Time has passed into September. ▲∴

In the whole two months, Zhou Yu was uncharacteristically, and the tortoise of Jiangling could not be seen. It was like a beast that was holding a wound, which made Song Yu pay more attention.

In the Jingnan area, with the arrival of officials, especially the transporters, the army will cooperate with the Qing dynasty, and the chaos will be cleaned up, and then several Aristocratic Family will be annihilated, warn others from the following bad examples, after the entire Jingnan It was quiet and accepted Song Yu’s rule. Under the Divine Ability, the entire Jingnan air transport was completely shrouded by the Song Yu system, with a white-red color, although it was still white, but it was barely The political affairs are clear and the operation is stable.

The pawn is also a heavy blow, because it was trained before, but now it is just a review, and the progress is very fast. In September, a new officer was appointed and charged with Song Yu.

Coupled with the recruits sent from the rear, Song Yu at this time, there are 60,000 navy in the Baling, 90,000 army, a full army of 150,000, the first in Jingzhou! ! !

Shi Longjie does not produce, Zhou Yu, Longcheng and other princes are too small, and there is no time to operate, it is difficult to have Song Yu such a big momentum.

Song Yu at this time is the first prince of the South, and even the North, is also spreading the famous.

“Autumn is cool, you can use the soldiers!”

Song Yu boarded the head of Baling City and saw the neatly arranged army array below, not allowed to say with a smile.

“The words of the Lord’s public are very reasonable! At this time, Zhou Yu’s new defeat, Shi Longjie is still entangled in Fuyang, it is me to enter a good opportunity!!!”

Shen Wenbin finished the Anmin, and returned to Song Yu at this time, rumors.

Autumn is the season of crop harvesting, when it is harvested. Whether it is Zhou Yu or Dragon City, you have to slow down.

After all, if you can’t get a good harvest. They will starve to death in the coming year! What about the expansion?

Song Yu is a big family, even if he draws the huge thousand army. Does not affect the rear harvest, taking advantage of this time, but also got the day.

“Yes! The public now has a large army of 150,000, and Zhou Yu is only less than 50,000. It is a defeated army. It can’t be brave! Take advantage of Jiangling at this time, confronting Xiangyang and sweeping the south!”

Song Yu said that this battle is very important to him. If the test is correct, this battle will kill another dragon, and you can turn your life into a purple, with the king’s phase. This is a very important step in the battle of the world.

There have been countless princes, but those who can be called kings can basically leave a mark on the history books. It is worthy of a special book and a history of history.

“The kings of all ages have come from all walks of hardships and hardships. I am afraid that there will be a king in this time!”

Song Yu’s heart. Suddenly gave birth to a clear comprehension.

“But how is it, without the wind and rain, how to achieve True Dragon?” There is such a thought. The cloud rises above the head and the red dragonfly flies out. I want to rush for nine days and meet the baptism of the wind and thunder.

Song Yu smiled lightly. Ordering: “Publish the purpose of the public, the army will set aside, the west will go to Jiangling!!!”

“Get it!” The order of a **, the level passed down, and finally, the soldiers shouted: “My master is victorious! Wansheng!! Absolutely wins!!!”

The 150,000-strong army shouted in unison, and the sound was nine days. The military was boiling and the Flood Dragon rolled.

Under this fiery air transport package, Song Yu got on the rut, and then the army marched and swayed, stretching the severe dozen li, looking at God for it.

And outside the city, a barren land.

“The Wu Guogong army has started, I will wait!”

Fang Ming sat on the shoulders, behind Yin Soldier, and his army was rushing.

“Nature is obeying God’s command!” Next to the army, there are still a few people, headed by an old road, but it is a real person of Dong Xuan.

The Dong Xuan faction is the leader of the Jingzhou Daomen Gate. The relationship is intertwined. The Jingnan is settled, and the Dong Xuan real person is also a lot of force. Fang Ming thinks about the Jiangling Yangyang, and it is also useful to bring him to travel together.

As for the emptiness of the real person, it is the temporary stay of Jingnan, presiding over the murderous ghosts and the chaos of the demon, and can not get away.

“wu wu !!!” The sound of the bleak military bug sounded, and the black cloud rose under the yin army. The army volleyed.

Dong Xuan lived behind, with his head down, and there seemed to be a different kind of rays of light flashing through his eyes.

In Jiangling City, “Report! Song Yu has raised a total of 150,000 troops and came to Gangneung. It is expected to arrive in seven days!” A horse rides quickly and rushes into the Dudu government, telling Zhou Yu.

“Is it finally?” In the face of this news, Zhou Yu was not surprised, but gave birth to a sense of excitement.

“The success or failure of this is a fight! Pass the order of the Governor, the army is ready!” Zhou Yu at this time, after two months of rest, and recruited young and strong, the size of the army also recovered to 50,000, with the order issued, the entire Jiangling City is shaking.

Wu Guogong led a soldier of 150,000? This news can’t help, Zhou Yu does not want to hide.

Not to mention the strength of the army, the former Song Yu, but also the defeat of Zhou Yu, this happened only two months ago, the Aristocratic Family in Jiangling City has heard, even the detailed report.

Now I heard that Song Yu came forward, and I was shocked and trembled. I secretly voted for it, and I wanted to move the family to have it.

