Within the big array, Fang Ming one after another saw a few real people, and finally his eyes stayed on Dong Xuanzhen. N∈

“The true body absolutely can’t think of it, even you are betrayed!”

“The battle of the world, each is its master, respect for God!” Dong Xuanzhen answered.

“I don’t think that God can’t think of it. Why is this robbery not appearing in the weather?” The real eyebrows asked, “On this point, the old road is willing to answer one or two to the gods!”

“Please also elaborate!” Fang Ming is also the most skeptical about this point. He has the hope of Divine Ability. The ordinary things can’t escape the eye. Actually, the opponent is betrayed and knows nothing. It is also attacked by the enemy, which makes him Very puzzled.

“First of all, the world is vying for the dragon, the air transportation is entangled, and it is not the death. It is Hengli. Unfortunately, the hole Daoist into the Wu Guogong is still short, and there is no sin in it. It can be detached if it costs some money. It is the first machine!!!”

“And on our side, we cover the air with the fog of the sky, and at the same time teach Paragon and the old road to shoot together, blinding the air of respecting God, so that it is difficult to see the true temperament of the respectful possess remarkable abilities!!! ”

“Blind Air??” Fang Ming sighs, “Why is true body not sensing?”

The monks of the monks have a whim. This kind of big unfavorable thing happens, and it is strange that it is not aware of it.

“This poor Daoist gave a pre-existing god to the gods, and said something about it! Although this method of truth is true, there is a drawback. This is the technique of palpitations, in the absence of cultivation to the Great In the case of Accomplishment, the cultivator’s whim will be temporarily blocked!!!”

Dong Xuanfu said, there was a glimmer of color in the eyebrows.

“Good heart! It’s a good idea!” I thought that Dong Xuanzhen was not yet in the Song Yu. Fang Ming also learned the method of the innate gods, and Fang Ming felt that his heart was cold. “You decided to rebel at that time?”

“Dong Xuanben is that I am too on the branch, what is the rebellion?” Changmei real people said a big secret.

Dong Xuan faction inheritance for hundreds of years, known as the leader of Jingzhou Daomen, it turned out to be a branch of Taishang Road! ! ! If this news is passed out, it will set off a madness in the cultivation world! ! !

“Too Shangdao is like this here, what is it?” Fang Ming could not help but ask.

For this question. Long eyebrows are laughing and not answering. After a while, they say: “Respect God knows why I know that you are recovering from injury and give you time?”

Not waiting for Fang Ming to ask questions, he said: “This is the Five Elements of Five Elements. It is based on the luck of the treasure. There must be five real people before it can be mobilized. When it is formed, it will automatically wipe out everything in the battle! ”

“It’s just that the Force of Five Elements is running, it takes time, if you don’t do it, it’s just right!”

Fang Ming hearing this surprised. Looking at the five-color light curtain, I saw the light curtain approaching layer by layer, not by brows frowned.

“This Five Elements has a big squad. It is shrinking, trouble!!!”

Fang Ming has a flash of light in his eyes. “The real person is far-reaching, I wonder if I can tell my name?”

“In the next place, the dream is really human. I have seen the gods!!!” Long eyebrows smiled and answered slowly.

“The true body is a real person in the Tao, and it is said to be ‘calculating the life’. It can clearly distinguish the secrets, and it will cover the days. It turns out to be Fellow Daoist!” Fang Ming sighed.

Both Meng Bu and Dong Xuan are the real people who practiced martial arts. Together with an unfathomable dream fairy, they have no choice but to make a fuss. Under such a layout, it is not awkward to get this step.

“oh! Even if this world is added, the true body will live for only four or fifty years. It is hard to compare with these old foxes who have lived for hundreds of years! For the sake of the present, only the power is broken. There is a chance!”

Fang Ming is still very old. Although he has the memory of Mu Qing, it is also a matter of calculation. It is natural to be compared with these indigenous foxes. This is a problem of time precipitation.

As the saying goes, “people are old and fine” is an ordinary person. If you live a hundred years old, you will also be able to practice your feelings and wisdom, such as the sea. What’s more, these real people who major in calculus?

“If you can’t say it, you have to use the card! Although it’s a pity, it’s nothing compared to the true body!”

Fang Ming expression turned to silence, only the deep color of the eyes flashed.

“Although falling into the trap, true body still has a fight! Heaven Turning Seal, 敕!!!”

Fang Ming shouts, the sound waves vibrate, the hands are smashed, the plaques are floating, the Qinghua circulates, the body shape rises a bit, and the bottom of the “opening of peace” four words essays emerge, around the blue seal all around, with no say A majestic atmosphere.

“Be careful, this god is pushing the Taiping Seal to the extreme!” Seeing this scene, Meng Bu’s eyes are pumping, with the body mana leaking out like a river, infused into Five Elements, a large array of fierce The roar of the earth, the five colors flow, the brilliance.

Taiping Yin is the carry-on of the great ancestors of the founding fathers of the country. It is dyed by the dragons and the sun, the chances are coincidental, the achievements are treasures, and the air transport can be suppressed.

Now that Dagan is still orthodox, Fang Ming uses this seal, and it is with a splendid atmosphere.

