“Please rest assured that this poor Daoist is absolutely for the sake of the generals. As long as the generals act according to the rules, they can’t say it. In the end, there is really a certain amount of hope for the Flood Dragon!”

Taoist 嘻嘻said with a smile.

“I hope so!” The dragon’s fundus fervent expression flashed, no longer speaking, striding away.

The Taoist looked at the back of the Dragon City, and his mouth tilted slightly: “But whatever you want, you have something to do, it is easy to do…”

Turned around, disappeared into the shadows and disappeared.


Jiang Xiacheng, Song Yu, the army of the army is strict, the city is broken easily, the damage is very small, Song Yu did not retaliate, the people escaped.

At this time, in the City Lord Hall, the Wenwu Temple is surrounded by a map of Jingzhou.

The strategic value of maps in ancient times was extremely important, and it was often held by the government. It was difficult to spread. This was also given by Wang Tong.

“In the past three days, Hong Quan’s Linjiang Navy has surrendered to the river, and even Lien Chan has laid down Hanyang, Wulin and Chibi, clearing the barrier to Baling!”

Song Yu took a jade wishful, pointing to the map hanging over the sky.

On the left hand side, Meng Che bowed his head and his attitude was extremely respectful. Since he set up Jiang Xia, he has converged sharply and made a small, low-low, it is this time, but also because of his own water army exhaustion, he tried to make a full shot.

Meng Che has a deep understanding of the way to keep a low profile. He is a descendant, the foundation is unstable, and now he has made great achievements. If not, it will lead to suspicion.

Now that the old boss Hong Quan is launched, it is to give away the merits, but it is a lot of praise, I think he will be a man.

For this kind of mind, Song Yudong looks at the fire. But not broken.

Also pointed to Baling: “This is the important town of Jingzhou, the foundation of Dongting Navy. You can attack Jiangling in the north and Changsha in the south. The geographical position is extremely superior, and it is the battleground for the military!”

“In the past three days, the army of the public has also been retired. In addition to leaving one as the backbone, with the local garrison, and guarding the rivers and summers, the other major forces will be set up tomorrow, and they will be enlisted with the public!”

After laying down this Baling, you can not only get the Dongting Lake. It is better to go straight to Jingnan and win the land of Changsha. Half of Jingzhou is the hand.

The worst plan of Song Yu’s heart is that he and Shi Longjie are two points Jingzhou, Shi Longjie is Jingbei, he has Jingnan, this is the bottom line, acceptable.

The army of Shi Longjie is essentially rogue. I only know how to plunder.

Shi Longjie itself is the reincarnation of the ghost king, to kill the morals of the road, not to produce. Both sides seem to occupy one and a half, but with time. It must be that Song Yu has a destiny, and there is no shortage of troops.

At the time, Shi Longjie also stirred Jingzhou and Yizhou to sky and the earth turning upside down. Resentment qi four, just plowing the hole.

of course. These are based on non-interference in the North.

Song Yu thinks that he feels too arrogant. Yuan Zong and Tai Shangdao, who and the others? How can he be allowed to calmly lead the South and enter the North? ? ?

“It is these days, watching the weather in the world, some confusion, is the dragon is more intense, the world is entangled in gas, the deeper the entry into the country, can not be snooping?”

Song Yu said to himself, “I saw the north of the gas last night, maybe there is a change, but the Yuan Zong’s gas is strong, but it may not be able to get a fate! Inside, or what hidden conspiracy …”

On the second day, the river gate of the city was opened, and the huge thousand army marched on the road.

Song Yuzhao took the water warship, and Hong Quan had long waited on the side. When he saw Song Yu, he went to the ceremony: “The main policeman is good!”

“This public good is also a southerner, not to say that the water is known, this area can still be tolerated.”

Song Yu will not be seasick and the like, but this is the carriage of this world, because there is no shock absorber, all the way bumps, the degree of sin, still on the ship.

It is a trip to Song Yu, rarely riding a carriage, and using a shoulder blade. Now, it is a five-toothed ship.

“You have played well in these few battles, and we have the prestige of our old Wunan!”

Song Yu was very rare to get up, Hong Quan listened, but it was double-slightly red.

His Majesty said: “Please rest assured that Hong Quan is dead, and will not fall into the reputation of our Wu Nan Navy!” In the tone, he has swallowed.

When talking about the Navy, Hong Quan is definitely the first to be Song Yuxi, and the other hand to create the Linjiang Navy, can be described as the veteran.

Unfortunately, Hong Quan’s own talents are limited. There are many former Wuzhou Imperial Court Navy generals who joined him. He compared him to Xu Lei, and he also served as the governor of the Yangtze River Navy.

If there is nothing wrong with Hong Quan’s heart, how is it possible?

Seeing the Lord’s public now, I only feel the grievances and contempt of the past, and the hard work of studying the military books day and night, thinking about the pains of the war, are not worth mentioning.

“Your efforts, this public are in the eyes, can not only pursue the progress, but also have your own place in the future!”

Hong Quan reluctantly can also be counted from the old man of the dragon, Song Yu naturally has to be a few points, a few times no small mistakes, are gently let go, otherwise, I am afraid he has long since the position of the Linjiang water army governor.

“many thanks the main public!!!” Hong Quan deeply beheaded.

