This feeling of bullying orphans and widows is naturally not very good, Yuan Zong complexion sank. ¢£

“If there is a big chaos today, the smoke will rise from the top, and the minister will go out and fight to kill the enemy, and clear the universe. If you still have this reward, isn’t it cold outside the loyal minister?”

It seems to be in line with Yuan Zong’s words, the behind-the-scenes, immediately took out a long knife, cold light.

Full of murderous aura, clothed in this gorgeous great hall.

Many eunuchs are married, trembling with fear, and dare not speak.

“Good! Good! Good! The sorrow will promise you!” The Queen Mother bit his silver teeth and finally said.

“I know the time is a handsome!” Yuan Zong coldly snorted, watching the Queen Mother and the emperor use the seal, to collect the will, only to laugh out and go out…

In the second year of Hongzhi, in December, Emperor Dagan decreed, Yuan Zong crusade was successful, and the book was sealed by Qin Wang. The hereditary was not replaced, and suddenly the world was sensational. Everyone knows that this is Yuan Zongqi’s anti-rhythm, and Xuzhou’s animal husbandry wins the top. It is also a soldier thousand, attacked Yuzhou, and vowed to fight against the thief.

In the same year, Yuzhou State, the Tang Dynasty, was known as the King of Yan, and even after being defeated by the Hu people, it was less than ten days for the king to be a laughing stock.

The Hu people smashed the south and had already won the two places of Youzhou and Liangzhou.

Under this circumstance, Yuan Zonghe won the battle and started a decisive battle in Yuzhou.

At this time, the situation in the world is extremely obvious. It is Song Yu, Yuan Zong, Win Ding Tian, ​​and Hu Ren’s four-party hegemony. True Dragon will also appear in these four parties.

The major forces in the world can’t help but look to the two battles.

On the plains of Yuzhou, the 200,000 army confronted each other and the military was entangled. Straight up nine days, the clouds are rolling. It seems that it will drop the rainstorm.

The two sides of the confrontation are Yuan Zong and win the top. They are all brilliant and have a desperate fight. Each has a thousand people.

“Today, I have to wait for the help of the community! Crusade against the thief!” Before the top of the horse, the horse was screaming loudly, and the surrounding soldiers were shouting: “The crusade against the thief!” “The cruel thief!”

The sound of nine days, even Yuan Zongjun, can be heard, but he just sneered: “hehe … old man If it is a thief, what are you waiting for?”

Passed the order: “The army is in a lineup. It is a male and female with Xuzhou soldiers!”

The snare drums were ringing, the army was dispatched, the swords and guns were unsheathed, the bows and arrows were wounded, and a big battle was over! ! !

“Kill!!!” I don’t know who is shouting loudly, and then the sound of the singer and the sound of the squad, the army launched an assault, such as steel waves, swept together.

boom! ! Ping pong! ! ! Pu!! !

Armor percussion. The sound of the weapons and the sound of the armor piercing into the ** sounded loudly, and the screams of the soldiers were completely covered.

Under the leadership of the sergeant, the sergeant screamed at the enemy. Martial arts and air transport play vividly and thoroughly.

Pa pa!! ! !

Suddenly, the sky was dark and inky, a round of heavy rain. Then it landed and the raindrops dripped. Mixed with blood, it is a bloody stream. Like hell.

But even this scene can not stop the army to kill, at this time Yuan Zong and win the top of the sky, is completely red-eyed, will compete for the hope of the world, all counted in this game.

tread! ! ! tread! ! tread! ! !

The distinctive hoof of the hooves sounded like an earthquake. Although the rainstorm was like a note, it was too covert.

“This is a cavalry!! Or a tens of thousands of cavalry, collective assault, in order to have!!!” Winning the day turn pale with fright, only to find out that at this time in the north of the battlefield, I do not know when, there is actually a tens of thousands The cavalry of the people is coming from here! ! !

“This is … Hu Ren!!! A good Yuan Zong, actually dare to collude with the outside!!!! I swear to you not to wear the sky!!!” Win the top of the sky to spur the blood, and see the crack.

“haha !!! The top day, old man see how you die now!!!” In contrast, Yuan Zong is laughing and dancing.

“Adult? Is this…” The worry of one side is the color of doubt.

Collusion with the Hu people, using the soldiers to suppress the opponent, spread out, this reputation is completely stinky! ! !

“Is this awkward? As long as it can kill the top, then occupy the three states, what is the reason for borrowing the soldiers?” Yuan Zong shook his head and said, then he was sneer: “When the king swept the **, after the mixed universe, Will take the country to the north, destroy this enemy!”

“The cavalry charge, unstoppable, the war is fierce, I am waiting for the death of the soldiers!” If you are not worried, you can still suggest.

But at this time, Yuan Zong seems to have seen something incredible. His mouth is wide and his voice is loud, but he can’t speak.

Not worrying about heart startled, looking up, but seeing a share from the Hu people cavalry, out of the package, it seems that Yuan Zong and win the top, a net! ! !

“pu! !!” Yuan Zong blood mad, his face muscles twitching, with a finger on the sky, swearing: “Nur Taiji, old man is a ghost, but also the soul of Sol!”

This Nur Taiji is the name of the Hu people.

