Dong Xuan and Qing dynasty did not move, but my heart was shocked. I heard that Bright Gown Guard was well-informed, no hole can’t enter, I don’t want to be so unpopular, I know more, I can report it without thinking. People are not rumored to be strong, have an unforgettable talent? Can’t help but look at Chen Yun.

“That is all taken!” Song Yu said faintly, even the specifics are not asked.

At this time, Baling is in the control of Song Yu. What Ouyang Family and Yuelu Academy are just ants, the king is appointed and will not die.

“Nuo” Chen Yun smashed his head and retired.

Less than half an hour, there was a voice coming from outside the door: “reporting to the Lord, Chen Yun seeking to see!”


The door was wide open, and several guards carried two large tanks. There was a tortoise in each of them. The turtle shell was mottled and senile. When I saw the stranger, I was not afraid of it. It was not too young.

“reporting to the Lord, the minister has brought the tortoise!” Chen Yun Xing, at this time with a trace of blood.

This is not an illusion, but a real smell. When the eyes are clear, this Chen Yun has obviously changed his official uniform and bathed and changed clothes. This is still the case.

And, the speed is so fast, I am afraid that what tough means is used, if the two are resistant, bode ill rather than well!

“It’s done well!” Song Yu said, but it was only a faint praise. Looked towards Dong Xuan and asked: “The two turtles can be used together?”

Dong Xuan looked up carefully before, and could not help but stunned: “The king of the king has the power of millions of soldiers and civilians, and he can move the mountains and reclaim the sea. It is really worthwhile. These two spirits are the ones that have been raised with herbs for centuries. Turtles are not bad!”

Immediately said: “These two things can be used for divination. Just a turtle is enough!”

“The road is free!”

With the command of Song Yu, Dong Xuan went forward. First, I licked the turtle on the left hand side and opened the eye. In the hands of the algorithm, after a moment, shook his head and went to the right side of the tank.

First, I reached out and touched the texture of the tortoise shell, and when I saw it, I was very happy.

“This turtle’s teeth are small, but they are coincident with the number of days, and the texture is clear. With the rhyme, it is just a good memory!”

Say: “Use this turtle!”

After the two attendants were ordered, the tortoise was taken out and placed on the ground.

The turtle is very old and looks so sullen. At this time, the limbs are extended and the head is exposed. It seems to be patrolling the new territory.

“To borrow the Fellow Daoist meat body today, to be the divination of the Lord. This is your merit, and there will be a blessing in the future!”

“Hah! ”

Dong Xuan first gave a gift to the old turtle, then rubbed his hands and put a little on the back of the old turtle.

He now has the approval of Song Yu. Since you can use your mana, you can see the silky air purifying from the fingers and turning it into a white mist. Wrap the old turtle.

The white air is faint, and there is a buzzing sound in the middle.

It’s weird. The old tortoise seemed to understand the words of Dong Xuan, and he was motionless on the ground.

“Scatter!” After a while. The white air dissipated, and the hole Xuan took back the white gas. He saw that there was only one turtle shell on the ground. The black turtle, the old turtle did not know where to go, and the flesh and blood in the middle were empty.

The white mist just seemed to have the ability to melt the flesh and blood, and all the spirits except the turtle shell were all gone!

“Fellow Daoist, it’s up to you!” Dong Xuanzhen took the hand back and seemed to be preparing for it.

“The old way to offer ugly!” Qingzhen real people know that this hole will not be a shot, and it is necessary for others to share the backlash, but also to push away, not to step forward, take out the grass used by the dice from the sleeves.

Defeat the thunder, step on the pace of mysterious, from time to time to press the grass to the ground, forming a mysterious image.

After a while, a small table was set up with sedge.

The people around him seem to be scared by the means of the two real people, holding their breath, not dare to speak out loudly, and even Song Yu, also straight forward.

“Good!” Dong Xuan waved his sleeves, and the turtle shell was wrapped in a group of rays of light. It floated up and landed on the small platform.

“Today’s Dong Xuan has violated the ancestral training, slaughtered the turtles, and hoped that the ancestors would be strange…” Dong Xuan thought about the incantation, and it seemed to be communicating with the sect of the ancestors.

“Get up!” After the prayer was completed, Dong Xuan had a small table. He flew a little azure from his fingertips and landed on a small platform made of hay.

As the green point fell, the small grass smashed, and suddenly the flames began to burn, and the tortoise shells were wrapped.

This flame is very strange, it is pure blue glass color, fluorescent, more like no temperature, even if it is burned indoors, everyone around does not feel the heat wave, intuition cool sense assaults the senses.

“The ancient art of burning the tortoise’s divination can only be used with Yin Fire. You can’t use Yang Fire. Now it seems that there are some doorways…”

Song Yu’s eyes flashed, and he said secretly.


As the azure flame continues to burn, the shell of the turtle is also squeaking, and the brilliance of the brilliance is even more swelled, which seems to be broken.

“It’s fast!”

Hu!! ! ! Woo! ! ! !

At this time, the azure flame was unstable for a while, and Muran became several times larger. There were about one zhang high, and the tortoise shell was completely wrapped. The flame was male and male, and the middle was carrying golden. It seems that the tortoiseshell should be completely turned into ashes. .

