“Is the adult worried?”

While Yuan Zong’s mind was ups and downs, a clear voice rang in his ear. This voice seemed to have a strange power to smooth Yuan Zong’s heart.

“Xuan He, you are coming right, the old man is worried about the future, you have to help the old man to refer to one or two!”

Yuan Zong looked at the distant sky, and a team of soldiers entered the city under the command of the military officer, like a black ant.

“The grown-up has a life! The small official has the courage to resign!” The name is called Xianhe, but it is a middle-aged Confucian scholar. It is not surprising, but it is Yuan Zong’s confidant.

“What is the plan for Xuzhou’s defeat?” Yuan Zong turned his head and stared at the confidant and asked.

“Without him! Calling the king to be destined!” Xian and the word stopped, Shi Potian was shocked.

If Yuan Zong’s body was thundered and violently shocked, then a killing intent emerged out of thin air: “Is it king? Is it still at this time?”

At this time, the world is in chaos, and the heroes are all four, but at most, they are like Yuan Zong and Song Yu, and they are self-reliant!

As for Shi Longjie’s “stone king”, it is a miscellaneous number, not to be orthodox! It is a chaotic head of the grass, and it has a grassroots taste.

According to the constitutional and suggestion Yuan Zong, it is not this kind of miscellaneous goods, but the ancient orthodox king! ! !

Yuan Zong had thought about it before, but this matter was suddenly said by his subordinates. He still had some disappointment in his heart. He asked: “Now the army is defeated. Then it is called the king. Not afraid of chaos, the world is taking advantage of the opportunity.” ”

“This time, the other time. At the beginning, the country only occupied Zhangzhou, the foundation is shallow. Naturally, it should be low-key, but now it is sitting in two states, no longer on the throne, it should be destined, it will lose the gas!”

Xian He said: “After all the North, at this time, in addition to winning the top, who can resist?”

The secret meaning of Yuan Zong is also clear. He secretly formed an alliance with the Hu people to avoid future troubles. Qing State and Youzhou, but still crying under the iron hoof of the Hu people, I heard that the recent slaughter is very heavy, and there are more than one in the lives of the people!

Both states are powerless to resist, as long as they concentrate on Xuzhou.

“And, the Lord Gong once knew that the Southern Wu Guogong Song Yu, is ready to start to be the king?” Xian He also throws a heavy blow!

“Oh?” Yuan Zong was tight, and he was against Wu Guogong in the south. However, the extremes of jealousy, before the rush to send troops, is also stimulated by it.

“Can you find out?” The opponent’s business is naturally very concerned.

“Several secrets. There are also fine works to report, this Song Yu will be sent out of the army in a few days, after the fight of Fuyang, it will be called the king. Even the Wang has been chosen, but the word ‘Wu’!”

“Wu Wang is the symbol of the ancient times. The foundation is profound and represents the orthodoxy. Now Song Yu has defeated the three warlords in the south and joined forces. The momentum has risen greatly. It is said that the king’s potential cannot be resisted. If the adults do not catch up, the situation is dangerous!”

If you say that the country is like a prince, if you are lucky, there is still a end. This is called the king, it is the iron heart to rebel, won the True Dragon, not to die! No more retreat!

But this step is stepping out, the people of insight in the world, but also have to rely on it, winning the great work from the dragon!

It has always been this determination and strength. In the chaos and the king, there are generations with great determination, perseverance and ambition! ! ! Ambition ten thousand zhang! ! !

Moreover, this is called the king, but also pay attention to it. If you dare not be the first in the world, you will drop your own voice, which is not good for air transport!

Of course, the thrones mentioned here are all the ancient kings, and the miscellaneous symbols such as “Shi Wang” are not among them.

Yuan Zong’s face changed a lot, and eventually he made a long exit and made up his mind!

“So, please help me!”

In the second year of Hongzhi, on September 25, Yuan Zong defeated Yuan Zong and won numerous counts.

Yuan Zong retreats to Yuzhou, and at the same time has the heart of the king. Once the matter leaked, the world’s heroes fought and attacked, and the chaotic army began to win. The top of the day was to blame Yuan Zong as the “national thief”, and the squadron was fierce, and the war was on the verge! ! !


“The Northland War is going to start again!” Song Yu read the intelligence in his hand and sighed.

“After this war, it will be able to give birth to a few kings!” In this world, as long as one person is the first to be the king, other princes will not be left behind, and they will follow suit.

This is true whether it is success or failure. This is not good for Song Yu.

“It is not too late to call Wang Yi! Before the strength is still weak, the life is not enough, saying that Wang is taking the dead end, and now sitting in the two states, the life of the purple, if not the king, it is a godsend, not The rest!”

“The army here is resting in the recent months, and there are new recruits and captives to replenish. It is far better than Shilongjie and Longcheng. When chasing after victory, once you hit Fuyang, you will call Wu Wang, and you should be destined for the future!”

Song Yu’s eyes are as fierce as he is, and he is determined.

In Jiangling City, the former Metropolitan Government, naturally as a criminal’s family, was all publicly owned and is now used by Song Yu as a government.

In the generous great hall, there is a sorrowful atmosphere at this time.

