“Report! Search all over the ship, not see Zhou Yu silhouette!!!”

Meng Che Li stood in the bow of the five-toothed ship, listening to his subordinates, and his brow wrinkled into a “chuan”.

The Clippers were concealed, and Zhou Yu changed his uniforms, which was not discovered.

“I didn’t expect this week’s Yu Yu to escape. When he lost money, he was a personal joke!!!” After a moment of Meng Che, it was the eyebrows stretching out and laughing.

Also ordered: “I burned this flagship, and then slammed a first-level, shouted outside, our army has broken the flagship, killed Zhou Yu, the enemy surrendered not to kill!!!”

“Nuo!” This brightens the eyes, the battlefield is chaotic, Zhou Yu escapes, and completely loses the command of the Navy. The surrounding Navy can only have a bit of heart when he sees the flagship burned.

After a while, Meng Che fleet left, Zhou Yu’s flagship burned a majestic fire, and the navy who came to rescue the car was a glimpse.

Taking this opportunity, Meng Che’s sergeant shouted together: “Zhou Yu’s first level is here, the flagship is burned, and my family has a decree, and it’s okay to die! You are not going to surrender quickly!!!”

The army has been shouting three times, and the audience has been able to smell it. The enemy ships that were originally besieged have heard this, and they have seen the flagship burning and sank. The enemy has provoked a thing, which seems to be a bloody first class. Plunge.

It’s morale to fight. ! ! The Lord is dead, what is the blood of the soldiers?

Most of the enemy ships were in a state of chaos, and they stopped at the same place. There were a few voices that were screaming at Meng Che, and it was obvious to be the main communion! ! !

“hmph 哼,overestimate one’s capabilities !!!” If the surrounding Navy is on the rise, the Meng Che side will be completely annihilated, but there are several ships in the district. It is the will to save the heart, but also why.

“The trebuchet, send!!!” Wan Shiqifa, a few ships besieged, has not yet been killed in front of Meng Che. Then he was shot out of several holes, the river was poured, the ship sank, and Meng Che drove the big ship to the side, ambushing with the archers, and shooting the shots. For a time, the river was red.

This bloody scene is very shocking to a group of people. It seems that the opposite ship seems to be thinking well, and some hit the white flag. Some left the battlefield.

“Good! Pass me orders, the whole army will attack!”

Seeing this opportunity, Meng Che made three orders and ordered the Navy to launch a general attack.

Zhou Yu Navy found that the flagship was sunk, morale fell, and the dragons had no heads. They were immediately killed and cried. The flag of material left behind almost obscured the entire river.

“Good! I don’t want the Navy to be so brave. Actually, before the Army, the enemy was solved!!!”

On land. Song Yuxi looked at the river in the distance, and said with great joy: “So, the army can solve the enemy!”

Before Zhou Yu’s water and land, two offensives, on the land, Zhou Yu’s army and Song Yu’s army were killed together.

Although Song Yubing died far away from Zhou Yujun. But Zhou Yu’s army has more than 20,000 people, but it’s not a small number. The battlefield was glued for a while.

With the news of the water war, Zhou Yu’s army had some commotion. Giving the opportunity of the Song Yu army, the battlefield began to lean toward Song Yu.

“At this time, Zhou Yu Navy defeated, the army was won, and it was meaningless. The opposite general will be if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off. If you wait for a while, the Navy will make a comeback after the rest. Water and land attack, this army must be broken and no way!”

“The order is passed down, the troops are holding their positions, and they must not be lighted out!” At this time, the army is intertwined, and it is divided into several large blocks, killing each other. Song Yu and other senior generals can only control in the general direction. Everywhere.

Song Yu wants to know clearly, the more it is not ill, the bamboo is in the chest.

The enemy army appeared to be a little impatient, and several times the imperial squad attacked, and the anti-Chinese Song jade trapped, lost the helmet and abandoned the armor.

law! ! !

Suddenly, from the enemy, a team of cavalry will kill! They are all wearing armor, and the mounts are extremely tall and revealing a vicious atmosphere.

This cavalry is extremely incisive, and the bow and the horse are familiar with it. They can shoot and shoot. The enemy army takes this as a pioneer, and the spearhead points directly to the Chinese army in which Song Yu is located! !

“This is Zhou Yu’s mysterious iron ride? Jingzhou multi-channel, he spent the effort to train the cavalry, the picture is not small!”

Song Yu commented that in Jingzhou, the cavalry did not have much use, but when it came to the north, it was used as a seed, and it could be expanded several times at a time. This shows that Zhou Yu’s ambition is not small! ! !

“Song He, you lead the black feathers to fight!” Opposite is obviously the enemy’s new force, winning the hand, Song Yu also has reservations.

This black feather ride was originally led by Luo Bin, who had thousands of rides. After he went out, the black feather ride was directly led by Song Yu.

“Nuo!” Song and turned over the horse, he has been from the army for many years, the equestrian skill, at this time led the black feather ride, but also does not appear to be a hand.

“Kill!!!” Song and burst drink, Ma Qun charged, like a black arrow, greeted the approaching Xuanjia iron ride.

Bang!! ! !

