The dark clouds gathered more and more thick, and at the end of the day, the sky was dark as ink, and the ground did not reach the fingers. ∈↗

“What time is it now?” After finishing the day’s official business, Song Yu left the seat and stretched out and asked.

“Reporting to the Lord, it is already a child!” said a waiter.

“Child time? It’s time to rest!” Song Yu said with a smile, and suddenly, some of my heart missed the distant wife.

“To calculate the time, a few wives are here at this time. I am a Husband father, but I am really incompetent!” Song Yu has some bitter smiles.

“I still hurry up the Jingzhou thing, I can go back to see my wife and children… but Zhou Yu is good to play, but Shi Longjie is not so easy to win.”

Song Yu’s thoughts were complicated, and there was no sleepiness for a while.

Out of the camp, the next few guards followed closely.

“Long nights, I don’t know how the family is, do you miss your own?” Song Yu has a hand, and his heart is filled with thoughts.

He always believes that what is love at first sight, but it is false, and it will be shattered, such as as if dreams and visions in a bubble.

The true feelings are the approval of both parties. After the precipitation test of time, they can be sublimated. Perhaps, after a few decades of good feelings, they can sublimate into feelings without knowing it.

And he has been in Song Family for nearly two decades, and several young people have followed suit for several years. Song Yuxiu is not too forgotten, and naturally has some weight in his heart.

“What happened to me?” A cold wind blew, so that Song Yu could not help but shudder.

“Lord! The night is cold, please take care of your body!” The guard at the side took a velvet cloak.

“Yeah!” Song Yu took it. The velvet is extremely soft and warm when worn on the body. Very comfortable.

“There is a lot of confusion, such as falling leaves. This is a slight invasion of the outer devil!” Song Yu suddenly, with clear comprehension.

“It’s just that the public is a mortal, what kind of sorcerer? There must be someone doing 祟!!!” At this point, Song Yu’s eyes are shining, and the instinct of the previous heart is scattered.

The head of the sky rolled, and the Flood Dragon emerged and roared.

“There is a sense of dragon, and it was almost fooled before!” Song Yu sneered. Looked towards the direction of Jiangling City.

At this time, Jiangling City, the white scorpion rises up, makes a temperament, and the scales are clear. How can it be half-injured?

“This is the sign of the night attack!” Song Yu immediately ordered, “The order will continue, Jiangling will have an attack this night, awakening the soldiers to prepare for war!”

“Nuo!” Although the attendant did not know where the Lord had received information, Song Yu had orders. It is also followed immediately.

After the order was issued, Song Yu took a few steps, but it was even more uneasy.

“Jiangling City direction, in case of precautions. There are countless traps in the early days, and the houses are on duty, staying up all night. It is Zhou Yu’s 50,000 army, and only the death. Why is the true body still so guilty?”

Bang!! !

The Jiangling City door is wide open and the Pegasus is stepping on. The cavalry took the lead, followed by the team, and there was a team of infants, all of which were bright and strong.

“In the past few months, I have received funding, training, and rewards. These soldiers can be used!”

Zhou Yu wore armor and looked at the army, thinking about it.

Looking at the Wu Jun camp: “The success or failure is here!” With the cover of the night, the army is not enough from the Wu Jun camp. This distance is just a charge for the cavalry.

Zhou Yu’s palms were slightly sweaty, and they pressed their hearts and sipped: “Assault!!!”

drive! ! !

The cavalry, who had been suppressed, finally let go completely and launched an assault on Wu Jun’s camp.

Killing the sound suddenly shocked, “Fast! Fast! Fast! Steps to keep up!” Zhou Yuhong looked at him and snarled loudly.

This sound suddenly shocked Wu Jun’s camp. Seeing the North Camp’s pawn recently, it seemed to sound and some commotion.

“At this time, it was discovered, and it was too late!” Zhou Yu loudly urged the soldiers to move forward.

“Kill!” Wu Jun also naturally found the enemy, and fought bravely.

The sound of swords and swords rang, and several teams of pawns only blocked the cavalry and soldiers and were completely eliminated.

The cavalry took the lead and rushed into the camp of the Northern Army.

“I rushed into the camp, slashed Wu Junshi, prepared the torch, and the governor had to burn it here!”

It is a matter of great importance, not only in the elite, but also in Zhou Yu’s command in the army. At this time, Zhou Yu’s loud command, but the bottom of my heart is a bit of doubt, this is too smooth! Let him go through the battlefield, the meaning of vigilance!

Oh! ! !

A few steps went through the camp and entered, and soon came out, screaming loudly: “No one in the camp!”

“This is also!” “Where Wu Jun has gone!”

boom! ! ! The ground suddenly collapsed, and the cavalry pioneer who was charging, fell into the trap and immediately disappeared.

“Not good! Counted!” Zhou Yu said aloud.

“Yes! This General has been waiting for you for a long time!” The torches were erected around and the photos were bright.

Seeing that Wu Jun’s array is neat, he will surround Zhou Yu’s large Legion group. There are also gullies and refusal horses in front, and bows and bows are waiting to be sent.

Ye Hongyan rode a black horse and stood before the army and shouted.

After the Song Yu army was tied up, it was divided into five parts. Beiying was facing Jiangling City. Naturally, it was necessary to prevent night attack. In addition, Song Yu reminded that Ye Hongyan would wait for Zhou Yu to go to the door.

