“Adult, Wu Yingzheng is bringing people in place!”

Under the night, Ye Jianfeng squatted on the ground and looked at the torch at the city gate. One person sighed in his ear and said low.

“Well! Ready to launch!”

Ye Jianfeng ordered that at this time he was in danger, and he was found to be in a wrong position. He was discovered by the enemy. He was immediately trapped in a round, and he did not have a whole corpse, but he was not only calm, but even with the body. They are all boiling.

“It should be at the time of the handover!” Ye Jianfeng looked at the sky, only to see the darkness as ink, and reached out to five fingers.

When the handover is over, it is the early morning, the day will be bright, the darkest moment.

“The ancients thought that when they were children, it was a good night attack, and the defensive is also the most strict. Today I will do the opposite and start at this time!” Ye Jianfeng thought silently.

In fact, it is just a matter of transporting soldiers and soldiers. It takes a lot of time in the middle of the night.

At this time, Ye Jianfeng is like a tiger staring at the prey. If the enemy is slightly exposed, it will be the Thunder offensive!

“Adult, the secret outside the city is here!” At this time, the final preparations were completed.

“Okay, go up!!!” With the order, there were several soldiers in black tights who went to the front and touched the enemy’s warning soldiers.

Pu!! ! The blade light flashed, and a few of the soldiers were wiped out of the throat and fell down with incredulity.

“Ah!!!” Finally, a soldier stopped the throat and gave a brief mourning.

Although this sound is short, in the silent night, it is as conspicuous as a torch.

“Brothers, kill me with me!!!” It is already good, Ye Jianfeng is shouted. Leading the remaining champions and launching the charge! ! !

These soldiers. They are all first-class warriors, and the leather armor used is the top grade. At this time, Ye Jianfeng took the lead, as the tiger went down, and rushed to the city gate in the blink of an eye.

“Look at the knife!!!” Ye Jianfeng’s hand in the knife crossed the long line of snow, and cut an enemy soldier down to the ground.

“Night attack!!! Enemy night attack!!” At this time, the city gate defender finally reacted and drank: “Knock right now! The rest will follow me!!!”

Chi chi! ! Chi chi! ! !

Dozens of arrows are shot and will be shot down to the ground. Then he will keep his arm on his arm, and he will have an arrow in his blood.

“There are still bows and arrows!” Shou will round his eyes. “Damn, there must be an Aristocratic Family, and there must be no secrets!”

At this point, I know that the other party’s weapon is good, but the defender can’t retreat.

He has the responsibility of keeping the door, and the family is the branch of the Zhou Family. Only he can’t fall! ! !

“Brothers, the country is at this time, as long as you persist for a moment, there will be a large army!” Shoudhou shouted. Collecting the rest of the soldiers will initiate an assault.

“Leave some archers and block them. The rest of the people follow me and open the city gate!!!”

Ye Jianfeng naturally knows how many defenders are killed here. As long as you don’t open the city gate, everything is Hugh. Ordered the soldiers to rush to the city gate.

“Let the arrow!!!” The enemy has its own bow and arrow. At this time, no matter if there is a robes, the arrow falls like a rain.

Pu!! Pu!! ! Several priests fell to the ground.

“Don’t be afraid, they can only shoot this round, and rush with me!!!” Ye Jianfeng was wearing this time, but it was a leather armor. Like Wu Jun, he was not caught in the fire. Even if he had a few arrows, he was avoiding the key. After that, the penetration of the leather armor is the limit, and it is blocked by the inner armor inside, and it is unharmed.

This is the foresight. I know that I am going deep into the enemy and wearing a bright light. I am not telling others that this is the first general.

Wu Jun saw Ye Jianfeng as the first soldier, and the charge was in front. They were all morale and rushed behind Ye Jianfeng.

Ye Jianfeng rushed to the archer in a few steps. With a wave of his hand, several heads flew out, still showing the unwillingness of his face.

“Kill!!!” The soldiers kept up and smothered with the enemy of the defensive gate.

“Fast! Fast! Fast!!!” Ye Jianfeng shouted loudly. At this time, he could already hear the sound of horseshoes not far away.

This time he not only brought his own soldiers, Ye Hongyan worried about the safety of his nephew, but also sent his own pro-arms to Ye Jianfeng.

These pro-brothers have experienced a hundred wars and are martial arts. At this time, they took the lead and killed the city gate.

“Good! Open the door quickly!!!”

Several of the soldiers abandoned the knife, walked to the front door in a few steps, put down the branch, and several went to push the winch.

Oops! ! ! Oops! ! !

As the sound of the machine turned, the suspension bridge outside the door slowly lowered, and the city gate slammed, cracking a large slit from the middle and slowly opening.

“Report! Changsha city gate shouted to kill the earthquake, the door has begun to open, the suspension bridge is also laid down!”

“Good! I will let the cavalry prepare, and once the suspension bridge is put down, I will rush into the city!!!” Ye Hongyan immediately ordered.

law! ! ! Outside the city gate in Changsha, the horses screamed and hooves.

Above the warhorse, the Wu Jun cavalry silently stared at the suspension bridge that was slowly lowered and the door that gradually opened. As long as the city gate was on, the cavalry rushed into Changsha City, but blinked.

tread! ! tread! ! tread! !

In Changsha City at this time, the enemy cavalry was also the first to arrive.

