“This is… the soul is self-destructive!”

Fang Ming’s eyes narrowed, and then it was very touching. Although the Shilongjie couple were evil, the couple’s feelings were extremely embarrassing and moving. ≧

However, I was touched and moved. Once again, Fang Ming is still not killing two people. This is the avenue of the road, and it is not tolerant!

Hong long long ! ! ! !

It seems that due to the influence of the two ghost kings, the Ghost Domain is a move, the city is shaking, the bricks are falling, and the end of the day is destroyed!

“The two primers of the yin gathering have been completely eliminated. The rest, we must also ban the yin and level the ground!!”

Fang Ming talks to himself, and the sun rises behind him. It is like a giant day, with thousands of lights, and the whole Ghost Domain is wrapped.

“Traditional seal!!! banned!!!”

The city’s gold pen is printed directly on the ground, and the golden light goes straight down to the 9th layer, blocking the ground yin! ! !

And the silk azure light flame, straight into Nine Heavens, will always lie in the clouds over the Ghost Domain, the long-lost sunshine, finally completely sprinkled on the Ghost Domain centuries-old shade! ! !

“Hah! !!” The golden light condensed, completely blocking the yin, and the surface soil condensed, but there was no chilly breath.

“It took me three months before I could completely transform this place. Now Divine Ability is going forward, but for a moment!”

Fang Ming said with a smile.

Weng weng! ! ! The ceiling is lowered and turned into a silk azure, which gathers on the top of Fang Ming.

This is God’s favor, and Heavenly Dao feels that Fang Ming resolves the yin and gives Heavenly Dao merit.

“Shi Longjie went against the practice, and there was no child, now the whole squat. It must be a mess, the army just won!”

“While Wu, Jing, and Qiang are in hand. In the district, Jiaozhou, a piece of paper will be down!”

“At the time. The whole big dry south is in the hands of the true body. It only takes a few years to recuperate and you can go north and formally dominate the world!!!”

Fang Ming Xunzi’s bright light flashed, and there is no doubt about the future of the world.


Jingzhou, Xiangyang City.

Before the fire, it was burned for seven days. The city is completely destroyed, and it is terrible.

The blackened land is covered with broken walls and ruins, and even blood-stained limbs, and the masonry land is condensed together, and it is scorched by fire. It is completely indistinguishable. In the air, the strong burnt taste is not scattered. Also mixed with the corpse smell, smelling vomiting.

On top of this hell scene, a group of people are patrolling, the first one is Song Yu.

“Although the house and the like have been burned out, but the bricks and the like are still there, the city wall is also largely preserved, and this reconstruction will save a lot of effort!”

Song Yu looked at the dark land. There are also many soldiers on the tour to find gold and silver and other things. Unified management.

There is also the military law team, with a knife and a knife. The eyes were round and round, and the soldiers’ minds were carefully turned off.

“The main public said! This cost of building a city is mainly on the city wall. As long as the city wall is generally intact, the rest of the houses can be rebuilt!”

Shen Wenbin has already recovered from the previous state and said to himself.

“It’s just that the people in Shuyang are completely destroyed. At this time, they need to gather some people to come over!”

Song Yu’s fire attack, regardless of whether you are an enemy or an innocent people, under the fire, the whole is turned into ashes! The whole of Xiangyang is turned into a dead city, and the escapers are embarrassed.

If it wasn’t before, Fang Ming would suppress it and let the souls go through the road. I am afraid that the whole area of ​​Xiangyang will become Ghost Domain immediately! ! !

But even so, around Song Yu, it also surrounded a thick circle of resentment qi, blood light skyrocketing, extremely embarrassing! Under the majesty of the Red Dragon, the resentment qi is only firmly attached to the Song Yu air transport, but does not immediately retribution.

“The public can now at least dominate the South, with the hope of True Dragon. When the country is not dead, when the conclusion is made, any retribution will not appear!”

The matter of vying for the dragon, this is full of blood, killing the wild, if every time you have to retribute, the world’s diving dragon died early!

There is a repression of the dragon, any resentment qi full, blood light 滔天, not when the human body is dead, when the dragon is exhausted, it is also powerless.

Take back the sight from the air transport, Song Yu said with a smile: “Since this Xiangyang has no life, the surrounding land and land, as well as the street houses in the city, are naturally nationalized!”

“Some of these can be rented to merchants. The location of Xiangyang is convenient. It is the place where merchants must pass. As long as there are interests, those businessmen will be willing to buy and sell.”

“Also, it is to collect the emigrants, first to be a tenant, and wait until a certain number of years, then they will redeem the land they have cultivated. Although this condition is slightly worse than Wuzhou, they are not enough to eat even the rice and struggle on the death line. For the emigrants, it is very good!”

“In addition, the seal of Song and the others will be here! These few articles, you go down, write a formal will, and then send it to the public after the public seal!”

Song Yu slowly said that if there is no interest in the war, it will only lose money at home. But now that Fuyang is completely destroyed, the land of the city and the property have become their own, and they have spared no effort to make up for the loss.

“Nuo!” Shen Wenbin and other respectful should be.

