“A dream fairy real person, actually in the soul of his own real people, but also a ban, once the leak is secret, it will ban the system and destroy the soul!” Fang Ming murmured. ∽↗


The shattering of the souls of the two real people just seemed to trigger a chain reaction. The five pieces of gas on the ground were shipped to the treasure, and they floated out of the air, and the brilliance flowed.

“haha… Dreams, you are really hiding your head, and you are still in the air, and you are distracted!”

Fang Ming laughed: “Leave the true body!”

With both hands grabbed, the mysterious woman and the mixed yuan furnace are held in the hands, and the mind is surging, the green gas is released, and the two pieces of gas are transported to the treasure inside the brand.

But with this moment, the rest of the bell, tower, and sacred treasures floated into the air and became triangular.

In the flash of clear light, the three treasures united to form a phantom of a young Taoist, phantom with the breath of Heavenly Dao, it seems that the incarnation of God is coming.

It’s just around this incarnation, the sin of the sin is always around, the clouds in the sky are rolling, the thunder is flowing, and almost the same line will fall.

“haha… dreams you are colluding with ghost kings, harming the people, not knowing how many obstacles have been made, actually have such a strong sinful atmosphere, now I am afraid that even the old nest can not be out!!! Actually dare to appear in front of the true body!!! ”

Fang Ming laughs.

“Congratulations to Fellow Daoist for glimpsing the avenues of the avenue! Only these three treasures are the foundation of the Tao. I don’t know if God can cut love.” Ask slowly.

“Of course not!” Fang Ming is not a fool, how can he give the enemy to the enemy.

“So. It is forcing this poor Daoist to play against Fellow Daoist!!” The dream fairy seems to be helpless.

“It is your body’s oncoming, true body is not afraid. What’s more, do you distinguish between God in this area?” Fang Ming laughed.

“This poor Daoist is not the opponent of Fellow Daoist, but it is still a bit of a moment, but still has confidence, but Wu Guogong, which is supported by Fellow Daoist, may be at stake!” Meng Xian said with a smile.

Fang Ming has a stiff face. At this time, Song Yu Day Camp, indeed, has been in danger for a moment, and has to go to the rescue immediately, if it is dragged by the dream fairy. It is also very bad.

“So! Many thanks Fellow Daoist to let!!!” Dream fairy real people with a virtual wind, with three pieces of treasure, sprinkled away.

Fang Ming’s face was gloomy, but he did not shoot. Although he could leave this distraction, he was afraid of being dragged his hands and feet and delaying the rescue time.

“I will wait to go back immediately!” Fang Ming’s face just returned in an instant, Song Yu helped him with the dragon, his own air transport is even more depressed. At any time, there is a danger of life, which is more important than three pieces of treasure! ! !

In the northern land, in the altar of Taishang Road, Meng Xian real people opened their eyes.

There seems to be a variety of phantom turns in the scorpion. I have to look at it again, but I have disappeared, suddenly. The fairy face turned red and turned pale. It seems to suffer any damage.

“The things in the south have changed, and the north has to make a quick decision!!!”


At this time in the handsome account. Shouting and killing are so clear, it seems to be close at hand.

“reporting to the main public, the enemy is sharp, before it is almost ready to be handsome, please also quickly retreat!!!”

Dianlang, Panhe, and Songhu were wounded with blood, but the blood was pouring in, but they were too late to pack, and they rushed directly into the account.

“This public knows!” Song Yuduan sat, his face was quiet, and he did not move for the killing of the outside.

“The lord… oh…” The dynasty, Pan and the others were helpless, and they went out and shouted.

Then when the three of them went out, a blue-gold light passed through the sky and flew straight into the handsome account.

In the distance, Shi Longjie’s brow wrinkled: “Isn’t that good ambush? Actually let this god run out, the real person who is too good, the fruit is waste!!!”

“But now it is a dead end, but it depends on how you turn over?” Shi Longjie sneered, then burst out: “Evil ghost camp! To the lonely king! Who killed Song Yu, immediately cracked the earth!! !”

This reward is extremely heavy, and it is almost the foundation of the county gatekeeper. The people underneath are roaring, squatting, and wielding weapons.

“At this time, Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin are still fighting with Zhou Yu… The right camp is completely destroyed. The soldiers of Dianlang, Panhe and Songhu are also seriously injured. Song and life and death do not know, this public is available, only you There are 12,000 people under the two!”

Song Yu looked at the following Huhe and Li Dazhuang, and said slowly. At this time, the ministries were either shackled or fought, only the Red Towel House and the Shanyue House. They were ordered by Song Yu before, and they came to guard the handsome account. The establishment is still complete, but the last strength! !

“May the main public effect die!” Li Dazhuang and Huhe, only the current Song Yu body, the majestic spirit, and the highest sacred atmosphere, almost the same as the city god, the heart can not help but swear.

“Good! Are things ready?”

“All are ready, more than 10,000 children, always at the forefront of the public!”

“Good! You wait, go according to plan!” Song Yu passed down the will.

“Nuo!” Li Dazhuang and Huhe two, kneel down and squat.

