When the person with the highest status left, the civil and military bureaucrats on the city wall had some commotion.

In twos and threes gathered together, pointing around the Wu Jun camp, pointing face or panic, or sneer, or silent, all kinds of things, and so on.

“Wen Daren, what do you think?”

A face is full of tigers, and the mighty general asks directly. It seems that the relationship with this civil servant is very good.

“In my opinion, we are the old man, I am afraid I want to drop!”

Wenda people hehe sneered, pressing down the voice.

“Oh? What is the saying?” The generals lighted up and lowered their voice and asked.

“There have always been people who have been born out of justice, but have you ever seen who is afraid of the cold and the cold?” The gentleman gently.

“Not bad! Yes! This is the case!” The generals were bright in front of them, and they had a slap in the face.

It has always been a loyal loyalty, even if captured, can be frank and generous to death.

However, the coolness of the prefecture’s adults has exposed their inner feelings. If they are dead and determined, they will definitely die with the city and will never care about this.

“In fact, this is no stranger to the Mingfu adults. Although the Wuling city wall is strong, the guards are too few, and the enemy has less than 20,000. If you resist the end, after the city breaks, it will inevitably burn the jade stone!”

Wenda people excused the prefects, “Wu Guogong Yingming Shenwu, now even less than twenty, they will lay down Wuzhou, won the Jiangxia, Baling, almost Jingnan, in the history of the hero heroes, there are not a few I am waiting for him, and I am not humiliating the door…”

Listening to this meaning, this article has long been relying on the meaning of Song Yu! ! !

The generals shined brightly and went up a few steps: “Did you have contact with people in the east?”

“Receive the sound!” Wen Daren pulled the general. With a look of the eyes, the general looked at it. There are still many officials around, and the distance is not too far. There is indeed a possibility of leakage.

This kind of thing that is off the head, how can it be just and honorable to say it at the last moment? Don’t you die?

“You can’t talk about it here. After you have seen the Mingfu adults, you will come back to my house to talk about it!” Wen Daren said lowly.

“A word is fixed!” The general promised to come down. Now, he has to find a way for himself.

Overnight, Luo Bin got the news inside Wuling City: “Wuling Zhifu is honest?!”

“Yes, I also sent a donkey to come to the Indian script. It is not like a fake.”

“Where? I will see you!”

Luo Bin got up and hurriedly put on the armor. “No, let him come to the big account to see this General!”

“Nuo!” The pro-committee promised to go out, not long after, he led a young man to come in.

“Looking at the generals late!” The youth seems to have never seen the military, was rushed by the murderous aura, his face was a little white, and the two sides fought. But still support the ceremony.

“Well! Free! Your father wants to vote honestly, its heart is really true?” Luo Bin suddenly sipped.

The sound is loud, like a thunder.

“My father saw yesterday’s general power, this has been intended to rely on. He was also persuaded by his men, and he was forced to come down to invest in the official residence. The word is true, if there is a falsehood, let Tian Lei die me!! !”

The young man was scared to the ground by the voice, but he quickly got up. Eagerly speaking, it was a poisonous oath.

“You are the nephew of the prefect, I heard that you are pampered, and you will not bring it to this General!” Luo Bin looked a little slower.

“It’s very! It’s extreme!” This attitude will be related to one’s own life. The young man said quickly: “It’s just that Wuling is arbitrarily slack, there is a small chaos, and there are also some people who are loyal to the governor Zhou Yu. My father is not allowed. Don’t sit in the town, let’s come down…”

“Now Wuling will open the city gate and welcome the generals…”

“haha…you are waiting for the truth, my Patriarch will not be treated!” Luo Bin laughed and took the youth to the front.

At this time, the Wuling Gate, really opened, there is a civil and military bureaucrat at the door, as if waiting.

“General! Are we going to the city?” At this time, a deputy came forward and asked a little impatiently.

If there is no blood to open the city, not only can the soldiers avoid the casualties, but they can also write a large sum in the military book.

This Wuling is a big government. If it is not the scarcity of the guards, how can it be so easy?

“Well! Vice-General Wu, you will bring a soldier, first go to the city to take over the defense.”

“Mr. will obey!” Wu, who was asked before, was almost full of enthusiasm, this is the credit of the white delivery! He had some complaints about Luo Bin’s position, and now it seems to be disappeared.

Looking at Wu’s deputy and entering the city gate, Luo Bin suddenly asked the young man next to him. “There is your image in Bright Gown Guard. It doesn’t look like a fake. Does your father really love you?”

“What will the generals mean?” This sudden problem has obviously made young people somewhat surprised.

“My family’s three generations of single pass, I am the only son, father has been a pet since childhood!” Since father intends to rely on Wu Jun, this general is a high-level, self-satisfied relationship, although the young people are usually a bit sloppy, then respectfully said.

“This way…” Luo Bin sighed and stared at the city gate.

“It seems that Luo Bin will not enter the city, start!” On the city wall, the hidden place, the prefect, watching Wu Jun only came in, could not help but say.

The person next to “No!” immediately went down, and with the sound of an unknown whistle, a sudden loud noise came from the city gate.

