“Yes, Zhou Yu is a hundred-footed worm, dead and not stiff. ← At this time, the main lord Jingnan is not flat, not to act blindly without thinking!” For this, Shen Wenbin is also very much in favor.

“Jingnan is not flat? I am afraid there will be good news soon!” Song Yu looked at the sky, some mysteriously said.

Shen Wenbin looked up and saw the drizzle stop, the starry sky was brilliant, I don’t know what the Lord wants.

Song Yu can look forward to air transport. At this time, he will see a large piece of white gas coming from Jingnan, constantly reintegrating into himself, and the youthful atmosphere is extremely strong. Purple Qi is faint and will appear.

“After one step, you can have Purple Qi!” Song Yu heart, with clear comprehension: “This is probably the life of the life has not brokenthrough! Before killing Li Rubi, the life is turned into azure, now killing the dragon, I can be turned into a purple!”

Song Yuzhi’s life, after killing Li Rubi, turned into a pale green, and now it is just a pure blue color.

According to his estimation, I am afraid that only after killing Zhou Yu, the two states will be born in one, and perhaps they will have the life of the Purple King. ! !

“As for white gas, it is the image of Jingnan!” When Song Yu led the troops to attack Zhou Yu, the latter’s Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin also had 30,000 troops, swept Jingnan under the advantage of strength.

“Report!!!” At this time, there was a commanding soldier coming in. After the ceremony, he said: “Junnan Ye General, General Luo, Ma Maji, the two generals have already connected to Ancheng, Qixian, Xiangtan, Xiangxiang and other cities. Sweeping Jingnan!!!”

“Congratulations to the Lord! He Xizhugong!” Shen Wenbin knew at this time what Song Yu was just now. The Lord’s public body is different in spirit. He can know that people don’t know, and can’t. Make him more awe.

“Although Jing Nanping, the army of the public still needs to rest!” Song Yu sighed. Sending away the passing soldiers, said to Shen Wenbin. “Exactly, there is something to do now!”

“Please tell the Lord!” Shen Wenbin bowed his way.

“This public seal is for you to make the people of the country, registering the people in the land of Jingnan, and relocating the people to Wuzhou!!”

This emigrant is the source of the disaster. Staying in Jingnan not only disturbs the law and order, but also the burden of the government.

The Wuzhou city system is mature, there are many open fields in various places, and there is a shortage of labor. Relocation of the past, one move, two gains.

Moreover, Song Yu’s recent night view of the sky always felt that there was a mist cover in the north and the sun, which made him feel guilty and had to make plans early.

This is also one of plundering the population, strengthening its strength, and preparing for a protracted war.

What has been done in history is the hero. Song Yu naturally used it.

“According to the worst plan, Jingzhou or the Northland has changed greatly. The public can also retreat to Wuzhou and keep a hundred years of energy!”

This guarantees a hundred years of peace in Wuzhou. It is very important for the people to live and work in peace and contentment.

Now Song Yu, the roots of the destiny are from Wuzhou Heaven and Earth. Gas transportation is also gathered by Wuzhou people, as long as Baozhou is secure for a hundred years. The karma of that body is entangled, and the karma is bloody. It can also be almost clean.

At the end of the day, you can sin and sin, and you will be guilty of True Dragon. If you are dead, the true body is innocent, and the Wuzhou faith is connected with the Tianmu. True Dragon is also a waste, it is a big profit.

These are the worst plans. Song Yu is just just in case that’s all, he has the hope of achieving True Dragon, how can he give up easily? Only when it is absolutely necessary to retreat to Wuzhou.

“In the end, it is still the mutation of Fuyang and the North, too amazing, so that the public had to make plans early!” Song Yu sighed secretly.

“Maybe, let the true body take the lead and go to Fuyang to see one or two?”


At the end of June, Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin were smooth class divisions. At this time, in Baling City, there were hundreds of thousands of troops, and there was a big defeat to Zhou Yu. The entire Jingnan was absolute silence.

In this atmosphere, the carrying of the population is going very smoothly.

Although Jingnan was calm, but the soldiers were resting, and the reorganization of the soldiers was a time-consuming and laborious task. It was not a temporary effort. The attack on Jiangling was delayed.

At this time, Jiangling City is immersed in the gloom of the clouds.

Fang Tongyu hurriedly walked into the Metropolitan Government. At this time, an elderly woman came to the front. She was full of white hair and snow, carrying a faucet crutches, and several large cockroaches around her were carefully guarded, and there were tears in her eyes.

“To the old man, please!” Fang Tongyu hastily paid respect, this is Zhou Yu’s biological mother, Zhou Family old man, status is respected.

“It’s the kid’s kid!” The old man stopped. “The old man is the woman of the woman. I don’t understand the military major event. You and Yu are the classmates. They have sentiments, and you have to give me more points. Don’t let him. It’s better to get deeper and deeper…”

“After waking up!” Fang Tongyu quickly promised to say.

The old man said that here, the eyes are red again: “This Jingzhou… I have advised Yu Yu early, when I take the family and the family first, now if I can let go, it is also very good, you still advise him more. !”

Even the old man who cares for the best man knows that the situation is not good now? Fang Tongyu smiled and hurriedly salute: “No!”

After sending away the old man, after the obituary, he entered the study.