“I don’t want to go this step!” Song Yu looked at the back of the two, and his mouth was a bitter smile.

Outside the handsome account, there are the soldiers of the Red Towel House and the Mountain Yue House. There are still more than 12,000 people in total. At this time, watching the enemy charge, they are clenching their weapons, but there is no escape.

The reason for this is that Song Yujun is disciplined and well trained. The second is that they are all believers in the city, with faith support, because the gods of the city have their lives, and Song Yu is his substitute on the ground. With the support of fanatical beliefs, they are required to die for Song Yu. The slightest hesitation.

Spreading his god beliefs in the army has always been taboo! ! ! These two prefectures are extremely special. They are all deeply rooted in the faith before they have invested in Song Yu, but they have not spread to other military forces.

“The soldiers! The lord of the city has a life! Now it is time for me to wait for the battle of the city and the Lord! This war dead, not only after death, can go to the city of the city to enjoy the law, but also the family of Enze. Whether it is vain or yang Guaranteed!!!”

Li Dazhuang said quietly, his red towel house. Originally, the Prosperous City Temple was converted to the army and the most understanding of the city system. Knowing what happened after death, now I am not afraid of it. In the eyes of believers, it is the death of the war, but it is only to go to the city to enjoy the law, but also the family of Fuze, to gain the number of places in the yin, what are you afraid of?

On the other hand, the call of Huhe is similar: “The people of Shanyue. Those who died for the gods of the city, will be able to go to heaven after death, serve the great gods of the city, and coexist with the glory of the gods!!!”

“Wansheng! Wansheng!!” These soldiers are all believers in the city. At this time, they shouted loudly and screamed.

After the shouting, the soldiers will take out two things, one is a golden medicine pill, and the other is a bright yellow cinnabar.

“Take the divine medicine! Stick the charm! Fight with the enemy!”

At this time, the soldiers swallowed the golden pill with the slightest hesitation. Putting the yellow symbol on the chest, Song Yu saw that the soldier who swallowed Dan Wan suddenly had a shock, his muscles bulged and his face turned red. In the eyes, there is a golden glow flashing, and after the plaque is attached, it is suddenly turned into a golden light. On the surface, a thin layer of golden light is emitted, which is like a body armor.

“I don’t know if there is a book in the history of the later generations. Will you write this public name of the sorcerer’s sorrow and sorrow!” Song Yu said with a smile.

“This reputation is nothing but cumbersome. It is necessary to use this method. True body is not enough to resist sin, it must be suppressed by the national transport dragon!”

These two distinct things, all from the hands of Fang Ming, are the Divine Ability in the memory of the previous life, and seem to have something to do with cults like White Lotus Religion.

Jinmao is named “Shen Zhuang Pill”, which is a combination of hardware and spirit. It is similar to God’s skill. It can stimulate the potential of the soldiers, greatly improve the physical strength of the soldiers, and does not feel exhausted and hurt.

The Fuxi is the “Golden Armor”. After entering the body, it is turned into golden light. For the knife and the gun, it can resist at least three times and has no sense of weight.

These two are the must-have for the past cult rebellion, and only in this way can we organize the weak peasants and temporarily compete with the Imperial Court! ! !

Although Song Yu did not have a whim, but this matter is very important, I also prepared Fusong Jinmao in preparation for the unexpected.

“It’s just a last resort, true body still doesn’t want to use it. This reputation is only a trivial matter, but this air backlash is really…”

These two conventions are just introductions, and the roots are still in the gods. If the gods do not exist, and there is no divine help, it is useless.

At this time, Fang Ming floated above the handsome account, and behind the golden day, the golden light appeared, and the golden light was sprinkled, connected with the believers below.

But the black gas, which is almost visible to the naked eye, is constantly floating around Fang Ming. It is raining like a splash, and the thunder and lightning are rolling. Fortunately, there is a red Flood Dragon gas, and it is constantly roaring and suppressing, so I did not immediately send Heaven’s Punishment! ! !

This is a reason for Shi Longjie to attack the military camp with ghosts. It must be backed by the national movement to suppress the backlash.

“War for God!!!” “War for God!!!” “God War!” “God War!”

The believer’s soldiers shouted loudly, draped in gold armor, and launched a charge to ten times the enemy! ! !

“Kill!!” A long wielded a giant hammer, slamming a wave, directly hitting a cavalry of the assault with a horse to fly out! ! !

The man and horse constantly tumbling in the air like a twist, sprinkling blood, huge kinetic energy hit the enemy behind him, suddenly leveling!

“嘶!!!” This scene is not like the world, Shi Longjie and Longcheng’s soldiers look sluggish, almost thought it is a dream!

“Children! On!!” Huhe and Li Dazhuang will never let them go, lead the soldiers to pounce on, and rush to rush.

Because of the gold armor, the soldiers did not fear the knife and gun, directly rushed on, and the power was infinite, and there was an enemy sergeant who flew out at random.

From the sky, a bright gold line is firmly supported in front of the handsome account, as indestructible as a reef, and began to sweep toward the enemy.

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