On the day of Wang Dadian, in the early morning, Jiangling City’s households prematurely ordered the incense case, cleaned up the door, and even prepared the ribbon brocade to dress up the front door.

The philosophy of survival of the small citizens is vividly and thoroughly at this moment.

Although they may not know the slang of the emperor and the courtiers, they must know that Song Yu is the sole ruler of today’s Jiangling City, and he is in charge of the life and death of the people of Mancheng.

No one will blame himself on this at the moment, all of them are trying their best to cooperate, and fear that they will not do well enough.

When I arrived, I only heard the sound of the bells and drums coming from the Wuwang Palace. The surrounding streets were quiet, 铮zheng!! ! The sound of the iron hoe slammed into the ground, and the cavalry stepped slowly, guarding both sides.

From the original Wuwang Palace, a group of people came slowly, and the decoration was extremely gorgeous. There was also a dignified and graceful palace lady, who sprinkled petals and other things in front of the team.

This Wuwang Palace is the former Zhou Family Mansion. Song Yu is an extremely pragmatic person. After the house was confiscated, the people were repaired and replaced, and the plaque of Wu Wanggong was used as their residence.

At this time the team passed, the surrounding people were kneeling, shouting in the mouth: “My king is thousand years old! Chitose! Thousands of years old!!!”

“This is the joy of the king!” In the mountains of the people, Song Yuxi had a look.

“Original, Wu Di has been completely flat. It is said that it does not matter that Wu Wang is indifferent. Instead, after he has laid down Jingzhou, he said that the King of Chu is very suitable! You can rule the territory with the old number and accept the hearts of the people!”

This is called the King’s number, but also very particular about it. Song Yu was not very clear before, but later the Bao family and other gates offered classical etiquette. Then Song Yu looked at the method of looking at the gas, and it really got some true meaning.

First of all. Of course, the king must have the ancient symbol, so that he can be deeply rooted and regarded as orthodox. Like the rest of the miscellaneous numbers, such as “Shi Wang”, “Daguan Wang” and “Chang Sheng Wang”, it is only a matter of arrogance. Smile!

Moreover, the so-called Wang, must be associated with a land, in order to get the care of this side of the world.

For example, Song Yu now occupies Wu and Jing. These two places are the ancient Wu and Chu countries. He wants to choose the king, and he can only choose from the two characters Wu and Chu. If he is called the king or the king, it will be illegal and will not receive Wu. The state and the attention of Jingzhou Small World.

And Wudi is early, Jingzhou Xinping, if Song Yu is called Chu Wang, he can get the name of the righteousness. Let the Jingzhou people regard him as his own person, or say, to reduce some resistance, and there are many benefits for the future.

It makes sense. Song Yu should be called Chu Wang this time, but these are the theory of Yang Shi, from the perspective of the underworld. Fang Ming’s priesthood is all from Wuzhou, and is deeply ingrained with Wuzhou World Root. In Jingzhou, there is nothing at all.

Song Yu is a human being. The main purpose is to open the way for Fang Ming, naturally based on the glory.

This is called Wu Wang, not only can strengthen the connection between the true body and Wuzhou Tiandi, it is also very beneficial for future changes.

The team marched, the people on both sides welcomed and the songs continued. In this case, the team finally arrived outside the Temple of Heaven.

The Temple of Heaven is the same as the last time when it was made public, but the specifications of the offerings have been upgraded by one level. The last time Song Yu was worshipped by the princes, and now it is the identity of the king, and naturally it is different.

Song Yu wore nine chapters, and he was solemn and stood on the Temple of Heaven.

At this time, to a certain extent, it is the Lord of the South. This time, the sacrifice of the heavens, the identity is different, and suddenly there is a natural phenomenon! !

Underneath everyone, I saw the top of the Temple of Heaven, the red clouds gathered together, like Huagai, shocked and incomparable.

“The ancient book has a cloud: ‘The real king is now! Natural phenomenon out!!’ Wu Wang sacrificed the heavens, there will be auspicious appearance, this is worthy of the official book of the official book, the name of the ancient things!”

Underneath an envoy, as if to sigh, even with the messengers around, there are some gaze.

Song Yu had no concern for this. He followed the ceremonial worship and burned the sacrifices in a meticulous manner. Song Yu took the ritual and read:

“Chen Song Yu is confessing to the heavens: the world is raging, the people are not living, the ghosts are rampant, and the princes are cold, only the gods are destined, and they are in the position of Wu Wang. They will take pictures of the night, and seek the national economy and the people’s livelihood.

At this time, the gas transport was stirred up, and Song Yu’s lyrics were finished. I saw the two states’ qiyuns coming together, and the vast glutinous soup was full of endless opportunities.

Most of them are white, showing the farmer’s cultivating scene. There is also a red tide that has turned into a scene of hard work by the Aristocratic Family.

Above the red gas, there is also the golden color, which is the loyalty of the government.

Around the three gas, there is more Silk Black Qi, which is straightforward and shows the scene of thousands of sergeants fighting bravely!

These air transports gathered at the top of Song Yu’s head, and the red dragon leaped out and cheered.

The various colors condensed and turned into purple, and all of them gathered in Song Yuyun’s atmosphere. As a result, half of the original azure quickly faded and purified into a pale purple color.