Song Yu saw this city full of sores and suddenly sighed: “The sun is broken, I am afraid that the king’s name Wang Dian can only be held in Gangneung!”

This time, most of the troops were trained. In the past, due to the tortoise policy of Shi Longjie and Longcheng, the loss of the army was extremely small. Even after counting the towns in Jingbei, the morale of the army was very motivated.

After not taking a single soldier and winning the battle, the soldiers finally became completely stable, brave and fearless, and their eyes were calm.

This is the confidence that can be cultivated after many great wins! ! !

Looking at the formation of the army, Song Yu is also very pleased, but the sun is completely ruined, and recovery is not a matter of months. This place can be guarded by soldiers, but it is too cold to hold a ceremony.

When Shen Wenbin heard it, he said: “The big cause is lost, the world is in chaos, the soul is smeared, and the people are all looking forward to the Lord to solve the problem. The Lord has a soldier hundred, and the armor is riding, Establishing Wangye, this is the welfare of the people of the world…”

“Fast!” The civil servants around the civil service have secretly sneaked, and then they are also squatting: “The court is appreciative!”

“haha !!!” Song Yu laughed and looked very happy.

“Well! Let the 50,000 army stay here for defense. I will turn to Jiangling, He Dongming and Shen Wenbin. You are responsible for this matter. It is necessary to meet the ritual and law, solemn and solemn!!!”

“Nuo!!!” He Dongming, Shen Wenbin once again worshipped, seeing people around the eyes.

He Dongming is a priest, and no one can say anything about it, but Shen Wenbin is also involved. In addition to his nephew, the rumor is very important.

This is the power of standing! Second only to the great work from the dragon! ! !

In November, the army of the army returned to Jiangling, and at this time, the news that Song Yu was about to be king was also passed out.

After Song Yu burned Fuyang and killed Longcheng and Shilongjie, the whole world knew that Wu Guogong was in the south and was difficult to shake. Was the messenger of Wang Dadian more than ten times more than before?

Fortunately, Jiangling is where the Jingzhou state is located. The region is vast, and it is even more than ten times the messenger. It can also be placed.

Just as Wang Dadian was doing an orderly process, Song Yu also heard a good news: “What? I have a post?”

Although I have known that several ladies are pregnant, it is these days, but Song Yu still has some unbelievable feelings.

It was the family of Song Family who came to the news. At this time, the face smiled into a group: “Congratulations to Young Master! He Xi Young Master! The three ladies are very close to the birth day, and they have two young Masters for Young Master. Miss…”

Song Yu asked me in detail, only to know that he was interested in it. The wife, Bao Xinxin, gave birth to a baby boy. This is 嫡eldest son. Unless there is a big change, the inheritance cannot be shaken and can be effectively suppressed. Some people have a dark mind.

The other two, Li Xiufang gave birth to a baby boy, Wu Xinling was born a girl.

Listening to Li Xiufang’s birth, Song Yu’s heart is not known to be a taste. Li Family’s temperament is broken, but there are also Yu Ze. In the future, it is really difficult to say.

But there is nothing wrong with it, even the dragons are killed, and in any case, Song Yu has the confidence to suppress!

There is also a good news. Xiao Yu Chun Lan, who was born before Song Yu, also had a pregnancy. This woman was Song Yu’s personal acolyte. Later, she was a small sister. It was also a positive result. With child, the status is more stable. As long as you are safe and self-sufficient, you will not be able to run forever.

“haha…” Song Yu laughed and said, “When the king is about to call the king, there will be a birth of the world, this is the fate of me!!!”

In ancient times, the descendants of the child were very important. If there was no bloodline inheritance, then you would lay down thousands of miles and support the army, and the same people would be rebellious.

When the king is called, there will be a birth of the world, and in the eyes of outsiders, it is indeed a destiny! ! ! This can at least push Song Yu’s voice a few more points, so that the subordinate’s loyalty is even more up!

“You have worked hard all the time, this public rewards you with silver one hundred and two, go on!” Song Yu waved and sent away the soldiers.

“reporting to the Lord, Shen Wenbin, etc. See you!” In less than a moment, the men who got the news came to congratulate him.

“Congratulations to the Lord Gong Xilin!” After seeing the Lord’s public, everyone’s work has also had the hope of inheritance. This congratulation is true, and Shen Wenbin, Song Hu and other old people even cried.

“haha ……” Song Yu laughed: “The order is passed down, the three armed forces are rewarded, the meat is given, and the whole day is celebrated!!!”


Suddenly, the entire Gangneung was immersed in a festive atmosphere.

The messenger who came here was still somewhat puzzled. After knowing that Song Yuxi was a prince, they all suck in a cold breath.

Before the Song Yu, although the glory of the battle, the glory of the martial arts, but the only shortcoming is that it is too young, there is no child, once the body is dead, the great cause is also overturned.

But now it is different. After many messengers have heard the news, they have all returned to their residences and returned the news to the later masters.

Of course, there are also many people who secretly bite their teeth, but they also have to smile on the surface and go to Song Yufu to congratulate.

Under this circumstance, on November 13th, Song Yu’s Wang Dadian finally arrived on schedule.

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