The believers were very powerful and beat the ten-fold enemy to scared witless. 》

This scene, for Wu Jun’s other soldiers, is also greatly encouraged, the soldiers have inspired Yu Yong, followed by the temple, and began to clean up the knife, but also into a trend.

“This is fraud!!! Red, bare naked cheating!!!”

Seeing this scene, not to mention the soldiers in front, it is Shi Longjie and Longcheng, who are watching the rear, and they are all roaring in their hearts.

The hands and feet are cold outside, such as falling ice.

“Damn! If there is damage before the ghost army of the Lonely King, please wait for you impudent!!!” Shi Longjie did not want to think.

He built the evil spirits battalion, and there is also a purpose, that is, to let his own ghost army possess the body. These evil spirits are killed and the mind is blurred. It is a good object possessed by the evil spirits, and the evil spirits not only have a yin Force spells, there is no need to maintain the flesh, just try to destroy the meat, and exchange lifespan for strength, all of them are enemies! ! !

However, before the ghost army attacked the Sword Pavilion level, the strength was greatly damaged. Now most of them are still training in the ghost town. The rest are good enough to deal with the enemy’s horses, but in the battlefield of tens of thousands of people, there is really nothing. utility.

“I don’t want this city to have the same thoughts as the Lonely King, but I can still practice it!” Shi Longjiesi paid. “But this Divine Ability is definitely based on the city gods. The Lonely King just went to marry the gods. These soldiers naturally No war from the collapse!!!”

Shilong Jiesi paid for it, making it a blind eye. Leave a magical sitting in the town, and really come to the fore. Go to the center of the army, where Fang Ming is.

“Ghost king with all the cultivation base reincarnation. Sure enough! In contrast, the reincarnation of true body is only a distraction, only slightly better than ordinary people!”

Fang Ming looked at the black day, not only did not surprise, but praised.

Unlike Shi Longjie, Shi Longjie brought all the cultivation base into the reincarnation of the gods, and there was too much help, and the natural mana was so fierce and fierce.

Fang Ming only sent a reincarnation. The vast majority of cultivation base Divine Ability is still on the body, naturally no stone dragon.

But there is also a downside. If Shi Longjie is physically shackled, it will also be a great loss of mana, and the hope of the ghosts! !

“Hey!! Come to life!!” Shi Longjie floated up on his body at this time, masking his face, bursting into the sound, and a claw caught it.

The Earth Dragon rolls over and the black air condenses. Turned into a giant claw, there are more sorrowful crying around, like a ghost.

“The last time was the away game, the true body did not have the help of the dragon. The gods did not improve, only to avoid the edge, I really thought. You can beat the true body?” Fang Ming sneered, the same palm hit.

Bang!! !

The sky is falling, the golden lotus is in the ground. Jin Qing’s giant palm slammed out, and there was a red phantom in the middle.

The giant palm will take a black claw. As soon as it was pinched, the sound of ka-cha continued, and the black silk leaked from the gap between the giant palms, and turned into black air, which was quickly purified by the light of Jin Qing.

“National teacher?? Long gas???” Shi Longjie is very dignified.

Before he briefly played, he knew that this god is not the same as before. He not only has a big step, but also has a dragon body and is not afraid of the arrogance of his body.

After a glimpse of the corner of his eye, he saw that the sergeant was defeated by Wu Jun, and almost cried and shouted at the mother, and his heart was a glimpse.

“This time the Taishang Road is in the middle of reconciliation, the three parties join hands, gathering the army 200,000, and it is a night attack. If you can’t kill Song Yu, then…” Needless to say, the consequences are absolutely not good.

“The solitary king said that the sudden suffocation of the qi was suddenly weakened. It turned out to be the national teacher!” Shi Longjie thought sharply.

“As a result, this city god and Wu Guo are one, then how to say it is useless, can only force kill!”

The national transport is a gift, the number of gas is connected, and how the tongue is blooming with lotus flowers, how much benefit is promised, it is useless, and Shi Longjie suddenly puts out the mind of persuasion.

“For the sake of the present, there is only one fight!”

Shi Longjie’s face is stunned, and the black glow flashes in his eyes. The black day behind him emerges, and the giant screams in the sky! ! !

The armor of the head is spread out, and the black hair is four, like a reincarnation! !

“The sky is absolutely extinct! The big search soul!” No more than just tempted, this time is the full force shot, with the giant claw flying out, the giant python in the dark is also flying out, entrenched above the giant claw, strongly urged Power.

Before the stamping of the seal, there was damage in the Taiping Seal. In the promotion, the gold seal was not only scarred, but also had many benefits. The power was greatly increased. At this time, it was completely printed and more natural. Phenomenon appears.

Bang!! !

It’s like a violent wind crossing the sky, the sky is falling, and the soldiers who are struggling to kill below are all chaos.

Even if it is a rainstorm, everyone under the scene will see two ** 日 争 !! ! !

The black flame roars, the green flames are vertical and horizontal, and the two ** days are pure black and one golden green. In the middle, there are slender dragon body shadows sitting in the middle, constantly fighting and fighting.

Two figures are horizontal, moving like lightning, and there are thousands of rounds in the blink of an eye.

Pu!! ! In the golden day of the Qing Dynasty, the red scorpion slammed, as if from the nine days of slamming, the claws were in the middle of the giant python, with scales of blood.