“pu! !!” Dong Xuan real people spit out a big mouthful of blood, “Not good! 妄 天 ,, received backlash!”

If you have a tortoise that really burns the blue flame to the ashes, not only will the divination be in vain, but it will also be sinned by the heavens, and it will increase the sin.

At this moment, I watched Fang Ming stand still, and my mind turned and sipped: “The battlements are fast!”

“The true body is still the first time to see this, it is fun!!!”

Fang Ming said faintly, leaving a color of interest in his eyes, looking at the flame turtle shell and talking to himself.

Suddenly, around the small table, there was a trace of green gas hanging down, suppressing the flame, and before the end, the bursting sound on the turtle shell stopped.

In this way, after a fragrant scent, the grass burned out, the azure flame went out, and on the ground, only one empty shell was left, the back was covered with scars, and several large mouths were cracked, and there were countless small cracks around it. Netting.

The numerous traces come together and seem to have a mysterious meaning.

Fang Ming Shen Shen stretched out. Take a closer look and compare with your own innate gods. It is a fog.

Although he has a book of congenital martial arts from his own hands, he has worked diligently. But just getting started, I still can’t see the meaning of this divination.

It is pure, whispered, his eyes flashing, and he seems to have income.

Dong Xuan lived in front of the turtle’s back, looked at it carefully, and muttered to himself.

“How is the result?” Song Yu looked at it again and asked quickly.

“reporting to the main public, this poor Daoist combined with the power of three people. With the turtle shell calculation of the heavenly machine, has already got the result of the main lord in Jingzhou!”

“Oh? What the hell? Say it quickly!”

Song Yu’s face is anxious.

“The country is a human being, and all the words and deeds involve millions of military and civilian airlifts, and control Wuzhou’s blessings. This poor Daoist is incompetent and incompetent, but it can be seen.”

“From this point of view, the protagonist is in Jingzhou, and it is the murder of the first ji, but it is also a fierce pattern!”

“After the first singer, the fierce murderer?” Song Yubrows frowned. self-mumbling.

“Yes, the protagonist took the pioneer down the river and the summer, and said that the Baling was down. The gas transport can be described as one of the best. This is what happened to Jixiang, and there is catastrophe in the back. It is the tempering of God to the Lord. As long as the Lord is guarding the Central Government You can spend the road. Then you can extreme sorrow turns to joy…”

Song Yu nodded, and looked at Qing Xu: “How does Qingzhen think?”

“This…” The face of Qing Xu seems to be somewhat confused. He also pleaded guilty: “Please ask the Lord to forgive sin. If you talk about divination calculus, the cultivation base of Dong Xuanzhen is far better than this poor Daoist. This poor Daoist can’t see more…”

“The true body is also invisible!” Fang Ming pretending to be an identity, said coldly.

“So…” Song Yujing thought about it, and the frowning brow quickly spread out: “Since it is all Jixiang, it must be no problem.”

Looking at the hole, Xuanzhen’s face was pale, and the forehead’s sweat was falling. He couldn’t help but say: “The real people are hard, and the remaining turtles will reward you!”

“Many thanks Lord!” said Dong Xuan lively.

These centuries-old tortoises are very rare. They can’t even collect a few, and there are only a few of them. This reward is enough for this shot.

“The way of the world, still in the calculation of the world, the yin world pray for luck, but the auxiliary, let the first go!”

Song Yu said.

“Chen to retire!!!” Whether it is Dong Xuan Qing, or Fang Ming Chen Yun, this time is going out.

Even the tortoise and the burning of the wreckage quickly cleared the attendants.

After the people were gone, Song Yu turned his face and said to himself: “It’s also an old slick!!!”

The divination just now is equal to nothing. If Dong Xuanzhen is a fool, forgive him for not being courageous, but in the end, it is hard to say.

“No matter what God wants, this Jingnan, this public is a must!”

Song Yu’s face is now a strong color, and it’s faint…


Under Wuling City, Luo Bin rode a horse and looked up at the city wall.

“It’s a strong city, but unfortunately, there are too few defenders!!!”

Let: “Go to the people to persuade, the soldiers to camp, the craftsmen assembled the catapult, ready to attack the city.”

“Nuo!” Suddenly a few of the officers flew out and yelled at the city gate.

The content is nothing more than Song Yu is Wu Guogong, strong forces, soldiers and food, Guang Zhou, Zhou Yu is the end of the hustle and bustle, the end is worrying, if the timely investment, high officials and thick and thick, if the city resists, it must not die.

On the city wall, a civil man with a civil appearance looks at the people around him. “When you listen, how do you feel?”

“You haven’t said anything yet, ask us what to do? Who will courting death at this time?” The officials are all abdomen, and they say, “Let the boss decide, I will wait!”

“Oh? Are you thinking so?” The old man looks around and the expression is a bit ridiculous.

“absolutely don’t dare to be an adult!” This face is also natural, and it is guaranteed by the chest.

“Well, here is a big wind, I will wait for the return to the government to discuss again!!!”

Old man is a smile, when the city wall is first. (Want to know more exciting news about “Civil into Shinto”? Open WeChat now, click on the “+” in the upper right, select Add a public number in the friend, search for “qidianzhongwenwang”, follow the public number, never miss each Updates!)

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