“Wuling’s newspaper reporter Du Duo also saw it, the crime of non-war!”

In front of Zhou Yu, an old man appeared, which is the prefect of Wuling. I didn’t think that this old man had any talents before, but only because of his fame, he gave a prefect. When he didn’t want to be in trouble, he saw the true color of this person.

Zhou Yu could not help but feel a little pity.

“Wuling is also that’s all, this Changsha is the landlord of the rising dragon, the soldiers of our army, 50% are from here, once the news came, the consequences are unimaginable, can not help!”

Fang Tongyu said.

“This news is unstoppable. What’s more, after Song Yu got Changsha and Wuling, he would not let go of it. He will sweep Jingnan in one fell swoop, hehe… This is to pull out my foundation!”

Zhou Yu chuckled and his face picked up.

“Since you want to be alive, you will be ruining your life!”

Drinking loudly: “The whole army speeds up the progress!” After a while, the speed of the fleet is increasing.

Zhou Yu turned to the other side and said: “The soldiers in the hands of the capital, after getting the news, will become a mourning soldier. I will not hesitate to casualties and attack Baling. At this time, Song Yu, but only 70,000 troops, if Victory, maybe still save hope…”

“The Lord’s public said very much!” Fang Tongyu should be with him.

In fact, he and Zhou Yu know that no matter whether this battle is a win or a defeat, the hope of Zhou Yu’s turnaround is very small. The reason why Zhou Yu’s reason is to consume Wu’s strength, it is best to drag Song Yu. Let it lose the chance of Jackie Chan, everyone jade stone burned! !

On June 20, the Navy met at the junction of Dongting and the Yangtze River.

“Jingzhou Navy has been trained for a long time, and the water war is very skillful. It is the enemy of the Lord!” On the five-toothed ship, Meng Che put down the thousand-mirry mirror in his hand. The look is a bit heavy.

This week, Zhou Yu has a huge army, thousands of waters. Just this navy, there are 40,000, more than 5,000 more than Meng Che, the ship countless, vast, cover the sky, the momentum is very embarrassing.

“Unfortunately, these ships are small in size, and it is easy to destroy people when they encounter huge waves. Compared with the five-toothed ships, it is like a strong man and a baby. I have to break the enemy and be on this article!!!”

Meng Che said to his subordinates.

“The big governor sees a thousand miles!!!” All of them are talking, Hong Quan is also listed. At this time, his hands are drooping, his posture is respectful, and he can’t see the temperament.

The drum number of the opposite water army came from the opposite side. With the drums, a fleet of more than a thousand people came out of the enemy squad and sailed to this side.

“The enemy has sent a pioneer!”

At the time of the confrontation between the two armies, they first sent pioneers to test. It is because of the righteousness that Meng Che looked at his subordinates and ordered: “Yue Qianqiu. You take all the people, I will give you a five-toothed ship. It is necessary to win the first battle and fight our army. prestige!!!”

“No!” Yue Qianqiu said. He is an old man who has followed Meng Qing for many years. He is very skilled in water warfare and very loyal. Meng Che is interested in training, as the right arm.

With the command of Wu Jun, Yue Qianqiu took a five-toothed ship and several yellow dragon boats to meet the pioneer of Zhou Yu Navy.

“From the point of view of gas transportation, the two armies are confrontational, don’t have a wonderful thing!”

On the land, Song Yu, under the protection of the 40,000-strong army, confronted Zhou Yu’s army. At this time, the eyes of the gods were opened, and it was a scene that was enough to make ordinary people stunned.

I saw that from the top of the Zhou Yu Navy, the sails covered the sun, and Mu Ran gave birth to the black and black ink of the army. This military force was squandered with sorrow, and the more concentrated it was, the darker the cloud would be. The half of the sky is dyed in ink.

On the black cloud, white gas is constantly generated, white gas gathers, and the atmosphere is exhaled.

After a while, the black, white and red clouds filled the sky, and the middle of the sky was tumbling, showing a white cub.

This pups are pure white as jade, long in comfortable feet, with two small claws and a single horn on the head. Although it is still young, it also has a strong majesty.

This is the dragon that ruling all things, killing and killing, and gestating them! More with this side of Jingzhou, there is an induction, it is very different.

The white pups roared, flew up, and merged with the three-color clouds.

Snoring! ! ! ! Snoring! ! ! !

The wind gathered from the clouds, and the cubs shouted and suddenly turned into a weekly dragon with a long ten zhang! ! !

This Flood Dragon is very similar to the little cub just now, but with red, red white, and powerful! ! !

“It seems that Zhou Yu will be in the middle of the navy, and he is right. He started from the navy and naturally trusts the water army. The public army has a hundred battles and it is natural to stay in the army. Dragon gas, only when combined with the system, can you really have Divine Ability!!!”

Song Yu looked at the natural phenomenon above Zhou Yu’s army and secretly sighed.

Zhou Yu’s own dragon is only about one zhang, can protect himself, it is the ancestors. However, when combined with the military system, it will suddenly rise in shape and affect the war situation in one place. How terrible is this? ? ?

Although the dragon is on the human body, it still has the power of the system to truly achieve great power! !

