Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 100 - Sirens

The enchanting song of the sirens, known to bring the strongest willed men crawling on their knees begging for more. Ethereal music, so pleasing to man, that he has no choice but to seek it out.

The eyes of the men on the ship lost focus as their consciousness left them.

As if possessed, the less intelligent began to wander over in the direction of the song, a couple even jumping in prem.a.t.u.r.ely, forcing them to swim for much longer to reach the island. The others remained above bouncing against the railing with their arms extended outwards like zombies waiting until they were within reach as they drifted ever closer.

The smarter ones helped sail closer with Caius back on the wheel driving the ship faster towards their doom.

Anna and Io remained unaffected as they watched in horror at how easily the song could turn them.

"Anna, we have to stop them!" An alarmed Io yelled when she saw a few go over the side.

"We have to knock them out just like the man in the story," said Anna snapping into action, taking out the closest man before moving on to the next.

Io tried to help but was lacking in strength when compared to Anna, opting to use what rope she could find on hand to tie up men and drag them back. Only stopping when she noticed the island coming ever closer, the rocky barrier mere feet away.

"Anna! The Boat! Stop The Captain!" Shouted Io.

Anna cursed herself for forgetting something so important, by becoming distracted with the men below who looked like they were all about to jump over, but if they didn't have a ship then they would all die anyway.

Jumping to action she cleared the distance within seconds as she scaled the stairs to get at Caius. Knocking him to the side, she took the wheel trying to turn away from the disaster, a little too late, they crashed into an unseen rock formation that pierced the haul of the ship.

Men flung overboard began to swim to the island while being picked off by unknown creatures swimming just below.

Io was desperately hanging on the side of the ship trying to pull herself back up after almost being sent into the water. She looked below at the unknown creatures circling just underneath the water waiting for her to fall.

It wasn't until one jumped up did she finally see what they were up against. A monstrous blue colored fishy mermaid-like creature, it had the fishtail with a fishy woman's body, webbed hands, nude b.r.e.a.s.ts, a monster fish mouth with razor-sharp teeth, fish eyes, and gills located behind ear flaps, some with no hair, replaced by a mohawk fin.

Knowing she was almost a goner, Io hugged Anna in relief- "Thank you, thank you, I was almost fish food back there."

Anna- "What do we do now? All the men are already in the water while we were incapacitated by the crash, even the ones you tied up used their weapons to cut themselves free and jump over."

Io frowned- "I don't know, going into the water will be suicide for us, maybe Theo... Shit! we forgot about Theo! what will we do if he gets entranced?" she asked in worry.

Both of their eyes widened, instantly looking towards the stairs that led down to their quarters when they heard a concerned voice, "Theo, where are you going?"

Theoric just before the crash was sleeping soundly with his skin barrier up, a habit that he always does now before lying down to rest, even blocking off the ears so nothing could disturb him.

The crash woke him up as he and Sigyn were flung off their bed. Alarmed, he looked around making sure nothing was right upon them before he lowered the skin barrier around the ears. Allowing him to hear if anything was going on above, knowing he would hear about most things that were happening before he made his way up.

The song that never stopped instantly invaded his senses as he stumbled to the wall and leaned against it, attempting to fight whatever was going on, not clear why this was happening, and with the song messing with his reasoning, he didn't immediately put the barrier back up.

Sigyn who was healing a bruise failed to notice Theoric's struggles as he began to lose his reasoning and head up in a dazed state. Finishing she looked around catching a glimpse of him on the stairs.

Paying more attention she could feel something was wrong as she called out to him- "Theo?"


Sigyn pouted at not receiving a response- "Theo? Where are you going?" she asked following behind. "Theo, why aren't you responding? This isn't funny."

Anna terrified of what might happen to Theo should he jump in the water in such a state ran over to stop him.

Io yelled- "Sigyn! Theo is being mind-controlled by the song, we have to stop him before it's too late!"

Sigyn alarmed- "Theo is what?" She then called upon her power to bring the ship's planks to life, growing plants out of them to wrap around Theoric.

"He's fighting me, I don't know how long I'll be able to hold," Sigyn said struggling.

Anna seeing Sigyn had everything under control for the moment was aloud a breather as she thought about what to do.- "Song! That's it!" she said having an epiphany.- "We have to block his ears!"

Sigyn- "Ears huh, I got it." she said sending plants to wrap around his head.

Theoric wasn't just going to sit there and take it though as he powered up and created blades to slice through all the plant matter, deciding he wasn't going to waste any more time as he prevented his head from being encased. He then casually waved his hands, pinning the women to the ground, trapping them behind energy restraints so they couldn't move.

"Noooo, Theo, don't go, please." said a panicking Sigyn as Theoric neared the edge.

