“And if you gather Aristocratic Family to help defend the city, you can just drag on your feet at death’s door and drag on for a while!”

“Not only the city is still broken, but the Aristocratic Family will be evil, and Jiang Xia Zhou Qing will be in the audience!”

“My family is in Baling, how can my relatives suffer this… Father, you still…”

“Do you want to seek glory for the Father? Who taught you to say?” The tiger asked, the voice was cold.

Xinzhuang was shocked and hurryed down: “It’s the son who wants it! No one is outside!”

I also thought of a few horrors of the massacre. Some of them were heard by businessmen. Some of them were seen by his own eyes. They could not help but redden their eyes. They burst into tears and rushed to hug their legs.

“father…the son knows that the great governor has good for you, but for the people of Baling, for the grandmother, please think twice before you go…”

“Mother?” The tiger said low and the voice was low. It seemed that he was ten years old.

“What you said, for the father to think about it, go out first!”

When Xinzhuang saluted again, he slowly went out.

Seeing the son’s back, the tiger sighed: “The big governor, not the tiger does not want allegiance, it is the Will of Heaven toys with the man…”

On the second day, Song Yu got the news of the surrender of the tiger.

“haha…this is heaven to help me!” Song Yu was overjoyed. As a result, the Jingzhou Raiders had a deep depth, and it was counted in Jingzhou. It was not so easy for outsiders to drive him out.

“Where is the person, the public is going to meet in person.”

“Before the big camp!”

Song Yu was surrounded by guards and came to the barracks gate. He saw the tiger wearing white clothed. He fell to the ground and held the Indian family and other things in his hand. There are dozens of people wearing official uniforms. It is also a smashing.

Yan Hu met Song Yu, eyes shined. The dagger said: “The sinner has seen Wu Guogong!”

“You can open the door to the city, and avoid the Baling people from the war, it is meritorious, how can this blame you!”

Song Yuyi waved his hand, and his own attendants stepped forward and took over the seals and other things.

Song Yu took over, slightly turned over, nodded, said: “Life leaves Hongyan with a house soldier. Enter the city to take over the defense.”

This is the heart of the defense, if it is a swindle?

Seeing that his own army was pouring into Baling City, Song Yucai turned over and said to the tiger, “You surrendered before the battle, and the public retains your grade. It is still five products. First go to Martial Hall for further study in January. military power!”

Baling status is important. Can’t be in the hands of outsiders.

This is a righteous transfer, and the tiger has long guessed it, and it doesn’t look like it. The decapitation thank you: “many thanks!”

The original gold gas on the top of the head spread out. After a while, Song Yu’s influx of gas was also golden. But it looks even brighter than before.

“This is a good life, if it is loyal. It can be used in the future!”

Song Yu secretly wrote down.

At night, the army has completely controlled Baling City. It is the tiger, and it has lost its original control.

As usual, it is also a civil and military official who has given a banquet to vote for it, to appease and appease the people.

After the banquet, when it was already a child, the people know the beauty of Song Yuxi’s high-rise building, and specially found the highest-rated Yueyang Tower in Baling, for the public to rest.

“When you look at the building, the beauty of Baling is still the same, it is a change of Master, and it doesn’t change much…”

On the top floor of Yueyang Tower, Song Yu leaned against the railing and looked at the bright yellow lights below the stars.

“A hundred years of life, such as passing passengers, let’s leave Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, and how many traces can you leave?”

Song Yu’s face turned calm, vying for the world, calling the king to dominate, for him, just a experience, a exploration, or just a game.

Only Eternal Inextinguishable is the eternal pursuit of it.

“Although there are goals, but now, only the world is alive, can the true body go further, everyone is drunk, I am sober, it is good, but now it may be with the light, enter the world of drama!”

Song Yu smiled, before the body was full of consciousness, the breath of the great detachment suddenly dissipated, the majesty of the gas rose, and returned to the former heroic posture of the sacred god.

In the eyes, it is full of fluorescence, warm and moist, but it is like a hole in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

“This Jingzhou air transport, really strong, but was swallowed by the public, I am overjoyed!!!”

Song Yuxi’s high-rise view, but the surface, the real purpose, or to look up, think about future decisions.

Now when I am going to the building, I will see a white and red gas. I will come to the Baling from another river in the summer. I suddenly know that this is the air transport of Wu.

The red and white air is silky, and it is polymerized in Baling, which carries the meaning of iron and blood to kill, and the gas column is washed away.

In the red and white air transport, a thick azure plate is suppressed, and the middle of the Flood Dragon is faint. At this time, the Flood Dragon is even more luxurious and luxurious, almost a red dragon!

“The change in the number of ancestral graves has also led to the change of the yang dynasty. Now the red pheasant is far from the red dragon, but one step, and the obstacles are gone. As long as the air transport is enough, it is where water flows, a canal is formed !”

“And engulf the Jingzhou air transport, just to use the red dragonfly to make a dragon elephant!!!”

In the eyes of Song Yu, it is impossible to show happiness.

Looking at it again, under the influence of the Baling Dragon, the gas transport in various prefectures and counties in southern Jingzhou, such as Changsha, Hanshou and Wuling, is faltering.

