Black, white, red, yellow, and blue are all in the sky, turning into a light curtain, and firmly blocking Fang Ming in the array. ⊙

And the five real people outside, each standing in the direction of mysterious, floating in front of the body, with a silk azure.

At this time, look at the five real people, there are old and young, there are men and women, each holding the treasure. In front of a pottery in front of Dong Xuanzhen, a few copper stoves floated. The other ones were very familiar. One clock, one tower, one gong, and one, it was the nine-day Xuan female sect of the Yizhou lost to Yizhou. !

“Five real people, five pieces of luck to the treasure, to take advantage of the situation, more dreams in the periphery waiting for the opportunity to move, you really can afford the true body!” Fang Ming smiled.

“Respecting the possess remarkable abilities, we are also a last resort!”

A real person said, the face is very old, two white eyebrows have been hanging down to the chest.

“You should be a real person who is too good to go to the road. I don’t want to go to the road and still have a hand, six real people!!! The world is unparalleled!”

Before being on the road, he was killed by Fang Ming and removed the dreams waiting outside. At this time, there are four real people and Dong Xuan. In addition, if you count the Taiping, there are four pieces of air in the door. Heavy treasure, the name of the first door in the world, is really deserved.

“Oh? No, the dream fairy silhouette that just played against the true body is illusory, with Silk Black Qi, not like ordinary people!”

Fang Ming’s gaze through the light curtain, looking straight out of the line, I saw the dream phantom steadily faded, and finally disappeared.

“This is the banned sign that I am too on the road. It seals the power of the attack!” It seems that Fang Ming is somewhat puzzled, and the real eyebrows explain it.

“If I am teaching the real person here, I will be impudent!” A full-fledged aunt was drinking. There is hatred in the eyes.

“Are you a Su Xia Master?” Fang Ming guessed.

“Exactly! You blocked me from teaching the plan and killing my discipline. This hatred was reported today!” Daogu drank.

“This big battle, with five pieces of air and heavy treasure for the array eye. Contains the Elements of Bio Elements, the power is endless, today will destroy you here, break the soul, report my enmity!”

“There are five real people driving the siege of the treasure, the true body is a bit of a parry, why bother!” Fang Ming said with a smile.

He was delaying the time, he was besieged before, and there was a dream sneak attack. In fact, Divine Body has suffered damage, can only delay the time, with the body of the gods to run fast, try to repair, God read the outside, looking for a line of life.

“It’s really a storm!” Fang Ming looked at the sky. At this time, the night was dark and black, and the wind was blowing, and the rain of the beans was heavy. Then it fell down.

Among the military camps, Song Yu suddenly rose: “Fast! Send the right camp, the soldiers are on guard, defending Shi Longjie’s sneak attack!!!”

He and the true body are one. True body knows the message and he knows it immediately.

In the northeast of the military camp, Shi Longjie rode a black horse. The surface of the barb is black and shiny, and behind it is the frozen thousand army ready to be sent! ! !

He did not know when he was smuggling here. Prepare for a night attack with Zhou Yu.

“Wu Jun Beiying is in full swing and it is time to set off!” Shi Longjie looked at Song Yu Day Camp. He said to a nearby soldier, “Notify Longcheng, let us send troops together!”

“At this time, the Song Yu army was attracted by Zhou Yu, it is a godsend opportunity! I brought the hunting thousand army here, and sprinkled the ghost army again, to eliminate Song Yu’s ride and explore the horse, only to win this opportunity, it is necessary to obtain Song Yu First level!!!”

In the eyes of Shi Longjie, the fierce light flashed and screamed loudly: “Give me a kill!!!”

A whip, the horse eats pain, and flies out, the army behind the whistling, the bloodthirsty color on the face is greatly increased, but also followed by the charge.

At the time of the departure of Shi Longjie’s army, there was a wave of people in the distance, and there was a wave of people who came out and saw a scale of 50,000.

“This time, the Lonely King has a soldier, and the Dragon City and Zhou Yu have a hundred thousand, and the 200,000 army is a night attack! Song Yu is not dead, the world is unreasonable!!!”

Shi Longjie laughed, and the horseshoe entered the military camp. With a slashing knife, several Wu Junshi soldiers were cut off.

“The enemy attack! There is an enemy attack!” If the Beiying is prepared, the soldiers are still not rioting. On the right side of the camp, they are really unable to defend themselves on the ground.

The cavalry took the lead, and the following step was followed. The horse-operated joint venture seemed to be a large-scale battle of the Chinese army who wanted to go straight to Song Yu, killing Song Yu here!

“Lord! The right camp is attacked by the enemy. The scale has at least a hundred thousand. If it is affected, it is the Beiying trap. It is not very safe. It will be broken by Zhou Yu at any time. Please also avoid one or two!”

Song and armor held a knife and stumbled in front of Song Yu, Shen Sheng said.

The situation has reached the time of the hundred thousand fires, the tens of thousands of troops attacked the night, although the Song Yu army is somewhat wary, but it is still chaotic, almost will have a squabbling.

“The public can not retreat! At this time, the retreat, the army is a thousand miles, are all idle!” Song Yu chop nails and sever Iron said.

Looking at the military camp, I saw the sound of the north and the northeast, especially in the northeast direction of the right camp. It is faintly visible that the enemy’s iron rider is arrogant and harvests the soldiers.

Fortunately, Song Yu has been victorious over the years. The soldiers have raised their military strength. This is no major chaos at this time. It is only a moment of confusion, unable to find a superior, and there is no clear order to appear so unbearable.

