“My Zhou Yu has lived and prospered, and I am full of prosperity. What are the regrets?”

Zhou Yu smiled, waving a sword, cold light flashed, bloody surge.

Zhou Yu fell to the ground, took a few pumping, and finally did not move.

“Great Dudu!!” His subordinates fell to the ground, and they couldn’t make a sound…

Above them, Fang Ming waved his hand and the soul of Zhou Yu, who had just emerged, was turned away and disappeared completely between heaven and earth.

A little golden, but it fell into the body of Fang Tongyu.

“This person is just straightforward, loyal, and somewhat talented, and gives a way out!” Fang Mingliang, Fang Ming has always been a one.

“reporting to the Lord! Zhou Yu’s self-destruction, most of the pro-independences died!”

A pioneer came over and squatted in front of Song Yuma.

“This public knows!” Song Yu looked at the top of his head.

At this time, Akasaka had defeated Shilongjie and Longcheng before, and had won some dragons. The spirit was still a little wilting, and the body shape had not recovered to the past. This is the aftermath of the shackles of the country.

But at this time, Akasaka came out of the clouds and flew to the place where Zhou Yu was doing himself. He grabbed a white cub and swallowed it.

As the dragon gas continues to absorb, the shape of the red scorpion at this time is also constantly elongating, and the top of the Song Yu head gathers, and gradually returns to the previous state.

“Fortunately! With Jingzhou Longqi supplement, before consumption can still support the past! 敕封国师, the consumption of gas. Fruit is like a mountain!”

Thinking of it just now, Song Yu is still worried.

After the seal of the national division. The gas transport plummeted and morale plummeted. If Fang Ming comes again for a while, Song Yu is only the body of death.

Akasaka flew back to himself, hovering over the top of Song Yu’s head, spitting out Profound Light from the mouth and falling on Song Yu’s life.

Seeing that the original pure azure of this Qi of Life suddenly blasted, a purple sigh of life! Correction is not a group, proudly control the qi!

And the purple one’s life, the original still faint and bright Purple Qi will appear, majestic!

The life of Purple Qi. It is the life of the king! ! More important in troubled times! It means that the footsteps of the world are on the rise! ! !

“This is a difficult king, it is over!” Song Yu sighed, until this time, the catastrophe of this king became a complete past.

“Hongyan! You bring a houseman to take Jiangling City!” Zhou Yu died and the army was destroyed. At this time, Jiangling City was won. But it is a word.

Suddenly, Song Yu had some unspeakable fatigue.

“So be it……”

Hongzhi two years, September seven.

Zhou Yu, Shi Longjie, and Longcheng joined forces to attack Song Yu Day Camp with 200,000.

However, it was defeated by Song Yu with a 10,000-strong army. Shi Longjie and Longcheng lost their helmets and lost a lot of money.

Zhou Yu was forced to do so, and Jiangling City fell into the hands of Song Yu.

The result of this battle is out. Suddenly shocked the world…

There is also a faint news, and there are five real people on the road. And with five pieces of treasure, with a large array of siege Wu Guogong’s arm to help the city 隍 god. However, he was stunned and killed. Five real people were wiped out, and even the treasures were robbed of two pieces! ! !

Even the top door valve and the Taoist faction have news, this battle dream fairy has also shot, but nothing can be done!

Taishang Dao is the first school in the world. Mengxian is the title of the first person in Taoism. So I went all out, but I still couldn’t get the gods of the city. All the schools were shocked! ! ! There is a deeper insight into Wu Guogong’s secret strength.

At the same time, the strength of the Northland Taishang Road is greatly damaged, and the forces of all parties are surging, and they are all eager to try!

Jiangling, also known as “Seven States Tongyu.” It is located in the heart of Ezhong, South, the east, the Eyu, the west, the Ba, the south, the Yangtze River, and the northern part of the Central Plains. It is named after the “Linjiang in the land” and “the mountains are not mountainous, all are in the mausoleum”.

At this time, Jiangling City is completely under the control of Song Yu.

Shen Wenbin rushed into a place, and quickly entered a place. He saw a small lake on one side, such as a glutinous jade, exuding the meaning of warmth.

In the middle of the small lake, there is another small pavilion, the structure is extremely elegant, and there is a faint and silent bamboo sound.

This piano ding dong is like a flying spring, and there is a Phoenix falling into the atmosphere of the phoenix tree. Shen Wenbin hears a few times, and he is shocked.

“Big sounds! This temperament, only the Aristocratic Family, can be cultivated, I don’t know it is He Family?”

After obscenity, when I entered the kiosk, I saw a jade hand swaying and playing the music of the mountains.

Song Yu’s eyes narrowed and he seemed to be listening. He saw Shen Wenbin, and he smiled and said, “You are all going!”

“Yes!” Beauty is low-low complied, holding Yaoqin out, gestures generous, resmbles nature itself.

“The Lord is a blessing! Who is this lady?” These temperament can only be cultivated by the County House, and the grandeur of the room is not something that can be found in the wild.

“This is a young lady of Gao Family! If you like it, you will enjoy it!” Song Yu said with a smile.

“These Aristocratic Family, who supported Zhou Yu before, paid out, and now see the general trend has gone, and immediately transferred the bow, really so good to fool this?”

