Looking at this scene, Meng Che is suddenly on the back of the subordinate with a smile: “Zhou Yu Ji poor!”

“This fire attack plan should have been ambushed first, and promised to vote for it, and then cover it with a military ship, and wind up and down, to get some results.”

“Zhou Yu has no one and no place, but it is a waste of his life.”

“The enemy is moving!” At this time, I saw the enemy Navy down the river, assaults the senses, the momentum is strong, but also see Zhou Yu spent the effort of the Navy!

“hehe! Want to be in the water and land, break my army? It is good, good decision! I am waiting for the water master, how can I be afraid? To the Governor, ordered the whole army to attack!!!”

With the command of Meng Che, the 20 five-toothed ship, like a sturdy sea fortress, covered the sky, and like 20 moving mountains, led the head to Zhou Yu Navy.

Later, followed by the densely packed Huanglong boat, standing on the boat, preparing with a gun.

“The bat, the boulder is ready!!!” the officer ordered.

The fleets on both sides are getting closer and closer and finally hit together.

Under the huge impact of the five-toothed ship, the first boats were smashed into pieces. With the loud noise, several small boats hitting the five-toothed ship were broken, and only a piece of wood was scattered around the river.

Among them, there are broken limbs, bloody bones, and a piece of water is red.

“Big stone, let!!!” 轱辘 turn, the original tying the huge stone down, kneeling on the surrounding small ship, another piece of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.

“The bat is ready to knock over those boats that are close.”

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” As the ram stretched out, several boats were overturned.

At the beginning. By the power of the five-toothed ship, Ms. Meng’s sailor once prevailed.

unfortunately. As the five-toothed ship was surrounded by heavy encirclement, the two seamen were completely mixed. The warfare gradually became glued up.

In particular, Zhou Yu Navy also has a big ship that is inferior to the five-toothed ship. Together, the two are also enough to compete with the five-toothed ship.

At this time, from the Zhou Yu Navy, there was another boat, which was extremely flexible and surrounded the five-toothed ship.

This is the group wolf tactic used by Zhou Tai. However, it has been significantly improved. The boat is far away from the big ship. It avoids the distance of the bat and is flexible and extremely rare.

“hua hua hua! !!” flew dozens of flying claws from the boat and firmly caught on the five-toothed ship.

At the bottom of the Jingzhou Navy, biting a knife and climbing along the rope.

“Fast! Cut the rope!” the commander on the five-toothed ship shouted.

“Nuo!” The pro-infantry took the lead and took out a long knife. Align the ropes! ! !

The sharp blade crossed, the rope broke, and the soldiers who were attached to it screamed and fell into the water. Pick up a lot of waves.

There are too many boats. Although the commander tried his best to resist, he was still rushed by many Jingzhou soldiers.

“Where are the soldiers? Kill me with me!!!” The commander has some courage. With the pro-arms rushed up, suddenly the sound of shouting was loud.

“This is not going to work!” On the flagship. Meng Che looked at the battlefield, brows frowned.

Zhou Yu’s navy is a battle. The water is very good, compared with Wuzhou Navy, it is even worse, not to mention the number of people is 5,000 less! If the Army is naturally not afraid, but the Navy is different! !

If it is glued again, the number of opponents will gradually show an advantage.

Meng Che certainly does not want to see this scene.

“When this is the case, only a desperate attempt, a desperate fight, a big win!” Meng Che brows close, a bloody murderous aura, it emerged.

Dare to fight and fight hard at the crucial moment, dare to take all the money! ! ! It is the quality of the famous! ! !

“Report! Report the big governor, have found the enemy flagship!!!”

At this time, a commander came up and told me.

“haha! Good! The rest of the fleet, who can move, are all supervised with Ben!”

Under the command of Meng Che, the surrounding navy responded, and the fleet was like a sharp lance, which was stabbed to the flagship of Zhou Yu! ! !

“Although this is even if it wins, it is a triumphant victory, and there is even a worries of annihilation. But I am only a governor in the district! The opposite is the enemy master. If you can change your life, you will still make a big profit!!!”

Meng Che’s bow, laughing and talking.

This is the truth. Although Zhou Yu is a master of the Navy, it is not easy to train. If the pair is replaced, it is not a matter of time to rebuild the Navy. Song Yu’s territory is vast and the support is sufficient. It is Zhou Yu’s luck to escape his life. As long as you can give the enemy Navy a heavy blow, even if you are a sneak peek, it is a big profit.

The latter generals were touched by the generous and heroic spirit of Meng Che, and they all said: “I am willing to die for the Governor!”

The public will use their lives, the fleet will be severely blocked, and they will have to go to the flagship of Zhou Yu.

“Lord! The enemy is fierce, please hurry to avoid!!!”

Fang Tongyu said.

“This Governor will not go! If you leave at this time, do you not sweep the ground? How do you do this army of the Governor?” Zhou Yuhong looked at the Wu Jun Fleet, who was killed, and said: “I have more people, even if The enemy has a big ship, and how can it be, the flag will be passed, the public will be encircled, and the enemy will be destroyed here!”