At the same time, Fang Ming flew out of his palm and was in the chest of Shilongjie, making a dull sound.

Shilongjie complexion greatly changed, and flew out, the chest armor ka-cha burst, like a butterfly.

“Good Divine Ability !!!” Shi Longjie said low and low, although seeing the bottom of the mess, Song Yu’s military sergeant seems to be protected by what power, not affected by the two-man fighting mana, but his own army is a heavy loss, The complexion is a sinking.

The city gods not only can beat themselves in the fight, but also can be distracted and used to protect their own soldiers. This mana Divine Ability is already above him!

“pu!!” Thought paid for this, a mouthful of blood finally could not endure, surged out.

“Things can’t be done! This place should not stay for a long time! Speed ​​go!!!”

Shi Longjie’s silhouette flashed back to his home, replacing the illusion, and immediately ordered: “The soul of the lonely king! The army retreats! Zhu Can! You are with the death squad!”

At this time, the city army like a hot knife through butter, has broken several military arrays, its impervious to sword or spear, the infinite silhouette. It is even more frustrating and morale plummeting.

“No!” This left the enemy. Ten dead and no life, but Zhu Can still promised to say.

“Go!” Shi Longjie is a horse. If you leave, you will not be dragged.

“Shi Longjie! Hello!!” On the other side, Longcheng looked at Shilongjie’s army to evacuate, suddenly his chest was bored, and he wanted to vomit blood. His army was originally less than Shilongjie. Now his most part is retreating. This heavy pressure is It’s all over home.

“We also retreat!” I will not leave at this time. When the golden armies are surrounded, they want to go and go.

Longcheng took the initiative and immediately evacuated.

“Passing this public order, the army is chasing after a while, don’t make a big camp, look at the prisoners, you can come back!” Song Yu immediately ordered.

Fang Ming’s two Divine Ability have a time limit, and there is no result in chasing down. This is also a battle for Shi Longjie and Longcheng. It is not a supplement that can be added at one time.

Moreover, in the big camp, and the army of Zhou Yu did not clean up.

“Just…” Song Yu looked at the scene, with a thousand and two thousand troops. The army of the city that defeated 150,000 enemy troops was a bitter smile.

“There is such a master, and rely on faith. It is not controlled by the people, if it is not the god of the city. I am afraid it is not allowed!!!”

“Clean up the battlefield, take prisoners, etc. and hand it over to Song Hu, Dian Lang, Pan He’s remnant, Li Dazhuang, and Hu He. You both immediately rushed to Beiying with the public. It is necessary to kill Zhou Yu!”

Song Yu rode on the horse, drinking and ordering. Looking at the Beiying, there is a flame rising in the eyes, this time you have to win Jinglong here! ! !

In the Beiying, Zhou Yu had seen the natural phenomenon of the two-day battle. He was shocked and heard the news of Shimaojie and Longcheng’s defeat. It was like a thunder, and he wanted to withdraw. However, at this time, the army was entangled in Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin, and they could not escape.

“Kill!!!” waited until more than a thousand draped in gold armor, when the invincible soldiers entered the army of Zhou Yu, whether it was Ye Hongyan or Luo Bin, they all sighed: “The overall situation has been set!!”

Although I don’t know why Shanyue and Red Towels are so brave, but before the army of Zhou Yu’s battle, it’s exhausted, and the number has been reduced by more than 10,000. There are only 40,000 left. How to dare to fight the 150,000 army. City battle army opponents?

Once the army has entered the battlefield, it is like a hot knife through butter. It is like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

“This army…this army…” Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin both looked round and their eyes almost burst out.

Looking at such a brave, everyone is a large army of enemies, can not help but feel a sense of disappointment.

“The Lord has a life! You two with the army, surrounded by Zhou Yu, do not escape this person!!!” The commander Feima came over and ordered.

“Is it dangerous for the Chinese army?” Ye Hongyan was overjoyed and asked the commander’s sleeve.

“Not bad! The main public defeated Shi Longjie, Longcheng United Army, and now only Zhou Yu has a partial division!” The commander said, still have some heart and soul.

“haha …… This is God bless the Lord!” Ye Hongyan, Luo Bin overjoyed, and passed the order, with the mountain, the red towel and the two houses, surrounded by Zhou Yu.

Shouting and killing suddenly burst into the sky…

“hehe… don’t want me to be Zhou Yu, it is a fate!”

Zhou Yu looked at his army less and less, surrounded by Wu Jun, surrounded by inescapable net, can not help but said with a smile.

At this time, there were only a thousand remaining pro-arms around him, and it was completely defeated.

“Wen Ruo, you have a dedication to me, can you regret?” At this time Fang Tongyu is also next to him, his body is splashed with a lot of blood, and I don’t know if it is his or someone else’s.

“Subordinates can follow the Lord, although hundreds of deaths do not regret!!!” Fang Tongyu is wearing a dress, solemnly said.

“The Lord! The minister went first!”

“You also saw that Wu Guogong even sent people to persuade him not to do it. It is already ironic to the life of the Governor!” Looking at the corpse of his hand, Zhou Yu smiled.

Pulling out the long sword in the waist, Zhou Yu wiped the blade with his sleeves and it was cold.

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