“If I can help True Dragon to climb the pole, how can I get a million? But the city…”

Qing deficiency was a big joy, and then the brow was deeply wrinkled.

Compared with Song Yu鈥檚 broken enemy army, the cultivation world was even more shocked by the record of Fang Ming鈥檚 outflow.

Taishangdao is fully committed, five real people, five pieces of treasure, and more make up a big array, as well as dreams glare like a tiger watching his prey, through the ages, any real person encounters, arecertain death situation! ! !

However, this was still broken out by Fang Ming. Even five real people were killed. Two pieces of treasure were captured. The strength of the representative was only a thought. It completely extinguished the thoughts of fighting with Fang Ming.

“Fortunately, at that time, my Baiyunguan and Song Gongqi were connected, and I was not allowed to get out. I didn’t go to the old road, too. Otherwise, it’s really hard to say…” Before I thought of it, I was afraid.

After the sacrifice of the day, Song Yu was surrounded by hundreds of officials and revolved around the Royal Palace.

In the great hall, Song Yuduan sat in a golden chair and accepted the worship of the people.

“My king is a thousand years old and thousands of years old!!!” This is all rehearsed before, and it is very smooth at this time.

“You are pleased!” Song Yu’s hands are vain, making Baiguan get up, and making “Xuan!!”

Anshun鈥檚 eunuch stepped forward and began his intentions: 鈥淲u Wang has a purpose…鈥?/p>

This is called the Queen. First of all, it is the book of several harems and family members. They all prepared the Golden Book Seal. Because several wives were born, they could not travel far, and they were sent to Jianye.

Then, it was the reward of the hundred officials. The most important thing was to promote the six divisions to six, and the main official also had three products.

Basically, everyone has risen to the first half and half, and everyone is happy.

But just when the festive atmosphere in the city has not passed. Song Yu will start another military service.

Not only did it advertise the essays, but also the new deaths from Wuzhou were continuously moved to Gangneung. The eye-catching people knew that when Wu Wang Li was ready to send troops, he completely monopolized the south and half of the world.

“The lonely king of the lonely king conquered Jingbei. The damage is extremely small, the morale is strong, and the rear of the hundred thousand new pawns, but also the training is completed, at this time Shi Wang is dead, the state has always been the leader of the group. It is a good opportunity!”

When Song Yu conquered Xiangyang, because Shi Longjie and Longcheng contracted their strength, they hoped to be defended by the city of Xiangyang. There were not many soldiers left in other houses, and the basic army was one. It is a surrender, even if it is a siege, it is extremely small.

When you get to Fuyang, because Song Yu鈥檚 fire attack plan, it鈥檚 not to fight down, and it鈥檚 not a single soldier. This morale is cultivated.

Now, Yizhou and Jiaozhou are empty, it is a good opportunity!

“Ye Hongyan! Lonely you are the general four loyalty generals. Leading 50,000, attacking Jiaozhou, Luo Bin is a general from the four products Xuanwei. Be your deputy!!!”

“Nuo!” Ye Hongyan and Luo Bin out of the ceremony.

Just in the moment when the order was issued, the two men changed their minds, and a light green gas hangs down, filling the two people with gas, and with the help of Qingqi, Ye Hongyan鈥檚 life is constantly inventing the light. The red tiger roars, it will be completely formed!

“Li Dazhuang! You are the lord of the four loyalty generals. Together with Huhe and the generals of the Navy, Meng Qi, led the army 50,000. Since the Yiling, attacked Yizhou!!!”

“Nuo!” The three men also came out to salute, each with air.

Ye Hongyan was okay before, but now he has heard that Li Dazhuang is the right player of the four products. The face of the people below is somewhat wrong. Although Li Dazhuang and Huhe鈥檚 previous pulling competitive against a crazy tide have great merits, promotion should be, so there is no People screamed against each other, but these two are all gods and temples, and they have always been despicable. They are often excluded. Now they are in high positions, and the people below have a natural mind.

But Song Yu does not have to take care of it. Li Dazhuang and Hu He are both bright and thin people. As long as they spend some time, they will not accept it.

Through the previous search for the soul of Taishang Dao, plus some guesses by Fang Ming, Song Yu can already see through most of Mengxian鈥檚 plans, and it is because of this that he has to improve the influence of the city鈥檚 army, and even Enlarged and recruited to cope with the later northern forces.

At the end of November, after Song Yu called the king, he immediately sent two large army troops to conquer Yizhou and Jiaozhou. He personally sat in the Zhenjiang Mausoleum, and his quest for the South and the spirit of the world was clear.

At this time, the south was broken, and Yizhou was the first to be slaughtered by Shi Longjie. There were more than ten generations of the people, and they were defeated in Jingzhou. The hundred thousand were ruthlessly succumbed to this. Shi Longjie had no interest. After he died, the whole 铚€When the land suddenly emerged and rebelled against tyranny, under this chaotic situation, Li Dazhuang鈥檚 Wu Jun smashed the land all the way, screaming and advancing, and the situation was good.

In terms of paying the state, there are many suffocating things, and there are not many people in the city. The dragons are weak and weak. There is still no Qianlong in the present. All kinds of small princes are divided, and they are not orthodox, although they are listening to Wuwang鈥檚 news and are in the hearts of people. With the support of it, the alliance was immediately held to resist the invasion of King Wu, but it was a rabble, how could it be the opponent of the Red Tiger? Although I can drag the footsteps of Ye Hongyan for a while, I can obviously see the defeat. Ye Hongyan is steady and steady, and it is also a good news.