After the ceremony, Fang Tongyu looked at Zhou Yu in secret, and then he saw the handsome and beautiful face of the capital governor filled with tired colors, and there were tear marks, but also a sour heart.

Baling lost in the first battle, and lost the soldiers. Even Zhou Wei’s younger brother, Zhou Wei, was trapped inside and had a great blow to Zhou Yu.

Moreover, Jingzhou at this time has Shiwang Shilongjie in the north and Wu Guogong Songyu in the south. Jiangling is sandwiched in the middle, which is also a dangerous egg.

By the time of Jiangling City’s break, Zhou Family will not be spared.

Whether it is Shi Longjie or Song Yu, they have never heard of a kind heart to the enemy, but they have killed people.

“Wen Ruo, how many soldiers are we collecting now?” Zhou Yu closed his eyes, and there was an indescribable exhaustion in his voice.

“After the Battle of Baling, we tried our best to summon, there were more than 30,000 soldiers, plus Jiangling defenders, a total of about 40,000!” Fang Tongyu replied.

“Just… the army of the army is distracted, and the Jiangling garrison is not training enough, no fighting spirit, I am afraid that when the enemy comes, it will surrender!”

In the previous battle, Zhou Yuhundred thousand army was defeated, and had already beaten the spirit of the soldiers, but also had morale.

“hehe… Is it now that the mountains are running out of water? The Governor is not willing to die!”

Zhou Yu hated.

“How? Grand Governor? As long as you promised our conditions, there is no chance to start again!” A hazy voice came out from behind the screen and surprised Fang Tongyu.

Seeing a silhouette from the dark, the Taoist dressed up, the face seems to be covered with a mist, can not see clearly.

“If you can kill Song Yu’s little thief and get rid of the hatred of the capital, I promised you, what’s the matter?” Zhou Yu sneered.

This tone surprised Fang Tongyu, watching the big governor at this time, suddenly gave birth to a strange feeling that could not be said, as if the big governor at this time, and the former classmates, are two.


In the city of Baling, Yue Yulou, Song Yuzheng changed his official documents.

After a long time, I put down the pen in my hand and rubbed my brow.

“While Jingnan, the affairs are very complicated, it is really worrying!”

Although this time he won a big victory, and laid down Jingnan, but the rest of the stalls are also on the head of Song Yu.

First of all, the captives of this prisoner, there are more than 50,000 people, terrifying matchless.

Although these are mostly soldiers from the birth of Changsha Jingnan, they have heard the news of the old nest before, and they have no fighting spirits, so they can be captured so easily. But when they have more than 50,000, they will let Song Yu have a headache.

This person is too many, it is not easy to manage.

After Jingnan was settled, officials from various prefectures and counties had to be dispatched. This is the most basic. If the Wuzhou system is adopted, the employees in the villages must be all prepared, and the bureaucratic gap must be ten times more.

Song Yu thought about it and wrote the message: “The Wuzhou Political Affairs Hall will send the newly-sold students to the school. This Jingnan is vast and can be experienced!”

“There were also Xu Wei and Madengke in the previous move. At this time, they could be devolved as a county and county magistrate. Although they were promoted by the Prime Magistrate, although there was some promotion, the wartime has always been so, there are reasons!”

“The Jingnan officials who originally voted for the Chengnan can also retain the grade-level appointments, but they cannot be placed in the original position, and should be transferred at a level!”

In this way, the prefectures and counties of Jingnan can be operated in general.

Song Yu thought about it and called again, “Let Ye Hongyan come!”

The attendant hurriedly withdrew. Soon after, Ye Hongyan came to see him. “The end will participate in the Lord!”

“The captives of 50,000 soldiers are mostly Jingnan people. The family members are in our hands. They are not afraid of what happened to them. They are just mixed, and they need to be reorganized and reworked. In this respect, there are several regulations in this public. You should listen first. !”

“Please tell the Lord!”

“First of all, we must screen these 50,000 people, all the officers are removed, and they will return to Martial Hall to train, and they will not kill the troublemakers!”

“Below the fire, Qing Zhuang continues to follow the army, the old and the weak are also the nationals, and the tolls are paid for them to go home!”

“In this respect, the public gave an indicator, as long as 30,000 people, the remaining 20,000, all put back!” Before the death of too many soldiers, almost half of the Song Yu army, is a big hidden danger, and if only stay The next 30,000 army is still sure to suppress it.

The more the soldiers are, the better, the more they can command, and the prohibition is the most important.

“Nuo!” Ye Hongyan naturally understands that there is no objection.

“In addition, during the training of the recruits, you can also split a few shares and sweep the Jingnan foothills as training!”

The law and order is chaotic, and the displaced people are on the one hand, Jingnan is not peaceful, and on the other hand, it is to fall on the apes.

The mountain torrents are committed, and there are more water thieves, relying on the river, one hundred miles a night, extremely difficult to clear, and some even the Aristocratic Family’s secretly cultivated minions, well-informed, more material support, extremely difficult to rectify.

However, Song Yu made up his mind. When this rest, the tens of thousands of troops will be strangled together, and they will not be able to flatten dozens of gangsters in the district?

These are the things of the philosophies. As for the yin, the true body Fang Ming sent Yin Soldier to kill the ghosts.

Now Song Yu, is a swallowing Jingnan, has become a big fatty, bloated body, inconvenient to move, but as long as this time, slowly digest, will Jingnan completely into the rule, can be the burden of power! ! !

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