On the great hall, Song and the servant stood upright and looked empty. It was almost like a dead person. Although he was lucky enough to survive, he lost his leg and the flying tiger house was completely destroyed. It was a great deal for him. Strike, wake up for dozens of days to stay in the house, if not Song Yu has a call, this time will not appear.

Behind him, he was a group of seriously wounded officers. Although he was saved, he could hardly follow the army and had to retire!

“Wu Guogong arrived!” With the attendant singing, Song Yu slowly entered.

“Chen and other people meet with the public!” Everyone is going to worship, and even Song He is also struggling to make a big gift.

“Get up quickly!” Seeing this, Song Yu is also intolerable, and he has to go to the support and quickly say “Give the seat!”

This kind of injury will be a waste man in the future. It is that the current Fang Ming is also a blessing. Perhaps only the gods are promoted to the top three, and the power of creation is Great Accomplishment, in order to make the dead wood spring and limbs regenerate.

After waiting for everyone to stand up, Song Yucai said, “Before the war, our army is very dead and wounded! I have to reward! To comfort the soul!”

This is to talk about merits and rewards, but also the only way to motivate morale. Everyone is worshipping again, “Chen and other people are willing to do the will!”

On the one side of the eunuch Anshun. Then he opened the yellow scroll and said: “There is a purpose! The soldiers will use their lives. Donate to the country, can you not enjoy it?… This is the Song Dynasty and the loyal Hou, the fertile 50,000-mu, the Dan Book Iron, the hereditary !”

“Thank the Lord!” Song and the face of Muran finally had an expression on his face, tears and tears, and thank you.

And the following group of ministers, a while, although knowing that the reward will be heavy. However, it is still somewhat underestimated. It not only has a hereditary title, but also has 50,000 fields. These are the kuntians that do not need to pay taxes. It is the foundation of the family. With Song and these, you can open another Song Family branch. Also comparable to the county Patriarch.

Anshun then read again, and it was the reward of the officers. There are several war dead, all of which are chasing the title of the son, and sent it to the acre of iron, which is taken over by the family. The sorrows of the church are all over the place.

“There is a purpose! This war is a dead soldier, the family members are all 20 acres of good land, silver fifty two! Qin this!”

Finally, it is the reward of the war dead.

“Chen and so on!” This is a reward. Everyone is worshipping when it is unprecedented.

And when the news was transmitted to the military camp. Some of the low morale of the casualties was a shock, and the soldiers spontaneously ran outside the military account. Shouting “Wan Sheng!”

In the chaos of the world, it is to buy murderous people, but also up to fifty-two silver, this is the price of a human life! ! !

Not to mention, the value of the field is far above the silver, and it is the foundation of the family.

Although the soldiers saw the robes, although they were dead, they were rewarded and generous. They could be grateful to the family.

“I finally recovered!”

Song Yudeng looked high and saw the morale of the military camp. Scarlet sighed and could not help but sigh.

This reward is several times before. Even if Song Yu has the income of mining, it is also a big bleeding, in order to save the soldiers and inspire the fighting intent! ! !

It would take a few months for the former soldiers to recover completely, but now, Song Yu is sure to pull them out of the big battle!

This is to spend money to buy time, not to give Shi Longjie and Longcheng a chance to react.

“Listen to the news, now Shilongjie and Longcheng, are all in the city of Xiangyang, recruiting soldiers, but also want to fight with the public!”

Song Yu remembered the news he had received before, and his mouth was sneer.

“I heard that these two people forced the people to join the army, and increased taxes, and made people complain. It seems that they are too tempted to succumb to the death of the public!”

“If it is next year, I will really give the two men a whole hundred thousand army. I have to take a lot of time in Fuyang. When the North is called the king, I don’t know what to do, so I lost my chance!”

“But now! The public has a huge army, and morale is strong, how can you give you time to prepare?”

After the completion of Song Yu’s thoughts, he suddenly got up and said: “It’s better to chase after the poor, not to learn the overlord!”

In the tone, killing intent is unlimited! ! ! !

At the beginning of October, Song Yu reorganized the army. At this time, although the loss was heavy before, it was supplemented by new pawns and prisoners. It also had a hundred thousand, and it was a great army. It went straight along the Lijiang River, and even went down to the Hulu Valley, Maicheng and Changchun, and forced it to Xiangyang! ! !

After Shi Longjie and Longcheng got the news, they were even more solid and clear, and they insisted on the suiyang. They tried to take advantage of the interests of Xiangyang Xiongcheng and firmly resist Song Yu’s army.

At this time, two points in the world, people with good eyes can know that this battle determines the pattern after the South.

If Song Yu wins Fuyang, it will be able to unify the South, and the power will soar, even… to complete the hegemony of the South of the North, the name is eternal! ! !

If Shi Longjie and Longcheng can stand up to Fuyang and wipe out the power of Song Yu, there is still a chance to rise again, and also for the Northland group, and won the time! ! !

For a time, the world wind and rain gathered, they all turned their eyes to Fuyang City.

The scope of the Xiangyang City is even more extinct, avoiding the battlefield.

At the beginning of October, the army of the army, even the number of cities, destroyed the rebellious forces around Xiangyang, and finally the soldiers went to the city of Xiangyang. A mountain of rain and the atmosphere of the wind filled the building, suddenly filled the entire Fuyang.

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