Hong long long ! ! ! ! Hong long long ! ! ! ! Hong long long ! ! ! !

The huge stones kept squatting, and it was too late to escape the fledgling flesh and blood. Not only did Wu’s retreat block, but the city gate was completely blocked, and Wu Jun’s rescue might be outside.

“Not good, counted!”

Deputy Wu will only come back to his senses at this time, shouting: “Shield hand, fast hidden!!!”

He only entered the door at this time. At this time, the inner city gate was forced into force, and the outer city gate was blocked by the huge stone. It was already a deadly life.

Suddenly, the flash of light flashed and sipped: “Good thief!!!!”

Hu hu hu!! ! ! All around The city suddenly stood up countless Jingzhou soldiers, carrying a quiver and holding a bow. All are archers.

“Let the arrow!!!”

嗤chi chi chi! ! ! ! ! ! 嗤chi chi chi! ! ! ! ! !

Under the rain, Wu Jun’s soldiers fell to the ground. The archer shoots down from the city wall and hardly needs to aim. Not worried about counterattacks, they are taking advantage of it.

“Oh, this General is going to be a ghost, but you can’t wait for you!!!”

Vice-President Wu will witness the splitting of his eyes, seeing fewer and fewer soldiers around him. In the end, even the Shields are also shot and killed.

Then a few arrows shot, Wu deputy chest blood springs poured out, fell to the ground.

“This…this…this…what happened?”

Outside the city gate, the young man saw the stone blocking the door. I only felt that the whole head was dizzy, I didn’t know what happened, I couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s counted!” Luo Bin murmured.

“Although some of the previous observations, but the official seal is true, the book is also true, and even your confidant, is true, this General will bet on a bet, do not want to lose…”

For this result, Luo Bin is extremely calm.

Since you control the army, you must have this awareness. However, it is a deputy who died, hurting thousands of people, what is it?

The attack on Wuling House, Song Yu gave the index of casualties is 30%. It is still far from it.

Then looked towards this young man, expression has some pity.

“It seems that your father even smashed it together, but it is a poisonous heart!”

“What do you say… No! No!!!!” The youth lost their eyes. If the corpse is dead, it is suddenly refuted.

“Since this General has paid the price here. Since the Wuling prefecture sent you, it is time to guess the ending!”

“Come on. Pull this kid out and squat in the face of Wuling’s prefect, to comfort me Wu Brother and other children’s spirits in the sky!!!”

When you say this, murderous aura overflows.

“Nuo!” Suddenly, several of the soldiers went forward and dragged the young man’s arm and dragged it back.

“Generals… Generals don’t want to!” The youth is completely bloodless. Although he is ignorant and incompetent, he also knows what the gauntlet is.

It was a very cruel punishment. It was said that it was necessary to scrape thousands of knives on the prisoner, but it did not allow the prisoner to die. The suffering was unspeakable.

At this time, although deeply immersed in the blow, he still struggled for mercy, and his voice was like a cuckoo and a bloody mourning.

It is a pity that he and Luo Bin had no relatives, and they were obviously abandoned. They even had a few unarmed soldiers. They were unmoved. They were stripped of light and brought to the Wuling city gate before they were sent to execution.


The miserable voice of the young people continued to spread to the city, and the more they shouted, the lower they were, and finally they were silent.

“Let’s play! Don’t blame you as a father! Father will soon go with you!!!”

Above the city wall, Wuling Zhifu bites his teeth, his mouth is stuffy, he vomits bleeding! ! !

“Adult!!!!” Several of the soldiers immediately stepped forward to help.

I saw the adults who usually have good care. At this time, the hair is gray and the face is dry. How old is it?

“I’m fine. After the blood is spit out, I feel much better.”

The prefects forced themselves not to look down on the city, and turned to the guards and told them, “Bring those who are treason to the enemy!”

At this time, the city head, the civil and military bureaucrats are there, and some faces still have shocked unexpected expressions, and it is obvious that the prefects even deceived them together.

Several of the sergeants stepped forward, followed by a few prisoners with rafts.

“Isn’t this a big man?” “And Zhang Wei will, how can he also go to prison?”

These prisoners head and face filthy with grime, but some people continue to recognize their identity, yesterday’s Wen Daren and military commanders are among them.

“I waited for the food of the lord, the loyalty of the loyalty, when the army pressed the city, I waited to resist, but instead lobbied the old man to vote, what should I sin?”

The prefect is coldly asked.

Last night, the two men came to lobby and talked with him. He was the first to be imaginary and the snake, and he would count on it, and gave up his son, only to lure Wu Junzhong.

“After now, there is nothing to say, but it is the lower official who now sees the Qingmingfu adults, so cold-hearted, hehe…”

Wenda people are bachelors, sneer.

“Leer can dedicate himself to the Metropolis, and all my family is loyal, and it is also his blessing!!!” (Want to know more exciting news about “Civil into Shinto”? Now open WeChat, click on the “+” in the upper right. Select Add a friend to add a public number, search for “qidianzhongwenwang”, follow the public number, and never miss each update!)

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