In this atmosphere, Song Yu’s army is getting closer and closer.

On the fifth day of September, the army of the army went to Huarong, and Huarong Shoucheng will vote in good faith, and he will take the risk without paying a pawn.

On the sixth day of September, Luo Bin as a pioneer to the South County, the South County prefecture did not fall, siege a night, the city, killing the prefecture.

By the seventh day of September, the 150,000-strong army gathered under Jiangling City, and the black pressure was over, and the camp was stretched, and the military was soaring.

“Send someone to persuade?” Shuai Yu asked in the handsome account.

“It has already been sent, and Zhou Yu has not responded!”

“No response, it is not falling!” Song Yu nodded, the army of the army, surrounded by the Gangling regiment, this is the end of the mountain, he does not know what Zhou Yu has any means of resistance.

“Lord! This week, Yu Yu dared to resist, and will finally attack the city, and he will take this person first level!”

Luo Bin said that at this time, he is full of murderous aura, and there is even more unspeakable sharpness, which is unstoppable.

This is a rare savage, but it is too murderous, Song Yusi pays, then said with a smile: “The army is just arrived, the soldiers need to rest and nurse, the siege equipment also needs preparation, the book city, the public to Zhou Yu three days Consider, after three days, you will start siege!”

This is not only for the time of surrender in the city, but also for the three-day, two-phase.

“Nuo!” Someone immediately sent the order.

“hmph hmph! This is a literary essay, but it’s a pity that it’s coming, and it’s ridiculous to persuade the Governor.”

Jiangling City head, Zhou Yu holding a book of persuasion that just shot into the city, sneered.

With a wave of hand, he will persuade the book to be thrown into the brazier, and the flame tongue will rise and rise, and the letter will be burned to ashes, while the side of the party with the same face will be grayed out and will not say a word.

Time goes to the night, somewhere in the sky, there is a cloud of darkness, black pressure, the moonlight is covered, the night between the heavens and the earth is thick, and the dull meaning is unspeakable.

Outside Jiangling City, in the distance is a barren hill.

Fang Ming and Dong Xuan climbed high and looked forward. In the eyes of Fang Ming, the golden light flashed. Seeing that there was a mist in the Jiangling City, the scene was blurred and more unbearable.

“There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!” Fang Ming thought of a move, the golden light was introverted, turned into a green, the divine light of the eyes almost condensed into a substance, exploding a few feet, making the side of the hole metamorphosis greatly changed.

Azure light is like a long sword, and the fog that blocks it is so that everything in Jiangling City is exactly the same as Fang Ming.

The red color is gathered, with golden in the middle, a pure white cub, and the body is scarred, and it is taking up the gas transport to make up.

On the other hand, the Song Yu military camp, the air transport is rushing, the military is thick like ink, and the red gold clouds gather in the sky, just like Xiangyun, but it completely compares the air transport in Jiangling City.

“The strength in this Jiangling City is only 50,000 troops. It is a night attack. In the case of distraction, I can’t afford to lose a big loss. What kind of cards does Zhou Yu have in order to be so fearless!”

Fang Ming thought about the electric turn and kept thinking about it.

“Respect God, but have doubts?” On the other side, Dong Xuanzhen asked.

“Yes! This battle is very important to Wu Guogong. It also relates to the opportunity of enlightenment. The true body looks at Jiangling air transport, but it is absolutely not turning, but I don’t know why Zhou Yu insisted on resisting.”

“Zhou Yu Dudu is also a Jingzhou Qianlong, temperament goes forward, and the indomitable, this reaction is normal!” Dong Xuanzhen is talking.

Flood Dragon and temperament of all ages are all extraordinary, unyielding, self-satisfied, all the way to the mountains, rivers and rivers, and the rest of the Flood Dragon bloody battle, in order to board the True Dragon, open a new era.

Zhou Yu has this reaction, and he can barely say it.

“This statement is reasonable, but the true body still feels something wrong!” Fang Ming shook his head.

“If you still respect God, don’t go to this poor Daoist to take a break, taste the spirit tea of ​​this poor Daoist collection, just the last time the national turtle rewarded the turtle, not this this poor Daoist Tianshen calculus once, how?”

Dong Xuanzhen proposed.

Originally, if it was a spiritual tea, Fang Ming was still not in the eye, but when Dong Xuan said that he was congenital and calculus, it was a movement in his heart.

“So it’s so irritating, just true body is a bit confused on the cultivation, you have to ask the real person to answer!”

“Respect God asks, this poor Daoist knows everything!” Dong Xuan smiled and said.

The clear light flashed and the two people disappeared.

The person who cultivated the Tao should be far from the earth, especially after the real cultivation foundation. The place where the Dong Xuan real people lived was far from the military camp, but it was chosen as a place outside the city.

Fang Ming met the thatched cottage in front of me, and some laughed: “You have a nose, the last time you said it is wrong, actually opened a world here, tsk tsk…”

Going down and coming into a great hall.

This is the esoteric method of the esoteric esoteric of Dong Xuan, which is similar to the sect of the city. It is more able to accommodate the stranger. It is very spiritual.

“haha …… This is the method that has been used recently by the old way, and it is no stranger to God!”

Dong Xuan smiled and held two cups of tea.

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