tong and several other newcomers, the original see Song Yuhe and qi, the heart is a little loose, do not want to end, Song Yu face with a smile, to Zhou Yu’s relatives, Jingzhou famous Zhou Qing, even see no, directly killing It’s really unbelievable, and the back of the hair is not upside down, and the forehead is cold and sweaty.

For these, Song Yu was ignorant and said to Meng Che: “The public brought over 80,000 troops and traveled long distances. Can this camping place be ready?”

“Please rest assured that the Lord will have built a military camp water village, and wait for the army to settle in!” Meng Che said.

“Okay! The army is resting for three days, then it will go up the river and go straight to Baling!”

Song Yu looked at the north, and some smiles on the corner of his mouth rose: “Zhou Yu’s picture is outside the country’s gates, but I’m afraid I’ve already jumped…”

Zhou Yu took the hundred thousand troops to the north, and the rear was empty. The rest was transferred to the Jiangxia Shoucheng, and now the net is exhausted.

At this time, Jingnan is almost no one. Zhou Yu’s old nest is unstable and will definitely return to the division.

When the army was dispatched, nothing was obtained, and the old nest was attacked again. Zhou Yu at this time must be in a hurry.

Song Yu was a good man, and he was preparing to fight with Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu at this time, in his view, although there is still strength at hand, but already hopeless Jingzhou.

Fuyang, Zhou Yu army camp.

“Damn!!! Is Zhou Qing a dead person? So let Song Yu go so easily in Jiang Xia!!!!”

When Fang Tongyu entered the camp, he heard Zhou Yu’s roaring voice.

choke! ! ! ! The sound of the sword coming out of the sword sounded, and then the sound of the sword and the wood was cut, and the crisp sound of the cup fell.

“Even a pioneer is not even a rival. In three days, Jiang Xia was lost. I also became a prisoner. Zhou Qing, good! Very good!!!!”

Fang Tongyu’s heart sank, so that in the south of Jingzhou, it was in an extremely dangerous situation.

The footsteps kept going, and when I arrived at the camp center, Fang Tongyu was shocked.

At this time, Zhou Yu, his face was stunned, his head was scattered, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he was holding a sabre to cut tables and chairs, which seemed to be venting anger.

The surrounding attendants are far away from the distance, and even the breathing is not dare, for fear of attracting attention and getting into trouble.

“Please also ask the Lord to calm down!” Fang Tongyu saw this, and he could only squat down.

“Calm??? How do you make this Governor calm????”

Zhou Yu growled.

“Jiang Xia lost, then Song Yuda can go up the Yangtze River, lower Chibi, win Baling, threaten Changsha, Jiangling. The foundation of the capital, the collapse will be on the eve, how do you let this Governor calm down!!!”

“Since the Governor is aware of it, he can also know that the current Jingbei is in a struggle, or it is still early to return to Jiangling as soon as possible, and there is still life!”

“With Yu, you are unparalleled in eloquence, then you can talk about how to break the game?” Zhou Yu looked back, and the voice turned calm, but Jianfeng pointed to Fang Tongyu.

If the answer is not good, it is the end of the field.

Fang Tongyu looked at Jianfeng, but expression was an unprecedented calm.

“Jingzhou nowadays, there are Shiwang in the north and Songyu in the south, all of them are wolf ambitions, glare like a tiger watching his prey generation, and now the rear is critical, only to return to the defense as soon as possible, relying on Jiangling Jiancheng to protect themselves!”

“This is a tortoise, what is the use?” Zhou Yu is based in the southern part of Jingzhou, it is a city of Jiangling, if the remaining low-level province, was occupied by Song Yu, he did not live.

“If there is only Wu Guogong’s family, this is the way to death. Now, Jingzhou is squatting with two tigers. Will Shi Wangzhen sit down and watch Song Yu? I can wait and see, and even stand up to the alliance with Shi Wang…”


The defending army of Fuyang City suddenly found that Zhou Yu, who had surrounded them for several months, began to withdraw from the camp.

Originally, I only thought it was an illusion. After I confirmed it, I was cheering.

“Wu Guogong took up Jiangxia, can Zhou Yu finally sit still?”

In the city of Fuyang, Longcheng looked at the retreating Zhou Yu army and said slowly.

Longcheng middle-aged appearance, with two beards and beards, tall, very mature man’s charm.

As a defender of Xiangyang City, he knows a lot more than the ordinary soldiers. Even the siege, there are channels to get outside news, naturally knowing that Song Yu attacked Jiang Xia.

Looking at the retreating Zhou Yushi, there was nothing to be happy on Longcheng’s face.

“Shi Longjie’s army has not retired, and Zhou Yu has been reduced. Fuyang is actually more dangerous… Wu Guogong has also come, Jingzhou has nothing to do!”

The reason why Longcheng died in Fuyang, on the one hand, is the Imperial Court, and it is easy not to compromise on Shi Longjie and Zhou Yu.

The second is that there are also a few points to the world, but only in the future, there will be a picture of the dead.

“Light is a Zhou Yu, it is very difficult to deal with, plus Shi Longjie and Song Yu, is this God does not want me to be a dragon city?”

Dragon City looked into the distance and clenched his fists.

“Congratulations to adults, He Xi adults! Zhou Yu does not fight back, it is a great event!”

Around the Dragon City, one person turned out from the shadows, and the Yin and Yin congratulated, but the tone was really not respectful.

The dragon soldiers of Longcheng seem to be blaming this, and they have not come forward to catch the demon. It is obvious that they have been told before.

“The front door drives the wolf, and then comes to the tiger, why is He Xi?” Longcheng wood looked at him and looked at this person.

This person looks very ordinary, his face seems to be covered with a mist, and some are confused.

“The head of the head is exposed, and the younger generation, if not looking at the tokens, this General will drag you out and beheaded the crowd!”

“This poor Daoist face is not for the generals to guard against the generals, but to avoid the chances of the heavens, the generals are strange!”

This person dressed in a GI, turned out to be a Taoist! ! !

“hmph!” Longcheng coldly snorted, indifferent expression asked: “What are you doing here?”

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