The two men and horses collided together, Song and Shen Shenyi, no sadness and no joy, long knife even flashed, several cavalry fell out, all the way to the sky.

At this time, the cavalry charge is the largest unit of the formidable power of the cold weapon era. Even if the cavalry is still in the air, it will be turned into a meatloaf in the next horseshoe.

After the mentoring of both sides, there were fewer people. The cavalry was full of flesh and blood, and it was not known to be an enemy or an enemy.

“Arush! Kill!!!” Song and Le turned to the horse’s head, led the black feather ride and launched the charge.

The two men and women fight together again.

Song Yu looked at it carefully, Zhou Yu’s mysterious iron riding was extremely refined, but it was still on the black feather ride, but the number was not as good as it was. Several times the charge came down, the Xuanjia iron ride was damaged, but the black feather ride still retained. The frame.

“Good insurance, if this Xuanjia iron ride is more than a few times, it is really dangerous to say it!” Song Yu secretly said, and issued a command: “Life Song and patrol the audience, act cheaply, break the enemy!”

On the battlefield, 60,000 Zhou Yu army, was firmly held by Song Yu’s 40,000 elite, half to move to a single step.

At this time, Song He, led by the black feather ride, is the only maneuvering force. After destroying the opponent’s cavalry, it puts a heavy weight on the winning balance!

I saw Song and led the cavalry whistling past, repeatedly killing the enemy and expelling the enemy soldiers.

What he chose was mostly his own strength, and he was able to defeat the enemy by one step, and the cavalry was even more invincible.

After so many times, Song Yu’s army gathered more and more on the battlefield, and his strength was getting bigger and bigger. He participated in a larger battle group and grew like a snowball.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yu, the rear of the general, was cold and cold, his chest was bored, and he wanted to vomit blood.

This situation is the reincarnation of Sun Wu, and it can’t stop it.

“General, the Navy is defeated, I have already broken one arm, and now there are a lot of squadrons rushing over, and the generals will temporarily avoid!

One of the aides went forward to persuade, the discerning eye can see it, but let the general retreat.

“pu! !!” The blade light flashed, and the sharp blade passed through the chest and stood behind.

The curtain was unbelievable and fell to the ground.

“Brothers entrusted the 60,000-strong army to me. If I lose again, what are the faces to see him?”

The generals roared: “The order is passed down, and our army will not die, even if it is a battle, it must be with the enemy!”

Step on! ! ! Step on! ! !

The sound of the horseshoes sounded, and several of the soldiers were picked up and slammed into the front.

“You are the first enemy of the enemy Zhou Wei? I heard that Zhou Yu’s younger brother?” With the voice of the voice, the black feather rides rolling, like a black cloud.

“hehe! This is really great!!!” Knight laughed.

“Where is the soldier? Kill me with me!!!” This will take a long knife and drink: “Picture!!!”

The surrounding soldiers are pulling out long swords: “Picture!!!”

“Courage is commendable, but just looking for dead end!!!” The cavalry faintly evaluated, with a black feather ride, launched a charge! ! !

The horror of the cavalry, far above the stepping army, the soldiers who stopped the road, were knocked over before the torrent of steel, and even blocked it.

“The thief!!” Zhou Weihong looked at him and waved his knife forward.

Seeing the horse galloping past, the snowy blade flicked and a head flew out.

Riding will catch a head and screaming: “The coach is dead, and he will not surrender????”


The land under the night is extremely quiet, and at this time, in the military camp in a frenzy, apparently still did not completely withdraw from the day of the war.

The logistics team rescued the wounded, and the fire-headed soldiers cooked the large pieces of dead horse meat, together with wild vegetables and seasonings, made a mellow broth, and carried them to the camps in a pot.

The entire military camp is filled with a festive atmosphere.

There is nothing more to be thankful for than being able to survive in the war.

In the big account, Song Yugao sat down and listened to this report.

“reporting to the main public, this battle down, my army navy, the five-toothed ship lost seven, the Huanglong ship 45, the water army soldiers killed more than 6,000, seriously injured four thousand, and five thousand minor injuries, can return to the team at the end of the month While capturing 20,000 soldiers and soldiers, the ship has countless supplies. Unfortunately, Zhou Yu escaped and failed to do his best!”

“On the Army side, our army suffered less than 5,000 casualties, defeated the enemy, captured 30,000, can be called a big victory, and Song and killed the enemy coach Zhou Wei, presented the first level!!!”

“In general, although this war has been damaged, it interrupted Zhou Yu’s spine in one fell swoop, so that he can no longer fight back!!”

Shen Wenbin said, the face is with joy.

“In fact, this warfare division has made great efforts, and the soldiers suffered heavy injuries!” The casualties of nearly 20,000 people made Song Yu very shocked. I knew that Zhou Yu was a sharp man, and today he saw it. Sure enough, name is not in vain.

“Can you know that Zhou Yu is falling?” Song Yu asked.

“According to the exploration of the horse and the dark, Zhou Yu collected the squad, there are also 30,000, at this time to Jiangling retreat!”

Shen Wenbin said.

“Although I really want to win Jiangling in a spurt of energy, but our army is also tired of the war, first have to rest one or two!” Song Yu said with some regret.

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