Song Yu was only a little silent for a moment, then he ordered: “Song He, you take the Flying Tiger House to the right camp, you must resist the enemy soldiers!”

The Flying Tiger House is the Song Yu’s army. Before the flying tiger’s predecessor, it was always responsible for guarding Song Yu. Not only is the most elite, but the military is also the most sophisticated.

And located in the Chinese army, the fastest order, has completed the entire column, ready to be dispatched.

But with six thousand to deal with more than 100,000, but it is a delay of that’s all, Song Yu is to fight for time, let Zuoying and the army respond.

“Nuo!” Although this command is Nine Deaths and still alive, Song He is immediately accustomed to it, and it is also awkward: “Flying Tiger House guards the security of the Lord, and now moves away from the Chinese army, and also asks the Lord to go to the army to avoid!”

“No! This public is not only unable to go, but also has to set up a handsome flag, ring the snare drum, and awaken the morale of the army!”

Of course, Song Yu knows that it is absolutely impossible to retreat at this time. Only when the army sees the handsome flag does not fall, the snare drum still rings, will gather together, and will not collapse immediately.

“As for security?” Song Yu laughed, the light in the scorpion flashed: “Give the public to the mountain Yuefu, Red Towel House!”

The two houses were crowded out and they were arranged in the army. Now they are blessed in disguise, and the disaster has not yet been affected. Instead, they have been fully established.

“At the same time, the public order was issued! The Beiying soldiers were on the ground, and Zuoying Luobin rectified the soldiers and immediately went to the Northern Army for support!!!”

Song Yu said that he was anxious and fast, and each and everyone sent the troops to fly out, Mercedes-Benz camp.

“Please protect the public!” Song He with the Flying Tiger House is also the enemy to the right camp. He is the person of Song Family, the most loyal, that is, the Lord’s father let him go to death, it is also sweet.

“The public must personally drum the drums and cheer up my soldiers!”

In a short time, Shanyue and the Red Towels arrived in the vicinity of Huhe and Li Dazhuang, and began to take over the defense line, defending Song Yushuai’s account.

Song Yu boarded the high platform and struggled to knock on the snare drum.

boom! ! ! boom! ! ! boom! ! !

The deep commanding sound suddenly rang through the entire military camp.

“haha…” Zhou Yu wiped the blood from his face and said with a laugh: “How? Your army is backed by the enemy, and both sides are attacked. It is already the end of the shackles. If it is destroyed, it will be carved, and will not surrender quickly?”

Ye Hongyan’s face was as heavy as water, but he was unmoved.

Suddenly issued a command: “Clouds are retreating, will be guarded by chaos, and those who disobey will kill the ground! At the same time, they will guard against the enemy, and each of them will use their lives to kill Zhou Yu!!”

Although Shi Longjie and Longcheng went straight to the Chinese army, Beiying was also harassed by the soldiers. What is even more terrifying is that their own gowns were driven away to form a trend.

In the face of the same army, even if it is familiar, few people have gotten their hands.

If you are rushed out of the battle, being beaten off by Zhou Yu, it is a big trouble.

“At this time, the right camp was hit, the situation is already in jeopardy, and Zhou Yu must not be released again! For this purpose, it is worth all the subordinates, it is worth!!!” Ye Hongyan made a decision.

Peng peng peng!! !

At this point, I heard the sound of the drums, and made Ye Hongyan’s heart loose: “The drums are still ringing, the Lord is okay!!!”

Immediately shouted: “The soldiers, the main police in the !!! This is small, dare to come to offend, do not hesitate, when the first!!!!

“Wansheng!!” “Wansheng!!”

Wu Junshi screamed loudly, and the morale of the original downturn suddenly rose.

“haha! Brother Ye brother, how are you?” The sound of horse riding sounded, Ye Hongyan looked back, and saw Luo Bin riding with black feathers, could not help but overjoyed.

Luo Bin quickly came to Ye Hongyan. “Spoken words are short, now the situation is critical, the right camp will break at any time, we will break the Zhou Yu first, and then return to the Chinese army!!”

“Good!” Ye Hongyan naturally knows that Luo Bin is a cup of water for the right camp, but the two together, after cooking Zhou Yu, can have a little strength to save the battle.

Loudly ordered: “The army is surrounded by the army, who killed Zhou Yu, immediately rises to the level 5, rewards the gold two!”

“I want this Governor’s head? Dream!! Give me a kill!!!” Seeing the enemy came to the reinforcements, the original situation is a change, Zhou Yu could not help but be anxious, and ordered the soldiers to charge.

In the right camp, Song He arrived with six thousand flying tigers, and entangled some of the soldiers who had already resumed their preparations and began to resist on the spot.

“The bow is ready, put!!!”

Looking at the cavalry charge, Song and his eyes jumped, but still make.

Xiu xiu xiu! ! ! boom! ! !

In the war horse, the arrow fell to the ground, and the soldiers on the back fell to the ground, and the sound of the broken bones was heard.

The Flying Tiger House is the Song Yu’s army, and the elite in the elite, it is also the time when it is hard-hearted, only knowing to act.

“Flying 蝗 弩! Put!!!”

The cavalry charged to the vicinity, and there was a black clothed guard holding the machine and making a flying arrow.

what! ! The screams and screams continued, and the front range was swept away.

“Step on! Kill them!” The other side will roar.

Song and bitter smile, although the flying tiger house is elite, the number is small, being besieged by ten times of enemies, immediately caught in a crisis, many soldiers have been killed, seeing Song and heart blood.

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