In the Navy’s base camp, Zhou Yu looked a little darker.

“Not bad! The big ship is not working, and with this technique of encroaching, maybe there is some hope.”

“Unfortunately, the enemy will not be so unwise, let the five-toothed ship be surrounded, and the structure of the ship is so precise that it has no unexpected function. Zhou Tai is reckless!”

However, Zhou Yu is staring at the battlefield. After all, the five-toothed ship first appeared, and the performance structure is a secret. If this week, Tai Neng can find out some information, which is not bad.

With the boat around, the huge hull of the five-toothed ship was really bloated and could not cope, and Zhou Tai looked a happy face.

“Big stone preparation!! Put!!!”

轱辘 rolling, the mechanical sound of the five-toothed ship, the size of the boulder fell, the boat around the boat smashed.

“haha…when this five-toothed ship is designed, how can you not expect such a situation, you wait for it!”

Yue Qianqiu laughed and made: “The ship is going forward, the bat is ready, and this General has sunk those boats!!!”

The five-toothed ship started, and the fortress on the river was like a moving fortress. It was unstoppable, and the boat next to it was only slightly close, and it was knocked over by the hurdle.

Such a rampage, immediately Zhou Feng Pioneer played a big mess.

“Damn! thief!!!!” Zhou Tai’s chest was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

“Flying claws are ready, we are climbing up!” Although it can be retreated at this time, the big governor will certainly not let him go, and Zhou Tai can only fight for it.

The enemy ship is so powerful that the waters of the soldiers do not know how, and may start from this aspect.

“Shenshooter. Up! That is the enemy keeper!”

The flagship is always more visible than other ships, and there are many guards. But now it is also seven and eight, and Yue Qianqiu has a sharp eye. Immediately saw the generals on the opposite flagship roaring, commanding the big ship to accelerate forward.

The marksman is the elite selected from the bow and arrow hand. Not only is the arm strength, but also the hundred-step wearing Yang! ! !

At this point, one arm is too long to reach the knee shooter, just a slight look, take a goose arrow from the quiver and bend it into a full moon. “砰!!!”, the bowstring vibrates.

Xiu! ! The arrow broke through the air, passed through Zhou Tai’s throat, and stretched out behind the neck, with dripping blood and falling.

Zhou Tai looks strange, can’t believe it, and looks like anger, paused. The body crashed into the ground.

“General!” “The general is dead!”

The enemy suddenly fell like a prepare for there funeral.

“haha! Well, the whole army is charging!!!” Yue Qianqiu is a big joy, the flagship is the core of the navy command. Now the general will be shot and commanded, and the victory will be ten. The rest is just a question of the size of the game.

Zhou Yu opposite the “Mix!” Seeing that the Pioneer was defeated, he could not help but slam on the long table in front of him. The cup plate is grounded and splashes with a crisp crack.

At this time, I saw the enemy navy chasing the vanguard, and I was not able to capture the soldiers, but my heart was angry.

Opposite, Yue Qianqiu came to Meng Che and said: “The end will not disgrace the mission, has broken the enemy pioneer!”

“haha! Well, remember you!” Meng Che said with great joy.

“Dudu, look! The enemy has withdrawn!” At this time, a deputy shouted loudly and attracted Meng Che’s attention.

Going to the bow, I saw Zhou Yu Navy slowly retreating, the array was neat, busy and not chaotic.

Seeing this scene, Meng Che is sighing: “Zhou Yu Navy crosses Jingzhou, and it really raises a military squad. It is a small defeat, even if the old nest is hit, it can be maintained. This person has great talents. what!!!”

Meng Che asked himself, if it is easy to go, the master of the navy will be scattered at this time, as long as the enemy is chasing a little, it must be a thousand miles, can not help but sigh: “I am not as good as Zhou Yu!”

Looking at the enemy navy, there is no plan to pursue. Looking at the scene of this retreat, Meng Che knows that the enemy must place a trap. If he pursues it, he will be defeated by the other party.

The most important thing is that the general trend is on its own side. After each day, it is convenient to have more stability. Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin can also win a piece of Jingnan’s territory.

What is the point of Zhou Yu’s return if he waits for Jingnan?

With the two sides fighting a little bit, the air traffic confrontation, and finally the results.

Song Yu saw red white 虬龙 from the young 蛟 中 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺 夺

“This is a battle of dragons. Every time I win over Zhou Yu, I can win a part of his body. The stronger the powerhouse, the weaker the weaker, and the last winner can gather Nine Provinces. , on the True Dragon!!!! In the Song Yu scorpion, there is a clear comprehension.

At this point, I saw a sigh of sorrow, and the body was dissipated, and it turned into an azure squid.

The gas transport that was captured was mostly absorbed by the red scorpion, and there was a slight drop, which seemed to be remitted to Meng Ce’s head.

“Although I am the main lord in this battle, but Meng Che Xiao defeated Zhou Yu, it is also known as Jingzhou, you can get a few points of gas… Unfortunately…”

Song Yu sneered, and the red scorpion was empty, and the first few dragons that had fallen to the squid were exhausted.