At this time, the army in the battle also discovered the cavalry that came from the assault, and suddenly it was a mess.

But they are entangled with the enemy, the team spreads across the board, is it so easy to retreat? When this advance and retreat is not possible, the cavalry charge is extremely fast, and there is no way to go. Under the cavalry, it is already a lamb to be slaughtered.

The cavalry is like an unstoppable black torrent, rushing into the army, flesh and blood, and crying constantly, bringing a storm.

“haha! Rush! These weak southerners only match our sacrifices and slaves!!!”

A thousand people of the Hu people roared and waved their hands. The blade light stretched out like a trainer, and a Qin army soldier was killed in two.

“What is the king of Dagan, how can it be matched with our army? This rich land is only possessed by our people in the dark!”

The Huren cavalry is the best in the world. The herdsmen have been born with the horses since childhood. They are teenagers, all of whom are skilled and tens of thousands. In ancient times, tens of thousands of cavalry in the plains charged, and the basics are unbreakable methods! ! !

As the cavalry continued to break through the enemy line and rushed back and forth, the army was in a state of chaos.

The Hu people who led the troops had quite a military tactic, and they did not kill more soldiers. They only broke open the enemy and drove the defeated soldiers to the rest of the camp. This poisonous policy will immediately remove only a little resistance, Yuan Zonghe The army that won the top of the day was completely defeated. The soldiers cried, and they gave up their weapons, and they ran away, but they were slashed by the cavalry that followed, not as easy as pie.

“The general trend has gone! The Lord, go!” Gao Feihang will be snarling to win the top of the day to send the horses, smashing, fighting horses, and running away with the top.

“Follow up!” Gao Feihang was also on the horse, with the remaining pro-arms guarding the top of the sky, far away from the battlefield.

“Lord, go!”

It was only afterwards that the main policeman who had been stunned was shunned down, and under the protection of his own soldiers, he was about to launch, but he screamed in vain.

“Kill!!!” The cavalry roared and had already killed here.

“Damn! I am fighting with you!!!” He was not worried, and in the troubled times, he also learned some martial arts.

At this time, life and death are crucial, and the courage is strong.

“Overestimate one’s capabilities!” Hu people led the sipping, bowing like a full moon, riding from the horse immediately, a black line through the unhappy neck, bringing a blood.

Cheng did not worry about his throat fell to the ground, his mouth with a smile.

“To fight for the world, not to achieve death, I am doing this wrong!” Both eyes closed and fell into deep darkness, and it was already dead.

The Huren cavalry will kill the guards, and the Huren’s head will only go into the camp.

“How? Nur Taiji sent you to take the old man life?” Yuan Zong looked at the Hu.

“The adults guessed wrong!” Hu will sneer, answering in a hard, dry language.

Not waiting for Yuan Zongxi to say, but suddenly a whip, Yuan Zong was thrown to the ground: “this person is still some use! He is tied up, the teeth are all unplugged, and the rice soup is continued every day!!!”

Falling on the enemy’s hand, you can die by saying that you can die, that is, a hunger strike, you can open your teeth and fill your life with food.

Yuan Zongmu was red and bloody, staring at Hu, suddenly it was a scabbard attack, pumping on Yuan Zong’s mouth, bringing out blood, and knocking down many teeth.

“I hate your eyes!”

Hu will be cold and cold, and ordered: “I still want to do something, I will tie him up, only the otherwise die!”

“Hurry up!!!”

A team of cavalry, guarding the top of the day, all the way arrogant, battered and exhausted.

It was not until I ran out of the plains that I had to go to a hill to take a break.

At this time, the heavy rain stopped, and the soldiers came to the firewood and burned the flames to win the top.

The flames of the annihilation of the flames are indefinite, and the face of the triumphant face is also faint and continual, and the surrounding guards are somewhat scared.

“Lord! Please also use some rice soup!” Gao Feihang took a wooden bowl and took it with white rice soup, which exudes a tempting food aroma.

“I am in a hurry, there are only a few rice balls on my body, please don’t give up the Lord!”

“It’s all this time, what else is it?” Winning the sky, smiling, taking the soup bowl, the warm rice soup rolled into the belly, bringing warmth and expelling the cold.

“Is the bride underneath eating?” Winning the day asked.

“A total of more than two hundred people are used!” Gao Feihang replied, and there was a strange ray of light flashing in his eyes.

“hehe… I am rising in Xuzhou, holding soldiers hundred thousand, yesterday, the spirit of the wind, and the enemy battle, do not want to be now, there are only two hundred people left, the world is really unpredictable!”

Winning the sky, muttered.

“The main public also has Xuzhou, as long as we go back, there is no chance to regroup!” Gao Feihang advised.

“Hu people go south, and I and Yuan Zong are ruined, and now there are three, but also there are strengths against Hu people!”

“The people of the Northland are going to be trapped under the iron hoof, and this is what I have!”

“What should we do?” Gao Feihang asked.

“Fortunately, there is also a Wu Wang Song Yu in the south, holding soldiers hundred, strong, and there is a natural danger in the Yangtze River, perhaps there is still the ability to pull the sky and not fall!”

“The Lord is to rely on this person!” Gao Feihang asked, his voice chilling.

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