Xiangyang City is located in the south bank of Hanshui River. The city pond was built in the Western Han Dynasty. It is surrounded by water on three sides and is easy to defend. Yuxiong has a long history based on Hanshui. It has always been valued by the dynasties of the dynasties, but it is a battleground for the military.

At this time, the Song Yu army was surrounded by the city, and the city wall was so high that it seemed to go straight into the clouds. On the city wall, it was covered with densely packed plaques, about a thousand.

The six doors are closed, the moat is quiet and flowing, and the widest part has 70 zhang or so. This distance is a general catapult, and it is difficult to cast a huge stone on the city of Fuyang.

The city is wide and wide, and the defense system is perfect. At this time, the Xiangyang City is the world’s best! ! ! There is a saying that “iron hits the sun” and “the first city of Dagan”.

Rao is the Song Jade hand. He will lead the battle through the battle. Now he is watching the big city of Xiangyang. They are all in suck in a breath of cold air: “So Xiongcheng, how many soldiers should be blood to fill in!”

In the ancient times when the cannon was not invented, Jiancheng was an unrivaled fortress. In the past history of Fang Ming, Xiangyang once blocked the Mongolian army for six or seven years, and Mongolia, which swept across Europe and Asia, suffered heavy losses.

Now, the same problem is also placed in front of Song Yu.

“I will wait to sweep the surrounding prefectures and counties, and I will not see the support of Xiangyang. It seems that Shilongjie and Longcheng are determined to swear!”

In the face of the world’s first city, Song Yu is expression indifferent, talking to one person around him.

“Shi Longjie is extremely strict with his troops, and his military law is ruthless. At this time, he will be defeated. If he divides his troops, the soldiers will flee, but now they are trapped in a lonely city, but they can condense!”

The middle-aged Confucian scholars around him replied respectfully.

This person is Ning Ruochen, who was previously funded by Fang Ming and came to Song Yu. On the way, life and death.

It is also his life, Song Yu is just out of Jingzhou. I have run into it here, otherwise. Let him go all the way to Wuzhou, saying that he would not be allowed to die in his hometown.

Ning Ruochen knows the law well, and even has this fate. Song Yu is not promoted. Although he is still a loose official from the nine products, he can often accompany the country, and it is extremely expensive.

“If the dust is very good! Fuyang City is high and wide, if it is a strong attack, it will not take time and trouble. Our army will suffer a lot!”

The former Song Yu army was severely damaged. Although it has been reorganized now, it is still worse than before. If the casualties are too large, I am afraid it will change.

“If Shi Longjie knows about our plan, I am afraid it will vomit blood!” Song Yu said with a smile, at this time will empty the Fuyang County. The army will be surrounded by the Fuyang regiment, and the victory and defeat have already been set.

“The master and the gods are wonderful, but they are even more intriguing, and Shi Longjie wants to break his head. It is not the main opponent!” Shen Wenbin said.

On the other hand, Ning Ruochen is somewhat confused, but he also knows that the Lord Gong and Shen Wenbin are saying that it is a grand plan. It’s not that he can listen now, and he immediately retire.

Fuyang City Head. Shi Longjie and Longcheng stood side by side and looked at the Song Yu army. His face is a bit ugly.

“I thought that before the night attack, I also gave Wu Jun a heavy blow. At least I will be able to recover it next year. I don’t want to get it now, I can get out of the army, this is really terrible!” Longcheng murmured, and looked Towards Shi Longjie.

“You said, if Wu Jun still used the previous Golden Armor, how long can I resist?” When I spoke, although I tried to cover it up, the sound of the Dragon City was still shaking slightly. It seems that the former Golden Armor, given He left a deep impression.

“Reassured! That’s a must, it can’t be used anymore!” Shi Longjie promised.

He has done this kind of thing before, although the scale is smaller than that of Song Yu, but it is directly attacked by ghosts. It is no better than Song Yu, and there are still soldiers, separated by a layer of flesh.

This way, it is also a serious injury, almost a round of Heaven’s Punishment! ! !

As for the people, the gods of Song Yu’s side will be the same.

“This is good! This is good…” Longcheng looks a lot better.

“hmph! No guilty generation!!!” Shi Longjie is secretive in his heart, but he is not exposed on the surface. “I will collect nearby young and strong, and I will complete the division of soldiers. There are also 70,000 troops. I don’t necessarily have no chance to win by relying on the sun.”

“This this General naturally knows that it is not early, this General will go down to lay out defense! Leave a message!!!” Longcheng waved, regardless of Shi Longjie’s somewhat ugly face, cup one fist in the other hand.

In his opinion, Shi Longjie is an anti-thief! How can you compare him to this official Imperial Court official? However, Shi Longjie is strong, and the number of troops is still above him. Once he enters Fuyang, he will almost compare him. How can this be tolerated?

If it is not for the two people who are too in the middle of the road to reconcile, and there is a common enemy of Song Yu, under the pressure of the army, they finally endured it. Otherwise, they would not have to come to an infighting! ! !

“Damn!!!” Shi Longjie looked at the back of the Dragon City, and the cold glow flashed.


In the blink of an eye, the second day of the Song Yu army, the flag is clear, the line is forbidden, forming a number of squares, surrounded by six gates in Fuyang.