The waterway marches, and it is the Yangtze River and other large rivers. It is several times more convenient than the land. It also avoids the pain of over the mountains and mountains. Although it is countercurrent, the speed is far above the land march.

Song Yu took the hunting thousand army, Zhou Yu was still on the road of the class teacher, and now the entire southern part of Jingzhou is also added up to tens of thousands of horses. Song Yu has a murderous name of the massacre. Who dares to defy? Since the arrival of the army, it has surrendered to the city.

At the beginning of June, the soldiers came to the city of Baling.

Baling is the ancient name of Yueyang, but it is the cradle of Jingchu culture. It has always been a group of sages, and the literati has come and gone, and the cultural heritage is wide-ranging and profound.

When the army arrived at Baling, it was already at dusk, the setting sun was shining, and it fell on the head of Baling City, reflecting the water, and it was in the magnificent, showing the grace of the text.

“This land of Baling is very literary, perhaps with great talent!” Song Yu eyes surging, seeing more than others.

Say with a smile to the people around you: “So beautiful, this public does not want to be stained with blood here, and the letter will go to say it!”

“Nuo!” It is rare for the protagonist to have this elegance, and the subordinates are all leading.

After all, it takes time to prepare for the siege. Today is absolutely impossible. In this way, it is also possible to spread the sage, one move, two gains.

“Zhou Yu is afraid to go to Gangneung, this Baling is the last snack!” Song Yu remembered the Bright Gown Guard intelligence he just received.

When Zhou Yu returns, the situation in Jingnan is changed again. Although the localities are not immediately full of soldiers, but with the backbone of the heart, this resistance will be more determined, and it is more troublesome to say that it is falling.

“But Zhou Yu is a hunting thousand, and he can’t save Baling’s encirclement! And if Baling is down, this strategic position will be extremely beneficial!”

Song Yu smiled and passed down the order: “The army camped and gave Baling a day to consider!”

“Nuo!” The public will be prepared.

On the city wall of Baling, the guards looked at the sails of the scorpion, and they couldn’t help but lose their voice: “The ship’s shadows and buildings cover the sky and cover the sky. They thought it was a fine-grained horse. Today, see it, it is so!”

At this moment, the Dongting Navy is transferred by Zhou Yu. There are only a thousand people in the Navy’s camp. There are a few boats. I really don’t mention it.

See also the military camp erected a big banner, a team of people Ma Jingran orderly, the civil and military on the city wall, are collectively lost.

“I smell the Wu system, one thousand and two hundred people, one thousand and six thousand people. Look at this big camp, one handsome flag, ten flags, countless flags, fruit is Shifu soldiers, 60,000 people, plus 40,000 sailors, really is the huge thousand army, not mixed false!!!”

A civil servant muttered.

The result is that it makes people in the city lose their confidence.

At this time, the officers who advised the descendants also rode to the city, and the door opened wide, and the sound was like a thunder: “The people in the city listened, and the Lord is the honor of the national lord. Now I can’t bear the spirit of Baling, and I am coming to come… Give you a night’s time, if you resist stubbornly, you will be annihilated, and you will regret it when you regret it.

The officer yelled three times, and the city head heard it before turning the horse head away.

When the tiger stunned for a long time, he said with a smile: “When Wu Guogong gave me a night, everyone will go back and rest, and discuss later…”

Waving and dismissing the crowd, I went back to the house on my own. Although there were guards on both sides, but I read the army outside the city, I was still full of uneasiness.

Going back to my house, I saw a group of servants around, and old steward, with a few Zhuang Ding, holding weapons.

“What is going on?” 卞虎 frowns.

“reporting to lord, this is two servants, took the main things, wanted to take the opportunity to escape, was caught by the old slaves, people were smashed and wanted to dispose!”

Old steward First, the salute, and then took over the tigers and horses, only to say.

“Escape?” The tiger’s face was first cold, then he smiled bitterly: “This news is really fast, so even the people of the government are not optimistic about me?”

“Young Master, don’t say that!” Steward hurriedly persuaded, but didn’t know where to start.

“You don’t have to say it, what should the two men do?” The tiger waved his hand and suddenly felt extremely exhausted, dragging his body and entering the mansion.

Behind him, the cry of the slaves was faintly heard.

“Father adult!” As soon as he entered the door, there was a young man who came out to salute, and his face was similar to X卞X%, which is the scorpion of the tiger.

“Zhuanger! Get up!” If you are in peacetime, you should not talk about this conversation and care about your academic progress.

But nowadays, the whole house is destroyed, but it is not enough. If you wave your hand, you must let your son leave.

It was Xinzhuang, sinking down, or opening: “Father doesn’t have to take advantage of his son. The huge thousand army of Wu Guogong outside the city is very loud, and the entire Baling is known!”

“What about the heart attack?” The tiger was surprised and asked: “How is the old man?”

“There are grandmothers in the house!” said Xinzhuang.

“That’s good, elderly is not shocked. If something goes wrong, I am a sinner!”

“But if the city breaks, my family can’t escape this robbery!” Yan Zhuang took a deep breath, still said.

“What do you want to say?” Yan Hu looked at the son.

“Father has only one soldier in his hand, and Baling is guarded against the emptiness. Under the huge thousand army, I am afraid that I will not be able to support it for one day!”

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