Indomitable Marvel

Chapter 101 - Argument

While flying them back, Theoric thought back on how he was so easily possessed.

He had defenses against Telepaths invading his mind, but he never once thought about protecting his ears against influence, forgetting that some had such powers. It also wasn't as easy to protect against because one would still wish to hear things, and then theirs still the air which he needs to breathe, and eyes which are vulnerable to creatures like medusa. Still, so many weaknesses that he needed to overcome, a magical device would likely be required until he could find more permanent solutions, he also needed to find a catalyst to break his bottleneck.

Flying back over the area they just came from, Theoric stopped to admire Sigyn's handy work.

Theoric still guarding his ears just in case, spoke telepathically through the ring's connection with Sigyn- "Nice work my love, it seems you're getting better."

The strawberry blonde siren didn't appreciate it the same way as she frowned at the sight- "This will make things difficult for my people, is there nothing you can do?" she asked her soon to be husband, hoping she was not wrong in putting her trust into him, only for him to ignore her causing her frown to deepen, forgetting he couldn't hear her.

Sigyn apologized- "I'm sorry, this is my fault, I'll take care of it, don't be mad at Theoric."

It was Io's turn to frown- "Why are you apologizing, it's her people who attacked us, this is the least they deserve."

The siren then turned to her soon to be husband not liking these women's tone- "Husband, I don't like the way these women are talking to me."

Anna who was quietly contemplating her future by Theorics side, seeing how he was only going to have more women join him, couldn't take it any longer when she heard the words husband come out of that sea witches mouth.

"He's not your husband yet, and I would recommend you not get full of yourself, you are not his 1st nor his 2nd nor even his 3rd, so you best check yourself before we band together and throw you out... Now Theoric at the moment can't hear us, so let me say this now, Sigyn, myself, and Io are not going anywhere, so you need to learn to get along with us if you plan on staying," said Anna coming to her decision.

She wasn't going to just give up on her first love so easily, plus she was having a lot of fun with Sigyn and Io, and hoped more would only lead to better things.

Io had a complicated expression, not liking how everything was going.

After Sigyn finished extracting her plants, allowing the sea to flow back to the beach, she told Theoric she was done, who then flew them back to the ship.

They were left hovering over the crash site as Theoric dived alone to retrieve the ship. Expunging the water, he brought it back up, having Sigyn plug the hole with her powers.

Theoric grinned- "That's better, complete silence is not as nice as I thought it would be.

Io having her chance tore into him- "Are we really just leaving? You didn't even ask about what happened to the men, you just left, They killed them! They killed Caius! He was a good man, what happened to your promise to help!"

Anna wanted to say something but stopped herself knowing there was nothing she could say at the moment. This was the only way Io knew how to deal with the events she witnessed and knew it wouldn't help to point out her mistakes. She didn't wish to further antagonize her and make her feel isolated and alone, she still loved her.

Anna could deal with what happened much easier thanks to her gifted mind that allowed her to see past her emotions, though they still clouded her from time to time.

The siren seeing an opportunity thought to jump in, but Sigyn quickly subdued her shaking her head- "Leave it to them." The Siren reluctantly agreed after thinking back on what Anna said to her.

Theoric sighed- "As you well know, I was trapped at the time and could do nothing, and now they are already dead, why add to the slaughter? They aren't some evil creature killing for p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, they need to eat just like anyone."

"They can Eat FISH!" Io practically screamed.

Anna seeing the Siren about to take action came up behind her and f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y covered her mouth to prevent any accidents.

Theoric smirked- "Humans can also eat other humans rather than animals, should they also do that? Or eating monkeys may be a better analogy, would you do that?"

Io frustratedly yelled- "It's not the same!"

Theoric- "Where does this righteous attitude even come from? How did you end up this way?"

Io went silent thinking back on her princess upbringing, how she looked up to her hero-king father who cared for his people, and did his best to see their lives made better. She wished to also help the people like her father but ended up being kidnapped by Zeus. When she was finally freed she wished more than anything to travel back and see if her father's legacy was intact but knew it would be the first place Zeus would look for her, so she had to maintain her distance and made do with travelers stories of her homeland. Smiling whenever she heard how her father's legacy was still standing after so many years.

Theoric- "If you truly wish to be good and do good, help people as you put it, you have to think about each situation individually, not everything is black and white, things are almost never so simple, and don't think that humans are the most deserving of life in every situation, that would only discredit your good intentions."

Io snorted but didn't further comment as she stormed off to the back of the ship to be alone, with Anna close behind to make sure she was okay and talk her down from her aggressive attitude towards Theoric which was becoming a problem.

Anna- "Io, wait up."

Io still fuming looked back- "Can you believe that guy."

Anna- "Yes I can."

Io paused- "So you're taking his side, you're going to abandon me for a man."

Anna shook her head- "No I'm not, (Then took a breath before letting Io have it) Io you're still being corrupted by Zeus."

Io- "How dare you, Zeu... That man would never have cared about people's lives, just like Theoric."

Anna slapped her- "Theo is nothing like Zeus, he simply thinks with a rational head like me, he didn't say anything wrong, but you're still hostile to him because he's a man and you have yet to get over your trauma despite what it looked like in bed."

Io eyes widened holding her face before blushing in shame at having the bedroom brought up in such a serious talk.

Anna having said her peace left Io to think about what she's done, spotting Sigyn silently waiting nearby.

Anna quietly asked- "Do you think I was too hard on her?"

Sigyn warmly smiled- "I think you gave her the wake-up call she needs, but only time will tell."

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