In front of the army, dozens of siege cars are ready to go, murderous aura.

“Do you want to attack the city?” At this time, Longcheng and Shilongjie also did not care about the infighting, and they came to the city to look at it.

“The people in the city listened, my lord Wu Guogong, with compassion and pity, especially to the singer and so on, and I hope that I will not make my own mistakes! When the time comes, you will be a sinner!!!”

As usual, sent a ride to persuade.

“hmph! What kind of creatures are charcoal, all scared to kill me!” Longcheng sneered, “The chaos thief, still want this General surrender?”

Xiangyang City’s first shot was shot and it was not far from falling. The officer who shouted the words saw this and shook his head.

“You go on!” Sending a faceless officer, Song Yu has no feelings, sending people to surrender, but it is a routine, he never imagined that he could easily win the sun.

“Stop the stone car to try a round!!!” Song Yu passed the military order.

“Prepare!!! Aimate!!! Send!!!”

The officer in charge of the catapult made a command, a wave of boulder, whistling, crossed the sky, flew to the city wall of Xiangyang, the scene covered the sky, making the guards chill.

“砰!!!” When the boulder was away from the city wall and there were severe feet, the kinetic energy was exhausted, and it fell into the moat, making a bone bang and igniting huge splashes.

“haha! The first place in the world of the Xiangyang moat, Wu Jun’s slinger is very powerful, but it is not to the city!” Longcheng laughed.

“The slinger formidable power is still too small!” Song Yu looked at the city of Xiangyang, but it revealed the expression that was so.

Workers want to do their best, they must first sharpen their tools. Song Yu’s investment in the Ministry of Industry is extremely high. The workers of the Ministry of Industry are constantly improving and making fine works. However, the stone-throwing vehicles are limited by the process, and there are still some shortcomings.

“Before the past, I heard that Mongolia’s returning guns can hit the city of Fuyang. The Mongolian army broke the city, but the true body did not remember the structure!” Song Yu has some pity.

The previous catapult was already the most advanced weapon of Wu Jun, and it was impossible to cast the boulder on the city wall. According to common sense, only the life is filled! ! ! Being dragged by life! ! !

Maybe the boulder can be changed a little lighter, but for the city wall, there is no lethality.

“The new army of the public is newly built. This time it is necessary to use a big victory to improve the military. If the death and injury are heavy, what is the use?”

There are 70,000 defenders in Fuyang City. Although they are mostly new pawns, they are more than enough to defend the city. With the huge thousand army, they can’t be attacked.

“The matter has come to this point, only use that count! Even if it is said to be brutal by future generations, it is a must!”

Song Yu’s face Shen Yi, has made up his mind to find a token from his arms and handed it to Shen Wenbin: “Transfer, transfer the fire of the public!”

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin trembled and took the token, his face pale, and he seemed to see something horrible.

Shilongjie, Longcheng and the others in the city, see Song Yu’s army, and a family of people pushing a huge catapult.

The princess was dressed in a red cloak, named after the Raging Fire Flag, and there were hundreds of catapults! ! !

“There are so many slings?” Longcheng has some discoloration on his face.

“What are you afraid of? This trebuchet is smaller than before. It can be used to throw up some gravel. Even the city can’t break it!” Shi Longjie said, coldly snorted.

“Fire bomb preparation!!!”

The general of the Fire House received the will of Song Yu and issued a command! ! !

Each team has a dedicated manpower to take out the strictly watched black oil bombs and place them in the grooves of the trebuchet.

“Aiming! Ignition!!! Send!!!”

Hundreds of trebuchets were launched together, whistling, hundreds of oil bombs smashed into the sky and landed in the city of Fuyang.

“砰!!!” The oil bombs blasted to the ground, set off a sea of ​​fire, wrapped the soldiers, and the males burned! ! !

“This is? Fire oil bomb!!! Song Yu crazy? Where did he come from so much oil?” Longcheng lost his eyes and muttered to himself.

“What are you doing? The oil bombs float when they meet the water, and the sand and other things are extinguished!!!” On the other side, Shi Longjie experienced extraordinary experience and quickly passed the order.

“The oil is precious, and it takes a few rounds at most. In addition to burning some soldiers, what use is it?” Shi Longjie muttered to himself.

“Aiming! Ignition!!! Send!!!”

Another order was made, hundreds of oil bombs dropped again from the sky, turning the city of Fuyang into a sea of ​​fire.

“The oil bomb is much lighter than the boulder, and the smaller catapult can be put into the sun!”

Regardless of the face that will be discolored, Song Yu said with a smile.

“Aiming! Ignition!!! Send!!!” Only in a moment, the oil truck will send ten rounds, thousands of oil bombs, almost covering the entire city of Xiangyang, bringing up the male flame, the heat wave rolling, Almost all the clouds in the sky are burned out!

“So much! So many fire oils!!!” Shi Longjie looked so sly, he couldn’t believe it.

“The order is passed down, the army is strictly guarded, and the enemy is not allowed to run out of the gate!!!”

Song Yu issued an order: “Do not stop the fire house, continue to vote for the public!!!”

With the order, the endless oil bombs were sent to the front line, and they were thrown into the yang by the catapult, burning the heroic flames, and the screams of the soldiers were endless. Even the soldiers of the Wu Jun could smell the barbecue! ! !

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