“Zhou Yu’s overall gas transportation is still red and white. It is worse than the army of the public. But the public is not sitting on the Navy’s big ship. I wonder if Meng Che may bear it?”

Song Yu’s army meteorological, has purified scarlet, higher than Zhou Yu’s army, but the Navy, only Meng Che is sitting in the town, he is still a small squid, not a Flood Dragon, congenitally limited, I wonder if it can withstand it?

Song Yu turned his gaze to his own navy, and he saw the air transport gathered, and it also became a three-color cloud, but the center has a golden meaning, which is better than Zhou Yu’s army.

At this time, a tail of azure squid emerged, and this air transport combined, the shape of the skyrocketing, three points larger than the opposite red ,, the color is also red white, only the scarlet more.

The cub on the opposite side saw the squid, but instead of being afraid, he eagerly tried and snarled loudly.

Contrary to this, the squid is timid and shrinking, and it is very fearful.

“Zhou Yu is Jingzhou Qianlong, the dragon is strong, Meng Checai is pregnant with a trace of dragon, although there is military support, but the gap is still great!!!”

Song Yu sighed: “This public will help you!”

When the mind is moving, the top of the head rises out. At this time, the red pheasant has a dragon shape, and the power is far above the white scorpion. As soon as it emerges, the cubs of Zhou Yu’s sailing his head and wagging its tail are Tightened, the body is up, it seems to have met the natural enemies! ! !

Red scorpion with disdain, swept a battlefield, screamed, and spit out a Profound Light in his mouth, with a silk scarlet, falling on the squid.

The squid got this gas, rolled to the ground, the body stretched, and a small single horn came up from the top of the head, which turned into a red white dragon! ! !

The dragon is a kind of Flood Dragon. Compared to Zhou Yu’s white pheasant, although it’s two paws, it’s also a Flood Dragon. It’s the same level as Bai Bai, and it’s not suppressed. Red white’s dragon suddenly swept away before fear, and The white cockroach smashed.

This is the “borrowing”, Meng Che is the general of the Song Jade hand, and has been appointed, in the time of Great War, the natural energy of the Lord can be used to compete with the enemy.

Although this phase is a squid, but it has the authority to divide it, you can temporarily turn the dragon! !

However, the air transport and authority are borrowed in the end. The main public can say a word. The single horn of the top of the dragon head is also somewhat illusory. After the war, Song Yu will take back the air, and the dragon will still be returned to its original shape! ! !

But even so, it is enough to deal with the day.

With the sound of the two horns, the two fleets as pioneers smashed together! ! !

In the sky, the Flood Dragon, which represents the two sides, also began to fight! !

“Not good! Is Zhou Tai a fool? I dare to fight hard with the other side of the ship!” On the big ship of the Navy, Zhou Yu saw his own pioneers dare to attack the enemy ships, and could not help but rush.

He is good at the navy, and naturally knows how many advantages the opponent’s five-toothed ship has in water warfare. Under this circumstance, Zhou Taifei does not raise his strengths and avoid weaknesses. Instead, he is weaker and attacking the enemy. How unwise it is! ! !

“Archer ready, put!!!”

When the fleet was more than a dozen feet apart, the officers of both sides issued orders.

Chi chi! ! Chi chi! ! The arrow fell like a raindrop, and the two soldiers of the middle arrow fell off the boat, picking up the white water on the river surface, and then redd out after a moment.

“Encircling him, the big ship is difficult to handle at first and last, and it is inconvenient to run. I waited to go up and carry out the string battle, killing the first general, winning the ship and offering it to the big governor!!!”

Zhou Tai is a pioneer. Naturally, he is not a fool. He also knows the sharpness of the five-toothed ship. He wants to seize this material. Not only does he gain his own prestige, but he can also study imitation and benefit a lot.

Although his ship was small and the number was large, after he was entangled in the Huanglong ship, he led his flagship and the rest of the boat and rushed to the five-toothed ship.

“The enemy is coming, the trebuchet, send!!!”

Bang!! ! A boulder with three heads of size was thrown out, with great power, like a flame meteor, screaming with the wind and falling into the enemy ship.

Ping pong! ! ! The vessel was hit by a big hole, and the navy on the road was directly smashed into meat, and the scene was bloody.

“haha!! The five-toothed ship is extremely stable. If it is flat, although the large catapult can’t go up, it’s more than enough to assemble a small trebuchet. Give me another call!!!”

Yue Qianqiu pulled out a long knife and called.

The trebuchet made a wrath, and a piece of boulder, cast it on the enemy, and fell a lot of sailboats.

“Give me a rush! The trebuchet machine takes a long time to launch, as long as it rushes to the front, it is nothing!!” Zhou Taihong looked and ordered.

The boat also has the benefits of a small boat. At least the target is small. There are not many trebuchets on the five-toothed ship. Coupled with the difficulty of aiming, the boulder has been rubbing the boat several times and watching the thrilling.

Under the boulder, the Zhoutai fleet finally arrived under the five-toothed ship. The shadow of the big ship obscured the sky and looked like a mountain.

“Good boat, really good boat!” Zhou Tai looked bright, “Give me, grab this boat!!!”

Under his command, the boat was like a sly wolf group, hiding from the front of the firepower, and spreading out to surround the five-toothed ship.

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