Seeing that with the Taiping print, the azure and the five-color rays of light slammed together, and the hustle and bustle splattered with countless dazzling fireworks.

Weng weng! ! ! !

The green gas is vertical and horizontal, and whether it is muddy mustard or hard bluestone on the ground, it is constantly melting under the brilliance.

The ground continued to sink, and at the end of the day, I saw a glimmer of brilliance, spreading from the ground and blocking the azure.

Under one fight, Fang Ming stood before the ground and turned it into nothingness.

This Five Elements five-decade, this time is like a multicolored oval light curtain, holding Fang Ming firmly in the array, letting Qingqi left and right, is completely motionless.

“The treasure of the suppression, Five Elements Rotation, life! Start!” Meng Bu real people sipping.

There are other conductors, and the other four real people are the same. One finger points out, and the treasures in front of each person roar, each of them rushes out of azure and gathers on the big array.

There seems to be a thunder flash in the dark. In the big array, the green gas above the Taiping seal quickly returned to the body. A scream of sorrow and a “ka-cha” appearance. It cracked a small crack! ! !

The Taiping Printing brilliance is restrained, and it seems to become an ordinary bluestone seal, which falls back to Fang Ming.

“This is awesome, and there are five pieces of treasures that can be crushed, and it can hurt the body of the print!”

This Taiping seal accompanied Fang Ming for a long time, and it was very easy to use. Now it is a pity that Fang Ming suffers. “Fortunately, this damage is not great, and it has not destroyed the body of the treasure. After returning, it will be compensated by the incense and air, and it can recover from the power!”

However, the feathers of the Taiping Seal also indicate that this Five Elements Five-Grand Defence is indeed the first law that Fang Ming saw, and it is extremely sharp! ! !

“Since even the Heaven Turning Seal can’t help, the general method, you don’t have to try again!”

Fang Ming stopped the action after a hit.

The dream of the outside world, seeing this, is not to be smiled. “If you respect God, you will return. I will be the king of the mountain to protect the law. I will respect the compassion, and I will not let the gods live a life!”

The sound is clear, and there is a sense of temptation that cannot be said.

“Oh? Be a law-protection? It’s a way!” Fang Ming expression: “I don’t know. Do you want to erase your mind and do something else?”

The Taoist guardianship is the same as the Baiyunguan Eighteen Gods. Fang Ming has seen it before, and I have erased my mind. Oh, it is also controlled by the other side. Just like a watchdog, it’s really better than death.

The way to protect the law in the world is generally the same, how can Fang Ming promise?

“hmph! I am stubborn! The crowd of fellow apprentices, don’t have to keep it!!” Dreamb coldly snorted.

“Yes!” Several real people should be with each other. With the words, the five-color light curtains contracted inward faster, and in a few moments they advanced forward feet.

Fang Ming’s golden flame on the surface of the body will be quickly annihilated once it encounters these five-color light curtains. This five-color brilliance rotation is like a grinding disc, which seems to be able to wipe out everything! ! !

As the formation shrinks, Fang Ming’s foothold is getting smaller and smaller, like insects falling into the cobweb. The more struggling, the more tightly bound, and soon it will fall into the tiger’s mouth.

The situation has reached a critical moment! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


“hu! !!!” “hu! !!!” “hu! !!!”

Song and gasping, half of the body has been numb, mechanically waving the long knife in his hand.

It’s already a few waves, and the number of enemy forces seems to have not been reduced. The pace of a ** is like a wave, and even if it’s a long battle in the Flying Tigers, it’s a lion. Under the human tactics, the soldiers will be defeated, and now they have already suffered more than half!

If it is a general army, it has already collapsed at this time, but the Flying Tiger House is a Song Yu pro-independence. Usually, it is the strength of the army. At this time, the dead battle is not retired, and the joint army of Shi Longjie and Longcheng is firmly established. Blocked outside the Chinese army! ! !

However, this situation will not last for a long time. Song and I are very clear. At this time, the Flying Tiger House has reached the end of the shackles, and the enemy will work harder! Do not! You don’t need the enemy to work hard, just a little back, there will be a lot of brothers falling directly! ! !

“Useless waste, for the evil spirits camp of the Lone King!!!”

In the opposite enemy, there is a young voice, with infinite majesty, just listening to the sound, the original enemy soldiers who attacked wildly will fall like tides.

When the pressure of the Flying Tiger House suddenly became loose, there were some soldiers who fell off the ground and stayed here.

Song and tears in his eyes, blood in his heart, most of these are veterans who have followed Song Yu since Xin’an! ! There are still many relatives of Song and Shen, and now they are almost completely destroyed.

However, at this time, he did not even have time for sorrow. He saw that the opposite soldiers were separated like tides, and there was a battalion in the middle. The shape of the soldiers is not so tall, but the scorpion has no brilliance, and the body is lean, like a dead person! ! !

This is the evil ghost camp that the voice just said. This evil ghost camp is the elite of Shi Longjie’s army. It takes the most wicked and wicked generations. Every battle must first, the dead and wounds are the heaviest, and they are constantly added. They can live to the present. They are all evil characters! ! !

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