In the face of this group encirclement, Zhou Yu’s discoloration is only an instant, and then resumes calm: “Song Yu’s kid is scheming, so it is!”

Pull out the long sword and send another order: “Follow the capital!”

Jianfeng pointed to Ye Hongyan, even in the encirclement, but also thought of assaulting forward and taking down the enemy’s first level.

“Kill!” Looking at Zhou Yu is a leading soldier, the sergeant at the bottom is also a struggle, Yu Yong, with Zhou Yu charge.


A wave of arrows went down, and the soldiers in front fell to the ground, and the blood stained the yellow sand.

“Long spear soldiers, knife shield soldiers ready!” Ye Hongyan dispatched troops, want to kill Zhou Yu.

Just watching the silhouette of Zhou Yu who fought bravely in the army, the eyes could not help but panic.

“In the night attack, it can still be like this, what is missing…”


In the precinct, Fang Ming did not drink tea and said: “Dong Xuan real people, tea does not have to be anxious at this time, or faster calculation!”

“Okay, this poor Daoist, this is the beginning…” Dong Xuanzhen is talking, suddenly seeing Fang Ming complexion greatly changed.

Fang Ming turned his hand, and a mysterious symbol appeared in his hands. Guanghua circulated and floated.

With the brilliance, Fang Ming’s face is also gloomy.

“This is the Divine Ability symbol of the true body planted on that Xie Tao. This reaction shows that Xie Wei is nearby!!!!”

“Than Xie is the chief adviser of Shi Longjie. Since he appeared here, will Shi Longjie be far away? Not good!

Although Fang Ming has moved his hands and feet on Xie Tao, he is usually busy with his affairs. He has not paid much attention. It seems that he has been banned, and the connection is intermittent. Only under such a close distance can he be induced.

“It is not Zhou Yu who came to the divine crisis! But Shi Longjie!!!! If the two sides jointly attack, it is distracting…”

For a moment, when the fog was set aside, Fang Ming seemed to see the battlefield. At this time, he couldn’t sit still and got up and wanted to leave.

Ding! ! !

The cold light picked up, such as thousands of snowflakes falling, with a cold and biting killing intent, falling on Fang Ming, splashing the starting point sparks.

“Don’t wait for God!” Dong Xuanji, the imperial sword, and shouted: “hands!!!”

Bang!! ! !

The five-color brilliance flows, and there are four silhouettes in the great hall. They each have a faintness in front of them. They have a great power and set Fang Ming in place.

“Four are real people! This seems to be a battle, go for it!!” Fang Ming boring.

This time, Xuan Xuan betrayed and ambushed with four real people. It was really dragon’s pool and tiger’s den, and the distracted and attacked, Fang Ming wanted to retreat.

“Don’t print!” The golden seal emerged, and a few people were not completely connected. Fang Ming Divine Ability took all out, Earth Dragon rolled, and the great hall was broken and returned to the previous scene.

As the earth rose, it merged into the gold seal, and the gold seal rose sharply. The surface of the Wuzhou sentimental phantom appeared, and Muran suppressed it.

“Hah!” A few real people in front of a brilliance flash, issued a ray of light, gathered together, directly to break the gold seal!

However, it is the top of Shinto’s Divine Ability. Although some real people smashed the gold seal with the rare treasure, they also suffered the mana backlash, with the body violently rolling, and the array also appeared gaps.

Fang Ming’s face goldene flashed, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the golden light flashed at the foot, and it was going to escape! ! !

“Heavenly Dao, the heavens, the humanity, the joys, the anger, the sorrow, the joy, the fear, all for the suffering of others! Respect the gods to pick this poor Daoist a stroke of the world!”

Seeing Fang Ming is about to escape, and one person throws Dao Talisman.

This symbol blasted in the air, and the green air gathered into an illusory silhouette, wearing a robe, juvenile appearance, but with the ruthless meaning of Heavenly Dao in the eyes, it is the dream fairy! ! !

The dream fairy sings like a singer. Every time I say a word, my temperament is changed. My face is also full of emotions, emotions and fears.

Hands are like a wheel, brilliance bursts and seals out.

Fang Ming saw that the wheel of all beings came on the scene, and the roulette was filled with the joys and sorrows of all beings.

“Heaven Turning Seal!” appeared in the air, and the Taiping Seal flew out.

Fang Ming felt a very strong thought, coming from the roulette, a moment of joy, a moment of anger, a moment of sorrow, the heart of all kinds of emotions rolling, igniting all kinds of evil spirits.

“This floating world is amazing! Almost with the personality and emotions of all beings in the world, such a strong thought, even if the Chinese do not die, they will be labeled as schizophrenia!”

“If it is for the monk, it will not break this trick anyway. Fortunately, the true body is a god, and the audience is incredible for a long time.”

Fang Ming In the eyes, azure flashed, and the fascination of the faculty in the sea was revealed: “I am a god, the outer demon is surviving!!!”

All kinds of emotions and demons are gone like snow in the light.

Waiting for Fang Ming came back to his senses, it was a bitter smile. It turned out that the blow had already knocked him back to the original place. At this time, the big array was also arranged.

Dong Xuan shouting loudly: “Get up!”

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