Anna could be seen struggling as Io next to her yelled out in frustration- "Are you that weak Theoric? I thought you a better man than that." trying her best to get him to wake up.

Anna then screamed- "Noooo!" as she watched Theoric jumping over into the water, knowing how dangerous it was.

Sigyn seeing how distressed Anna was because he dropped over didn't have a good feeling as she desperately called on her powers to help free her. Forcing the planks to give way that she and her fellow sisters were trapped too.

Quickly climbing to their feet they ran over to look down sighing in relief when they saw Theoric walking on an energy pathway he created so he didn't have to swim.

Anna didn't hesitate to follow as she jumped down- "Come on, we can use this to stay out of the water like him, but be on guard in case they decide to jump out and grab you."

Sigyn hesitated briefly before following along with Io who was the least comfortable of the three being in such a dangerous situation. She was still mostly mortal compared to them and likely wouldn't fare well if she was dragged under, but she would never let Anna go at it alone, especially Sigyn who would more than likely need her guidance.

They kept their guard up, constantly watching the waters around them for any sign of attack as the creatures swam around them, growling and hissing at them as they cautiously watched the 4 humanoids who walked on a strange energy bridge, unsure if they should attack.

The growing clouds above darkened the landscape as they approached evening causing tensions to rise as the eerie atmosphere settled in.

The girls caught up to Theoric, but had no way to stop him in such circ.u.mstance and could only settle for trying to plead with him to stop, only to get the cold shoulder as he ignored them and continued towards the island.

Io commenting- "That damn song is still going, do they not need rest?"

Anna thought about it while looking around at the ones swimming next to them- "Well if they all can sing and are just taking turns? Then again we're heading to the island and these creatures don't look land friendly."

Sigyn stopping her attempts with Theoric, gasped in horror as they grew closer to land and bore witness to the feeding frenzy taking place.

The missing men were scattered around the rocky alcove being torn apart and feasted upon. The scariest part was that they just let them without fighting back, not even a scream of protest or one of agony as limbs were torn and flesh was peeled while still under the songs hypnotism.

Nearing the beach some of the creatures grew impatient and attacked while still riding their earlier high during the blood frenzy.

Sigyn and Io still mortified by what they witnessed didn't react as Anna pushed and pulled Sigyn and Io forward dodging one that jumped at them intending to tackle them into the water.

After one attacked the rest began to take the initiative as Anna took out her dagger and chopped off a head that poked out of the water near her while kicking one from behind. Io back on her feet took out her bow and started a dance of dodging hands and shooting arrows.

With no plant life around Sigyn got up and ran behind Theoric, staying near the man she always trusted in such situations. She did have some seeds on her just in case, but she didn't think it would work well here. Surprisingly they ignored Theoric and by default her since she was clinging so close to him.

Anna ducked under another one that jumped at her, holding her dagger up so it was run through from head to tail.

Io slipped on some water and hands instantly popped out all around trying to drag her down.

Hearing the scream Anna ran back and began to chop left and right to help, only to also come under attack.

Sigyn looking back was scared, she felt so useless, and to think she wanted to one day stay by Theoric's side even in battle.

With watery eyes, she stepped out from cover with seeds in hand and prayed it would work as she threw the seeds at them.

Instilling power she made them grow but as she feared without a stable foundation it was difficult for her to control it as she tried to make it wrap around the enemy who could easily avoid it, only managing to catch a couple. She then tried to grow it off their bodies only for the weight to sink it causing her to frown in failure only to be surprised a second later when it hit the ground underneath.

Being the silly girl she was, she didn't realize that since they were so close to the beach that the ground under the water wasn't very far away.

Sigyn now smiling unleashed her power to the fullest as the pitiful plants took root and began to grow into massive trees. Uplifting her, Anna and Io to safety while turning the area around them into a ground of roots, driving away the sea, and extending the beach behind them.

The fish monsters fled to deeper ocean trying not to get caught in the massive explosion of plant life. Some unable to escape were soon strangled by roots and made into nutrients to further their growth.

Anna and Io were shocked by how powerful she could be if she put her mind to it.

They hugged Sigyn thanking her.

Io- "Thank you Sigyn, you did great but I have to ask why didn't you do that sooner!?"

Anna grinned- "Yeah, that was amazing, if you put more effort into training your power you would be a force to be reckoned with."

Sigyn blushed in embarrassment- "I didn't realize there was ground so near, and I was afraid it wouldn't perform well in just water."


Anna could only shake her head, knowing to remain silent towards one who just saved you, despite feeling the need to yell at her foolishness.

Io could only wryly grin, Sigyn could be so innocent sometimes.

Sigyn remembering why they were out here- "Theo! come on, we have to go find him before something happens to him."