In the case of Jiangling, it is a military rush, and there is a white cub in the middle, snarling and screaming. With these repressions, the gas transportation is still stable.

In reality, this is that Song Yu got Baling, not only to take the foundation of the Dongting Navy, but also to control the Yangtze River Dongting exit. It is extremely convenient to attack Changsha, Hanshou and Wuling in the south, and these few are defensive. Air transport is naturally at stake.

And to the vicinity of Gangneung, because the great governor Zhou Yu took the hunting thousand army back to the division, with repression, but it did not matter.

“From this weather, Zhou Yu’s losses in Fuyang are very small, and the strength of the army is still there, and it is not to be insulted!”

“Unfortunately, this huge thousand army, not all of them are Jiangling people, but more from the place where Jingnan Zhou Yu started. If the public ruined the foundation, can you still keep this military heart?”

Song Yu sneered.

Zhou Yu’s origins are from Changsha, and the veterans at the bottom are mostly Jingnan people. Now, Song Yu is in Paris, and Jingnan is at his fingertips. It’s all the veterans’ homes, and even the old Zhou Family’s nest is also in Changsha. If the rear is hit, the morale will be greatly damaged, and there must be no deserters.

And Song Yu not only has the huge thousand army now, but after June, the soldiers of the Wuzhou New Barracks should also be trained. As long as the weapons are issued, they are also the once thousand army. Whenever you say Zhou Yu, it is Shi Longjie. It is also a big fight, and the win is not small.

Together with this thought, I saw the Baling Akasaka hovering over the sky, and the sound of the dragon screamed.

It seems that with the command of Akasaka, the morality of the road spread to the south of Jingzhou.

This military immediately entangled with the gas transport in the southern provinces of Jingzhou, but the gas transport of the houses was weak, and there was an immediate loss.

As the military triumphs, the entire South, there is a blood light.

Being swayed by the blood of this blood, Zhou Yu’s military continually weakened, and the white sorrow was also sorrowful, retracted to the air transport center, and no longer came out to provoke.

“This is feasible, good! Good!”

The thoughts of the people and the entanglements of the air transport are all in the eyes of Song Yu, and because of the gas in advance, it is possible to pick up the shortcomings and the benefits.

Song Yu sees this, but it is a smile, and then think a little, a few sinister countermeasures come to mind.

“If all the families of the military households in Changsha and other places are arrested, before they get the army, they cry and shout, and Zhou Yu’s army will not be defeated!”

“But this is a bit inconspicuous. It is necessary to calm down Jingnan. You can’t rely on this. Maybe you can change it. Wu Guogong must severely punish the traitors of the traitors. But as long as you return to Wunan to surrender, you can get rid of your family… If Jingnan succeeds After that, the news was passed to Gangneung. The soldiers of Zhou Yu’s army were not light!”

“Zhou Yuben is also considered a personal talent, but unfortunately, it is not a good time, but now it is against the general trend…”

Song Yu is sentimental, Zhou Yu and he are generally a state of Qianlong, originally had the life of the king, the hope of Jackie Chan, but unfortunately the South has changed several times, the first ghost King Shi Longjie was born, and he Reversing the destiny, killing the original dragon.

The southern gas transport has changed greatly. Under the entanglement of the heavens, the rise of Jingzhou is impaired. How can Zhou Yu, along with Jingzhou Tiandi, be better?

“To fight for the world, slow down one step, it is subject to people everywhere!” Song Yu eyes, with a little look of pity.

“How about the number of yang and north land? Do you want to see it again?”

After reading the south side, Song Yu moved his eyes to the north.

“Hey?” This look, suddenly found wrong, even if the heavens are difficult to see, you can generally see some famous.

But now, in Song Yu’s eyes, he only sees a few sputum in the north, which seems to be wrapped in mist, and he can’t really see it.

“Isn’t all the five colors are fascinating, how many days are people?” Song Yu’s face is heavy.

This situation was similar before, when Li Rubi was surrounded by the city, because the enemy’s air transport was far superior, and there was a destiny in the body, Song Yu was enchanted at that time, almost to the night attack success.

“Hah! Divine power!” Song Yu’s mind was moved, with the body’s god-fighting symbol, and there was a glimmer of greenery.

He has the power to play the symbol, and he can mobilize the true body power at any time.

Outside the divine power, sweeping yourself, doing all the stubbornness, seeing the truth, in the last time, it was also a break.

Cyan ray circulated in China, and went back and forth in Song Yu. After a while, Guanghua converges, Song Yu looks again, as before, the secret of the sky, seems to be covered up.

“It seems that it is not the problem of the public itself, but the change of the North Heavenly celestial plane!”

“In this case, there are only two possibilities. One is that the world is intensifying. The gods are not allowed to pry into the outside world. It is to hide the secrets by themselves. The deeper the entry into the public, the more you can’t see it. If you want to forcefully watch it, you must force against God. Say you can’t get a round of Heaven’s Punishment!”

“The second is that some people have shot the sky and air, and the whole number of the whole North. With this strength, there is only one on the road! No, maybe it is still a few doors!”

Song Yu’s face is dignified. If the first situation is fine, if it is a Second Type, it means that the conspiracy is being implemented.

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