“This is the official king’s life in the body!!!” Purple Qi has always been a symbol of extremely expensive gas. Now Song Yu’s head is full of pure air, but it is the real king of luck! ! !

“This air force, in line with the five virtues, in black, white, red, yellow, blue and five colors!”

Song Yu thinks lightly, he is expected to be Divine Ability, and has a deeper understanding of the air transport of Dagan World.

Everyone in the world has air transport, but the color form is different. If it is purely color, there are several situations.

The atmosphere of the small people is mostly white, and the nine products are pure white, the eight products are white and red, the seven products are pure red, the six products are red and yellow, and the five products are full of gold, which is pure yellow. It is also the origin of the Wupin Huangtang.

These are all common customs. If you are golden, you may have a rich family.

But if you go up again, you will have the brilliance of the family. If you don’t enter the system, you will not be able to enter the system, and you will be able to do it with the words of the hundred thousand people.

Above the five products, there will be green gas. Among them, the color of the four products is the best of the three colors.

And the second product is blue and purple! ! ! To get a good product, it is to purify the purple! ! !

Of course, all of the above categories are calculated on the basis of the big dry. Nowadays, the Big Dragon splits, and there are Flood Dragons out there. The monopoly is also different.

If the whole Dagan is still there, Zhengyi’s Prime Minister, Yin Yang, is in charge of the world’s misfortunes, and naturally has Purple Qi.

But now, Song Yucai has two states, and his power has been divided. His oldest family has azure at most.

The way of air transport lies in gathering people and seeing the population! ! If the population base is large, there are thousands of people in a state, and the state animal husbandry also has a purple.

And if it is a small country and a small population, the population is less than a million, then the dragon is only azure! ! !

“The five-color air transport, in fact, matches the five virtues! Black corresponds to water, white corresponds to Jinde, red corresponds to fire, yellow corresponds to Tudor, and Qingqi corresponds to, it is Mude!”

“And the dragon is purple!! To show higher than Five Elements, suppress the meaning of Five Elements! This is also with the population!!!”

“If according to the previous theory, small countries and widows, the population is sparse, golden and azure dragons are possible. And after many developments, population reproduction, gas transportation, and the five virtues, the purple is finally born!! !”

“true body If you push the population of the big dry population up a few times, achieve big growth, the population is over 100 million, how humanity should be prosperous at that time! And the dragon will evolve with it and advance to a higher level! !!”

At this time, Song Yu has already seen the bureau of the world, and the secular dragon is the ultimate embodiment of human power! ! !

And the progress of Longqi is humane progress! ! ! !

“Seeing clearly, there is no strength to jump out, or you have to follow the rules!”

Song Yu’s heart smiled and remained unchanged.

After the air was exhausted and the purple was shocked, the red dragon roared and led the trend of gas transportation.

“The Tianzhu column!!!” Song Yuyi gave birth, the Red Dragon is flying up, from Jingzhou, Wuzhou, flying out of countless light spots, attached to the red dragon body.

“bang!!!” A brilliant sly, straight up the clouds of light, they stand proudly.

“After this is called the king, if the strength is sufficient, it will be the stage of the final contenders of strength. At that time, there will be Tianzhu, which is also a complete destiny!!!”

“And, with the support of Tianzhu, Red Dragon can also sit back and relax!” Before the big dry also had Tianzhu, the red dragon after the degeneration of True Dragon was also attached to the Tianzhu, guarded by Tianzhu, barely maintaining a large dry gas.

It is a pity that Yuan Zong, the anti-bone, was besieged by the world’s Flood Dragon group, which led to the collapse of the Tianzhu, the red dragon was smashed, the dragon gas was divided by the princes, and the world officially entered the chaos.

Now Song Yu’s air transport is very similar to that of the previous big dry, but one is like the sunset, and the other is the red sun.

“weng! !!!!” seems to be affected by the Tianzhu. From all parts of Nine Provinces, there are a little bit of gas flow coming into the Tianzhu.

Song Yu face is now happy: “After the king, it is really different, there are people all over the world want to return, gas transport and return to the river!!!”

This is the first to be the king, and the Tianzhu, it is really good.

But the king still wants to match the strength, at least it needs a place of one state, with a hundred thousand, a thousand members of the war, otherwise it will not only make people laugh, but also will be sinned!

“Red Flood Dragon change to Dragon! Tianzhu has stood! Wu Guo just styled dragon!”

Far away, there is a Taoist who is looking at the scene of Song Yu’s sacrifice, and the corner of the eye is more humid: “My Baiyun view is doing my best to help, and now Song Gonghualong, can finally wash away the sins before, not only a write-off, saying no merits!! !”

This person, the main Jackie Chan, set up the Tianzhu, it is not against the sky, before the Baiyunguan, what has been done, this time has a return.

Since then, Song Yubing has died and his relationship with Baiyunguan is not great. He can spend some means and pick himself up.

“But this step is first, step by step, my master is the first to win the king, the big share is cheap, the North Yuan Zong is blocked, and there are threats from the Hu people, it is a loose sand, my master achieves True Dragon, at least 50% hope!!! “Qing Xu real people open their eyes and smile.

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