“The Lord Gong has entrusted me with a heavy responsibility. This Changsha City must be laid down and it must be fast!!!”

Ye Hongyan is very dignified, and he naturally knows what Changsha City means to Zhou Yu’s army.

Changsha is Zhou Yuland of the rising dragon. Once it is down, it is very feng shui coordination. The ancient meaning of One with the World is very bad. It is enough for Zhou Yu’s destiny to drop 20%! ! !

These are all virtual, but the actual thing is that Zhou Yu moved the Zhou Family to Gangneung, but the real estate store in Changsha could not move, but also left a lot of clansman to take care of.

In other words, although the Zhou Family is mostly in Gangneung, at least half of the foundation is still in Changsha!

If you can take Changsha down, Zhou Family will be half lost immediately!

Moreover, although the Zhou Yu army is known as the 10,000 people, most of the backbone veterans are from Changsha. If they win the Changsha, the army is under the coercion, Zhou Yu’s army, saying that they will not be defeated.

Hugh said that it is not a bad thing for the family, the ancient one is the company! ! ! It is the past life of Fang Ming. Once someone commits crimes, the first time is to monitor the family.

“Unfortunately, I know that the opposite Changzhou Zhou Family keeper will know, and will swear to resist the end!”

Ye Hongyan looked at the black city wall, and there was still blood on it, and there was some headache.

The war lasted for one day, and when it turned to the west, Ye Hongyan was able to win the gold.

“Uncle!” In the handsome account, Ye Hongyan is watching the military book, and the scorpion Ye Jianfeng opens the account door.

“What?” Ye Hongyan put down his books and looked at the blind man.

Ye Jianfeng now, the whole body is bright. Wearing a sabre, this is the commanding dress. Years of military career. He has already washed away his youth, and he has more mature manliness. It now looks like a young and determined young general.

Although she saw her scorpion, Ye Hongyan was very open-minded, but after reading some rumors in the army, her brow was still wrinkled.

“Call out, what is it?”

“Subordinate to knowing sin!” Ye Jianfeng glanced, he got a good news, especially came to see his uncle, a moment of urgency. Forgot the number of rituals, now see the uncle complexion sank, hurry and plead guilty.

“You and I are in the same army. It has already caused a lot of criticism. You are not alerting yourself. How are you still waiting?” Ye Hongyan screamed.

“Uncle…” Ye Jianfeng screamed lowly. When he was in his early twenties, he made a command and commanded the One Thousand Two Hundred. The peak of the middle-level generals, two steps away, can get the general position, it is a bit of a limelight. The name of the “Ye Family Tiger” was also heard in the army, but he did not expect it to be behind the fame. There are still these.

“You are promoted by military merit, I know all of this. But compared to other people, it is still too fast…” This is the outside of Ye Hongyan. In fact, Ye Hongyan knows in his heart that he can intervene in the appointment of the bottom layer, slightly affecting it. Once he reaches the middle-level guard, he will pass the command of Song Yu. He has only the right to suggest.

Not to mention, in order to avoid suspicion, Ye Jianfeng had several promotion opportunities, and he was suppressed by him.

Ye Jianfeng can rise so fast, in fact, Song Yu himself intends to promote, after all, this is a handsome talent, no pity.

“And, you and I were in the same army. It used to be better. Now that you have been commanding, it’s too eye-catching…”

Ye Hongyan waved his hand and interrupted the words Ye Jianfeng wanted to say.

“Although you and I are innocent, but gossip is a fearful thing, still have to guard! So, after this war, I looked towards the main public, and transferred you to Beppu!”

“Nuo!” Although Ye Jianfeng has some pity in his heart, he knows that this is his uncle’s determination. If he says nothing, he can’t change it, and he has to deal with it.

“What are you doing this time?” Ye Hongyan asked after he finished his future plans.

Speaking of this, Ye Jianfeng cleaned up his mood and said: “When you see Changsha City, you are strictly guarded. If our army is attacking, the loss is not small, and we are looking for a city defense gap…”

“Oh? Can there be income?” Ye Hongyan listened, and the spirit was shocked. He knew that his own child, his wisdom, was a great man. The previous advices were extraordinary and could not help but lean forward. .

“Before I sent a secret room to Changsha City to contact the Aristocratic Family, because the city was very strict, it was only now possible to send a message.”

“The Aristocratic Family in Changsha City, led by the Zhou Family, has several others. It is not willing to go to the black with the Zhou Family. It is also known that the Changsha City has insufficient soldiers, it is difficult to keep it, and seeks to retreat. It is a hit with the dark.”

Although Zhou Family is a Changsha tycoon, under the secret of interest, it has also greatly offended several Aristocratic Family. These places are everywhere, but the usual contradictions are hidden in the dark. Now it is very fatal.

“Is it wrong? They are willing to open the door to offer the city?” Ye Hongyan eyes bright.

“While Changsha City uses more people, it is very disciplined. Ten people are on fire. The veterans of each sentiment serve as fire chiefs and supervise each other. Unless most Aristocratic Family attacks together, they will not be able to do anything!”

Ye Jianfeng said with a smile. Before the Aristocratic Family was against the water, it was also a long-term contact. Together, it was able to open up the city gate in one fell swoop, welcoming the army to the city. If only relying on several districts, it would only be extinguished.