At this time, Akasaka, after getting a few pieces of land in Jingzhou, the body is getting bigger and bigger, and it has a lingering atmosphere. It is only a line away from Jackie Chan, and has a name for the squid. Is it Mengci?

Just a little sweep, the original long-term return to Meng Che’s a few dragons, they will be absorbed by the red.

“I am also a good person for you! Now you are a squid, I can still let you down. If you give the Flood Dragon, it will be a disaster.” Song Yuxi flashed through the light, secretly said.

“Why do I always feel that something is wrong?” After the victory, enjoying the compliments of the subordinates, Meng Che felt that his body was cold, and his heart was empty. It seemed to belong to his own things. He was taken away by others and was empty.

His face could not help but sink down, and his subordinates saw it. He did not dare to speak any more and retreated.


On the second day, the two naval divisions were dispatched again to face the river.

“peng!” “peng!” “peng!”

With the sound of the snare drum, the Zhou Yu Navy slowly pressed, and the command was unified. In the distance, it was a black line that struck from the river, such as a big wave, and the momentum was amazing.

“Zhou Yu, this is a quick fix!” Not only Meng Che, but even a few around, there is a clear comprehension in my heart.

Meng Che knows that Zhou Yu is not far from Danger Realm. Zhou Yu is naturally more clear, and now it is a fight! ! !

Bang!! ! The land army that has been silent has also been slow to move.

The military is skyrocketing, the clouds are covering the sun, and the scene is suddenly murderous.

“Is this a big battle? Zhou Yuguo is very human, and the decision is extremely incomparable!!!” Song Yu sighed, and immediately ordered: “Preaching the purpose of the public, the Navy is commanded by Meng Che, who does not obey the kill without mercy!”

“The army is in the array, let Zhou Yu see the style of our Wuzhou Erlang!!!”

“Tread”, “Tread” and “Tread”

A team of bright armor, neatly arranged soldiers, they stand by the team, long knife out of the sheath, bowed on the string, pointed finger towards opposite Zhou Yu Army.

If Zhou Yu’s navy is full of battles and has sufficient military strength. Song Yu’s Lu Shi is even more victorious, raising an invincible spirit! ! !

At this time, the morale of the 40,000-strong army was high, and the 60,000 Jingzhou soldiers across the street were compared.

“On the Army side, although the enemy has more than 20,000, it is mostly a new pawn. Even the military equipment is not complete. The news of Changsha was passed down for two days. At this time, the military is also scattered. The 40,000 troops of the public are able to fight for good. The old pawn, even more personally sitting in the town, won the face.”

“As long as the Navy can support it, it will be able to destroy Zhou Yu today!”

In the eyes of Song Yu, the murderous aura is full, and the whole body is burning with a strong fighting intent.

The cold wind whistling in the sky, the drizzle falling down, with a cold heart. This is God’s willingness to feel the coming of the war, showing the natural phenomenon.

“Every time during the rainy season, my public’s mood is so good, and when the enemy comes to death, who are you waiting to be the pioneer, and take the head of the enemy to the public?”

Song Yu laughed and asked.

“The end will be willing to go!” Below, Dian Lang, Pan He, Song Hu and other generals have fallen.

Song Yu just looked at it a little and smiled: “Song Hu, with your government, I look forward to your good news!”

“No!” Song Hu was listed as a dagger.

In the previous Wuzhou war, he wanted to guard the old nest for Song Yu, and he was not allowed to do it. Later, he was assassinated and healed to the present.

Although Jigong has also achieved the general five-product generals, it is always a bit boring compared to other colleagues who have military merits.

Now that Song Yu gave the opportunity, how can he not make him happy? ? ?

Song Yu is also secretly nodded, this Song Hu is a self-family, and there is a chance from the dragon, the opportunity to give it.

Song Hu strode out, and after a while there was a sound of horses screaming.

“The public will be returned to the headquarters, the public is sitting in the middle of the army, watching you and other merits!” Song Yu said.

“Nuo!” The generals underneath are all retreating.

Only Song and one person, standing behind Song Yu, he was commanded by Song Yu’s own soldiers, and now he is also leading the 6,000-strong army, with profound majesty.

Although all of them have been promoted, they are worse than Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin. In this respect, Legion’s war is still only Song Yu’s personal suppression, so that there is no trouble.

“We also go out and watch the army that Zhou Yu has trained. What can I do?”

Song Yu is facing the Song and said with a smile.

“Zhou Yu is first class, but clay chickens and pottery dogs, how can the enemy’s heroes?” Song and said.

“haha… well said!!!” In the laughter, Song Yu strode out.


On the river surface, dozens of flaming boats, along the wind, rushed to the Mencius.

“Want to burn a company? Dream!” Meng Che coldly snorted, “: Huanglong boat, shooting the enemy, the enemy ship collapsed!!!”

Under the order, there are dozens of Huanglong boats in Mengle’s fleet. For example, the healthy fish swims on the river surface, killing the burning boats, shooting the enemy on the ship, and overturning the enemy ships, or leading them away.

There were also a few fireboats that passed through the blockade line. Before coming to the army, they were immediately knocked over by the ram and did not reach the climate.

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