Meanwhile, Theoric arrived at the center of the island, where 3 women were inside a carved out dome building inside a specially carved mountain that had many jutting ventilation openings on top that amplified their song so it could go out far and wide.

He approached the women who in turn approached him, the most m.a.t.u.r.e looking black haired beauty was still singing as they grew closer, stopping just short of Theoric, seeing which he would choose.

Theoric waited patiently while listening to there marvelous voices, first the m.a.t.u.r.e black haired beauty with blue eyes then the brunette with amber eyes started to sing, and then the strawberry blond with hazel eyes.

Theoric then made his choice as he approached the singing strawberry blond, she was a bit shorter than he would like, standing at 5'3", but she was a rare beauty. He couldn't resist, grinning stupidly when she held his hands while still singing her siren song with a now visible grin on.

The black-haired woman spoke- "It seems you have finally been chosen my daughter, it's time for you to leave and create your own nest." ignoring the pouting brunette.

Suddenly they were interrupted by Sigyn who frantically shouted not only out loud but also used the ring to send her thoughts telepathically- "Theo! Please Wake Up! Don't Leave Me!"

It got through as Theo faltered and closed the gaps in his skin barrier, covering his ears, but otherwise, you couldn't tell anything happened as he continued to hold the sirens hand with a grin, sneakily sending a wink to Sigyn while replying telepathically- 'Thanks Sigyn, I got it from here.'

Sigyn visibly bloomed at having saved Theoric, though Anna and Io were still left in the dark with weapons ready wondering what was going on.

Io aiming her bow shouted- "Stop singing and release him or I'll put an arrow in your throat."

Anna next to her with daggers drawn was ready for battle.

The strawberry blond ignored her and impatiently looked to her mother.

The black-haired woman patted her head with a giggle- "Don't worry my dear I'll take care of this... (looking at the intruders)... You know it's rare for us to see women, I might just take my time with you."

Theoric noticing things weren't going well communicated with Sigyn- 'Sigyn let's not fight, tell them we'll take good care of her daughter.'

Sigyn pouted- 'Bad Theo, we were all worried about you and you're just going to bring home another! Hmph!'

Theoric chuckled- 'You never know what's going to happen in life, besides isn't it nice to get something wonderful out of something so disastrous?'

Theoric- 'Sigyn?'

Sigyn- 'Hmph!'

Theoric sighed- 'Sigyn, please before they start fighting.'

Sigyn indignantly- 'Okay.'

Sigyn spoke up- "There is no reason to fight."

Anna and Io looked at her questioningly- "There isn't?"

The black-haired beauty also patiently waited not in a hurry to do anything.

Sigyn nodded- "Yes, we'll happily take your daughter with us and keep her safe."

Anna and Io stayed mute not following what was going on, still unaware that Sigyn and Theoric could telepathically communicate.

Io leaned over to ask- "What are you doing?"

Sigyn grinned- "Don't worry, Theoric will take care of everything."

Anna and Io remained confused, thinking, weren't they here to rescue him?

The black-haired beauty- "Is that so?"

Theoric thinking now was as good as time as any since Sigyn was talking. Took his chance and leaned down to kiss the still singing Strawberry blonde siren, forcing her to stop as he rolled her tongue with his own, eliciting a m.o.a.n from her throat as she experienced her first kiss.

Picking the now blushing Siren in a princess carry he decided it was best just to fly out of here despite how much he disliked doing it with his energy power, heading towards his other 3 women.

Wrapping them up in energy he picked them up before turning around to speak- "Don't bother singing, I've closed my ears so I can't hear anything, I just wanted to let you know, I will take care of your daughter and bring her with me so she can have her own nest as I heard before I was freed, if you agree, nod your head so I know." He then looked down at the new woman in his arms,- "You as well, nod if you agree."

The black-haired beauty just stood there dumbfounded at what she was witnessing, never in her wildest dreams did she think she ensnared someone so powerful.

The black-haired beauty- "Are you a god or demigod?"

Theoric sighing at seeing her talking asked Sigyn to translate for him, not willing to drop his protection- "Neither, I'm just someone who's been lucky in life, so what's your answer?"

The strawberry blonde already agreed and now too did the black-haired beauty- "This certainly changes things, but I think my daughter won't lose out, you have my blessing."

Theoric grinned after Sigyn told him what she said- "Good, then until next time mother." he cheekily said before turning around and flying them back to the ship.

The brunette sadly watched on before braking down- "This isn't fair, why did she have to find someone so amazing, I'll probably be stuck with some smelly pirate."

The black-haired beauty grinned- "Life is strange and full of mystery so you shouldn't give up hope my daughter, just be patient and take things as they come, don't dwell on things you can't have, that will only lead to unhappiness."

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