“Nuo!” A commander, carrying two big flags on his back, climbed to the high pole of the ship, waved two flags, and made a complicated flag.

The surrounding ships seem to have gotten orders, and they are surrounded by a circle and come to the middle. This is to form a surrounding net, and the Mt. ! !

The reason why the flagship is called the “flagship” is that the ancient contact methods are backward, and even more so between ships. The fleet can only respond to the flagship flag. The flagship is the center of the navy, and absolutely damage is not allowed.

And Zhou Yu’s plan is to use his flagship as a bait, and the public will be encircled, and Mengqu will be annihilated in one fell swoop! !

This is a risk! ! ! If the public will not be able to rescue, or Zhou Yu’s flagship defense is weaker, it will be first picked up by Meng Chejie, and then it will be the fish dies or the net splits.

Zhou Yu was so dangerous, and it was a last resort. Song Yu’s strength was far above him, and the rear was ravaged by Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin. If it was delayed for a while, Jingnan would be completely changeable, and the lower soldiers would also It will be broken, and when it is time, it will be hard to fight!

“I used to be a bait for myself, so I am very good!” Meng Qing said with amazement.

“The enemy’s main lords dare to take risks, my general in this district, what terrifying?” Turned and issued the order: “The vessel speeds up, before the big army, take the flagship first! Zhou Yu is on it If he can take his first class, he will have a seal in the future.

This reason, how can the underlying generals not understand? They are all red-eyed, driving the bottom soldiers, speeding up the speed of the ship and heading for the flagship.

“Hey! Happened my main!!!” The closer to the flagship, the more blocked it is, the more fierce it is.

A general, with a few large ships in front, blocking Meng Che to go.

“We don’t have much time, hurry up and kill this!”

The two big ships collided, and the waves of the waves swayed. Even the soldiers of the water army did not grasp the stability and were taken out of the boat.

“Kill!!!” The two ships are the most intense moments in the naval battle. The soldiers on both sides are squatting, stimulating every part of the body, waving the sword and rushing.

Ping pong! ! ! Peng peng ! ! ! Hung dong!! !

The sound of the weapons was handed over, and the sound of the collision continued to sound, with a few screams.

“Give me an arrow and shoot them!!!” Zhou Yu’s general was drinking. As the bowstring trembled, several sergeants of the Wu army fell and died.

“Here!!!!” The voice of the surprise sounded, and immediately under the guardian of the Guardian, Hong Quan slowly came and looked at it.

“You are a talent, how can I drop my Patriarch public?” Hong Quan looked at the few people around him, and could not help but love the heart.

“My family is governed by the great governor, how dare to rebel? The thief is dead!!!” This will growl and it will be shot by a wave of arrows.

The knife and shields raised the big shield, blocked the arrow and smothered it. For a moment, the archer ran across the ground.

“It is a warrior!” Looking at the enemy’s body wearing a number of creations, under the knife and shield soldiers around, still screaming, Hong Quan could not help but sigh: “Give him a good!!!”

This enemy will also reach the limit at this time, and can not help but laugh: “The big governor, who belongs to the world and follow you again…”

The blade light crossed and the head flew out. Hong Quan felt some emotions and immediately woke up and said: “The road has been cleared, we have to return to the ship, go straight to the flagship, this is a great work!! Can not miss!!!”

“Nuo!” All of them are hot in the heart. Even if the spoils of war are not collected, they return to their own warships and kill them to Zhou Yu.

At this time, the road ahead is unblocked, and there is still a distance between the enemy forces behind it. It is a godsend! ! !

“The big governor, if you don’t leave, you won’t be able to come!!!” Fang Tongyu was so anxious that he spoke like an arrow.

“This Governor is here to the point, is there any good scruples?” Zhou Yu is a smirk: “This Governor will not go, swear to the last moment, the history books of the later generations are also loaded, and this is also the battlefield of the war, which is better than the deserters. Good to hear…”

“Dadudu!” Fang Tongyu shed tears and held Zhou Yu’s thigh: “We still have 60,000 Army, and Jiangling Dacheng, there is still a resurgence of the opportunity, the majority of the Governor must not be discouraged!!!”

When Fang Tongyu said that the comeback was coming back, Zhou Yu’s eyes suddenly flashed a trace of Profound Light, which was very strange.

At this time, Wu Jun Navy approached, and even heard: “Catch Zhou Yu!” “Catch Zhou Yu!”

Xiu xiu! ! ! A few black lines passed, and several guards around Zhou Yu fell to the ground, blood flow like a note.

“Dudu! Please take the Clippers to avoid, and will stay in this enemy!”

At this time, finally the generals took the Clippers to rescue.

“Good!” Zhou Yu just thought about the moment, he promised to go down, and Fang Tongyu and several other ministers, transferred to the Clippers.

The Clippers left the flagship, and after a while, the flagship was finally surrounded by Wu Jun.

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