Most of the Aristocratic Family in Changsha City tends to be Zhou Yu, but no other cities. Aristocratic Family is not motivated, but also acquiesced, neutral, and safeguarding their own interests.

The interests of Changsha Aristocratic Family are closely linked to Zhou Yu. The covenant is very stable and difficult to shake.

“Then you have income?” Ye Hongyan asked, if Ye Jianfeng had no income, how could he come to him?

Ye Jianfeng immediately said: “The Aristocratic Family who has been in our business has been operating in Changsha for hundreds of years. There is a secret road that can be directly connected to the city. This is the last means of transferring clansman. Now it can be used by us and buried in the ambush!”

“Not bad! Although Changsha City at this time, although it is strictly rigorous, but with the assistance of Aristocratic Family, hundreds of sergeants, hiding for one night, staying up late, still can, Jianfeng, you have made great contributions this time. what!!”

At the end of the day, Ye Hongyan is not happy.

He had been a general for so long, and the joy only calmed down in an instant, and thought of something, could not help but ask: “Aristocratic Family has always been scheming, how many, reliable?”

“Uncle’s peace of mind, the few people who contacted the deaf, not only wrote a blood book, but also sent the donkey to the military camp. Sincerely, there are still ambushes, but there are hundreds of soldiers. What is it?”

Ye Jianfeng said in a deep voice.

“Yes, even if it fails, it can be lost, you can have a fight!!!” Ye Hongyan clap his hands and made up his mind.

“Uncle, this time, Jianfeng wants to lead the team personally!!!” Ye Jianfeng saw Ye Hongyan had a decision, and quickly squatted down and said.

This is a sudden, Ye Hongyan silently, only to ask: “You can think of it, this may also be a trap, when you fall into Danger Realm, the uncle can also save you!”

“The end will have confidence!!!” Ye Jianfeng looked at Ye Hongyan, and the scorpion was unwavering.

This is what he thought beforehand. After many inquiries, he had confidence in the Aristocratic Family he was wooing, especially after listening to his uncle’s intention to transfer him after the war.

After all, if you go to a different army, even if you take the risk and make meritorious deeds, you will be divided into one level by your superiors. This is a rule. This is still good. In case of encounters, it is possible to directly frame death and succumb to military merit. It is also possible! ! !

Although he has Ye Hongyan to do the backing, it is not so much, but it is still rare to give the boss a run.

In this case, don’t worry about catching him now, but when? ? ?

“You have this heart, how can your uncle block it?” Ye Hongyan also said.

“If you can open the city this time, it is the first effort! Plus the accumulated merits before, the uncle will lay down this old face, but also for your activities to the guerrilla deputy’s official position, to the guerrilla deputy, you can call the general! ”

Ye Jianfeng naturally knew that at the level of the generals, not only did the degree of freedom increase greatly, but he could lead a single army, and he even entered the heart of the lord. No one would dare to hide himself.

The usual command is just a good seven, it is difficult to go to the guerrilla deputy! ! !

This is really a great grace, hurry up and down: “many thanks uncle promoted!!!”

“You are the Qilin of my Ye Family. If you can fly, what is your uncle?” Ye Hongyan said with a smile.


On the second day, Wu Jun suddenly increased the siege strength. The trebuchet did not want to cast the boulder on the city wall. The attacking Wu Junshi was also red-eyed and slammed on it, so that the keeper of Changsha City Head was very Out of the cold sweat.

Fortunately, with the help of the Zhuang Ding Zhuang Ding, taking turns to replace the soldiers, to rest, only barely support the night, this day, finally held.

At night, there was a lot of silhouettes in a private house in the city.

These people, each with a back of a tiger and waist of a bear, are tall, with good-looking eyes, wearing leather armor, and other weapons are covered with black cloth, and the footsteps are also slight, seemingly afraid of people discovering.

Ye Jianfeng only wore the armor, and then put a layer of leather on the outside. The knife was also covered with cloth, and the sound was extremely low: “Luo Family, this time thanks!”

Next to the Luo Family, this is the Patriarch that offered the secret thought. Hearing this is just a smile: “Wu Guogong is a heroic hero, and it is also famous for a long time. Zhou Family tyrannize, this is a duel!!”

“I will wait to start, Luo Family Lord also please take a break!” Ye Jianfeng sent people away from the Luo Family, only some pity to sigh.

This secret road is only used to transfer clansman. Naturally, it will not be more spacious. In a short period of time, it can transport hundreds of people at most. In the daytime, so many people are too easy to expose, so they can only be launched immediately.

“It’s not far from the city gate, we sneak past the past, no matter who you are, you can avoid it, you can’t avoid it, you kill it directly, don’t make a sound!”

Ye Jianfeng said low. The secret road is not far from the city wall, but it is the righteousness. Otherwise, the amount of engineering is too large, which is not conducive to cover.

Hundreds of silhouettes suddenly moved, and by the night, they touched the city gate. (Want to know more exciting news about “Civil into Shinto”? Open WeChat now, click on the “+” in the upper right, select Add a public number in the friend, search for “qidianzhongwenwang”, follow the public number, never miss each Updates! qd wave ok)

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