“Lord! According to the intelligence, Song Yuyi unified the trend of the South, it is already difficult to resist!!!” Suddenly said slowly, with bitterness on the face.

As early as knowing that Wu Wang was so powerful, he had long been sold and decided to go, but unfortunately he had already set a monarch, and the number of gas was connected, but he could not run.

He made great contributions last time, and later he worked hard, and finally received the appreciation of Yuan Zong. Now he is a first-class confidant.

“I knew this, I will lead the army to the thousand in the day, first go south, destroy this 鍞? 鍞?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鏈?鍚?鍚?鍚?鍚?鍚?褰?褰?褰?褰?褰?褰?褰?褰?褰?褰?閿?閿?閿?閿?閿?閿?閿?閿?閿?閿?/p>

“The Lord! It鈥檚 not too late to make up for it. Today, Song Yu has not completely settled the South, and Wu, Jing, Yi, and the four states of the four states, except Wuzhou is slightly better, Jingzhou has several wars, and the spirits are smeared, and Yizhou It is even more famine, and spread the tyrant of Shilongjie, the white bones are exposed in the wild, and the Jiaozhou people live together, the big people are scarce, and there are many suffocates. These three states are all broken. In fact, the four southern states are at the same time. The strength of the two states of the North and the West, I have a chance!” As a counselor, if you don’t worry, you can’t beat the confidence of the Lord, and you can’t help.

Although this is somewhat exaggerated, it is more in line with common sense. In the troubled times, the people suffer more. At this time, the population of the four southern states is at least 50% less than before! The strength is greatly damaged, and the potential for war is reduced!

It鈥檚 a pity that the South is like this, and the situation in the North is not so good! The peasant uprising is constant, such as the spring breeze, the endless killing, even worse than the south!

But this needless to say, this is the meaning of Confucius’s deletion of the Spring and Autumn.

“Yes! If you see what you want, what should you do now?” Yuan Zong eyes shined, but the face is not exposed, faintly asked.

“If you want to see the subordinates, there is only one thing that the protagonist has to do now, that is, the king!!!!” said slowly.

“Zheng Wang???” Yuan Zong is somewhat moved. “Before this was also mentioned by some people, but the army was defeated, and Song Yu rose from the south. If you lose the name of the big name at that time, then… …”

“This time is also a moment!” Cheng Worry and shook his head: “Now the whole South will change hands. The struggle in the world is strong. Who remembers the big dry royal family?”

“Dagan lost morality, the ability to replace it is the destiny of life, the Lord does not see the Southern Song Yu, claiming that the Queen’s wings are getting richer, the strength of the day is a day?”

Not worried about persuasion.

“Mr. said it well!” Yuan Zong slowly took a few laps and finally made up his mind! ! !

Guanzhong, in Chang An City, in the palace.

The big sweaty beads on the face of the little emperor rolled and fell, and Mo Ran woke up from his sleep.

“Emperor?” “Emperor?”

While the eunuchs who stood up were unable to ask, looking at the face of the little emperor, it was even more disturbing: “Would you like to pass the doctor?”

“No! I am going to see the Queen Mother!” Although the young emperor is still young, he is very assertive.

The imperial car arrived at the Queen Mother’s Palace. At this time, the Queen Mother had already heard the news. Although it was night, she hurried out and asked, “My son, you are here late at night, but something?”

“After the mother…” The voice of the little emperor was crying. “My son dreamed that the emperor and the empress of the emperor came to the police to say that it was Yuan Zong…”

“My son screams!!!” The Queen Mother complex greatly changed, Yuan Zong took control of the government and supported the emperor. In the current palace, the guards are all from the hands of Yuan Zong. How can they speak out?

However, the Queen Mother鈥檚 face was pale, and although the Emperor and the Queen Mother said that they died of disease, they actually died in the hands of Yuan Zong. Now the ancestors are warning, is it…

The Queen Mother鈥檚 body is shaking and she is afraid to think about it…

“Qin Country is public!” At this moment, a voice came, and the Queen Mother shook hands and dropped the tea on the ground. The little emperor quickly rushed into the Queen Mother’s arms, which was extremely scared.

鍜歞ong dong! ! ! Yuan Zong took a look at the armor, followed by the murderous-looking guard.

“Qin… What is the Qin Country public?” The Queen Mother said with courage.

Although I know that the entire palace has long been easy to change, but Yuan Zong late night 闂?Palace, really does not become a system, and with a sergeant, even the Queen Mother is frightened!

“Nothing, just a will, but also the emperor’s instructions!” Yuan Zong said with a smile, looking at the woman who is one of the one out of fear, not a gift.

“What is the matter! The mourners and the emperor are all accurate!” At this time, the life and death are critical, and what the Queen Mother said.

“Okay! Then please use your print!” Yuan Zong waved, and there was a waiter behind him, holding the written decree and coming to the Queen.

“This…” Although the Queen Mother knew that there would be no good things, it would not be startled to see the imperial edict.

This sacred purpose is to enshrine the Qin Country’s Yuan Zong as the king of Qin. The ancient cadres are old-fashioned, and the surnames are not kings, but Yuan Zong is so, it is already the rhythm of the right to seize power! ! !

Although it is not Zen, but it is not far away! ! !

“Yuan Daren! You just let us go to our orphans and widows…” The Queen鈥檚 eyes were red and crying. The little emperor was smart, but he was also a child, and he cried.

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