“However, Shen Family is the top county of Gangneung. It is sent to the shackles, and it is a sincerity for the slaves.

Shen Wenbin said: “Since ancient times, the monarch and the scholar-officials ruled the world, the main public wanted to mix the yuan, and they were less able to!”

“This is what I said, but unfortunately this casualty really makes this public heart hurt!!!” Song Yu’s face is very gloomy. “Is the specific number figured out?”

Speaking of this, Shen Wenbin’s face is also very ugly, secretly squinting at Song Yu, or gritted his teeth: “This war, our army killed 30,000, light and serious injuries 40,000, and 20,000 soldiers scattered! The government has been completely destroyed, and the senior generals have killed and injured 27 people. The battalion team is just like countless!”

“And Song and General, who were seriously injured, broke their arms and one leg. Still in danger!”

This battle, Song Yu’s 150,000 army. Almost half! ! ! It can be seen that it was critical at the time, if it was late at night. It is the whole army! ! !

Song Yuchang’s export gas, although it was expected before, but he heard the specific report, still let him have some blood.

“Send several cities to sacrifice wine, to Song and there, their ‘big rejuvenation’, is still very useful in this piece!” Song Yu said, Song He is his pro-military commander, get along for many years. It is also trying to save lives.

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin first agreed, and then said: “The Divine Armament of the Lord’s Day, really brave, but the military power is the foundation of the Lord, so laissez-faire, whether…”

In the army of foreign beliefs, Shen Wenbin is a civil servant and a nephew. The instinct is somewhat repulsive.

“You are saying this. I am afraid not to ask for yourself, there are still many people?” Song Yu smiled, the power of the city’s army, many people are seen on that day. It is understandable that the top of the military has this concern.

“You can inform other people and let them down! The golden armor of the day is the work of the gods and the gods, and fight for the national fortune. It is only once, and it must be used again. It is impossible! To fight the world, or It depends on the regular sergeant!!”

Song Yu said, this is also the truth, with the Shinto intervening to fight for the dragon, it is already greatly taboo, not to mention the forced reversal of the situation?

At this time, Song Yu and Fang Ming have the same heads and dreams. The sin is thick and bloody. The Thunder will come down at any time, not to mention more. As long as you come again, I am afraid that the soldiers have not yet dispatched, and there will be nine days of God’s thunder. Fang Ming and Song Yuhua are gray.

Upon hearing Song Yu’s assurance, Shen Wenbin was obviously relaxed.

Any power! In particular, the power of Transcendent, which is not under control, has always been taboo for the superiors. If you can’t control it, you can only completely eliminate it!

“Our army this time, the loss is heavy, the rear recruits should be shipped as soon as possible, as well as enemy prisoners, we must also digest as soon as possible, turn into our strength!” Song Yuling.

“Yes, this time our army has suffered a lot of casualties, but in the end it is the winner. It has not only seized countless horses, but also has more than 60,000 prisoners, many of whom are veterans! Can be used!”

“Although most of them are veterans, they still have to be distinguished. Among them, Zhou Yu’s descendants can be used after training. The same is true of Longcheng, but Shi Longjie’s captives, the public ones don’t want to do it, and do everything for hard labor!”

Although these descendants are veterans, but in the end are different, in which Zhou Yu and Longcheng’s army are Jingzhou people, Song Yu takes Jingzhou as his mind, and his own chest is tolerant. In fact, these military genus are all in Jingzhou, which is easy to threaten to control. .

The army of Shi Longjie is not only ferocious, but also corrupted by the military. It is also a family member, and it is also in the middle of the land.

“Speaking of this, how is the situation in Jingzhou and the world recently?” Song Yu asked.

“The army of Shilongjie and Longcheng is also damaged more than half, and now retreat to the front line of Xiangyang, defending with the city!”

“This is to unite, Shi Longjie thief is not dead!” Song Yuxi said with a smile.

“The hundred insects, death and not stiff, they are both soldiers, at least there are 70,800,000 troops, and Xiangyang is the world’s Xiongcheng, the Lord is still more careful!”

See Song Yu nodded, Shen Wenbin said, “North, Yuan Zong in the beginning of September, is also completely laid down in Yuzhou, so this person sitting in the hustle and bustle of the two states, the strength of the world first!”

“Yuan Zong since he won the Yuzhou, he did not stop, and began to attack Xuzhou! Xuzhou, the state of the past, won the resistance, and now the two sides are glued!” Shen Wenbin said slowly.

“Yuan Zong’s ambition is not small, he is a door valve, and he sits in two states, and his strength is extraordinary!” Song Yu sighed, and his heart was clear. Yuan Zong’s move was probably forced by him.

Now Song Yu defeated Zhou Yu, Shi Longjie, and the Dragon City Tripartite Allied Forces, and forced Zhou Yu to squander himself. He won the Jingzhou City and the first force in the South was the great threat of Yuan Zong. Yuan Zongcai was so disregarded by the soldiers and the horses needed to quickly unify the North. Then swept the south.

“When the army is slightly rested, the public will also be in the north, and will win the battle!”

Song Yu said, “When the two states of Wu and Jing are in hand, the public will officially be called the king and start to fight for the destiny. You must prepare early!”

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