“Damn, it is a cavalry!!!” Listening to the regular hooves from the streets, Ye Jianfeng groaned.

“Archer, suppressing the cavalry!!!” After a team of archers shot the keeper, they turned the door and pointed it at the street.

Xiu xiu! ! ! The arrow tail wipes the air, making a slight noise, taking away a life.

The archers in front of Ye Jianfeng have fallen into the ground!

Ye Jianfeng’s pupil tightened, “Riding shots? This is a first-class cavalry! How can it be here?”

At this time, he could not be allowed to think more. Several rides ran out from the night, and all the black armor, like the death god of harvesting life, rushed to him.

Chi chi! ! Chi chi! ! Chi chi! !

The sound of the organ sounded like a sound of flying.

When the cavalry was only a step away from Ye Jianfeng, the top of the houses on both sides suddenly appeared more than ten silhouettes. Holding a black box in your hand, the front end opens. Send out countless tiny black bows.

This black bow and arrow is a very sharp, even the armor will stop the. The cavalry fell to the ground.

“This is the fly 蝗 弩?? In twenty steps, the army is retreating!! It is a defensive weapon! Listening to the famous Huo Li, it is dead in this object, today, see the name is not in vain Hey!!”

Ye Jianfeng said fortunately.

Since Wuzhou’s case, the talent resources of the Song Jade Hand have soared, and the mass production of the Flying Dragonfly has also increased a lot. Ye Hongyan’s side is a team of 50 people who are guarding the soldiers.

And now. Ye Hongyan sent thirty people to Ye Jianfeng’s knees, and suddenly made a miraculous effect.

Although this ‘flying 蝗 弩 ‘ is not far enough, but it is enough to use the defensive position.

There are not many Knights in Black, and there are more than 30 rides. Under the flying shackles, even the counterattack force is not, they are shot into a honeycomb.

“Yes! These cavalry should be Zhou Yu’s ‘Xuanjia Iron Ride’. Don’t want to leave some here, and protect the Wei Family?”

The mysterious iron ride is the elite of Zhou Yu’s elite from the army, not only loyal to him. It is also a martial arts super group, good at horse riding, forming a cavalry. Supplemented with iron armor, no disadvantage. Once defeated Jingzhou princes by five hundred and ten thousand. In one fell swoop, Zhou Yu’s dominance was established.

“There are not many of their bows and arrows, and the marching army gave me!” In the darkness, I heard the opposite voice coming.

Ye Jianfeng smiled bitterly, but although he was powerful, he could only shoot two rounds. After that, he had to hand over to the craftsmen to add arrows. The trouble was extremely high. Now it is unnecessary to think about it. The enemy can see through this point at a glance, and there are also capable people! !

“The desperate!” Looking down half of the door, said Ye Jianfeng whispered, pointing …… Pudao


when! ! ! With a loud noise, the suspension bridge finally landed completely, and the city gate opened, showing the scene of bloody battle behind.

“Kill!!!” The cavalry waiting outside has long been unable to endure, driving the horse and launching the charge! ! !

“Wu Jun entered the city!!!” Looking at the cavalry coming from the charge, the enemy of the city gate shouted, completely lost the will to resist, shouting to escape.

There are clever, immediately lost ordnance, he took off his dress, went to the houses to hide.

choke! ! !

The long knife crossed and flashed into a piece, and the opposing enemy forces suddenly separated and fell to the ground.

“Give this General block!” The enemy keeper in the opposite side, pulled the knife and chopped the two deserters, witnessed the split, with the pro soldier rushed: “The thief, I am fighting with you!!!”

The cavalry rushed through mercilessly, like a long stream of steel, and the enemy’s keeper would step into a meat.

“Hu …… call …… finally became what?” Ye Jianfeng covered with bloody, severe panting, sweating, such as pulp, aching muscles ecstatic, hands Pudao Naniebuzhu, fall to the ground.

Overcoming the drowsiness with great perseverance, Ye Jianfeng looked at all around, and saw hundreds of soldiers who had entered the city with him. At this time, there were only twenty people left, all of them bloody, with extremely serious injuries.

“One will be a million bones!” Ye Jianfeng did not know how, suddenly remembered this sentence.

At this time, Ye Hongyan rode over and saw his own nephew, so he quickly stopped. “Are you blind? You still don’t pass the military doctor!!!” Ye Hongyan growled.

Seeing my uncle come, Ye Jianfeng’s heart is completely loose, and he passed out…

Baling city, Song looked at the army newspaper, eyebrows stretch, which was a good mood.

“Ye Hongyan went down to Changsha on the 4th. This is the old nest of Zhou Yu. It is even harder to make a small injury. Great good!! Great good!!!”

I picked up another one. “On the second day under Changsha City, Luo Bin quickly passed the book and won Wuling. This Wuling is also a key town in Jingnan, not bad!!”

Changsha, the next day to lay in Ye Hongyan, Luo is also a force, laid Wuling Tainan, but also kill the city officials, the scent lingers for several days.

As for the prefect, the whole family was sentenced to suffocation and the whole family. After the war, Wuling City suddenly screamed, and nearby cities and towns fell. (Want to know more exciting news about “Civil into Shinto”? Open WeChat now, click on the “+” in the upper right, select Add a public number in the friend, search for “qidianzhongwenwang”, follow the public number, never miss each Updates! 51read)

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